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By Idontknowthewhole

83.1K 5.8K 6.9K

ARRANGE MARRIAGE AU " It hurts, It hurts when person giving you the best memories ends up becoming memories... More

A simple weekend
It's started
It won't happen again
Her smile
Heartbroken?no babe it was worse
Moving on
I'll be always with you
a what!!!!!?
first date
we kissed before!!!?
all alone!!
I'm not a joke!
How it was started!!
I understand you.
New start
small moments!
I missed you
Bring it on
Never drink again
Mine to destroy
Thousand years
illegitimate child?
Someone love me please ...
I'm pregnant you asshole
I do
one last chance
My everything..
Do as I say
It's you
I hate you
My real dad
Cheap thrill
Lust sucks
Jungkook is out
author note/must read
I was loved
I love you more
Ken and Minyoung
Never out of love

How it was ended!!

1.2K 107 139
By Idontknowthewhole

I just loved the wrong person..but
It's not my fault ...

"Do vote and comment please "

Author pov

Mr. Mun is in his study doing some late night work. Then He hear voices like someone is throwing something in rage. It coming from y/n's room. He checked time it's 12: 30 already, so he make his way toward her room to check what the sound is with his coffee in his hands.

He reach her room's doorstep. He was about knock but door was open so he walk in without knocking.

He saw a scene which he never expected to see in this life....

Y/n studying at late night she is basically pulling her hair but still she is on her study table which was abundant for ages.

He walk further to check or he'll get a heartattack"y/n-ah" he said softly bringing back a groaning y/n who look exhausted.

"What are you doing?" He asked not believing that this is real.

"I'm studying dad" she said in very tired voice . " for college? " He asked to which y/n nodded. " which college you are aiming? " this made y/n gulp and look at Mr. Mun " umm... SNU" she said hesitantly making Mr mun chock on his coffee and he start laughing and coughing loudly. He try to suppress it but failed.

Y/n groan embarrassed by the fact that everyone Making fun of her but she is trying very hard now.

" Dad, I'm not talking to you , you all are same... yoongi and Ken also laughed after listening to me" she whined burying her face in english textbook in embarrassment.

"It is shocking and i get it ,that I told you to dream high but I didn't told you to dream impossible " he said still laughing a little by thought of y/n in snu with her very good marks.

"It's not impossible, I have you so everything is possible " she said smirking at fact that her dad can get her any college by giving donations .

"Aren't you a true business man's daughter " Mr. Mun said and ruffle her hairs as he understood what she is trying to say.

"Yup " she said and closed notebook yawning and stand up " good night dad" as her today's study timetable finished and yes she did study.

"Good night... sleep tight... you have to study for snu" he said mocking her and laugh as he listened another groan from y/n.

6 months later

Today results came out which made three of them most happy as luckily Ken and yoongi at same college while y/n tried but didn't get admission by her good marks but she have other way around. They get admission in Korea University.

"So we are living together in Seoul? " yoongi asked excitedly and look at Ken and y/n who are not listening to him , they are busy in themself.

He stand up and smash both of their forehead together making them groan because sudden impact.

"Sucker" y/n cursed rubbing her forehead and narrow her eyes at yoongi who is smirking and shurg Slightly. Ken just gave a deadly glare to yoongi who gave gummy smile in return.

"No me and Ken are living together while you can find your place " y/n said shurgly making yoongi shock as they suppose to live together like three of them.

"What the hell, we were suppose to live together " yoongi protested on the promise which y/n made.

"Not going to happen so find a new place mister" she said and Ken nodded head in approval making yoongi look at both of them

"Fuck off then" he said making a sour face at his bestfriend careless behavior.

"You better fuck yourself, you look sexually frustrated " y/n said as both y/n and Ken break into fist of laughter making yoongi flustered.

6 months later

Love letter scene of yoongi which lead him to truth of y/n being lesbian and Ken being her gf.

(From chapter- I'll always with you, y/n told jungkook everything)

8 months later

The ramen accident where Ken and y/n were having there time of their life.

( from chapter- it's started)

4 months later
Ken and y/n are 20

They both are this much busy in there own life that they have forget , there is life of other connected to them..

