Two Ninjas but one spark (Mik...

By Yes_Hi_how_are_you

85K 1.7K 669

Mikey got bullied by his bros, then he met Swift in the sewers, what shall their future be? More

Chatper 1. A part of the past
Chapter 2. Two years later
Chapter 3. Home alone
Chapter 4. Bad news
Chapter 5. Caught
Chapter 6. Grounded
Chapter 7. Joy
Chapter 8. Few days left
Chapter 9. Cleaning his room
Chapter 10. A battle and a the letter
Chapter 11. Who mikey really is
Chapter 12. Mikey finding out
Chapter 13. Learning about dad and mum
Chapter 14. Telling the Mighty Mutanimals
Chapter 15. Where's Mikey?
Chapter 16. The town people
Chapter 17. Playing with the kids
Chapter 18. Villains or friends?
Chapter 19. The town festival
Chapter 20. Bubble Gum B****!
Chapter 21. Hanging with Rebel
Chapter 22. Hanging out with Ghost
Chapter 23. Hanging with M.C.
Chapter 24. Fashion show
Chapter 25. Bad boy look
Chapter 26. Finding out
Chapter 27. He's here
Chapter 28. Swifts side
Chapter 29. How I met your mother part 1
Chapter 30. How I met your mother part 2
Chapter 31. Mikey and Cerberus
Chapter 32. Uncle?
Chapter 33. Oroku Saki?
Chapter 34. Training
Chapter 35. Help
Chapter 36. Why can't I remember?
Chapter 37. Don't worry
Chapter 38. Help us
Chapter 39. Live Cam
Chapter. 40 🚫 Blood warning 🚫
Chapter 41. We got you
Chapter 42. Alive
Chapter 43. The gathering
Chapter 44. The odd reunion
One shot for Pride month
Chapter 45. Donnie can redeem himself
Chapter 46. The choice
Chapters 47. Almost there
Chapter 48. Fixing up
Chapter 49. Ares and Hypnos
Chapter 50. The new mind
Chapter 51. Discussion
Chapter 52. The Meeting
Chapter 53. Reuniting is sweet
Chapter 54. I'm the worst
Chapter 55. Family talk
Chapter 56. RSVP
Chapter 58. Party
Chapter 59. Groom
Chapter 60. Last for now

Chapter 57. The Ceremony

318 12 7
By Yes_Hi_how_are_you

The Ceremony was finally taking place. Mikey rushed around his room gathering his clothes. He forgot where he placed them last night and finally remembered they were on his chair at his desk, he walked outside his room and into the bathroom he had a quick shower because he was no hair.

He got out of the shower and dried off, brushing his teeth and tying his bandana around his eyes. He slipped on his white pants and his white button up, start of his new beginning. He spray some cologne on and coughed. He looked in the mirror and looked over himself and smiled.

"I look amazing" Mikey said as he went back to his room and walked around his room, waiting for Hades, Donnie and Swift to tell him it was time to go. He slipped on his favorite bracelet and necklace and walked out of his room and made his way to the livingroom.

"Look at me!" Mikey said loudly as he strutted in and doing a spin.

"Today is the big day! Are you nervous?" Hades said and he placed his hands on Mikeys shoulders.

"Son you look amazing"

Mikey smiled and hugged him.

"Should we get going?" Donnie asked.

"Yeah" Hades said as they gathered their things and head to the carriage.

One they arrived at the ceremony and Mikey saw all his friends and familiar faces around. He smiled and shook with excitement in his seat. He quickly got up and left the carriage went tried to run to his friends. But was stopped when Hades picked up Mikey.

"Sorry son but you should surprised them" Hades said, as he walked to the side of the building.

"But daaddd! I wanna talk to my frieennddss" Mikey whined as he tried to get out of Hades grip.

"Nope let's go" Hades said and the group entered the building.

"Now we are going to wait inside as everyone gets seated, then when Zeus introduces you, you will walk inside and up to the stage and get the official title" Hades explained.

Mikey nodded along. And silently watched his friends gathered inside.

"I need a moment alone real quick" Mikey said as he left the building and put his hands on the back of his head. And took several deep breaths.

"Hey are you okay?" A voice said.
Mikey looked up and sighed, it was the last person he wanted to see.

"Yes Leo, I'm fine." Mikey said.

"We may not get along but I know when my brother is sad" Leo said and he walked over next to Mikey.

"Why do you even care? You never cared before" Mikey said with a shaky breath.

"I do care. I was the worst brother, and I'm so sorry how I treated you." Leo said and he placed his hand on Mikeys shoulder.

"Then why did you treat me like that!?" Mikey glared.

"It's just... it was frustrating watching over you guys when Splinter stayed in his room. I took my anger out on you because you were the youngest and didn't stood up to me. But I was so wrong and I want to make it better between us" Leo explained.

"You screwed up big time. You bullied me, you denied my ideas, you tried to separate me from Swift and keep me locked away. But you were an okay brother for most of the time" Mikey said as tears leaked from his eyes.

"Can we try to be friends again?" Leo asked.

"...yes, but you have to let me be my own person" Mikey said as he wiped his face dry.

"Thanks Mikey" Leo said as he hugged Mikey. And Mikey hugged back.

"Now go back inside so we can get this ceremony started" Mikey said with a smile.

"You got it bro" Leo grinned as he quickly hurried inside.

"We are brought here today to title a new god, Michelangelo Hamato Pluto will be the official God of Love and Death, a mixture of his parents titles and abilities and whatever he would like" Zeus said, "now let me introduce the new addition to our family!"

Everyone clapped as the doors opened.

Mikey walked in and gave small waves to his friends and walked onto the stage.

"Hey everyone! Welcome to my Ceremony! It's been a long journey and a lot of confusion but I am glad with my achievements but I am happy to be a god, of Love, Death and Parties!" Mikey cheered.

Zeus handed Mikey some liquid in a orange cup.

Mikey drank the Liqud and he eyes turned white.

He floated a bit and his clothes had orange fading into the bottom of his sleeves and pants. His neck had little lighting marks, and so did his arms, chest, and legs.

His eyes turned back to normal and he fall on the ground.

"I'm a god dudes and dudettes!" Mikey shouted while he ran to hug Swift and his Dad.

Everyone stood up and Mikry ran to them. They all gathered around Mikey, giving him praise and making conversation.

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