Destiel One Shots

By Nananana989

511K 12.6K 12K

You hear about people falling in love all the time, what about an angel and a hunter? After watching Supernat... More

Destiel ~ What Happened To Love?
Destiel ~ Wings
Destiel ~ Music Is The Reason I Got Laid
Destiel ~ The Social Groups (Highschool AU)
Destiel ~ The Social Groups Part 2 (Highschool AU)
Destiel ~ Drunk
Destiel ~ Roommates (Au)
Destiel ~ Classified (Spy AU)
Destiel ~ Classified Part 2 (Spy Au)
Destiel ~ When I'm Gone
Destiel ~ Part Of Your World (AU)
Destiel ~ Part Of Your World Part 2 (Au)
Destiel ~ Don't Scare Me Like That
Still In Hell You Guys
Destiel ~ A Little Bit Of Lust
Destiel ~ Performing Arts (Au)
Not This Shit Again
Destiel ~ Nightmares
Destiel ~ Good vs Evil
Destiel ~ I Don't Want To Go Too Fast
Destiel ~ Don't Forget About Me ( High School Au)
Destiel ~ Don't Forget About Me Part 2 (Au)
Destiel ~ Don't Forget About Me Part 3 (Au)
Destiel ~ Don't Forget About Me Part 4 (Au)
Destiel ~ Colorless (Au)
Destiel ~ Time To Ship
Destiel ~ Time To Kill A Homophobe
Destiel ~ You Can't Change A Man
Why The Fuck Do Witches Hate Us?
Why The Fuck Do Witches hate Us? Part 2
Why The Fuck Do Witches Hate Us? Part 3
Destiel ~ Masquerade (Au)
Destiel ~ Masquerade Part 2 (Au)
Destiel ~ You Don't Just Kiss Your Best Friend!
Destiel ~ A Demon And An Angel, How Hot
You Can't Save Everyone My Friend
Destiel ~ Unprofessional (Au)
Destiel ~ I'm Nothing But A Monster
Destiel ~ Bad Boy (High School Au)
Destiel ~ Dirty Prayers
Destiel Texts
Destiel and Sabriel ~ Double Date
The Best Way To Get Rid Of The Mark
Destiel ~ Pool Party (Au)
Destiel ~ Our Love Is Forbidden (Au)
Destiel ~ Our Love Is Forbidden Part 2 (Au)
Destiel ~ Shower
The Beast Inside
Destiel ~ Drunk And In Love
Destiel ~ Letters To Love
Destiel ~ Lost In The Woods (Au)
Destiel ~ A Child To Remember Me By
Destiel ~ Draw Me Like One Of Your French Girls *Giggle* (High School Au)
Don't Piss Off A Winchester
Destiel ~ Well Fuck You Too Twilight (Au)
Destiel ~ Well Fuck You Too Twilight Part 2 (Au)
Destiel ~ Well Fuck You Too Twilight Part 3 (Au)
Destiel ~ Are You Afriad
The School Of The Extraordinary (Au)
Destiel ~ Hogwarts Is Where We Met
Destiel ~ Old Habits Die Hard (Au)
Destiel ~ Old Habits Die Hard Part 2 (Au)
Destiel ~ Hunger Games (Au)
Destiel ~ Hunger Games Part 2 (Au)
Destiel ~ Hunger Games Part 3 (Au)
Destiel ~ Panties
Destiel ~ Friends With Benefits (Au)
Destiel ~ Idea's Start With Fan Fiction
Destiel ~ Undercover
Destiel ~ Party Like There's No Tomorrow (Au)
Destiel ~ So, What Just Happened? (Au)
Destiel ~ So, What Just Happened? Part 2 (Au)
Feelings And Blood
Destiel ~ The Green Eyed Monster
Destiel ~ The Green Eyed Monster Part 2
Destiel ~ Take Me Away (Au)
Destiel ~ My Time Traveler (Au)
Destiel ~ It's My Lucky Day
Destiel ~ Just One More Night (Au)
Destiel ~ Really, You Got A Cat?
Destiel ~ Protective
Destiel ~ The Mirror Of Erised
Destiel ~ You're My Prisoner (Au)
Destiel ~ A Little Taste Of Heaven
Shit, She's Pissed
Destiel ~ Face It Babe, We're Meant To Be
Destiel ~ Roommates (Au)
Destiel ~ Roommates Part 2 (Au)
Destiel ~ Hey Now (Au)
Destiel ~ Hey Now Part 2 (Au)
A New Beginning (Future Adventure)
This Is The End

Destiel ~ Unprofessional Part 2 (Au)

3.1K 104 63
By Nananana989

A/N: Yay! Part 2!


The morning should've been awkward. Not filled with sweet kisses and cuddling. But, Cas and Dean did the latter. They kissed each other sweetly and cuddled. It was such a sweet thing, you could almost forget that they just met yesterday. Their hot and sticky skin was pressed against each other. Cas played with the ends of Dean's hear as they laid in bed.

"Honestly, that was the best sex I have ever had." Dean smiled.

