Beginnings - Power Rangers Mi...

By AlexNeko_990

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Beginnings (Ongoing) ⏳ -Book One of the Generations Trilogy- --- Long ago, the ancient wizard Zordon Battled... More

Meet My Characters
Chapter One: Day of the Dumpster
Chapter Two: High Five
Chapter Three: Teamwork
Chapter Five: Different Drum
Chapter Six: Food Fight
Chapter Seven: Big Sisters
Chapter Eight: I, Eye Guy
Chapter Nine: For Whom The Bell Trolls
Chapter Ten: Happy Birthday, Zack
Chapter Eleven: No Clowning Around
Chapter Twelve: Power Rangers Punk
Chapter Thriteen: Peace, Love and Woe
Chapter Fourteen: Foul Play in the Sky
Chapter Fifteen: Dark Warrior
Chapter Sixteen: Switching Places
Chapter Seventeen: Out of Control
Chapter Eighteen: Jason's Battle & Hope's Protection
Chapter Nineteen: The Rescue
Chapter Twenty: Eclipsing Megazord
Chapter Twenty-One: Breaking the Spell
Bonus Chapter: Rexy and Steggy
Chapter Twenty-Two: The Trouble with Shellshock
Chapter Twenty-Three: Itsy Bitsy Spider
Chapter Twenty-Four: The Spit Flower
Chapter Twenty-Five: Life's a Masquerade
Chapter Twenty-Six: Gung Ho!
Chapter Twenty-Seven: Wheel of Misfortune
Chapter Twenty-Eight: Island of Illusion
Chapter Twenty-Nine: You're there for me
Chapter Thirty: The Rockstar
Chapter Thirty-One: A Star is Born
Chapter Thirty-Two: The Yolk's on You!
Chapter Thirty-Three: The Green Candle
Chapter Thirty-Four: Back to Six
Chapter Thirty-Five: Birds of a Feather
Chapter Thirty-Six: Doomsday
Chapter Thirty-Seven: Once a Ranger, Always a Ranger
Chapter Thirty-Eight: Rita's Seed of Evil
Chapter Thirty-Nine: A Pig Surprise
Chapter Forty: Lions & Blizzards
Chapter Forty-One: Crystal of Nightmares
Chapter Forty-Two: To Flea or Not to Flee
Chapter Forty-Three: Reign of the Jellyfish
Chapter Forty-Four: Return of an Old Friend

Chapter Four: A Pressing Engagement

597 15 4
By AlexNeko_990

[Hope Peter Madden]

Me and my friends were at the Youth Center. Jason was trying to break the Bench-Pressing Record. Ernie was the spotter. I was watching, with a bunch of other people. I was wearing a white shirt and black shorts.

"Keep going pal, you're doing great." Ernie said, he continues counting. More people saw Jason trying to break the record, and gathered. "Come on, Jace. You can do it." Ernie said. "Come on, J. I believe in you." I cheered.

Kim was practicing her gymnastics. "A thousand-and-ten and you break the record." Ernie told Jason. Ernie took a sip of his drink and took a bite out of his sandwich, "That's it, nice and steady. By the way, what number are we on?" He asked. "Nine-Hundred-and-Ninety-Five." Jason said, struggling a bit. Ernie nodded and continue counting.

Kim finished her practicing came over, "Sup, what numbers are you on?" She asked. "A-Hundred-and-Four." Ernie said with his mouth full of food. "Once more, please. Without the sub." Kim said. Ernie swallowed the sub, "A-Thousand-and-three." He said. "Yes. Jason, you're gonna do it." Kim said. "Keep going, J." I said. "Come on, a-Thousand-and-Four. Kid, you're almost there, a-Thousand-and-Five." Ernie counted.

"I am so nervous, he's gonna break the record." Kim said. "Angel Grove High, is gonna have a new winner." Ernie said. "Ernie, what number am I on?" Jason asked. "A-Thousand-and... Uh-oh, I lost count." Ernie said. Kim's bubblegum bubble she blew popped. "Oh no." I said. "Can you start again?" Ernie asked. Jason sighed tiredly and dropped the weight.


Jason was still doing bench presses, he got back to where he was previously.

"One-Thousand-and-Eight." Ernie counted, "Come on, Jason. You can do it. You can do it." He cheered, "One-Thousand-and-Nine. One more Jason, you can do it buddy, you can do it."

Zack was on his skateboard. Jason was almost able to break the record. "Hey, guys. Look at Kimberly." Someone said. The people around look at Kim  who was blowing a huge bubblegum bubble. Zack wasn't paying attention, he skated towards the bubble popping it. The bubblegum got on both Kim and Zack's faces. Jason dropped the weight.