Y/n just called Ken who is not picking up .... Ken has left for her parents house for 3 days and today she is going to return so y/n is waiting.

"Ken , where are you?" Y/n asked to ken who just pick up call after nth attempts.

"I'll be there before night " Ken said and hung up making y/n worried cause no greeting, nothing just 2 word and call ends?

Later that night

Ken had returned from her parents house and now y/n is very happy .

She jump on bed and back hugged Ken tightly. " What the hell?" Ken said and try free herself from y/n's grip.

"What happens?" Y/n asked confused that why Ken is trying to free herself.

"You don't understand the meaning of personal space huh?" Ken Ken asked and finally y/n loosen her grip.

"Okay , you seems tense what happened? " y/n asked worried for her girlfriend knowing very well her parents might have did something.

"Nothing just leave me alone and don't come near me" Ken said pushing y/n a little who have disbelief look on her face.

"Hey I'm not leaving you alone , what happened? Your parents said something? " y/n asked in genuine worried tone.

"problem is not my parents the problem is you, fucking clingy you are leave me alone for sometime, I need personal space" she spat angrily and make y/n angry too.... Ofcourse she is also human she get hurt to.

Y/n collect pillow and blanket let room without any word not before closing the door with loud thug letting Ken know that she just made y/n mad.

A week later

Y/n and yoongi are sitting together in class while Ken is in corner alone.

"What with you two?" Yoongi asked to y/n looking at ken who look distracted.

"I don't know, she is not talking to me" y/n said with shurg but inside is very pissed because of Ken's behavior.

"She is not talking to me too, did you two fought? " yoongi asked again.

"Shut the fuck up yoongi, I don't want to talk about her.... she is behaving like a fucking 3 year old kid... I let her this time , she can do whatever she wants and I'mnot apologizing this time" y/n snapped at yoongi because she is angry and yoongi seems to test her everytime.

"Whatever " yoongi said rolling his eyes like he doesn't care.


2 weeks later

"Ken look at these" y/n said to Ken for looking at new pair of sweater she want to buy for her girlfriend. .....
Yes they are talking again. They love each other afterall.

"It's beautiful " Ken said nodding her head in approval.

"For every sweater you are saying the same thing" y/n said while checking some new.

"I love you" y/n said and peck Ken lips suddenly at public and get busy with shopping without noticing that Ken didn't replied like she always does.

A month later

Y/n is on phone call with her dad " Princess, you are going to came for Christmas next week and no excuse " Mr mun said with frim voice.

"Okay dad , I'm coming with Ken " y/n said to which Mr mun sigh " Aren't her parents going to be upset about it?"

Y/n unlock her apartment and slide in leaving her sneakers at door while talking to her dad.

"Ken" she shouted but no response came so she just walk towards their bedroom.

"Dad I'll call you later , bye bye" she said and hung up without listening to other side.

She try to open door but it was locked from inside which make her confuse that Ken never locks door.

"Ken" she said again but still not any response. So she walk toward where she kept all spare keys and unlock the door.

And she saw a seen which she never wanted to see.........

A lifeless Ken hanging from the fan of their ceiling.............

"KEN" y/n screamed on top of her lungs and dashed toward Ken with tears already accumulated in her eyes , heartbeats at peak.

She jump on bed and lift Ken's body try to lower the pressure on Ken's neck.

"Ken..k-ken , get up , get up" she is saying and rubbing Ken's iced feet try to give her warmth. Tears are flowing without her own knowledge. "GET UP" y/n screamed because she don't know what is happening anymore ken and y/n was okay till morning and this is not something she is expecting to see.

After 2 hours

"I'm sorry she was dead before you bring her here" doctor said to yoongi who have a swollen eyes and red cheeks from mourning 2 hours after getting call from a crying y/n.

"What the hell , you are saying? She is fine, she was fine till morning, she is not dead, LIAR " y/n screamed between her tears holding collar of doctor shaking him harshly.

Mr mun hold her hand and bring her closer to him " shuhh,princess " he wishper and y/n look up at his dad with tears in her eyes and pain in her chest.

