King and Queen of Zaun (Jinx...

By Geekout_Club

6.2K 147 14

"Every king needs a queen ~" Wyatt is the last of his kind, a electro fox, who lives in the harsh environment... More

Chapter 1: Break in of the century
Chapter 2: Run, Run, BOOM!
Chapter 3: Playground
Chapter 4: One Way or Another
Interlude: Monster underground
Chapter 5: Actions have Consequences
Chapter 6: Decisions and Trial
Chapter 7: Never to late for change
Interlude: House of Memories
Chapter 8: Life or Death
Chapter 9: The Night of Change
Interlude: The Castle
Chapter 10: Seven years
Chapter 11: Crazy? More like Crazy fun
Interlude: An Explosion of Love
Chapter 12: Below the Surface
Chapter 13: Reminisce
Note :)
Chapter 14:. Whats your reason for this?

Christmas special: hero-in-training meets a king

213 6 3
By Geekout_Club

(Set almost 8 years later. Yes I'm doing another special, mostly because I want to still have that jolly spirit when I release the new chapters and... we all know what happens in episode 3 of Arcane)

Surprised to see you again... well, not exactly. Anyway with the month of December in its way, it was time for holiday fun.

If you were a Piltie.

In Zaun, while Christmas was celebrated, they did things differently than Piltover. Even if Zaun was now recognized as their own Nation, thanks to their rulers, they all knew that simple peace would not be enough to undo years of torment on the city.

Zaun was no longer as poor, heck some buildings looked better than others, but from their rulers the Zaunites were told to keep things simple, as simple as it could be.

"Ekko! Are you here!?"

Or not-so-simple after all

With new rulers comes new changes, such as an alliance between the King and Queen with the firelights leader, and even if they have an alliance, some things were still icy between them.

"Yes! I'm over here!"

Right now the king was making his way over around the firelights sanctuary, towards Ekko's workshop, as he was told he wanted to experiment with something and it had to do with his powers.

The crown that stood on his head was a little lopsided, but to his wife, it was special. Ekko was tinkering away with his watch and turned around to find his former friend, well, now they consider each other acquaintances. "Nice for the king to grace me with his presence, considering his new title." Ekko said as Havoc just scoffed at him a bit, but he still had a small smirk on his face. "Well I didn't come here for nothing, now tell what it is you need my help on?" He said towards Ekko, and when he turned around, in his hands, was a watch.

"Your aware of the so-called Multiverse, right?" Ekko got his answer when the king raised an eyebrow as to signal 'no, but explain,' which he did. "Well, some people believe of this thing called the Multiverse, where there's multiple dimensions, however those dimensions only correspond to a single person, like say... you." Ekko said as he pointed the watch to Havoc, who just raised his eyebrows in interest. "So what does this have to do with me? And considering the last time I used my power towards you, we almost died." Havoc said with a small glare, not forgetting what happened last year. "Still holding a grudge, I see," "You had me in chains and injected me with infused sleeping medicine used for those who have insomnia," Havoc said as he glared at Ekko, a knife already in his hand.

Why he said that? You'll understand soon.

"... Anyway, the reason I called you here is because I believe I found a way to enter the Multiverse. Or at the very least try to understand it, and I believe your powers can work as an entryway," Ekko said, but that caught Havoc's interest, so of course he wanted to have fun. "Well, what you waiting for? Let's do it!" He yelled as his tail moved side to side in his excitement.

Ekko rolled his eyes, but went ahead and got his watch set on a table, "So what I believe could happen to make this work is you need to imagine what dimension you want to see, and think that while your using your powers, hit the watch and hope for the best," he explained as Havoc was all just excited to do this. Ekko went ahead and back away just in case something went wrong.

Havoc closed his eyes as he thought about what other world he wanted to see, 'Let's see.... Oh! I know!' Now with the world in mind, his hands sparked electricity as in his mind was...

'I want to see a world where almost everyone has powers, with a version of me that is almost always positive.'

