Future is Soon

By lifeless_fan

1.7K 41 24

The 50 year mark of daily fights between red and blu is marked by the sudden vanish of blu...after time passe... More

heads up

8(not 100% necesery)

51 1 0
By lifeless_fan

Voices mixed into one another, male and female, high and low pitch, the clicking of high heels or crunching of the stones below someone's boots.

So many sights and sounds were felt for everyone but especially for a specific 9.

Not having left the HQ for a month apart from medic getting his bird, or spy checking his one credit card, no members of the team had expected such beauty.

And with the flat being almost across the entire city, it would take them some time to get there. But with the entire day at their disposal...they were willing to spend it exploring the place than rushing over.

Entering random shops and gossiping about what they remember or don't about the items on the shelf...the lot all go into rants and back to their old ways of spewing words with nothing more than "well...what else?"

Sometimes technology had graced the isles and Engi would go into detail about there build-up, soon getting them kicked out for disruption of peace, no one was happy...but not to Engi

Walking into a random shop they had split up briefly to check out the food and some random clothes hanging around.

Scout had wandered down to the sweets and drinks, seeing a massive range of cans and bottles with oh so many bags with all sorts of sugar snacks.

Checking it all out haphazardly, he is defiantly surprised to see a gap and a slip underneath with one word and a price.

The exclamation mark stayed in his eyes and after stopping and taking a step back to check out what exactly he had seen, he reads the small slip again, and again to make sure the letters are in the right place.

 __"6 pack of_______

Looking up to the already known gap he just hopes to find one can. One even potentially half-empty one just so he can have that rush of recognition in this world of new.

But it's empty, the only thing there is a single pink can that he takes out to be Crit-a-Cola and not bonk. But checking the entire aisle again...he doesn't seem to see any pink...only the one can he holds.

Figuring it's worth taking because it's not even part of the store, he pockets it and goes off. Soon meeting with sniper and then demo.

As the group spend the next 3h walking and talking, they don't even notice as the place went slightly quieter, them entering a neighbourhood and soon the door to their flat.

Spy pulled out the keys from his pocket and walked past the others to finally open the door to a hallway with 5 doors, two left two right and one directly ahead.

-ours is second to the left.

Leaving the outer door open to the rest, he walks to the wooden slab he had claimed was there own for now, and opens it to a bland hallway with a living room at the end and another hallway to the right.

The rooms are all empty, with nothing more than a floor, 4 walls and a roof.

And also 30 stacked boxes.

With the place being huge, basically two stories alone, they had room to split. Of course not enough for one room each but enough to only have to pair up and leave one person to room by themselves.

- I already know what room I am taking, the rest of you can sort yourself out.

As spy leaves for his supposed room, the others enter one by one and have a look around.

It is different from both the original base and the overwatch HQ but the new place is defiantly greeted with smiles.

Everyone groups up at what they want to check out first, some head to find a room, or the kitchen to see what the food place looks like.

Everyone is ok with one another and so they almost ignore whilst also chatting up what they think of the place like a museum.

Eventually, everyone orientated the rooms and packed their boxes into them, taking up which corner they wanted

The rooms are as follows. Heavy and medic top floor, or attic even. a beautiful view out to the city and surprisingly aimed at a sunset.

The window opens to the roof of the flat beside them and as long as they are quiet on the small slab, they could stay outside during the night.

Just below them were pyro and Engi, the two had a window but out to an alleyway and they were going to cover it with curtains. The plan was to split the room but considering pyro's interest, Engi would unintentionally turn the entire place into his workshop. Pyro wouldn't complain one bit tho.

On the other side of the hallway were sniper and scout. The two had figured it was a good choice to group up and even if sniper didn't like speaking to the team without prompt, he was willing to keep scout company for the nights before leaving.

And the last team-up was on the ground floor, demo and soldier smiled at one another when they entered the room. Being the first to claim the biggest spot outside of the living room had come with its perks, like dibs to the kitchen.