" dad he is saying nonsense Ken is okay , tell me she is fine, tell me please.... i want to see her.. i knowthis is prank" She said shaking his dad demanding for answer who just hugged her tight letting her cry as much as she want.

"There is something, you should know Mr mun." Doctor said and look at everyone in room...

"What is it doctors?" Mr mun asked still hugging her daughter who protesting and crying , her body is shaking because of how hard she is crying.

"Miss Lee was 8 weeks pregnant " this made y/n breath sorten, she is not crying now but frozen, her whole world stopped with this one sentence.

"What?" Yoongi ask cause he only knew about Ken and y/n relation not Mr mun who think that these two are just bestfriend.

"She was 8 months pregnant" doctor repeated his words bringing y/n back to her senses. She walk toward doctor with steps which a tigress walk toward their prey.

"This doctor is liar , I want to see Ken, a this is all bullshit.... who gave you license of a doctor huh " y/n said she is not ready to believe that Ken was pregnant and not that she can ever cheat on y/n. She love y/n.

"This is report , you can see it miss" Dr. Handle y/n Ken's death certificate and her being pregnant making her eyes wide in shock , she is unable to gasp the situation.

Y/n step back while reading all with her tear filled eyes " this is not true, I can't believe you ... I want to see ken ..... tell me this is not true please" she said sobbing hard as she dashed toward the room where Ken's body is kept with her shaking legs.

Three days later

Everyone knows about Ken and y/n's relationship including Ken parents who don't look shock at all. They are not even sad at death of their own daughter.

Y/n is numb , she was crying whole day and whole night without any food or water .She locked herself in Ken and her bedroom and not let anyone in .. she just sat on corner staring at ceiling where Ken was found hanged.

She came out when her dad tell her this is last time she can see Ken and give her a last goodbye.

So here is She standing in front of Ken's coffin wearing black which is Ken's favorite color. She is not crying neither screaming.... she is numb totally numb like she have no emotions left.

Everyone show their pain and sadness for loss of a good student, a excellent friend and a beautiful soul Ken but y/n didn't said anything she just stood their without a single word . She is still in shock that Ken is no more , her love is no more

Few days later

Everything is normal except from fact that y/n didn't talk and didn't showing any kind of response to other. She is emotionless for her dad too.

"Miss mun , here is suicide note which Ken write and it was on her study table of your house" said the police officers who just walk in at Mr mun's house in Busan.

This catches y/n attention she is very eager to know why Ken did all this , what was exact reason of her suicide and reason of her cheating on y/n and what made her kill herself.

She open it....

Y/n, I know you are upset with me for what I'm going to do but you know what?

I don't Care. Think whatever you want to ... it is very easy this way. I was suffocating because of your presence , I wanted a life without you without any restrictions .

Yes I had affair behind your back.... so what ? You can't kill the one who is already dead.

I hate you alot..... now I look back into past , I only found mistakes my mistakes. the biggest Mistake of loving you.

I had this feeling back than too ... that I don't deserve you , I deserve better. You are nothing but just a insult to me and my name.

How should I introduce you" hello she is mun y/n , I dumb who Don't know anything and don't have anything except mun in her name" it will be a good introduction no?

I hate you to the core and never loved you .... you can say just used you for fun I guess? I wanted to try new things, how it Look to be loved by a women and there was No one except you but you just Don't leave me for a second, you became clingy which was exhausting and that's what I hated the most ....your presence in my personal space.

And what you always talking about fighting against society huh? Who want you on the first place...... not me atleast. You think I can't just accept that you are my girlfriend because what will other think? No babe , because I was ashamed being called a girlfriend of loser like you. ....

Yes you are loser.

I had affair with this boy whome I love but guess what ?he is just like you a loser try to denied that this child is not his.

I left with no option but just kill myself because my parents will never accept me and being dead is much better that being alive with you.

Yes I choose death rather than alive with you , now you can guess how much I hate you...


Y/n read each and every sentence again again until it craved in her heart like a picture craved on stone..... it was her fault everything was her fault .