He repeated that phrase and blasted the watch with his electricity, a green glow appearing around the watch. The two were looking at the watch expecting something to happen, and luck seemed to be on their side. The watch was glowing green and soon, they saw this portal under the watch, and the two watched as it fell inside the portal. "Well, looks like it's time to explore," Havoc said as he climbed on the table, "Are you insane?! You don't know where you could end up in!" Ekko yelled at him, but Havoc dismissed him instead, "I'm already insane! See you in a bit, I'll be back!"

And with that, the king entered the portal, which closed a second after he entered it.

All Ekko could think is 'What am I gonna tell Jinx?'

Meanwhile, at UA High School training grounds

(My memory of where everything is is messed up so if I get something wrong or a place wrong, let me know)

It was a Friday, and while everyone was happy that school was almost over, it also meant that Christmas was also coming by next week. Which also means that battle training was gonna be a lot more brutal, per Aizawa's request.

Right now, everyone was getting into their hero costumes in the locker rooms with All Might and Aizawa outside waiting for them, and for a moment it seemed like everything was just fine.

Emphasis on 'was'

Right when some of the students we're heading out, they didn't notice a portal that was seemingly getting bigger, which caught the attention of a girl named Ochako Urarka, "Um, what's that portal above us for?" She said, pointing at the portal, having everyone's attention on it. "Everyone, stand back!" Aizawa said as everyone moved away from the portal, waiting to see what pops out of it.

They weren't expecting only a watch to fall from the portal, however the relief was only briefl because soon after, they heard a scream from the portal that was getting louder by the second. Just then, a green blur tumbled out of the portal, falling face first on the ground, a muffled 'ow' was only heard.

By this point everyone was curious and outside, seeing this young man on the floor, but what got to them was his features. They couldn't see his face, but he had black fluffy hair with green highlights, tattoos along his arm as blue clouds and green lighting all down his arm, fluffy looking ears and tail that were also green, and his outfit looked pretty fancy and gave off an aura of authority around him.

"Man, that was not the landing I was hoping for," the mystery man said as he stood up to his full height, however that was cut short as he was wrapped up in Aizawas scarf, and pulled towards him.

"Who are you?!" He shouted at the man, but all he got was an offended look on his face, and only then did they get a good look at him. His eyes were two different colors, the right amber and the left eye blue with a pinkish tint around it, his face had gotten rid of baby fat around it. "Okay, if your tie me up, you should've tied my hands cause ~" and right as he said that, his hands started to light up, and in just a second the scarf that was around him was just shredded.

Everyone was shocked about what this person did, but soon a certain broccoli was filled with amazement, and he just followed his mind. "WOW! That was so cool! What's your quirk?! What's your name?!What-" before the broccoli could continue his mumbling, the wolf pressed his fingers against his mouth.

"Okay, so stop that, and anyway my names Havoc, and another news what even is a quirk?" Havoc said as he looked at the ground seemingly trying to find something. Only his answer was not what the broccoli expected, but he decided to explain some things first. "Um, w-well a quirk is basically a superpower that you get when you turn 4, and um, I'm sorry, are you looking for something?" He said as he noticed Havoc trying to look for something.

"Yes, it's my crown, and I think it fell off when I went through the portal." Havoc said as he ruffled his hair looking on the ground, "Oh there it is!" He said as he picked up his crown, which was a mix between green and blue jewels all around. "Why would you even need a crown? Just because you look like Deku does not mean your special," Bakugo said with a scoff, but he was proven wrong with what Havoc said next.

"Well how else are people gonna know I'm a king, and I'm only 21! Time flies you know?" Havoc said as he adjusted his crown.


"KING?!?!?!" Was all he could here from everyone, but he just ignored them as he picked up the watch and saw the numbers of 24:00:00 which meant that he was stuck in this world for a whole day.

Havoc sighed, "Well, looks like I'm stuck here for a whole day soooooo..." He turned around to face the others, "Where can I stay?" He said with a smile.

