Destiel One Shots

By Nananana989

512K 12.6K 12K

You hear about people falling in love all the time, what about an angel and a hunter? After watching Supernat... More

Destiel ~ What Happened To Love?
Destiel ~ Wings
Destiel ~ Music Is The Reason I Got Laid
Destiel ~ The Social Groups (Highschool AU)
Destiel ~ The Social Groups Part 2 (Highschool AU)
Destiel ~ Drunk
Destiel ~ Roommates (Au)
Destiel ~ Classified (Spy AU)
Destiel ~ Classified Part 2 (Spy Au)
Destiel ~ When I'm Gone
Destiel ~ Part Of Your World (AU)
Destiel ~ Part Of Your World Part 2 (Au)
Destiel ~ Don't Scare Me Like That
Still In Hell You Guys
Destiel ~ A Little Bit Of Lust
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Not This Shit Again
Destiel ~ Nightmares
Destiel ~ Good vs Evil
Destiel ~ I Don't Want To Go Too Fast
Destiel ~ Don't Forget About Me ( High School Au)
Destiel ~ Don't Forget About Me Part 2 (Au)
Destiel ~ Don't Forget About Me Part 3 (Au)
Destiel ~ Don't Forget About Me Part 4 (Au)
Destiel ~ Colorless (Au)
Destiel ~ Time To Ship
Destiel ~ Time To Kill A Homophobe
Destiel ~ You Can't Change A Man
Why The Fuck Do Witches Hate Us?
Why The Fuck Do Witches hate Us? Part 2
Why The Fuck Do Witches Hate Us? Part 3
Destiel ~ Masquerade (Au)
Destiel ~ Masquerade Part 2 (Au)
Destiel ~ You Don't Just Kiss Your Best Friend!
Destiel ~ A Demon And An Angel, How Hot
You Can't Save Everyone My Friend
Destiel ~ Unprofessional (Au)
Destiel ~ Unprofessional Part 2 (Au)
Destiel ~ I'm Nothing But A Monster
Destiel ~ Dirty Prayers
Destiel Texts
Destiel and Sabriel ~ Double Date
The Best Way To Get Rid Of The Mark
Destiel ~ Pool Party (Au)
Destiel ~ Our Love Is Forbidden (Au)
Destiel ~ Our Love Is Forbidden Part 2 (Au)
Destiel ~ Shower
The Beast Inside
Destiel ~ Drunk And In Love
Destiel ~ Letters To Love
Destiel ~ Lost In The Woods (Au)
Destiel ~ A Child To Remember Me By
Destiel ~ Draw Me Like One Of Your French Girls *Giggle* (High School Au)
Don't Piss Off A Winchester
Destiel ~ Well Fuck You Too Twilight (Au)
Destiel ~ Well Fuck You Too Twilight Part 2 (Au)
Destiel ~ Well Fuck You Too Twilight Part 3 (Au)
Destiel ~ Are You Afriad
The School Of The Extraordinary (Au)
Destiel ~ Hogwarts Is Where We Met
Destiel ~ Old Habits Die Hard (Au)
Destiel ~ Old Habits Die Hard Part 2 (Au)
Destiel ~ Hunger Games (Au)
Destiel ~ Hunger Games Part 2 (Au)
Destiel ~ Hunger Games Part 3 (Au)
Destiel ~ Panties
Destiel ~ Friends With Benefits (Au)
Destiel ~ Idea's Start With Fan Fiction
Destiel ~ Undercover
Destiel ~ Party Like There's No Tomorrow (Au)
Destiel ~ So, What Just Happened? (Au)
Destiel ~ So, What Just Happened? Part 2 (Au)
Feelings And Blood
Destiel ~ The Green Eyed Monster
Destiel ~ The Green Eyed Monster Part 2
Destiel ~ Take Me Away (Au)
Destiel ~ My Time Traveler (Au)
Destiel ~ It's My Lucky Day
Destiel ~ Just One More Night (Au)
Destiel ~ Really, You Got A Cat?
Destiel ~ Protective
Destiel ~ The Mirror Of Erised
Destiel ~ You're My Prisoner (Au)
Destiel ~ A Little Taste Of Heaven
Shit, She's Pissed
Destiel ~ Face It Babe, We're Meant To Be
Destiel ~ Roommates (Au)
Destiel ~ Roommates Part 2 (Au)
Destiel ~ Hey Now (Au)
Destiel ~ Hey Now Part 2 (Au)
A New Beginning (Future Adventure)
This Is The End

Destiel ~ Bad Boy (High School Au)

4.8K 121 93
By Nananana989

A/N: keekeebeary gave me the idea for this one shot. And, like the gods intended, yes, there will be mature content. Clearly.


