Monsters x Reader one shots

By MMA1999

1.9M 55.8K 9.5K

I've kind of been reading more monster stories lately and thought "oh this could be fun if I wrote one shots... More

Yandere Merman
Yandere Wendigo
Yandere Werewolf
Grim Reaper
Orc Chief
Yandere Fairy
Werehyena x Female reader
Yandere Angel
Male Cecaelia
Yandere Tengu
Yandere Kelpie
Yandere Kraken
Yandere Slenderman
Headless Horseman
Yandere Slenderman Part 2
Yandere Naga
Yandere Minotaur
Yandere Naga Part 2
Yandere Tengu part 2
Yandere Tengu
Yandere Drider
Mafia Boss Orc
Yandere Dark Elf
Yandere Orc
Yandere Mummy
Yandere Cyber Monster
Frankenstein's Monster
Yandere Phantom of the Opera
I'm Back!
Skeleton Jack
Yandere Werewolf Pack
Yandere Werewolf Pack: All
Yandere Werewolf Pack: Boris
Yandere Werewolf: Remus
Yandere Werewolf: Lowell
Werewolf: Ralph
Yandere Kraken
Yandere Mershark
Vampire Pt 2
Goblin King Jareth
Yandere Orc Pt 2
Yandere Dragon
Yandere Wendigo Pt 2
Yandere Mershark Part 2
Male Medusa
Male Owl Harpy
Yandere Huldra
Dark Fairy
New Book!
Yandere Elf Hunter
Mafia Dragon
Yandere Robot
Yandere Vampire
Shadow Monster
Yandere Changeling
Yandere Humanized Cookie Monster
Yandere Naga
Yandere Alien
Yandere Drider
Requests Closed
Yandere Vampire pt 2
Yandere Krampus
Yandere Changeling Pt 2
Yandere Orc Husband
Yandere Humanized Snowman
Yandere Mummy pt 2
Yandere Robot Pt 2
Seven Deadly Sins
Genderbend Goddess Morana
Yandere Centaur
Yandere Mafia Werewolf
Yandere Wizard
Yandere Killer
Yandere Centaur pt 2
Yandere Possessed Doll
Yandere Werewolf and Yander Vampire
Yandere Doll part 2
Yandere Werewolf and Yandere Vampire: Rowan
Lord Vampire
Yandere Werewolf and Yandere Vampire: Curtis
Yandere Angel pt 2
Yandere AI
Yandere AI pt 2
Yandere Angel and Yandere Demon
Yandere Corpse
Yandere Harpy
Dark Elf
Yandere Hades
Yandere Anubis
Yandere Naga
Yandere Naga (His Pov)
Mafia Werewolf
Orc War Chief (His Pov)
Eastern Dragon
Requests Closed!
Yandere Wizard
Yandere Mafia Werewolf Pt 2
Yandere Vampire Demon
Kitsune Pt 2
Eastern Dragon Pt 2
Orc pt 2
Yandere Kitsune
Naga (His Pov)
Mafia Werewolf pt 2
Yandere Killer pt 2
Yandere Wizard pt 2
Yandere Candy Pop (His Pov)
Phantom of the Opera
Vampire and Werewolf
1 Million!!
King Incubus
Vampire and werewolf: Hybrid
Kitsune pt 3
Yandere Killer pt 3
Vampire and Werewolf: Werewolf
Dark Fairy (His Pov)
Yandere Barbarian Werewolf
Yandere Drider
Yandere Zeus
Vampire and Werewolf: Vampire
Orc pt 3
Yandere Vampire Demon pt 2
Yandere Robot pt 3
Dragon Pt 2
Yandere Mafia Ghost
Mafia Werewolf Pt 3
Yandere Angel pt 3
Alien (His Pov)


5.7K 218 60
By MMA1999

This was requested by ReactionReflection, and Alexa1969349! Guys, I know this pic is from a show called, "Castlevania", but I've never seen it, so I have no idea how this character acts. It probably won't be the same though. Either way, I don't own the character, just the story idea! Enjoy!

Of all the stupid ideas, going hunting for vampires takes the cake. It was one thing to claim that vampires were real, it's another to go hunting for one actively. Especially for, the king of vampires no less. Thanks to a certain reward to bring one in, you're being forced to do this by your parents. Not your idea of fun. No, you could be at home, content without being in the woods at 5 in the morning.

 Feeling the wind shift, you caught a faint smell of blood. Terrified, you stopped and grabbed your sword. Behind you, there was an animalistic sound, that you turned to. There was barely enough time for you to block the sword swinging at you. An annoyed Dracula glaring at you.

"You wandered into the wrongs neck of my woods, human." he growled with fangs baring at you, "Did you come to collect the bounty on my head?"

Glancing at his sword for a second, you looked back up at him. His eyes were glowing red. You've heard various stories about what happens when his eyes glow red. Some say that he's trying to use powers to manipulate you, others say it's just a way to see that he wants to drink your blood. Neither of those options sounds good to you though. Watching him back away, you still stayed alert.

"Look, it was an honest mistake. I didn't even want to be out here at this time. I was forced to. I didn't even believe that you were real." You pointed out, flinching when his eyes seemed to glow brighter.

"Well, do you believe now?" He seemed to chuckle as if your fear amused him, "I can tell your telling the truth, so I'll give you a chance. If you can fight me and win, I'll let you go."

