ROTTMNT x Reader - Oneshots

By Riakami

15K 337 376

Okay. I am UPSET about the lack of romance in this show (No matter how much I adore it regardless.) and there... More

Teddy Bear ❀️
Savage In Red ❀️
Date-Me-Not ❀️
Minor School Drama πŸ’™
Sweet Disaster πŸ’™
Double Trouble πŸ’™
Princess Half-Yokai πŸ’œ
What is this witchery? πŸ’œ
The Twins πŸ’œ
In the name of science! πŸ’œ
This is a nightmare. Literally. 🧑

One Iced-Coffee Please 🧑

953 25 18
By Riakami

Reader gets hit on by a classmate outside of school with Mikey, April and the boys watching from afar.
(They are already dating in this and humans know about yokai)

"Okay, which part of 'no' do you not understand? 'Cuz it's a short ass word, just sayin'." Y/n stares into the male's eyes across the counter, her eyebrow slightly twitching.

She works at a little café not far from school so fellow schoolmates often drop by.

Today though, one pesky little critter crawled in on here, being an absolute pain in her backside.
The annoying guy is her classmate but they've barely ever interacted.
Heck, she's really close to just throwing his order (an iced-coffee) in his face.

"Y/n please at least consider it? I know you don't really know me but that's the point, right? To get to know each other." The guy pleads with her, palms put together and visible sweat beads on his forehead.
Y/n sighs for the 100th time.

Little do the two teens know Mikey and his brothers, even April have been eavesdropping from the enterance.
It isn't very hard to stay unnoticed and to see what is happening inside since the front is almost completely made of glass.
Thanks to a little help from Donnie they can hear the two speak crystal clear as well.
...He totally didn't hack into N/n's communicator he made for her. Nope.

"I'm about to be put on the news tomorrow for murder."

Mikey's brothers and friend turn to the youngest with wide eyes.
Mikey however doesn't even move, his face is blank and his voice is calm.
He trusts Y/n of course, that isn't the issue here but... There is a nagging feeling at the back of his mind.

"I am NOT going on a date with you, Bryce." Y/n has to restrain herself from spitting in his face.
She rolls her eyes in annoyance.
"And why not??" The persistent guy's voice has a pinch of anger to it.
It just makes the girl sigh again. "Because," She holds up a finger. "One, I have a boyfriend," She holds up another. "and two, I don't wanna." Y/n sticks her tongue out at the distraught male.

Remember that nagging feeling in Mikey's head? Yeah it's gone.

"Well, he doesn't have to know?" The guy across from Y/n raises a brow in confusion as if that were an obvious thing, making the box turtle's blood boil. Nevermind, it's back.

"Yeah because I'm just going to up and cheat on my hella considerate and precious partner that I've known for a long time for some random guy," At this point Y/n feels like her eyes will get stuck looking up from rolling them so much. "Hey look, I think I'm a total hotshot and that Y/n will just leave her long time boyfriend to date me instead just because I asked!" The girl mockingly imitates him. "Just what kinda hoe do you take me for?" She crosses her arms, a vein popping on her forehead.

It's Bryce's turn to roll his eyes, then sigh. "I don't take you for a hoe, that's why I'm asking you." He reaches over the counter and grasps at Y/n's hand. Her arms remain crossed, her face indifferent.

Mikey's mouth opens just the slightest as he frowns, the eyes of his fellow onlookers flicker to him for a moment.
The turtle looks angry but more than anything he feels sad, scared..
He knows N/n wouldn't do that, not her.

She wouldn't... Right?

Doubt blooms in his chest along with a suffocating pain.

"I bet I'm way better looking anyway. Considering your social status you couldn't have landed an actually good looking guy." Bryce looks at Y/n with half lidded eyes and a smile.

Oh Mikey is FUMING now.

Not because of what the guy said about his appearance but what he said about
She may be a loner and an outcast but she has her reasons!

Meanwhile- Y/n's face is blank and she barely blinks.
The turtles and April stare at her intently, awaiting her response eagerly.
Nearly 20 seconds pass by like that, with Bryce and Y/n just staring each other down.

Then she doubles over.

