A Zodiac summer

By Uranusnothere

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What happens when the government decides to put 12 teenagers in one house, let me tell you... Chaos. Follow o... More

Introduction of the Zodiacs (part 1)
Introduction of the Zodiacs (part 2)
Arriving to the house
Time to get to know each other
Pizza night or game night?
What's on his phone?
In the dark
Sleepy days and the surprising guest
Water signs goes buying groceries
The group chat
Pisces wish
A weird day
A weird day, part 2
A day with the air signs
Who knows the Zodiacs better
Who knows the Zodiacs better, part 2
The day before the vacation
Goodbyes and motion sickness
Incorrect quotes and memes
At the hotel
Capricorn's friend
Disney land
The bet
Mission (Im)possible
A b̶r̶o̶s̶ date
A restless night
If the Fire signs got a job
The day Cancer died
Never shop with your girlfriend
The one time we need you
Where is Sunny?
Maybe she isn't as bad as I thought
Midnight party
Smash or pass
Smash or pass, part 2
Sleepover but with the girls
Sleepover but with the girls, part 2
How to succeed a plan
How I found a secret library
How to lure ophi away
Pool party went wrong?!

Capricorn and nerf guns

377 8 68
By Uranusnothere

Capricorn's pov

I woke up and sat straight up. My head was pounding and I carefully looked around trying to figure out where I am. It took awhile before my eyes got used to the dark and when it finally did I was caught by a surprise. I was laying on the floor in the gaming room. It took 10 seconds for me to stand up and another to realise what had happened today, or the day before if I am correct. Beside me on the floor I found a letter so I quickly turned on the light to read it.

After I finished my mind was on nothing but rage. I quickly ran to my room and jumped on the bed.
"Fine if that's what you want then two can play that game. No more miss nice. Let's see if you guys can survive this." She said with a wicked smile on her face.
And with that she quickly went under the covers, closed her eyes and went to sleep.
With the letter in her hands.

And it says:

'Dear Cap hope you liked the little surprise I made on your face u look so watermelon! Lmao, laughing my ass off if you didn't know that. Seriously girl you need to get out more and stop reading your books. Anyways consider this as a little present from dear me, who you absolutely do not know.
You still reading? If so hope you enjoyed the picture, who I totally did not spread online. Have a nice day!  Btw if you are actually still reading this then I challenge you to a nerf gun battle!
(Don't worry the paint will disappear by itself, in like 3 or 4 days? Yea:)

Your sincerely: Someone you TOTALLY don't know😘'

Next day

Virgo's pov

For like the first time in forever I felt like I had the power. I had actually been able to force the water signs to do some chores, as a punishment for yesterday when they forgot to buy the groceries that I had asked them to buy.

Me and the others were watching the signs doing the chores, as a part of the punishment. Well not watching because the fire signs + Gemini were making a big mess at the places they just cleaned. Pisces and Leo were throwing stuffs at each other and poor Scorpio who was picking up the things from the floor got hit by a shoe.

He quickly looked around with fire in his eyes to see who threw it when Libra pointed at Aries. The poor ram was who was playing with Sagittarius with the dishwater, don't ask how, got hit by the same shoe but this time by Scorpio. With flames in his eyes he took the shoe and asked Libra who threw it, and Libra said it was Leo. With all his power the ram threw the shoe at Leo, but unfortunately hit Pisces in the face.

Slap, It was a big silence.

The silence didn't last long until Leo took the shoe and threw it back on Aries and that started a shoe war! I quickly rolled under the table peeking out on the fight. One second it was Scorpio vs Aries and Leo. The other one it was Leo and Scorpio vs Aries.
It even was a time it was Leo, Scorpio and Aries vs Capricor- wait.
"CaPRICORN" I shouted but it was to late, she got hit by a fulled power shoe in the face and she feel to the floor.

The whole fight stopped and the rest of the hiders all carefully peeked up to see what happened. The first one in action was Taurus who quickly ran over to check on her best friend.
"Cap, Cap are you okay?" She said with a worried voice.

But she got no reply.