After a month

Y/n and Mr mun with Ken's parents are outside of interrogation room where the boy suny is giving his statement about Ken suicide. Ken is the same boy whome with Ken cheated.

"Sir ... yes we had a thing called one night stant but she became clingy, start telling me how she is not satisfied with her girlfriend and how she wanted someone like me." Sany paused before taking a deep breath

"I'm a man with need and when a women is offering herself how can you deny? " He said with chuckle and remembering all those time with Ken.

"But after a month she came to me saying she is pregnant, like everyone I freaked out cause we never had unprotected sex.. at least i never did anything without protection " he said licking his lips like he is thinking there maybe a chance of him being father of unborn child.

"I don't know sir , like me how many men she have slept with, so declined then new came out that she committed suicide , i have nothingto do with it" he explained himself completely to the officer who is staring at him with a eyebrow raise.

Outside y/n listen everything with heavy heart and clenched jaw that how can he deny the fact , child is not his, Ken can never sleep with two men together.

They checked cctv of building where y/n and Ken live .

Suny came into view with flowers in his hands while Ken who look surprised but still take it with a elegant bow.

He said something in her ear smiling which made her smile too as they headed inside the building.

She must have used our bed for fucking someone else y/n thought and her tears accumulated again.

They did dna test to check if the child was of suny or not.

But to her surprise child was not of suny. It means Ken have fucked countless man before behind y/n's back.

And that's the day y/n swear she'll never cry for someone so low like Ken.
And that's the day she locked all her emotions in a box and hide it somewhere deserted.

3 year later
23 year old y/n

Y/n powerful step can be hear in hallway, her single glare can make anyone shiver to core.

She is rude , ruthless and merciless for everyone.

Cheating is a word she hates the most and the one who cheat is Nothing but a criminal in her eyes who don't deserve to live.

She settled on couch of her dad' living room , Mr mun came out with two glass of red wine in his hands.

"Princess, finally you are here" he said as he has seen her daughter after two months she is not at home , she is busy handling his work , she is becoming responsible day by day and she is becoming numb also day by day.

"Dad" she whined at her dad for not to start complaining again and asking her to be happy. She is happy alone and she is avoiding his dad because she can not resist him.

"You have to listen today" he said in frim voice the voice he never talked before as he settled himself on couch and handle a glass to y/n.

"I want you to forget whatever happened in past and start something new with someone new." He said softly this time and try to make her understand. Y/n who have alot of things in her mind is also understand her dad pov that she is hurting him more than anyone.

"Please y/n your dad is begging to you , I can't see you like this, princess , try to be happy with someone else" he plead to y/n who is still emotionless but thinking alot of things in her mind.

"Fine, I'll try but just don't beg like this " she said in cold voice making Mr mun smile a little.

"Really it means you are seeing someone? " He asked with excitement making y/n roll her eyes.

"No dad but I want to." She said making Mr mun confused.

"So you want to see someone what is the problem then?" He asked.

"I want to marry " she declared making Mr mun stunned for a second before he try to speak but she cut off.

"I want to marry a man, who can treat me like a respected women I am" she said as she thought about it a lot , she had whole 3 years for thinking where she was wrong in their relationship that lead Ken to cheat.

She was wrong when other said it's Natural for a women to attracted by a men and she said you should follow your heart.

She was wrong for blaming all on Ken's parent for degrading her and her dad
When Ken herself was thinking all that.

"I want to relax now cause I don't have more energy left for fighting againt this society or anything , I don't want to repeat my mistakes again and make another girl kill herself becauseof me" she said and stans up gulping whole glass making Mr mun worried but he is happy that finally she is going to be happy again.

"And the man will be of yours choice , you can start finding" she said making Mr mun smile a little.

And that's how y/n met jungkook because of Mr mun , a kiss,or Ken's death ....Whatever it was but it is a destiny.


A/n - so you get to know what exactly happen that made y/n like this.

Really can somebody hate someone till the point that they find death is better option?

You have seen why y/n is not with women because she is tried , she is just helpless because of everything that happened ... she is blaming herself.


Many truth still untold......

You kept me like a secret and I kept you like a oath.

To be continue.......

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