"Well uh, your majesty, while your timing is unfortunate, we can't just allow you to stay free," All Might said, but that got Havoc thinking, "Okay... then how about this? If I can beat every single person in your class, you let me stay." He said with his arms crossed.

The teachers looked at each other, only for the two of them to give off a nod in response, "All right, now," Aizawa turned to the students, "problem children, consider this your training for today. And don't go soft just cause he says he's royalty." Aizawa said before he and All Might moved out of the way. "Hah, we're totally gonna kick his ass, and don't expect me to go easy on you." Bakugo said at Havoc, who was just adjusting his outfit.

Of course 20 students can handle fighting a wolf, right?

30 seconds later....

"Wow, and I wasn't even using my full strength," Havoc said towards the beat up students, laying on the floor all injured and in pain. "H-h-how?!" Mina said as she was laying on the floor exhausted. "I mean were you guys trying? Oh wait you actually were trying," he said in response, but he just turned to the two teachers who's jaws were literally on the floor at what they witnessed.

"Sooooo, I stay right?" Was all he said with a small smirk on his face.

"HOW?! THAT GUY IS WAY TO POWERFUL!" Some of the Bakusquad said as they were all resting in the infirmary with Recovery Girl healing them. "He did say he was a king, and now that I think about it, he must be from another world," Momo said as she looked down with a serious face. "Another wo-" Before anyone could say anything, Aizawa and Havoc both entered the infirmary, Havoc having an emotionless look on his face. "Well thanks to Shinsou, we know that Havoc is a man of his word and he will be staying with you all in the dorms." Was all he said as Havoc just waved at them with a smirk on his face.

"Now if you excuse us, Eyebags over here is gonna show me where I'll be staying, and don't worry you're in good hands.... well, at least when I'm in the room, bye-bye!" Havoc said as both him and Aizawa left the room, but Izuku noticed he dropped something as the two left. He went over to what looked like a photo, and what he saw shocked him.

"Hey guys, look, this photo Havoc dropped," he said as almost everyone gathered around to see the photo and they were also shocked. The photo was of Havoc, and a girl with long blue hair tied in two braids, with blue eyes, and was smiling brightly. She was showing off something on her hand, which was in fact, an engagement ring. Behind the two in the background were the words 'Will you marry me?' In different colors of spray paint. Havoc didn't have a crown, so it was obvious that it happened before he was king.

"Aww, this must be when he proposed to that girl!" Mina said, gushing over at the cuteness. "I believe for right now it's best to return the photo back to him." Momo said as the others agreed with ilda said, "For everyone who has been bedridden must rest while those that are healthy will return the photo back to King Havoc." Everyone agreed and so Izuku, Bakugo, Todoroki, Momo, ilda, Ochako, Mina, and Kirishima headed back to the dorms.

When they came back to the dorms, they saw that Havoc was looking at the windows, looking over the city and grounds with what looked like a glare. "Um, Havoc?" Izuku said as the king turned his head to face the others, and when he saw the photo in his hands, he knew what they were here for. "Oh, I was wondering where that went, thanks for finding it," he said as he took the photo out of his hands, and put it back in his jacket. When he looked up, he saw the questioning faces of everyone there, he saw what they wanted to say, "I'm assuming you want to know who was in the photo along with why I was glaring out the window?" He questioned, and their faces was all he needed.

"Well, that girl is my queen, and I've known her since I was 5, and... we always had each other for the longest time," he stated, moving to the couches as it would take a while to finish. "Funny is that... we didn't grow up wealthy, and we never had knowledge that we were destined to be the next king and queen for our people. But that's why we both made a vow to always push our people to grow, and build a place where everyone has a say, where we don't favor only ourselves." He looked down as he said the next part, "that's why this Christmas has to be the best yet, heh, we were planning to have all our people invited to the castle, have fun, and just... appreciate what we have."