"Cap" she shouted and shook her body.
"What did you guys do to her?" She said and pointed accusingly at the trio who had the fight.

"I-we" they started when Taurus cut them of.

"You could have killed her! Wait maybe she is already dead!" She said and once again shook her best friend.

"Let's put her back to bed." Libra said with strong regret in his voice. I mean he was the one who started the fight.

"You have 10 seconds to run, before things gets messy." a familiar voice said. It was a green looking Capricorn and she was holding a nerf gun in her hands.
"All of you."

"Bu-but how?"


That's when we realised she was deadly serious and we rushed away.

"Split up and let's meet up in the forest about 10-20 minutes from now?" Aries said and we all quickly nodded and disappeared in the house.

Somehow me and Taurus ended up together hiding in Capricorn's room. I figured out that the first place she would be looking would be in the other rooms and not hers. That would give me time to make a plan in peace.

"What are you doing here?" Taurus whisper-yelled and I quickly hush her.

"She can hear you." I whispered and she nodded understanding.

"What are you doing here?" She mouthed quietly.

"Hiding you?"

"Same." She mouthed with a little hesitation.

"Help me make a plan?" I mouthed.


There was a knock on the door.
"Knock knock is anyone there?" A sweet voice said.

"Hide behind the door." Taurus mouthed and stood up.

"What no." I hissed.
"I can't lose you."

"Go now before she finds both of us. Besides you would make much more use then me to the others. Save our excuses of idiots." She said and gave me a kiss on the cheek.

"Umm, I am still here you know." Capricorn said awkwardly behind the door.
"You know what, if this wasn't my room I would kick the door to open but I am too broke to pay for repair so imma just use my key." Capricorn said with a sigh and started to fumble for her keys. I look back at Taurus who pointed at the door and I sigh and went behind it.

The door opened and Capricorn walked in with a disappointing smile.
"Aww I thought I would find someone else." She said looking around.
"Oh well one is better then none." She mumbled.

I couldn't just leave Taurus here so I looked around and found a bag at the floor. Quietly picked the bag up and threw it on Capricorn face.


"Language Capricorn, Taurus run!" I yelled and we ran downstairs.
Or tried because Capricorn who seemed to recover from the bag accident a little to quickly grabbed Taurus arm and shoot her in the head with her nerf gun.
Taurus body went limp and Capricorn smiled victorious.

"Your next." She said when someone shoot her with a nerf gun in the arm. It was Sagittarius.

"Come on. Let's go!" He said and threw a smoke bomb.

Quickly me and him ran out of the house and in to the forest.

"That was close." I said looking at Sagittarius. I got shocked when I saw what he was wearing. The boy had a camouflage jacket with matching pants. He had draw some lines on his face in black colour and had a nerf gun and smoke bombs in his belt.

"Like my outfit?" He said and noticed me glaring at him.

"It's nice but where did you get it?"

"Uhh, let's not think about that. Hi Aries!"
He said and turned around.

"Hey bro, how many did you find?"

"Unfortunately Virgo, did you have a better luck?"

I feel disrespected.

"Well then luck was on my side, I found Gem and Cancer. Let's go to Leo and the others."

I followed the others to our meeting place and found Leo, Cancer, Pisces and Gemini sitting in a treehouse playing cards. When they noticed us Leo quickly said hello and the others nodded.

"I say we make a plan to win this nerf gun war." Sagittarius said and took a board from the floor.

"Yea, but aren't we missing some people?" Pisces said looking around.

"Taurus got taken." Sagittarius said and I nodded.

"Aquarius, Libra and Scorpio where are they?"
Cancer pointed out.

"Aquarius got taken when we were gathering things to survive." Aries said darkly.
"She sacrificed herself for me."

It all went quiet and we all thought about the teal headed girl.

"Scorpio and Libra are probably taken too."
Gemini said sadly.

It all went silent again.

I knew that the only way to win this was by acting now.
"Well then, let's make a plan." I said nervously and sigh.

Libra's pov, who is not captured by Capricorn.

Me and Scorpio were hiding in on the rooftop.