"HA? BETTER LOOKING? PLEASE," Y/n has to lean on the counter for support as she wheezes, startling all of them. "I can't breathe...!" She lets her forehead fall on the countertop with a clank, hitting it multiple times with one of her fists. "Is it April Fools or something? Cuz damn that joke was fire," A few more hysterical wheezes later she composes herself, wiping a tear.

"Hooo, that was good." She exhales a deep breath, looking up at a dumbfounded Bryce. "I'll have you know my boyfriend is the cutest creature this planet has ever seen," The smug grin on Y/n's face makes Mikey's heart send blood straight to his cheeks, tinting them.
"'Working out' so much does him well too. Usually a guy is either cute OR hot, imagine having both?" Y/n's own cheeks tint a light red at her words.
Sure she often thought that but actually saying it is something else.

Michelangelo has the goofiest grin on his face, cheeks red and tail wagging happily.
His girlfriend doesn't often voice her feelings but when she does it never fails to make him giddy.
Obviously she had to have found him attractive to some extant if she ended up dating him but, wow.
April snickers at the excited turtle.

"Oh please, is he ripped or something?" Bryce's voice is somewhat lower and he's scowling, yet he sounds very doubtful.

N/n's face goes momentarily blank again.
Then she gets a mental image that sets her face on fire.
Blush spreads from the bottom of her neck all the way to her ears like a cup being filled.
She has a mischievous smirk on that she desperately tries to hide with her hand.
She forms a fist with said hand and coughs into it.

Do NOT think about feeling around his chest-

That is literally rock hard by the way-


"Oh my..." April puts her fingertips to her red lips.
She directs her gaze towards the box turtle again.
The poor guy looks broken- In a good way.
His brothers stare at him with awkward looks.

"What's up with that face?!" Bryce exclaims.
Y/n coughs one more time. "You made me think about such an innocent guy in such a sinful way.." Y/n conjurs up a packet of ice from thin air and smushes it against her cheek, making a hissing sound. "Curse you, annoying roach." She gives Bryce a pitiable glare.
Yeah Y/n wasn't the purest minded girl sometimes.

Outside of the store the turtle brothers all have equally red faces, eyes strained on their youngest sibling.
"What?" The box turtle narrows his eyes in confusion, shrinking away from the accusing eyes.
Is he missing something here?

"Roach?!" Bryce shrieks again and Y/n winces at the volume.
The look of absolute disinterest on her face only fans his already flaring flames. "Girl I am doing you a big favor here!"

Just then, the stores doors slide open and in come two males.

"Hey Bryce! You found the new café too?" One of the two boys who Y/n recognizes as Theo, also from her class, speaks up.
Oh yeah, the café only opened about a month ago.
"You and your sweet tooth." Muses the other, she doesn't know him though.
Bryce groans. "Not now guys, I'm busy." He turns back to Y/n who still looks just as bored as before.

"Pff, busy doing what? Trying to woo the cashier?" Theo cocks an eyebrow, glancing at her.
"If you must know, yes." Bryce raises his voice slightly.
Y/n facepalms. "For the last time. I. Have. A. BOYFRIEND." She holds her palms together in front of her face.

This man is unbelievable.

"Yeah yeah that guy who's cute AND hot. Right. Wake up sister, a guy like that doesn't exist!" Bryce throws his hands in the air but Y/n doesn't even bat an eye.

"Hey if she said she's taken you should lay off, dude." The guy Y/n doesn't know puts a hand on his shoulder.
His eyebrows are pinched together in an apologetic way as he looks at her.

"Like hell I will give up so easily when she's most likely just playing hard to get! If this guy really does exist then WHERE IS HE?"

As if on cue, the doors open again and five figures waltz in.
Quickly striding over, Mikey takes a firm hold of the angered teen's ankle, pulls it out from under him and holds him above the floor upside down with one hand effortlessly.

Y/n crosses her arms, smirking smugly.

"Right here." Mikey says with a flat tone, staring daggers at the male he is holding up with his free hand on his hip.

"Sorry Y/n, we couldn't hold him back." April comes up behind her giggling, making her giggle as well.

"Wha-" Bryce flails around uselessly.
Meanwhile N/n is distracted by the way the muscles flex in her boyfriend's arm as he holds the annoying guy up.

Damn it.. Her face feels hot again.