Spy had ended up taking a spot below the stairs. From the second floor to the attic, he had been sitting and smoking in and almost hissing when scout had opened the door.

For some reason, it had enough space for him and he was willing to keep the small room with nothing but a lightbulb as a sleeping spot before leaving into the world with undoubtedly more luxury. (Harry potter style)

The others weren't about to stop him from taking a most likely unused spot but Engi did frown a bit when he wouldn't be having a private place for his workshop. he wasn't complaining about the room orientation anyway.

The one day was spent moving their boxes. All filled with their weapons and belongings, they stacked them all and soon headed out to check their own accounts at the spy's request.

The second part of the day had gone somewhat smoothly.

The search for the cards and remembering their pins went about as well as you would expect and with 3 people losing their cards, 2 accounts not existing and 2 being hacked and emptied...it was defiantly no surprise to see 2 with the only working accounts that held out over the years...which just so happens to be spy and pyro

Oh so much money had been lost but that's what happens when you disappear for 100 years.

The others speculated as to why the two "quiet ones" were the only people with working accounts that cash.

on the way to the shops for the second time that day, Engi offered the explanation that no one knew the names and details of the two, so no one would be able to hack into them.

The team all shrugged and ended up convincing pyro to take out all the money. But when they did, they had to hold a gun to the girl's head who had been controlling everything at the computer.

They hope spy made a big enough impact on her to shut her up and not allow her to mention a word of what happened in the walls of that bank. maybe she would report the two but with their identities hidden, the likely hood was low

By the end of the day, there were mattresses in each room where they were staying and it was about a thousand for 5.

Scout had left for food and taking a 50, had ended up bringing a bunch of bags of food.

Even if he was a sugar addict, he had bought food for the others and with the basics like bread and milk, the kitchen already seemed stocked.

The duo in each room would be sharing the beds, the team had all done this before and so were completely for it, almost silent agreeing that this was gonna happen eventually.

One by one, the mercenaries fell asleep, from medic to scout to sniper and pyro. They all fell like flies as exhaustion took over their bodies.

The night was silent. Instead of the occasional chats during the nights at HQ, instead, it was quiet. The knowledge of sleeping with someone else in the same bed had made them subconsciously stay quiet.

Not a single sound left their mouths during the night as they otherwise would have. Already knowing not to wake up the others during the nights when sleep was a luxury and at any time the administrator would want the team to get up and fight in the cold or in the middle of the night.

By next morning, they all got up one by one. The fact that "we are not in a war" had worn off them and only when waking from a nightmare did they ever have to bolt upright in seconds

Scout had brought food for everyone so when heavy went down for his meal, he was able to get what he wanted and so did Engi. It was like nothing had changed and apart from pyro going back to his room to eat, the team all happily talked with one another. Talking and wondering what to do.

Many issues came up and they started talking about what they wished to do and what they had to do.

Each asks for help whether needed, or not and keeping it to themself.

And so the day passes...and so does the next...and the next.

Every day the members have new news, some saying the chats they got into while out or the stuff they brought back to the house

The atmosphere also changes throughout the day...

Sniper gets his van one day and scout finders a new path to down the next. The week starts quietly with none leaving the house and loud by week's end when everyone is up early for drinks.

The pairing up during the night does cause some hassle. When demo comes home from his rare late knight drinking trips, he does cause a lot of ruckus...so much so to wake up the people in the attic at some point.

Sometimes however it's fine. waking up, medic does not utter a word too heavy unless he said something first, showing he is awake. It's mutual and not changing people for, again, 50 years...it causes a lot of friendships to stay strong enough that even 20 strong arguments won't cause a fraction of a crack

Every other night is spent drinking. The 9 all celebrating things that don't exist but still wanting to get drunk enough to numb the reality that started coming for them

Of course, with every positive was a negative, spy often said how he hated it in his small room but he couldn't be bothered to move, already having set up his chair and was sleeping on the floor for the past 3 weeks.