"So um how is life?" I said awkwardly.
I am very good at small talk as you see.

"Good, u?"

"Eh been better, just trying to survive a nerf gun war here."

"Wow, I wouldn't have guessed that."
He said and looked down the roof top.

"Hey, you wanna know what I am thinking about right now?" I asked trying to make a conversation.

"Let me guess, um you are hungry?" He guessed.

"Nope, I wanna eat ice cream seeing as it's a hot day and all."

"So after all this wanna go get some ice cream and talk about life?" I suggested smiling.

"Sur- is that Capricorn looking at us?" He said and pointed under us.

I looked down and saw Capricorn holding a nerf gun waving at us with a wicked smile on her face. She then proceeded to aim it at us. We both quickly ducked to avoid getting shoot.
"Guess so." I said and sigh.

"You should hide and I distract her." He said and took out a juice box from his pocket.

"You sure?"

He shrugs.
"You know me, idc about anything."

"Which makes you reckless, besides I promised to protect you." I said in a dramatic way and stood up to look back at Capricorn's way.
"She is gone."

"Really?" Scorpio asked and stood up as well.

"She is actually here." Capricorn whispered in my ear lightly.

"Okay people need to stop doing that." I said and jumped back into Scorpio.

"Naah I think it's fun to see you all scared in my arms. Besides technically I shouldn't actually be able to hold your weight." He said.

"You done yet?" Capricorn said bored, tired because of all the third wheeling she had gone through today.

"Yes, take us to jail." I said dramatically holding my hands up.

"Naah follow me and don't you dare pull any tricks because I am watching yo-" she said and went in a door.

"Let's just go." I said and sighed loudly.

"Now sit here and wait while I am going to go and claim some prizes." She said when she had tied us up.
"You are probably innocent but sorry I have to do this." She said and locked the door.

"Um, what was all that about?" I said awkwardly.

"Idk." Scorpio said and rubbed his head.
"Imma go to the bathroom real quick." He said and stood up.

"How did you escape the rope." I said surprised.

"She never tied me in the first place."

"Can you open my ties then?" I said happily.

"No." He said and turned around.


"Mm no." He said and left the room that Capricorn forgot to lock apparently as well.

"Scorpio get back here." I yelled after him.

He popped his head through the door. "What do you want?" He said.

"Untie me." I said doing my famous cat eyes.

"But I really need to use the bathroom." He said looking at me sadly.

"Okay then go then come back for me." I said sighing as I saw him leave the room in a hurry.

It took a while and I was starting to think that the raven haired boy was caught. That was until I heard the door open again and Scorpio re entered the room.
"Sorry, had to wash my hands." He said apologising.

"That's okay can you just free me from the ropes?" I asked and he nodded. He went over to me and as he was trying to untie the ropes, we both noticed them fall off as soon as he touched them. I stared at the rope in awe. It appears that Capricorn not only forgot to tie Scorpio and lock the door, she also doesn't know how to tie properly. I made a silent note to myself to teach the younger girl how to tie things up with ropes.

"That was awkward, want to go and grab some ice cream at the cafe?" Scorpio asked and I nodded excited.

"Let's go!" I yelled and we both went to find our favourite cafe in the town. We took the first bus and went to the cafe. We ordered our regular and went to a table to wait for our order to arrive.

"I wonder what the others are doing?" I said out loud.

"Probably facing Capricorn's wrath." The male replied smirking.


Virgo pov

The plan me and the other guys did was simple and easy to follow, yet somehow we messed it up. The only thing we was supposed to do was to get Capricorn out cold, tie her up and find the rest. Pretty simple huh? So let me tell you guys how we messed this up.

After we had made the plan we went back to the house and waited for the sun to set. When it began to set we quickly went in to the house and looked for Capricorn. On the way we found Taurus tied up with a rope and Aries quickly ran over to untie her. Gemini explained the plan for her and after that we continued our searching for Capricorn when we finally found her. But not in the way we wanted, instead she had us surrounded. Soon enough she started shooting at us with nerf guns and took down Gemini, Leo and Pisces. Me and the others fled for our lives while she dragged the others unconscious bodies with her.