"Agreed. So considering what happened, we should try us out. I don't like one night stands." Cas suggested.

"I hate one night stands too. And we should give us a try. I'm just imagining how happy Sam will be that I'm finally in a relationship." Dean chuckled.

"We have to thank him for getting us together though." Cas reminded.

"Yeah." Dean sighed happily. Then he remembers that he is still a bit sticky. "Man, I need to take a shower." Dean says.

"Me too. Mind if I join you?" Cas questions.

"Considering we had sex, I shouldn't mind." Dean reminded. They both got in the shower, glad it was quite roomy. The warm water ran down their bodies, their hair matting itself against their faces. They cleaned themselves up. They washed each other's hair.

After they had bathed they got out and dried off. Cas ended up just borrowing some of Dean's clothes. When both of them were dressed, they just snuggled on Dean's couch.

"Looks like your brother is texting you." Cas says, handing Dean his phone.

"Thanks babe." He kisses Cas' cheek and checks his phone.

From Sam:


To Sam:

So what?

From Sam:

What happened? You two went for a drink and?

To Sam:

None of your damn business.

"Dean, we could just send a picture of the two of us." Cas suggested, reading his texts.

"Okay." Dean took a picture with Cas. He sent the picture to Sam.

From Sam:

You do not know happy I am right now Dean.

To Sam:

How happy?

From Sam:

Enough to actually find out what the fuck Gabriel does for a living. Kidding. I know what he does for a living. But I'm happy you two got together. I'll keep it a secret because the whole, 'no office affairs' rule.

To Sam:

Crap, I forgot about that rule.

From Sam:

Doesn't matter. I'm the only one who knows, and I wouldn't rat either of you out.

To Sam:


From Sam:

Aren't I the greatest brother?

To Sam:


From Sam:


Dean rolled his eyes.

"I forgot about the rule. It doesn't change anything, right?" Cas questions.

"Of course not." Dean assured.

"Good." Cas sighs happily.

"Want to watch a movie?" Dean questions.

"What movies do you have?" Cas questions.

"I can't remember. Let's look." Dean suggests.


Dean just wanted the day to be over. It was only noon and he was going insane. He had to do this stupid project and it was due by tomorrow. He heard a knock at his door and looked up.

"Hey Cas." Dean smiled. Cas smiled back, closing and locking the door.

"Hey Dean. You stressed too?" Cas questions.

"Yeah. The boss has me working this stupid project that's due tomorrow. Also, why'd you lock the door?" Dean questions.

"So I could do this." Cas stepped forward and pressed his lips to Dean's, who was now leaning against his desk. Dean brought his hand to Cas' neck, kissing him roughly. They pulled away after a minute of kissing.

"Now I'm a bit more relaxed. And really glad they don't put cameras in the office." Dean sighs.

"No kidding. Want to go for our lunch break? Sam suggested a small café nearby." Cas questions.

"Love to. I could use a break anyways." Dean smiled.

"Great." Cas unlocked the door and the two walked out. No one even gave them a second glance, well, except Charlie. She waved.

"Hey Dean! Hey Cas! You two going on your lunch break?" Charlie questions.

"Yeah." Dean shrugs.

"Cool! See you when you get back!" She waved again and went back to her work. The two men got in the elevator.

"I hate all the work we keep getting. I just want a break." Cas sighs.

"Agreed. I can't wait for summer to come." Dean sighed himself. The elevator stopped and the two went to Dean's car. They drove to the little café, going inside. It was homey. Cozy and warm, inviting decorations. They sat down and a waitress came overs to them.

"What would you like to drink darlings?" She questions.

"Just coffee." The couple said together.

"Alrighty then. They'll be right out." She smiled and left.

"It feels good to be out of that stuffy office building." Dean huffed.

"This place is a lot better." Cas nods.

"Let's look at the menu." Dean suggested. They browsed the menu, each spotting something they might like.

"Here are your drinks. Have you decided what you want yet?" The waitress asks.

"Yeah, I'll have the BLT sandwich." Dean says.

"I'll have the salad." Cas smiled.

"Alrighty then. Should be out in a few minutes." She said, walking away from the table.

"I really hate the whole no office romance rule." Dean sighs.

"It is pretty stupid, considering how many people want to go out with each other but can't." Cas comments.

"And I hate that if we are caught having a romance with anyone in the office, we could get fired." Dean frowns. He feels Cas take his hands.

"Yeah, the rule stinks. Please don't frown." Cas smiled At Dean, and Dean couldn't help but smile back. He leaned over the table and kissed Cas. It was short and sweet, but still a wonderful kiss.

"I'm glad we're together." Dean smiled happily. After they both got their food and eaten, they headed back to work. They went to their separate offices. Dean worked on the project forever and ever until he finally finished, an hour left in the work day. His work phone rang, he picked it up.

"You finish the project?" Cas' familiar voice asks.

"Yeah." Dean says into the phone.

"Want to schedule a meeting?" Cas suggestively asks.

"How about in ten minutes. Should we meet in your office or mine?" Dean questions.