"A yokai?!" Said guy shouts, his friends stare at the turtle in awe.
Mikey raises an unamused eyeridge.

"Mutant, actually." Donnie corrects him.

Y/n has given up at this point, slurping at the drink Bryce has ordered.

"Y'know," Mikey tosses the man in his hand up like he weights nothing, the guy turns upright in the air and he catches him by the hood. "I'm not very happy with you right now." The turtle's voice is calm yet stern.
His face is neutral as he holds Bryce on eye level with himself.

"Oh boi..." Leo winces.

"Don't make a mess out of my workplace, Angelo." N/n warns then returns to her drink.

Mikey sets Bryce on his feet, surprisingly gently. "I'll have you know I am very much real." He wipes at the guy's shoulder as if brushing dust off of him. "And," He politely clears his throat, raises his arm,

then socks the guy in the nose.

Y/n and the rest wince simultaneously.

Bryce falls over on the tiled floor, grasping at his bleeding snout.

"I don't appreciate you pestering my partner." Mikey looms over him.
His arms are crossed behind his back as he smiles sweetly.

"Dude you broke my nose!" Bryce barks up at him.
"And you dared to touch Y/n. We're even." The orange banded turtle straightens up. "Now," He chuckles. "I will kindly ask you to leave, otherwise I'll have to make you into a modern piece of art." He just looks so awfully friendly, it's really creeping Bryce out.

"Sooooo, how was your weekend?" April side-eyes Y/n and she does the same, still slurping at the cool beverage.

Bryce slowly picks himself up. "Jesus, f-fine..." He all but sprints out, almost falling over multiple time on his way, he's a bit disoriented.
Theo walks up to the counter. "We're really sorry about him..." He scratches at his cheek. "He's had the biggest crush on you for the past few months and he gets horrible with crushes." The guy sweatdrops.

"I've noticed." She slurps the last bit of iced-coffee up. "It's fine. You can't control what he does so don't beat yourself up about it." Shrugging, she throws the plastic cup in the trash. "You guys want anything?" She addresses the entire room.
But when she begins to move she's brought into an embrace.
Mikey had rounded the counter.

"Sunshine?" She coos, stroking at the turtle's shell.
He practically melts in her arms but doesn't budge. "Hey?" She gently pushes away from him.
When his face finally falls into her view it's like he has guilt written all over it in big, nasty letters.

"I feel really bad about hitting him..." He cups N/n's hands in his.

He had a right to though..

Oh can he get any more precious?

The girl sighs with a smile. "He had it coming. If you didn't, I would've." She gently kisses the knuckles of his hands.
The soft ticklish feeling makes Mikey giggle.

The answer is yes. Yes, he can.

"I'll take a black coffee." Donnie, ever being the ignorant little shit he is when it comes to feelings, breaks the moment.
Plus he may or may not have started to feel odd about all the PDA.

"A cappuccino please!" April raises her hand as if she were in class.
"I'd like a slice of chocolate cake!" Raph mimicks his friend.
"We'd like 2 mochas and cheesecake to go, please." Theo smiles, taking the nameless boy's hand in his.
"Does this place have boba-?" Leo skeptically skims his eyes over the wares.

Y/n laughs at the ridiculousness of it all. "Yes, we do have boba." She looks back into her boyfriend's eyes. "Do you want something?"

Mikey blinks a few times.


Y/n suddenly forgets how to breathe or blink.
In the background Raph, April, Theo and the guy beside him all start 'Aww'-ing.
Leo is still trying to find out where the heck they keep that boba and Donnie rolls his eyes.
Out of embarrassment N/n shoves her palm into Mikey's face.

"I-I'm not on the menu, Angelo!" She scolds him although uselessly, her voice has gone higher than usual and she's blushing wildly.
That's when Mikey aww-s as well, except in a pouty way.
This makes the rest, except Donnie giggle.

"Fine fine," He giggles to himself. "Some strawberry cake, then."

N/n nods. "Coming right up. This one's on the house guys!" She quickly prepares the treats for everyone.
When they each have their plates and / or cups in hand they head outside and take seats.

"So," Mikey starts. "you think I'm cute AND hot?" He raises a teasing brow at his girlfriend beside him.

Y/n's face explodes in a blush.


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