He sighed but gave a small smile, "Well, I now have to head back to the training... grounds or whatever it is, as since I'm only here for a day they said I could help with training the others, See you at night." And he walked out of the living room.

Everyone else just looked at him in sadness.

Time: 12 hours till Havoc leaves

It was the next day, and while Havoc was sleeping, everyone was doing some stuff that needed to be done today.

"Hey Havoc!" Izuku said as he waved over Havoc who was walking around the dorms. "Oh, hey greenie! What do you need me for?" "I actually wanted to show you something, follow me!" With no other options, Havoc complied and followed him to a dark room. "Okay, usually I like dark rooms but this is-" he couldn't finish speaking as soon the lights turned on, and everyone yelled "Merry Christmas Havoc!"

The whole living room had changed. There were still Christmas decorations all over the place, but there were also new decorations that looked like they were from Zaun, paint splattered around, and heck the Christmas tree was decorated to like it was from Zaun. He was shocked on the effort it was put, but he still smiled at everything, with a little tear and laugh, "Wow you all know how to make someone at home! I love it!" "It was a team effort, all of us did our best to make it seem at home for you," Izuku said as he gestured to everyone. "While Christmas is not for a few more days, problem child wanted you to have a Christmas you can remember."

"Enough talk! Let the holidays begin!" And with a shout from All Might, everyone had the party started for the king. They started with decorating cookies and gingerbread men as a contest, with Havoc starting a frosting fight. Next the students played holiday games for fun, and it was. Next they had a dance party per Minas request, where Havoc replayed songs from his home.

It was crazy for them.

And then it came to presents, and since it wasn't officially Christmas, everyone got to open one gift early. Of course they saved the best gift for last. "Havoc, since you're leaving soon, we decided this will be your gift. Which is a photo of you and Izuku together!" Ochako said as Momo pulled out a camera from her quirk, while Izuku just looked sheepishly at Havoc. "It was mostly their idea, but we thought it would be cool to remember this moment."

All they got in response from Havoc was a, "Only if after it, everyone takes one with me and you have that as a memory of my arrival." It was all they needed to hear.

Back at the castle...


Yeah, things back in Zaun were not as pleasant, and it came to no one's surprise that Jinx was not happy that her husband is now in some new universe or something. So she was taking her anger out on the person who started it all.

And it was probably best that this was happening in the work room, where there wasn't any Christmas decorations to destroy. But fate has other plans as Jinx was about to use her rocket launcher on Ekko, a portal appeared over their heads as a certain wolf king had jumped through the portal, the portal itself closing when he made it through. "HAVOC!" A delighted voice was all he heard before he was almost tackled to the floor. "Hey, hope I wasn't gone too long," Havoc said as he kissed her forehead, "Oh don't worry, I managed jusssstt fine."

Fine was an understatement but Havoc didn't need to know that.

"Sooo where did you go?" Jinx asked as she dragged Havoc out to the throne room, "Oh well let's just say I meet an alternate version of myself, and here's the proof." Was all Havoc said as he pulled out the same photo from that new world. It was there that Jinx saw what he meant by 'alternate.'

In the photo, she saw what looked like a innocent version of Havoc, the same fluffy green hair, only this one had freckles, green eyes, and was showing off an nervous smile on his face, while Havoc was smirking at the camera, holding a peace sign up towards the camera. You could obviously see the similarities, but also their differences.

The same went with the students, as they could tell the differences and similarities between both Izuku and Havoc.

"Wow! I could see the differences between you guys! I know my Havoc is strong and brave," Jinx said as she looked between the photo and her husband. "I know," Havoc said with pride in his voice.

Needless to say, it was a holiday no one would forget.

(Soooooo yeh uh, if this seems more like a crossover one shot than a holiday special, I was mostly rushing since I started this last week, and I wanted to get this on time. Well I hope you enjoy this special, and have a Merry Christmas, or if you don't celebrate Christmas, than hope you have a happy new years!)

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