"Mine, practically no one besides Sam is still here, and he's about to leave." Cas admitted.

"I'll be over in 10." Dean agreed. They both set down the phone. Dean made sure everything his office was in over before heading over to Cas' office. Like Cas said, Sam was about to take off.

"Gabriel is being an idiot again and locked himself out of the house. See you tomorrow Dean. Castiel will see you now." Sam grabbed his things and scurried off to the elevator. Dean shrugged and walked inside. Unlike Dean's slightly cramped office cluttered with projects and reports, Cas' was neat and tidy, the desk clear of all things.

Cas himself was leaning against his desk, his fingers drumming against the dark wood.

"Can you close and lock the door?" Cas questions, sensing Dean's presence in the room. Dean closed the door behind him softly, and locked it. He noticed the few windows in the office were closed, the blinds drawn.

"I'm guessing you didn't call me here for a meeting." Dean smirked. Cas reached out and grabbed Dean's tie, pulling him forward.

"Nope." Cas smirked back, slamming his lips against Dean's. Cas pulled their bodies close together, placing his hands on Dean's hips, pulling at the buckle.

"Isn't this a bit, unprofessional?" Dean questions a he helped Cas undo his belt.

"Maybe. I thought you love the risk, the thrill." Cas whispered as he finally got Dean's belt off.

"Well, I do love the risk." Dean was half tempted to be the top, but he liked when Cas was in control. Cas flipped them around, pushing Dean into the desk. Their lips met again, in an almost fiery passion. Their bodies tingles at every touch. Cas pulled down Dean's jeans and boxers. "Fuck." Dean gasped quietly as the cold air hit his length.

"Now, turn around and put your hands on the desk." Cas orders seductively. Dean did as told, waiting. "Time to break some rules."

A few months later.....

They hated that they had to keep quiet. But they lasted for the longest time. Their only escape as soon as work ended, then they could go to Dean's house or Cas' apartment. Well, that was until Dean asked Cas to move in with him.

"Isn't it a bit fast?" Cas questions, running his hand through his hair.

"What about our relationship isn't fast. Besides, it's close to work and the bar. The neighborhood is nice and quiet and I don't like being alone here." Dean sighed.

"What if we end up crashing and burning in the end Dean?" Cas asks, wanting to move in with Dean, but wanting to make sure if they fell apart, he could escape.

"I have a guest room. Because, I assume that even if we crash and burn, we still could be friends." Dean smiled and pecked Cas' lips.

"Then of course I'll move in. But we have to move all my stuff here and then I'd have to sell my apartment." Cas informed.

"I'll help you." Dean smiled.

Even after they moved together, they had a hard time keeping their hands off each other. Their weekly 'meeting' seemed to happen more and more often. No one even had a clue. When Dean was particularly stressed, Cas would call for a 'meeting' with him and Dean would walk out all happy.

When Cas was stressed, he and Dean just had a heated make out session in the impala. They were sure someone would eventually find out, they were wrong. No one figured it out. No one at all. It was ridiculous. Their weekly 'meetings' turned into daily 'meetings' and still, no one noticed.

You'd think that when two of your coworkers are fucking, you'd notice. Only one person besides Sam ever caught on, and she made sure to keep it secret.

"You two are having an in office romance, aren't you?" Charlie questions, her wild red hair cut short.

"We can explain!" They said together.

"Save it. I'm not reporting you. You two are quite cute together." Charlie smiled.

"Thanks. Charlie." Dean sighed. She just smiled and walked away. Things were smooth sailing for the next few months, until the boss found out. And boy, was he fucking pissed.

It had started out as a typical Tuesday, the boys were chatting inside Dean's office about the reports. That's when their boss, an alcoholic named Chuck, who's breath stung of whiskey and beer all the time. Today, the stench wasn't there, and not, was he fucking mad.

"Good m-"

"Save it Winchester. I heard about your office romance. It's against the company's policy for two coworkers to be having an affair." Chuck snapped.

"It's not an affair. We're dating each other." Cas snorts.

"Don't talk back to me. I want you both to call it off, or you're fired!" Chuck growled at Dean.

"Dad. You're being harsh. It's not his fault." Cas argued. Dean didn't comment. His boss was Cas' dad?

"And why is that?" Chuck questions.

"I made the first move, not Dean. I convinced him to be in a relationship. I forgot the office policy. It's not Dean's fault. If you're going to fire anyone, it should be me." Cas argued.

"Cas, it's not just your fault. We both decided to be in this relationship." Dean sighs.

"Call it off." Chuck demands.

"No." Cas says firmly. Dean agreed with Cas.

"You both are being ridiculous." Chuck scowled at them.

"You fire him, I quit." Cas and Dean said together.

"Both of us, or neither of us." Dean said, crossing his arms.

"But it's policy!" Chuck argued.

"Then make it okay for coworkers to date each other. We've gotten all our work done, so why should we be penalized for dating someone?" Cas questions. Chuck glares at them.

"Fine! I'll lift the policy! Back to work!" He barked.

"So, no more hiding?"

"No more hiding."


A/N: done!

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