Ah, high school, where everyone is either good or bad. That's a joke. You had the nerdy kids who who always perfect, such as Castiel Novak. What was it about him? He had sky blue eyes that mixed with oceans and shone like falling stars. His pale pink lips were slightly chapped, but oh so kissable. His messy, dark brown hair that was on top of his head. He wore the cutest square glasses and wore sweater vests almost all the time.

His Best friend was Charlie Bradbury. She had short, wild, red hair that was like magma melting into a pool of red. Her eyes were almost a metallic blue, silver mixing with the pale blue ring. She wore glasses too sometimes, and her outfits varied, depending on her mood.

Then there was the bad boys. No one wanted to mess with them. The leader was a boy named Dean Winchester. He had candy apple green eyes that melted in with a jade color. His plush pink lips more than often pulled into a smirk. His light brown hair was sometimes slicked back, but more often then not, it was just combed. He wore leather jackets and tight black jeans. He wore a dog tag, the silver chain with a tag. He was known to be quite the ladies man.

His brother, Sam Winchester was a mix of nerd and bad boy, totally fuckable, and gay. Taken by sweet toothed bad boy Gabriel. The nerds and bad boys tended to stay apart from each other. Well, normally.

"How'd I get in this situation?" Castiel muttered, his body pressed up against Dean Winchester as they hid in a janitors closet.

"I have no fucking idea." Dean growled, he was angry. The reason they were in the closet (pun intended), was because they were hiding from Lisa and Meg. Meg wanted to fuck Castiel, Lisa wanted to fuck Dean, and the two bitches are psychos. The clacking of their five inch heels suddenly faded, heading towards the front doors of the school.

"Are they still there?" Castiel questions.

"No, I think they're gone. I'm getting out of this closet." Dean pushed Castiel into the cleaning supplies and walked out of the closet. Castiel felt a bit hurt, physically and mentally. He had a bruise on his back from being pushed into cleaning supplies, and his heart aches because he secretly had a crush on Dean Winchester, silly as it sounded.

Castiel walked out of the closet, seeing Dean head towards the cafeteria. It was lunch and Castiel really didn't want to go there. He was picked on, teased, poked and prodded whenever Charlie was absent. But he had to go or Meg would catch up to him. So, slowly, Castiel walked to the cafeteria, holding his breath as he stepped inside. The bad boys outnumbered the nerds.

He waited for the teasing to began as he bought lunch. It was delayed for some reason. Castiel thought maybe the teasing was over, that was until the first blow hit him. And man, did it sting like hell.

"Don't you have any friends? Oh wait, your bodyguard isn't here today." Michel snickered. Castiel swallowed dryly and sat at an empty table.

"You are such a teachers pet."

"No wonder you have no friends, your hideous."

"Why do you even come here anymore?"

"Just die already."

Castiel snapped. His magnificent blue eyes turning dark, his heart speeding up, his hands clenched into fits. He rose to his feet. He grabbed his tray.

"Oh look, he's g-"

"Stop. Leave the poor kid alone." An all to familiar voice said. Dean Winchester was protecting him.

"Dean, he's a ne-"

"Shut up. You are all just horrible sometimes. Let him eat his lunch in peace, God damn it." Castiel sat back down, eating his food as quickly as possible. As soon as he finished, he threw the tray away and sped out of the cafeteria. He had a free period after lunch, so he walked to the janitors closet, shut the door behind him, and sat on the floor, bringing his knees to his chest.

He heard footsteps and the door creak open. He looked up to see Dean. Why was he acting so friendly all the sudden? He used to pick on Castiel too! He barely even knew he existed.

"You okay?" Dean questions.

"Why do you care?" Castiel snapped. "You used to insult me too. Go away." Castiel whispered. Dean closed the door, enveloping them in darkness. He reached up, pulling a string causing a small dim lightbulb to turn on.

"Look, I'm sorry for being a huge jerk. You don't deserve those insults." Dean sighs.

"You don't even know my name, and yet, I still know yours. Says a lot, doesn't it?" Castiel growled.

"I'm Dean Winchester." Dean introduced.