"If I lose?" You questioned, not sure if you actually wanted to know the answer.

He only smirked at you. His fang seeming to gleam in the moonlight, telling you the answer. The thought of becoming a late-night snack for a vampire doesn't exactly excite you. You doubt you'll get a choice though. Gripping your sword tighter, you nodded.

"Ready, set." He didn't even say go before he swung his sword at you.

Yelping, you jumped back.  If you can, somehow, trick him out of the forest at sunrise, you know you'll win. It's worth a shot. Taking a swing at him, you weren't surprised that he dodged it. He backed up though. Now if you can get him to keep doing that about a thousand times, you'll be good.

It felt like it went on for a long time like that. Exchanging blows and blocks with him. You managed to make a lot of progress. What surprised you was that it felt like he wasn't using any of his supernatural powers he was believed to have. Taking another strike at him, you couldn't help the small smile as you managed to graze him.

"Not bad for a human" He hummed, almost as if he was enjoying this fight.

"Can't say the same for you, Prince." You taunted, noticing him raise an eyebrow at you, "For a vampire, I was expecting a lot more or are the stories just that? Stories?"

"So, you want to see power? Fine." He growled, before lunging at you.

Managing to block his sword, you yelped as his strength pushed you back into a tree. Your sword trapped over your head, so you were pinned. He's actually got you. Trying not to gasp in fear, you could see his triumphant smirk.

"Powerful enough for you, human?" He's chuckle was deep, which you had to admit was more attractive than it should have been.

"Okay, so you were fighting at a human level." You scoffed, trying not to roll your eyes, "Think we could have a fair fight now?"

"You were the one asking for more power." He grinned down at you, before moving to your neck, "You lost. Meaning you have to keep your end of the deal."

"We could go back to human strength." You tried not to stammer as you felt his fangs.

"Maybe. You are rather cute when you think your plans will work. Fighting with you hasn't been dull at all." He admitted, making you tense, "However, that just makes me want you for myself."

Letting that sink in, you came up with an idea. It might make him mad, but it's your only chance. Praying that the dead actually feel pain, you kicked your leg up. Hitting him right in his manhood. He grunted before he let you go. Using his sword to keep from dropping to the ground. Feeling a little bad, your excitement to keep fighting kept you from frowning.

"Well, looks like we get to fight a little longer." You taunted, running from him.

Reaching a field, of what you recognize as wolfsbane. It's an open field. there's no way he can pin you here. It could be a fair fight. Sunrise should be to far either. Looking around for him, you felt your excitement and restlessness rise. He's close, you can just tell it.

"Boo." Screaming, you swirled around while swinging your sword.

He leaned back to dodge it but lost his own balance. Seeing your chance, you crouched over him and held the sword to his neck. His own sword laid out of his reach where he accidentally dropped it. You've won. He can't get up. Grinning at him, you couldn't help but laugh. You actually beat him.

"Looks like I'm the winner." You cheered, noticing the smile he gave you.

His hands reaching up to grab your arms, "If you wanted more control, you could have just said so."

Feeling your face burn, you shook your head as you stood. Putting your sword away as you raised your hands up dramatically.

"Nope. Hell Naw." You shook your head as you headed towards the forest, "It was all fun, games, and a deal then you made it weird."

"What, didn't like me showing interest in you?" He gave, what sounded like, a genuine laugh.

"Not that much." you shouted, feeling your face burn in embarrassment, "Learning that you are real and fighting with you was a fun experience, but remember, this is literally the first and probably the only time we'll meet."

"Then I better win." He muttered, pulling you to him and trapping you against him, "This is not going to be the only time I see you. If I win now, you'll have to come with me."

Glancing up at the sky, you saw that it was getting lighter. As much as you would love to keep play fighting with him, you don't want to be a vampire. Sure, the fighting started off serious, but you enjoyed it.

"You're too late." You explained, noticing his silence before he hissed.

Before you could even blink, he had let you go and ran to the shadows of the forest. You could still see his glowing red eyes though. He was just hiding behind a tree. The pained, lonely look on his face hurt you for some reason. Moving to the edge of the forest, you didn't dare leave the sunlight.

"Congrats, you win." He grumbled, "Go home. Don't come back if you don't want to see me again."

"My home is through the forest." You pointed out, "You won't try to turn me, will you?"

"Not against your will." Deciding to trust him, you stepped into the shadows.

Turning to him, you saw he was still watching you. Slight burns on his arms and the side of his face. You felt bad for tricking him like that. Wanting to make the mood lighter, you offered him a small grin.

"What was that about my plan not working?" You teased, making him give you a small grin that vanished quickly.

"You best go home before I get to attached." he sighed, starting to walk off.

"Hey, wait." You objected, grabbing his arm.

Digging around you aid pouch, you pulled out a jar of ointment. You even spread some on his arms and face. Surprise, yet calm on his face.

"I don't know how vampires heal, but I can come back tomorrow and give you more." You explained, looking for an excuse to come back to see him, "Maybe, um, maybe we can go on a date?"

"What makes you think you want a date with me?" He almost sounded like he was scoffing.

"That was the whole reason to fight, wasn't it? You convinced me to fight to keep me here longer and if you won, I would stay with you because you're lonely?" He seemed stunned that you caught on, but he gave you a small nod, "I actually had a good time with you tonight. We could do something different tomorrow."

"I would like that." He grinned grabbing your hand and kissing it.

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