"Gross me out." Kim said, getting the bubblegum out. "Wipe out." Zack said, and laughed. Jason sighed. I stroke Jason's hair, trying to comfort him.


Jason, Zack and I were sitting at a table. Kim was on the balance beam again.

"So, what do you say, Jace?" Zack asked, "Am I forgiven?" He asked. "Apology..." Jason trailed off, pretending to think for a bit, "accepted." He finished. Zack claps, "Gentlemen, root shakes on the Zack man. All right." He said. "Ernie, another round please." I called.

Kim sat down at the table. "Um, Kimberly, about the, the, you know, the skateboard, and, uh, you know... Bubblegum." Zack said, "I just wanna-" He was interrupted. "Apologize? Forget it, it's casual." Kim said.

"You know, guys." Jason said, he looks around to see if anyone was paying attention. "I'm kinda bummed about this bench press record thing, I mean I don't wanna be known as a quitter." He said. "A quitter?!" Zack exclaimed, a bit loudly. Jason shushes him. "A quitter?" Zack questioned, quietly.

Bulk and Skull came towards us laughing. "Hi, pinhead." Bulk greeted Jason, "I heard you choked today. The bench press record's still mine." He said, he grabs Jason from behind and lifted him up from his seat. "You two are bad dreams, let him go, Bulk." Zack said, standing up. "Let him go, you jerks." I said, standing up. "Hey, I got this." Jason reassured us. Zack and I sat back down.

"Oh, you're tough. You're a man, you're so tough, I'm shaking." Bulk said. Skull laughed. "Hey, Bulk. You tickles?" Jason questioned, he tickles Bulk. Bulk begins laughing uncontrollably, he lets go of Jason. Jason accidentally steps on his foot, when he was let go. "Oh! My foot!" Bulk cried, he squatted and his jeans ripped, "My pants." He said.

Everyone laughed a bit. Bulk gestured for Skull to went towards him. Skull went behind Bulk and tries to pull his jeans up, only for it to break more and fall. More people laughed. Skull ran away. Bulk tries to chased after him, but fell. Everyone laughed more. Bulk quickly stood up, and ran away.

"I told you I could handle it myself." Jason told us. "Hey, nobody said you couldn't." Zack said. "Nobody said anything about that." I said. "Yeah, that's right. Besides what's wrong with getting a little help form your friend?" Kim asked. "Nothing. Unless you're trying to break the bench press record." Jason said. The three of us agreed.

Jason's communicator beeped, he covers it and I covered it. We saw Ernie holding the tray of shakes. "Um, new watch." Zack told Ernie. "Yeah, bye." Kim said. We quickly went away. "Um, put it on my tab." Zack told Ernie, he went with us. "Wh-Where you guys going?" Ernie asked.


The four of us were at the lockers, seeing no one around Jason answered his communicator.

"Zordon, we read you." Jason said. "Power Rangers, Rita Repulsa's at it again. It is imperative that you teleport to the children's theatre in the park, immediately." Zordon told us. "What's going on?" Jason asked. "She has sent down a team of Putties and an unknown monster in an attempt to gain control of the park. Be careful, and the the Power protect you." Zordon said.

"It's Morphin' Time, guys." Jason told us.






The four of us Morphed, and appeared at the park. Putties appeared, and we begin attacking them. "Let's finish these, Putties!" Jason said.

"This is weird, it's almost like they're after something!" Kim said. The putties were surrounding her. "We are!" King Sphinx said he blew Kim away.

Jason, Zack and I were still fighting the Putties. "Oh no!" I exclaimed, seeing Kim gone. "What happened to Kim?" Jason asked. "I don't know, but I'm gonna find out!" Zack said, he fought the Putties, "Where's Kim?" He questioned Squatt and Baboo. "We're not telling!" Squatt said. "Oh yeah?" Zack said, he went and attack them.

"It wasn't them, it was the Sphinx!" Jason told him. "You know, the onw with wings?" I asked. "Where is he?" Zack asked. King Sphinx blew Zack away, leaving me and Jason the only two there.

Jason and I were fighting the Putties. "I don't think, I like what he's doing!" I said, while fighting the Putties. "Stay behind me, Hope!" Jason told me, and he stood in front of me.

"Uh-oh, Sphinx can't get rid of the Gold Ranger!" Baboo exclaimed. "It doesn't matter, Sphinx can just take care the two of them! They're not so tough now!" Squatt said.