"Well that went smooth and as planned." Aries said glaring at me.

"Hey we all created this plan so don't blame me." I said defensively.

"Chill out I never said it was your fault." He said but mumbled something under his breath.

"Excuse me can you repeat that?" I said calmly to the red headed boy.

"Oh you heard me."

"Guys shut up." Taurus said and slapped us in the face.
"Capricorn will find us if you keep talking like this besides we can just make up another plan."

We whined. Having a mad Capricorn is nothing compared to have a mad bull.

"Good let's make a new pl-" Cancer started but got cut of by the door knocking.

"Guys open up, it's me Pisces." Pisces said behind the door.

"Sure." Taurus said and went for the door but Sagittarius stopped her.
"Get out of the way Sag." She said and tried to get passed him once again.

"No we don't know if Capricorn has lured Pisces over to her team." Sagittarius said but Taurus pushed him over.

"Seriously it's Pisces we are talking about here do you really think she would betray us for Capricorn?" She said but didn't give Sagittarius enough time to answer.
Being the stubborn person she is she opened the door and out there was Pisces and Capricorn.

"Sorry guys." Pisces said and Taurus widened her eyes.

"Pisces you actually decided to betray the others? Wow I would never have thought that." She said and rolled her eyes.

"You got to do what you must to survive." She replied shrugging.

"Taurus move out of the way." Aries said holding his nerf gun out.

"Nope I am not letting you guys shoot my best friend." She said and stood in front of Capricorn as a human shield.

"Taurus move out of the way." I begged her.

"Sorry not sorry guys." She said and walked over to Capricorn's side.

"Taurus you actually betrayed us?" Sagittarius said not sounding surprised.

"Duh, Capricorn is my best friend and she actually offered something to me if I was in her team. You guys didn't offer anything so it's a win-win for me anyways." She said smirking.

"Yep and I can offer you guys something to if you let me take Aries and Sagittarius for no particularly reason." She said sweetly.

I looked around at the others.

"Wait you guys aren't actually considering this, right?" Sagittarius said nervously.

"Deal." Cancer said speaking for me and the others. We all went over to Capricorn's side.

"Wow I never thought you guys would betray us like that." Sagittarius said dramatically.
"What did I ever do to you guys?"

"You really want us to count up all the things you did to us?" Cancer said playing with his hair.

"No." Sagittarius said quickly and dropped the nerf gun.
"I can betray Aries if you guys let me live." He said trying to get out of this mess. Aries however didn't appreciate the offer.

"Wow bro, how dare you betray me like that." Aries said and shot him with the nerf gun.

Sagittarius fell dramatically to the ground and played dead.
"Avenge me Aquarius." He said in a fake dying voice.
Then he stood up again.

"Wait where is Aquarius anyways?" He said looking around.

"Good question, last time I saw her she sacrificed herself for me." Aries said and rubbed his head.

"Wait so she sacrificed herself for you but not for me?" Sagittarius said once again in a dramatic way. I was starting to wonder if the boy had a secret career as an actor.

"That's because I like Aries more than I like you." A voice said from behind. It was Aquarius.
"Screw that I like everyone more than you."

"It's okay my dear our love can be secret if you want!" He said and blinked his left eye.

"Ew" Aquarius said and left the room again.

"My love come back." Sagittarius yelled and ran after her. We all looked at the door in silence.

"Welp that was awkward, I am tired so imma head to bed now." Cancer said yawning and left the room as well.

Everyone agreed and followed him. Left alone in the room was Capricorn and I.
"Damn it." Capricorn said and sighs.
"I guess I should head to bed to then."

She sighs once again and leaves the room. I looked after the girl and smiled a faint smile.
After sometime I decided to head to bed as well, as soon as I closed my eyes I realised that Libra and Scorpio were gone.

Happy extremely delayed New year! Hope you all have a good year guys! As a new year and a new me I am going to fulfil all of my New Years resolutions.

Wish me luck and do you have any resolutions for this year?


Edited, 2023/06

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