jj maybank fanfics

By thedylanodaddy

19.2K 207 97

only jiara content. imagines inspired by jj maybank and kiara carrera from the show outer banks. every story... More

being close
needy for touch
the first
the second
the third & fourth
the fifth
thoughts, feelings and dreams
needy for touch pt.2
the sixth
the seventh
hot tub
the ninth
you can't plan your feelings
the tenth
you can't plan your feelings pt.2
not bad weird
uncharted territory
pretty please
never alone
can't stop thinking about it

the eighth

462 9 1
By thedylanodaddy

{The next day}

Kiara wakes up in her bed, with blankets and pillows all around her and on her. It's warm and comfortable, leaving a feeling of calmness in her. She's tired and her eyes are sore from crying herself to sleep.

After she broke down last night and her parents hugged and comforted her, she went directly to bed. She didn't really answer them about why she was crying cause in that moment all she wanted was to be comforted and not having to explain or talk about it. They probably thought she was really tired from school or something.

She doesn't really communicate with her parents about her feelings or problems that much. She feels like they wouldn't understand even though she knows they love her. But one things is for certain, they would definitely not understand or be supportive when there's a pouge involved.

Kiara reaches for her phone, that's laying on the bedside table. The time is 7.06 am. She has a message from her mom saying they're going to the mainland for the day and they'll be back for dinner.

"Of course."

This is also why she isn't telling them things. After she completely broke down and cried her eyes out, they just leave cause they have to shop and meet friends for lunch.

Kiara goes out of bed, puts on some sweatpants, a T-shirt and a hoodie. She walks down stairs and grabs a apple before walking outside. She feels like she need to get some air, take a walk and clear her head.

She walks for an hour, not having a direction or goal in mind. The sunlight warms her skin and it feels calm around her. It's a Saturday morning and there's only a few people awake. A person is walking their dog on the beach, the gas station is open and there's a woman filling up her car with gas. Kiara takes a turn around the corner of the bookstore, a turn she usually doesn't take. She's not sure where it leads but she keeps on walking, towards an old water tower, down a small road until she ends up in the cut. The roads and houses are getting more beaten up the more she continues walking. There's fences missing around the houses, the paint is falling of the walls and there's junk laying around on the front- and backyards.

She takes it all in. Feeling a wave of sadness in her stomach, feeling bad for these people who don't have much in life.

She hates it so much. She hates that there's two kinds of people and that their worth is judged by how much money they have. It's so fucking stupid and unfair. It's embarrassing that there's still this big difference between humans. That we haven't come far enough in the world that everyone can live their life how they want without having to be scared or unsure about how their future will be. It's fucking bullshit. And it all comes down to how much money you have, that's what makes you more privileged in life. Not what good things you do for yourself, everything and everyone around you.

Kiara walks and walks, looking at everything around her. Then the road stops. There's a small trail going into a forrest. She walks down it and the trees are tall around her, making her feel small. After around 3 minutes she sees a house on the end of the trail. There's a hammock hanging from two trees, a small coop with chickens and a dock with a boat that has "HMS pouge" written on it with white paint.

Kiara gets deja vu. It feels just like the night she first met JJ. But this house feels different. Despite the condition of it, it feels homey and welcoming. Kiara can't help herself, she has to look closer. There's no car or other vehicles around, making her think there's no one home. But she still walks slowly and a bit hunched down just in case.

The porch looks cosy, there's couches and a armchair with pillows and blankets. They look really worn out, contributing to the cosy factor. She don't notice herself standing on the porch, admiring her surroundings, until she hears a loud bang.

"Shit shit shit. No no!"

Kiara slowly opens the door and there he is.


Around him there's a big mess of beer cans and clothes, that he's trying to clean up. Pillows are laying on the floor and it smells like weed.

JJ turns around and notices Kiara standing in front of him. He's shirtless with his shorts hanging low, his hair in a mess and dark under eyes

"What the fuck are you doing here?!"

"l was on a walk and ended up here. Are you ok? What happen-"

"You just walked in to a house you don't know who lives in?"

JJ's tone is harsh and makes Kiara's stomach turn.

"No I heard your voice so I thought-"

"You thought what?? That you could just come in here without permission?"

"I also heard a loud bang so I wanted to see what it was."

JJ's stares at her with his blood red eyes. He almost look dead.

"Are you ok?"