"I know. I'm Castiel Novak, or as my best friend likes to call me, Cas." Castiel says.

"Cas rolls off the tongue better." Dean smiled.

"Why are you being so nice to me?" Cas questions. He was genuinely curious as to why the sudden change in heart.

"We were both chased by psychopaths in heels. It makes me understand that we have things in common." Dean says.

"No, we have nothing in common." Cas gritted out, he was getting worked up at absolutely nothing.

"We actually have more in common than you know. We both have anger issues, we both probably aren't straight, we are straight a students, and we have psychopaths chasing us all the time." Dean smiled.

"Did you just say you weren't straight?" Cas questions.

"Yup. I did." Dean smirked a bit and Cas' eyes darted to Dean's lips.

"And judging by the way you're looking at my lips, I'm guessing you're not straight either." Dean got closer, their bodies almost touching.

"I'm trapped in a tight space with Dean Winchester. Charlie isn't going to believe me." Cas muttered. Dean reached back and locked the closet door.

"So, the question remains. Are you straight?" Dean questions.

"No." Cas finally admits.

"Do you like me?" Dean asks with a quirked brow. Cas couldn't find the strength to speak.

"Yes." His voice squeaked out. It was silent for a second, and then his lips were connected to Dean's. He felt Dean pull his body so close that there was practically nothing in between them.

"You are an idiot sometimes Cas." Dean gasped against their lips. They were kissing for a god damn 3 minutes straight when their lips finally separated, both of them panting uncontrollably.

"How am I an idiot sometimes?" Cas questions.

"I've always known what your name was. Fuck, I never actually teased you Cas, that was the others. And to top it off, I've been crushing on you since I met you. And that was the last year of elementary school. We're in our senior year." Dean smiled, running his fingers down Cas' chest, the fabric of the sweater vest extremely soft.

"I thought you didn't know I existed." Cas whispered. Dean kissed his lips softly.

"Of course I know you existed. Look, Cas, do you want to come around by my place and watch a couple movies? My dad's on a business trip and Sammy is staying at Gabriel's place tonight." Dean questions.

"I guess. I don't know your address though." Cas says.

"I can drive you there after school ends." Dean suggested. He then pulled a pen out of his jacket, and wrote his number on Cas' hand.

"I'll see you then I guess." Cas nods.

"Aren't you on your free period?" Dean questions.

"Yeah." Cas stretched out.

"So am I, so we could stay in here a little longer." Dean crushed his lips against Cas'.

Fast forward to when school lets out.....

Cas sat on the front steps of the school, thinking Dean would grab him after all of his friends left. The school was still crowded when Dean walked out of the school, spotting Cas. From the corner of Cas' eye, he could see girls swooning over Dean. Cas got up as Dean neared him.

"Come on, let's go." Dean smiled. Everyone was suddenly staring at them, wondering why Dean Winchester, bad boy, was talking to a nerd like Cas. Dean didn't notice any of their stares as he pulled Cas in for a long kiss. Cas melted into the kiss and put his arms around Dean's neck. After the kiss was broken, Dean smiles again. "Ready to watch dorky movies all night?"

"Definitely." Cas smiled, Dean grabbing his hand and leading him to his impala. As soon as they got in, Dean smirked.

"Did you see their faces?" Dean questions. Cas slightly punched Dean's arm.

"You jerk." Cas laughed.

"Well, it was the easiest way to come out, announce I am with someone, and annoy the crap out of everyone." Dean shrugged, starting up the impala and driving onto the road.

"So your dad gave you his car?" Cas questions.

"Yup. Me and Sammy carved on names into the car, stuffed Legos in the heater, and shoved plastic army men in the ashtray. This car belonged to us, more then it did to my dad." Dean admitted. They drove in a comfortable silence, eventually reaching Dean's house. When they walked inside, they went straight towards the living room.

"Nice house." Cas comments as they look at some movies to watch.

"Thanks. Should we watch Titanic?" Dean questions.

"Nah, how about The Avengers?" Cas questions.

"No thanks. What about we watch a Disney movie? Like Tangled!" Cas suggested.

"If you want too." Dean smiled at Cas' childish behavior. Cas got out a few Disney movies and put Tangled in.

"Aren't you glad it's Friday?" Cas questions giddily.

"I sure am." Dean smiled, pulling Cas in his lap, his hands locked around his waist, his head resting on his shoulder. Cas snuggled into Dean as the movie started playing.

Five Disney movies later.....