However, his job did allow him some freedom and for him to stretch his back.

In fact, whenever anyone was away for a night or even for a day, almost the entire house's atmosphere would change, slowly over the months that changed, each slowly became individual and only when needing something urgent would they knock on another door and ask.

Scout had walked past the store so many times that he walked in at one point, seeing record and CD cases line the shelves and boxes.

- are you interested in something?
-Yea uh, is it possible to work here?

It kinda just fell from his lips, not really meaning to say it but still following through till the end.

- yes, we have been short-staffed lately. How talkative are you?
-very much
-then you're on. Come join us tomorrow morning and I can show you around.

The man behind the counter left for the back after someone shouted his name, and the shop fell silent apart from a song in the background.

In slight shock, he leaves. Heading home to tell the others of the news and like happy parents who won't have to worry about their child anymore, they all pat him on the back for a job well done.

Heavy was next, he had been staying at the local library more and more as he learnt about the modern world, soon this evolved into him sorting the books for the next day so he could find what he needed in peace.

Slowly this became cleaning the place every night, shouting at the children would do everything but read.

One day, the old woman who ran the place had slid an envelope over to him, smiling and then leaving.

Pondering a second, he places the book down before opening the paper held together with glue.

Eventually, a folder piece of paper and a couple of bills fell out.

Moving the money to the side for now, he opens the other paper carefully, soon seeing beautiful handwriting and reading it in his mind like he had the thousands of books he read before.

-* you have been of so much help to me. I would love to pay you for your service. Whatever amount you want, write it down and place it at the front desk. I will happily provide.*

Reading it over a few times he finally places the paper down and looks around the library he had in his vision.

No other soul apart from one girl who had come to read up a science book had been in the current view and so he looked back down at the paper.


Pulling out a pen and paper he held in his pockets all the time, he quickly writes something before taking the money and deciding to call it a day and leave. Maybe tomorrow would he see her again.

-*I do this out of my free will, so should you. Whatever you wish to pay I will accept with nothing more than a nod*

Dropping the paper at the front desk as stated, he heads out. Maybe this isn't so bad after all...

- what do you mean you can't take me?

Demo Scottish ascent almost echoed through the hallway by the door.

The night was about to end, the sun slowly rising and leaving over the horizon to be met with houses and the yawning of people

As sniper folded his arms and tapped his foot, the Scotsman tried to talk to him and convince him for a ride

-please, I need a quick ride to the cafe.
- and my shooting range is the opposite direction.
- I may have lost an eye but I know detection. Take me to the shooting range
- you want to walk? Alright, common then. Let's go

Surprisingly, sniper had cracked really quickly, allowing demo to walk to the passengers' side and buckle in while sniper got the van ready.

During his monthly trips in the van, he had so many glances and laughs...but he never bothers with it, a new car would be a learning curve and he is going to leave this entire thing anyway.

Demo was more self-conscious...he shouldn't be, having lost his eye and being drunk all the time, but he still felt his gut almost becoming steel when people would look at the two in the front window of the car, going past people and other smaller and much prettier cars.

But disregarding that, the two drive.

The buildings would change occasionally to trees but most of the time it was left as tall houses and office.

Soon sniper finally pulls up into the parking lot and steps out.

-well, my gun range is around the corner. Have fun walking back you black Scottish Cyclops
-Thanks mate. See you at home.

As sniper locked the car and walked off, demo stood there for a second, looking around and just trying to remember if the cafe was in this direction or not.

Walking through the front doors, sniper signs and scans his card, walking through the staff-only doors and getting to a locker room where he drops his bag and gets dressed in the staff uniform

God how he hated it, it was so thick and my god did it stick to him.

Leaving the changing room, he sucked it up and looked at the table that had been put up in the office. He was the most experienced and so would have more time with people.