"Bring our friends back!" Jason said to King Sphinx. "Yeah! Bring them back!" I said. "No way!" King Sphinx said he attacked us, Jason and I dodged.

Jason and I got out our Power Weapons and attack King Sphinx. Jason attack King Sphinx, while I blocked his attacks. It proved to be a bit difficult to block, as Jason was moving around a bit. The three of us block each other attacks.

"Let's do some real fighting!" King Sphinx said. The three of us were teleported away.


The three of us appeared on a hill in a desert, we rolled down the hill and got to the bottom.

The three of us continue fighting. Jason and I fell, we blocked King Sphinx's staff. "You're nothing without your friends! Why don't you, give up!" He said. I knocked King Sphinx away with my Power Shield.

Jason and I continue fighting King Sphinx, at one point Goldar appeared. Goldar and King Sphinx turned giant.

"This is bad!" I exclaimed. "Look out!" Jason shouted, he grabs me and the both of us dodged the monsters from stomping on us. The both of us kept dodging, but we were getting a bit tired. "These guys are too much, man I wish the other guys are here!" Jason said. "You and me both!" I said.

Jason and I dodged an attack again.


Jason and I were still dodging the monsters.

"Man, this is not looking good!" Jason said. "Don't have to tell me twice!" I said. Suddenly both of our weapons glowed, and shoot lighting at a wall. "Yeah!" Jason said. "Let's go!" I said. The both of us ran towards the wall, Jason dodged Goldar's attack, while I block it with my Power Shield.

Jason and I got to the destroyed wall, we climbed the rocks. We saw something shining. The both of us placed our weapons down, and digs through the rocks. The both of us eventually found the object. Jason grabbed the object, and the both of us dodged another one of Goldar's attacks.

Jason opened up the object, and we saw Power Crystals. "Power Crystals! Way to go, Zordon!" He said. "Nice work!" I said. Jason grabbed the Red, Blue and Black Power Crystals, while I grabbed the Gold, Yellow and Pink Power Cryctals.

"Hey, ugly!" Jason yelled. "We want you to meet some of our friends!" I yelled. The both of us threw the Power Crystals, and our friends appeared. "Now you're gonna see what friends working together can do!" Jason shouted, holding up the Red Power Crystal. "Together!" I shouted, holding up the Gold Power Crystal.

"Dinozord Power!" Jason and I shouted. Everyone's Dinozords appeared. Jason and I got onto our Dinozords.

"Activating Dinozord Power! Now!" Jason shouted. "Rangers! Log on!"

"We do this, together!" I shouted.

Billy, Zack, Trini and Kim got onto their Dinozords.

"Zack here, let's rock 'n' roll!" Zack shouted,

"Billy here, all systems go!" Billy shouted.

"Trini here, set up ready!" Trini shouted.

"Let's jinx this sphinx!" Kim shouted.

"All right, Rangers! It's time to Power Up!" Jason shouted, he placed his Power Crystal In. "Let's Power Up!" I shouted, I placed my Power Crystal in. "Two, One, Power Up!" The others shouted, they placed their Power Crystals in.

"Time for a little Megazord Power!" Jason said. The six of us formed the Megazord Tank Mode. "Let's show them what we're made of!" Jason said. "As a team!" I said. "Morphin'!" The six of us shouted.

Goldar attacked us, and our Megazord shakes. "Fire up the cannons!" Jason said. We fired at Goldar and King Sphinx. "Let's try the Crystal Power!" I said. "Good idea!" Jason said. The six of us fired at Goldar and King Sphinx.

Goldar and King Sphinx were affected, but they were not destroyed. They attacked us. "Shift to Battle Mode, and finish these dudes!" Jason said. "Mighty!" Billy and Trini shouted. "Morphin'!" Zack and Kim shouted. "Rangers!" I shouted. "Power Up the Transformation Sequence!" Jason said.

"Megazord Sequence has been initiated!" The system said. Our Megazord got into Battle Mode. "Megazord Activated!" The system said. "Megazord Battle Mode! Ready!" Jason and I shouted.

"Uh-oh!" Goldar and King Sphinx exclaimed. "You guys ready? Let's nail 'em!" Jason said. Goldar and King Sphinx ran towards us. "Keep it steady, and watch out for that Sphinx!" Jason warned. The six of us begin fighting Goldar and King Sphinx.