"I think that's enough Disney for tonight." Dean yawns.

"It's getting late, can I stay for the night?" Cas questions.

"No problem. I think I have some sweats you can borrow." Dean stretched.

"I actually just sleep in my boxers." Cas admits, his face growing red. Dean went a little red too.

"That's fine. Do you want to sleep with me- I mean, sleep in my bed with me, or sleep in the guest room?" Dean blushing asks.

"I don't mind sharing a bed." Cas grinned.

"Okay. My room is the first door on the left, I'll be there in a minute." Dean smiles, going to get a glass of water.

"Okay." Cas walked to Dean's door, opening it. He turned on the lights and smirks at the room. The walls were a deep blue and the carpet was tan, a dark brown dresser stood against the wall, a dark brown bed frame holding a mattress covered in blue sheets, both sides of the fairly large bed had dark brown nights stands. A TV hung on the wall. Cas removed his sweater vest and started to unbutton his shirt.

"You know, if I didn't know you were getting ready for bed, I'd say your stripping." Dean said, walking into the room.

"That would only be if you were the one removing my clothes. Do you want to be the one removing my clothes?" Cas questions.

"Where is all this sudden confidence coming from?" Dean questions curiously as Cas shuts the bedroom door, turning the lock.

"I've always had this confidence, but I've never had anyone to use my confidence on." Cas smirked.

"Get over here ." Dean chuckled. Cas walked over, slinging his arms around Dean's neck. Dean pressed their lips together. It was soft, gentle, sweet and passionate. Dean brought his hands to Cas' shirt, slowly unbuttoning it. When all the buttons were undone, Cas dropped his arms from around Dean's neck so Dean could pull off the shirt. Both boys kicked off their shoes and socks, still kissing. They finally ended the kiss as free Cas pulled of Dean shirt.

"This night will end up going a different way other than sleep if we keep stripping beach other." Dean sighs.

"Okay." Cas looked a bit ashamed that, that's what he wanted.

"It's not that I don't want to do it with you, but I don't want to move to fast." Dean assured. Cas just looked at the ground. "Cas, don't look so ashamed. Come on, let's get ready for bed and get some sleep." Cas nodded and both quickly changed into their boxers, wriggling under the covers. They laid beside each other, extremely close. They soon drifted off.

One week later......

Friday was rolling around again, and Cas and Dean were still dating. People were slowly getting used to that, getting used to Cas sitting with Dean at lunch. Charlie excepted it the minute she saw them hold hands.

"Why didn't you tell me you two got together? I was shipping it so hard!"

Currently, Cas and Dean were making out in a single bathroom. The door was locked, so no one would walk in as they made out. Cas started to get an idea, pressing into Dean's body a bit harder. They separated their lips to catch their breath.

"Dean, what are your opinions on blowjobs?" Cas questions.

"They feel good." Dean said plainly.

"Good." Cas dropped to his knees. Dean realized what Cas was implying.

"You're about t-"

"Shh." Cas smirked. Dean just let Cas do what he wanted, actually pretty damn excited. Cas unbuttoned Dean's jeans, yanking them down. Dean tangled his fingers into Cas' hair as Cas yanked Dean's boxers down. His hips bucked slightly as the cold air hit him. Cas smirked up at Dean. Dean glanced at the ceiling, bracing himself. Cas wrapped his hand around Dean's dick. Dean shivered slightly.

Cas gave Dean a few strokes just to get him worked up. It worked, to say the least, whimpers escaped Dean's lips. Cas kitten licked the tip, Dean already not knowing if he'll last long. Cas finally put his mouth on Dean's dick, swirling his tongue over the tip. Dean, was restraining himself from bucking into Cas' mouth as Cas suddenly decided to take all of him in.

A series of curse words escaped Dean's lips in a inaudible mumble. Cas nearly gagged on Dean's dick, pulling back slightly. He ran his tongue down the shaft and Dean whimpered yet again. Mr. Bad Boy was falling apart under a simple nerd. After a few more minutes of probably the best blowjob Dean has ever received, Dean swore loudly, a salty liquid escaping. Cas, not minding much, swallowed it, catching Dean by surprise, most definitely. Cas stood back up, Dean pulling up his boxers and jeans.

"I expect you to repay the favor later." Cas smirked, walking to the door, unlocked it, and walking out, ruffling his hair a bit. Dean gulped and followed.


A/N: Again, thank you keekeebeary for the idea, I hope you like it.

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