"I'm fine, so get the fuck out of here."


Kiara takes a small step towards him, being cautious with her movements.

"Don't!" Just fucking leave!"

Kiara takes another step.

"Don't. Leave, now."

Kiara doesn't move.

"Fucking hell Kiara! You're the one who don't want to be around me, so don't act like you fucking care cause it's all bullshit!!"

"We both know that's not true JJ."

"Do we?? Cause I'm pretty sure you literally thru me out yesterday cause you don't want me to ruin your kook reputation!"

Kiara sighs, regretting yesterday's decision.

"I'm sorry for what I did and said but that wasn't the reason."

"Yeah sure."

"My parents cares about my reputation, that everything needs to be and look perfect from the outside.. Which is why they don't want me to be around pouges.."

JJ looks down, gathering his thoughts and Kiaras words. He throws himself on the couch, pulling out a beer can underneath him and puts in on the table.

"I can't do this anymore."


Kiara feels her stomach drop, worse than ever before and her eyes fills up with tears.

"I can't do this anymore. Pretend that we can be friends or something."

"It's not pretend. You're the best thing in my life right now."

JJ looks up at Kiara, also with tears in his eyes. She smiles at him, trying to light up the situation but he doesn't smile back. Making Kiara's smile fade away quickly.

"But you keep getting my hopes up and then you don't want your parents to know about me. It's all just bullshit."

"It's not bullshit JJ, I promise."

"It doesn't matter. You should leave."

JJ stands up and tries to guide Kiara towards the door. But she doesn't move.

"I'm not leaving you."

"Please don't make it harder than it already is."

"I'm not. I won't let everything that's happen go away, just because I fucked up."

"You didn't fuck up."

Kiara looks at him confused.

"I mean you're parents are right! You shouldn't be around me."

"What? No you-"

"I'm a low life shitty pouge that deals with my problems, depression and anxiety by drinking and smoking! Cause it's the easiest and most accessible way to make my feelings and thoughts disappear, instead of just talking about it like a normal person. I also can't control my anger which leads to me doing stupid shit!"

"JJ I-"

"No, please just leave."

Kiara's heart breaks in a thousand pieces. She didn't know. She thought she had it bad, that she was the one who had it rough. But her problems are nothing compared to the boy's in front of her.

"JJ I didn't know, I'm-"


"Don't what?"

Kiara asks cautiously. JJ looks around the room, fiddling with his fingers and rings.

"JJ please talk to me, I want to help you."

Kiara watches him as he struggles to find words, trying to calm down and answer her. But in the process, his eyes overflows and tears starts to stream down his face. He falls to his knees, curling up into a ball, sobbing loudly.

Kiara sits down beside him and takes him in her arms. Putting pressure on his arms and around his torso to calm him down. She holds him for awhile until she feels him relaxing, he then uncurls and wraps his arms around her body, snuggling into her neck. Kiara feels butterflies in her stomach, feeling happy and relieved. She strokes her fingers through his hair and speaks calmly with a certainty in her tone.

"I care about you, so much. I don't care that you're a pouge and I don't care if you make stupid decisions or get into fights. And I don't care about my parents opinions cause they don't know shit. I want to be with you, I need you."

JJ's sobbing calms down, he lets go off the hug and looks down at their hands. He slowly intertwines his hand in hers..

"I need you too."

Kiara tries her best not to blush at his words but she fails completely.

JJ looks up at Kiara and they meet each other's eyes. They're both stunned, they can't help to just get lost in each other's eyes. They feel a sense of relief, finally feeling being together.

"You're really beautiful."

Kiara looks down, blushing even more than before. But JJ lifts her head up to meet his eyes again.

He looks at her, admiring every part of her face. He then bites down on his lip as his eyes switch right down to her lips. Kiara starts to feel butterflies in areas she usually doesn't. Or in a area.

"Don't look at me like that."

"Like what?"

His voice is deep and calm, his eyes doesn't leave her lips.
The boy moves closer, stroking her hand and up on her arm. Kiara breathes heavily under his touch. He tucks her hair behind her ear. Kiara is in a trance. Everything about this boy makes her so incredibly weak and dizzy.

Her eyes meets his lips. He notices and starts to slowly lean in. But as he do, he gently squeezes her arm trying to pull her closer. Just where Rafe has hurt her.

Kiara winches in pain and backs away, just when their lips are about to touch. She looks down not wanting to meet his eyes.