Goldar and King Sphinx fell. Goldar attacked us a few time, and we attacked him. We dodged Goldar's attack by switching from Battle Mode to Tank Mode. "What's happening?'" Kim asked. "What's going on?" Trini asked. "What's wrong?" I asked. "Switching to Tank Mode!" Jason announced. Our Megazord turned back to Tank Mode, we knocked Goldar down.

King Sphinx got back to Goldar, just as we changed back into Battle Mode. The six of us attacked the monsters, and cheered when our attacks hit. King Sphinx jumped towards us and we start fighting. We attacked King Sphinx and he fell.

"That was close!" Trini said. "These dudes are starting to get on my nerve!" Zack said.

Goldar begin attacking us. "Watch the foot!" Jason said, he saw King Sphinx, "Uh-oh, look out!" He said. King Sphinx flaps his wings, and we got pushed back. "Man, we're getting nowhere with these guys! It's time to turn up the heat!" Jason said. "You got that right! Mega Power Sword! Now!" I shouted, the Mega Power Sword appeared.

We grabbed the Mega Power Sword. "You're through Sphinx!" Jason said, we attacked King Sphinx and destroyed him. "All right, now let's finish it!" I said. "Right!" The other agreed.

"We'll meet again, Power Rangers!" Goldar said, he retreated.


All of us were back at the Youth Center.

Jason was back to Bench Pressing, and I was his spotter. "One-Thousand-and-Four. One-Thousand-and-Five." I counted. "Come on, Jason! Top it out, man!" Zack cheered. "One-Thousand-and-Six." I counted. "All right, you're gonna do it!" Kim cheered.

"One-Thousand-and-Seven." Trini counted. "Three more." Kim said. "One-Thousand-and-Eight. One-Thousand-and-Nine." I counted. "One more." Kim said. "Come on, J! I believe in you!" I cheered. Jason lifted the weight again. "One-Thousand-and-Ten!" I shouted.

Everyone around cheered and applaud. "Ladies and gentlemen, we have a new record!" Trini announced. "And he comes through, again!" Zack said. "We knew you could do it, Jason!" Trini said. "I couldn't have done it without you guys." Jason said.

We helped Jason up. I massaged his shoulders. "Hey, your outstanding performance will have an outstanding legacy." Billy said. "Yup, this record's gonna last along time." Trini said. "Knew you could do it, J." I said, patting his shoulders.

Ernie came in, pushing a cart. "Excuse me, pardon me. Don't touch the cake." He told the people, he came towards us, "Now, I'm asking, is this a cake, or is this a cake!" He said, point at the large cake.

""Happy Birthday Mom"." Jason read the words on the cake. We laughed a bit. "What do you expect from last minute? It's the only cake they have left." Ernie said. "Thanks for being there, guys." Jason thanked us.

"Hey, muscle brains." Bulk said, him and Skull appeared, "I'm gonna get my record back." He proclaimed. "Yeah, muscle brain." Skull said and laughed. Bulk grabbed Skull by his shirt. "Shut up. I can do my own talking." He told Skull. "Sorry." Skull apologized.

"You guys, get a life." Kim said. "Don't you guys ever give up?" Trini questioned. "Can you not be such jerks?" I questioned. "Yo man, why don't you just have a piece of cake and chill." Zack said.

"Cake?" Bulk asked, he saw the cake, "Yeah, all right. I'll have some cake. But I get the first piece." He said. "Yeah, the first piece!" Skull said. "I thought I told you to shut up-" Bulk said, he tripped on some weights. The six of us got out of the way, as Bulk smashed into the cake.

Skull went towards Bulk and laughed. Bulk grabs a handful of cake, and smashed it into Skull's face.

All of us laughed.


Jason and I were now at the park, after we left the Youth Center.

Jason was sitting on a bench, and I was at the ice cream cart. I bought two ice creams cone, and went over to Jason.

"Hey, J. Got you an ice cream." I said, handing him his ice cream. "Thanks, but what is this for?" Jason asked. I sat down on the bench. "Well, another reward for successfully obtaining another achievement." I said.

"Is this because of the cake got ruined?" Jason asked. I shrugged. "Partially, but it's also what we did when we were young remember?" I asked. Jason chuckled, "How could I forget?" He asked.

I raised my ice cream cone. "Ready?" I asked. Jason chuckled and raised his ice cream cone, "Ready." He said. "Cheers." Jason and I said, as the both of us clinked our ice cream cones together.

"Ready?" A younger version of Hope asked, raising his ice cream cone. "Ready." A younger version of Jason said, raising his ice cream cone. "Cheers." The two said, and they clinked their ice cream cones together.

The two of them laughed and enjoyed their ice cream together.

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