And what a surprise but he had a full day today.

...at least it was something he was good at.

Walking down the street, demo looks at the buildings until he catches a certain shop...a fish pet shop.

Quickly picking up the pace and turning a corner he almost knew would be there, he looks up to the cafe...

-*so it was here... either the bastard lied to me or his internal compass is of by a lot*

Sighing and opting to talk to sniper when he inevitably appears by his van, he walks in and puts on the happy smile that many of the workers and customers adored.

Now, why not get his morning started?

Spy had slid out the house after sniper and demo...he knew he didn't have to act like this but his instinct were strong... especially if he wasn't dreaming and had really landed a job in the most unlikely of places

Soft footsteps in the morning cold had quickly taken over the air and spy knew they wouldn't last long.

He had landed a job with the local mafia...it was...interesting to say the least and he never knew there would still be resistance during a time of supposed peace but he wasn't complaining, the check was huge.

They always talked about being against everything and wanting to go back to old normality, creating a small bubble to hold the past in...

He knew the past was too bloody and no one at the mafia would understand but that just made him more intrigued about what they knew and what they wanted...

Entering the alleyway, he nods at a member and he lets him into the underground hideout.

-ahhh, "spy". How are you? I have another mission for you
-bonjour...what do you need?

In the workshop of the mechanic, Engi worked hard.

He had so many new materials and contraptions. Money was spent well on new tech that he could take apart and learn.

Books upon books were brought back by heavy, both medical and engineering and with no time to waste, Engi would spend days in his workshop trying to replicate and learn ... hoping for new upgrades that didn't need to be limited by an administrator's boredom.

On the top floor, medic sat at a desk and also read books.

He may have known the human body but with almost no specimens to test anything on, he just reads.

Muscle set up and everything else.

The shuffling in his hair quickly takes his attention away from the page and up to the soft feathers brushing his scalp.

-oh, Archimedes. Do you want to go outside

The almost excited "coo" had made medic smile, getting up from the table and opening the window to be met with a soft breeze.

Placing the bird onto the ledge outside, he quickly turns around to pick up some food he had brought with him from base and from HQ

- I have snacks too Archimedes. Your favourite.

Smiling and sitting down by the ledge with his legs dangling down, he takes a seed and places it close to the small dove's face.

Thinking about it for a second, the bird takes the seed and flaps over to medics' lap.

-oh, you are such a cute bird...I wonder what would have happens if-

In the main living room, pyro had been happy to finally use his money for a good use, I mean SpongeBob is a good show and there ain't any way he is 'bout to miss it.

So many new shows had been presented to him and soldier, both sat in silent glee and watched as small 3d renditions floated about on the screen.

Almost the entire day had been spent like this. The house was fairly empty and only the small bubbles of work floating around the people outside the house had any effect.

Once sniper had finally clocked out and gone to his van, he had seen demo sitting on top of the van, looking out to the almost setting sun but still bright blue sky.

-oi when did you get here?
-eh lad, the cafe is around the corner.
-yes! You are driving me whenever you have work too!!
-...alright then...

The two got into the van and chatted about their day, demo went on rants about bad customers and sniper went on about people who were practically colour-blind going to gun practice...

Both were pretty salty but by the time they got to their home, the flat, almost all the anger they felt had just disappeared.

Soon spy had wandered in with a gleeful smile and a stack of bills in his hand, and counting.

Heavy also soon opens the door, asking for Engi and medic so he can give them a couple more books he had found.

Scout had practically snuck in and passed out on the couch before anyone knew.

Engi left for a quick trip to the shops and soon came home with cake and a couple of beers.

- I saw the cake and figured you guys would like it.

And that's how the night was spent, drinking and eating cake...everyone knew they would feel shit after...but no one cares...the company was much better than any food could be.

How much longer would the team still stick together?

Turns out, not much longer than 6 months.

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