"Are you ok? Did I hurt you?"

He sounds concerned, his breathing is calm and he tries to make eye contact.

"Hey talk to me, what's wrong?"

"Nothing I just- Shit.."

Kiara pulls her sleeve up, revealing her arm. There it is, her big blue, purple and swollen bruise.

"Who did that?"

His voice is now not only concerned but he sounds angry, or upset.

"No one."

Kiara answer him quickly, maybe too quick.

"Kie. Who did that to you?"

The nickname makes Kiara stumble in her thoughts.

"I uh- I fell."

"You fell?"

"Yeah.. When I was out running."

JJ knows she's lying but decides to ignore it, for now.

"Have you put ice on it?"

"No.. Why?"

"It helps with the red redness and swollness. Makes it heal faster."


JJ goes to the freezer and pulls out a ice pack.

"Here, put it on slowly and then gently press it down."

"No it's fine it's already healing-"

"No it's not, just let me help you."

Kiara looks down and nods. She slowly pulls her sleeve up again. JJ looks at Kiara for consent before placing the ice pack on her arm.
She slightly winches but eventually relaxes, feeling the pain fade away a little, letting out a sigh.



They meet each other's eyes, both feeling happy and relaxed. They move to sit down on the floor with their backs against the couch. Kiara looks at the ice pack, pressing it down more. It feels really nice.

"What happened yesterday? After you left."

Kiara's voice is calm, almost natural in a way. She doesn't want to make him feel uncomfortable or trigger something so he gets upset. But she cares about him, which is why she asks.

"I uh. I came here, drank a lot and smoked until I passed out. But it's ok, it's normal. I uh- It's how I deal with things."

Kiara looks at the broken boy in front of her, wanting to hold him again and never let go. She wants to keep him safe. But he already knows that she cares, he doesn't need her to pity him.

"Call me next time."


"Whatever it's about, even if it's me that's caused you to feel bad. Call me and I will talk to you or come to you."

JJ's heart skips a beat, he's never had someone caring this much. Of course both Pope and John B cares about him deeply but they both have their own stuff, plus that they're not always so good at communicating with each other about their feelings and problems. So that someone cares so much that they actually want to help him, isn't something he never thought would happen. Especially not a kook.

"Promise me that you'll call."

"Yeah, I promise."

Kiara smiles at JJ.

"If you tell me what happened to your arm."

Kiara's face falls, she looks down, trying to come up with a lie.

"I was out running and I fell, on a rock.."

"Kie come on, don't lie."

There it was again.


Kiara sighs, knowing he won't stop asking until she tells him.

"I was out running and took a breather on the docks when Rafe came up to me."

"Rafe? Did Rafe do that to you?!"

"Yes. He told me he knew about- and that he'd tell my parents about it.. I tried to shake him off, walking away but he grabbed my arm really hard and I-"

Kiara feels the situation come back in her head. The pain in her arm and the fear in her eyes. JJ notices her change in her body language and quickly understands that it's something bad.

"What did he know?"

"He knew about you."

"What? Of course he do I-"

"No he- He knew about us."



"I'll go talk to him."


JJ stands up and is halfway through the door. Kiara quickly realises what's happening and storms after him.

"No stop- JJ, don't!"

"It's fine. I'm just gonna talk to him."

JJ grits his teeth, trying to to explode in anger.

"No you're not. You'll do something you'll regret and it's not worth it, he's not worth it."

"He hurt you Kie! Look at your arm! That's not not some small wound, it's fucking serious. And I won't let him do it again."

JJ walks off. Kiara stays quiet, feeling her arm. She knows he's right, Rafe shouldn't get away with it but it's not worth risking JJ getting hurt.

"You're wounds are serious too."

JJ stops in his steps, his closed fist relaxes.

"We're both hurt."

"I'm fine."

"Stop fucking saying that! You're not fine! Neither of us are. So please don't go and beat the shit out of Rafe cause it will only get worse. He's not worth wasting time on, he's just a fucking psychopathic asshole! 

"But he hurt you! I can't just ignore that!"

"I don't care JJ!"


"I don't fucking care about Rafe! He's not worth it! I don't want you to get even more hurt!"

Kiara can see how JJ is struggling to decide. He really wants to go after Rafe but he can't.

"Ok fine! You're right.."

Kiara let's out a loud breath and whispers a thank you.

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