Married at 15

By daeguboysbitch

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I guess I should've always known. My aunts got married at 15, my uncles' wives were 15 when they got married... More

QuinceΓ±era Pt.2
"I now pronounce you Husband and Wife"
All the things I left behind
More beautiful in person
Order 23
My wife
City Lights
Won't let my guard down
Not your responsibility
Up all night
Midnight memories
Teenage dream
New home
I'd like you to meet...
Please read before next chapter
Los primos πŸ’₯
I love you
Jealousy jealousy
He chose me
No going back
Flight for my love
Take me home

You get me so highπŸ’₯

520 5 0
By daeguboysbitch

⚠️TW: use of drugs and alcohol (underage)

                                 Nani's POV

   When your boyfriend and his friends are 7 of the most popular boys in school, it the equivalent of being thrown into a tank of sharks. Having to hang out with them because you're Korean is as good as a kindergartner doesn't exactly make you everyones favorite person. I never understood why so many girls and boys glared at me when I walked through the halls. Of course I was dating Riki but the other 6 were still very much available.

   Anyways, their popularity did come in handy sometimes. For example, when you have to get the word out about a certain party. After telling the rest of our friends about the party, word got around fast. One last post on Sunoo's Instagram confirming the time and place and we were sure to have more than 200 people attending.

   It wasn't hard to prepare for the party. As far as decorations we had only put out a few, most decorations would have gotten destroyed with so many non-sober teens in one house. We were planning on just buying some snacks the day before.

   Before we knew it, it was Friday. After a normal day at school, I went with Riki, and sunoo to the grocery store. Jungwon and Bella had gone home to get some things ready for the party. After we had bought enough snacks to feed the entire school we made our way back home.

   When we got there we saw Bella sitting on the couch wearing a face mask. "Where are my cousins" I asked. "They went out to eat" said bella, "i wasn't hungry so I didn't go with them." "Where's jungwon," asked Riki. Bella finally noticed his and Sunoo's presence "oh he had homework so he went home. Who the fuck actually does their homework on Friday" We all laughed at her genuinely disgusted face. "Do you have more face masks," asked Sunoo. Bella nodded excitedly as she went upstairs to grab three BT21 face masks.

   Sunoo changed into one of Riki's shirts to not get his school uniform dirty. I also changed before going to wash the makeup off my face. We sat in the living room with our face masks on just talking and getting to know each other more. I was laying my head on Riki's lap when I heard his stomach growl. He looked embarrassed when I looked up at him. I just laughed and made my way towards the cabinet to make something to eat after we take off the masks.

   When I opened the door I saw what I had forgotten about. Shit, we hadn't told the rest of them. I turned towards the other three people in the room. "Hey sunoo," I said as he looked up from his phone. "Yeah?" He asked. I really didn't know how to word it, "how do you feel about weed?" He looked at me with a confused expression, "I don't know," he shrugged, "never had it, it's illegal here." I pressed my lips together and nodded in acknowledgement, "yeah so... my cousins brought some from Mexico. You know everything's legal when you're rich." He looked at me, his eyes wide and jaw almost touching the floor. He finally spoke "I'm so getting cross faded at the party." I laughed, "so you're okay with it?" He laughed "of course, everyone else will be too."

   Sunoo had decided to sleep over, so I settled myself in Bella's bed since sunoo took my spot in me and Riki's bed. I decided it was a good idea to sleep well since I probably wouldn't be sleeping tomorrow.

Riki's POV

   I woke up hugging a much taller and larger figure than I was used to. Before I had Nani, I always cuddled with my hyungs, so waking up hugging Sunoo wasn't new but it felt different now that I was used to having Nani next to me. I decided to indulge in the warmth next to me for a while. It didn't last long since I felt Sunoo stirring in his sleep, stretching his limbs as he slowly woke up. "Good morning sunshine" he said in a sleepy voice. "morning hyung" I answered cuddling closer to him again. He pushed me off of him "nope" he said "go brush your teeth and shower." I whined as I got off the bed "hyyuuuunnggg!! You're evil." Sunoo chuckled "aish, this kid"

                               Nani's POV

   No matter who I slept next to I always managed to wake up with limbs all over me. I woke up to Riki whining while stomping out of the room. I tried my best to get Bella's arms off me without waking her but every time I attempted to move her, she would hold on tighter. Eventually I woke her up and freed myself from her grasp.

I went back to my own room, trying to be quiet to not wake up Sunoo. Luckily he was awake, already drying his face and combing out his hair. Riki on the other hand was tiredly brushing his teeth, strands of over grown blonde hair sticking up in different directions. I smiled at him "Morning Riki." He just gave me a tired nod in return. I playfully rolled my eyes at him and started my skincare routine.

I was rubbing moisturizer into my skin when I felt a body fall on my back. Riki met my eyes in the mirror before getting comfortable to sleep on my shoulder. I glared at him through the mirror but his eyes were closed and he had no care in the world. "Get off me Riki" I yelled as I tried to nudge him off "you're heavy and I'm trying to get ready here." He just made a high pitched whine sound in my ear which caused me to flinch and throw him off my back in the process. He whined AGAIN as he stumbled back onto the wall. He was going to start his whining before he smelt food coming from downstairs. His eyes lit up and for the first time that morning, he looked like a functional human being. He just pecked my cheek before saying "I'm gonna go check what's for breakfast."

Breakfast was simple. Just some chorizo with eggs and tortillas accompanied by some chilate. (I know, bean asf). We were all amused at the way Riki taught Sunoo how to pick up his food with the tortilla, acting like he was a pure blooded Mexican. My cousins were excited to have the party, being a family of extroverts made us love parties. Partying together made it even more fun. During breakfast we talked about school, the people we invited, and just shared our excitement.

After cleaning up we went upstairs to actually get dressed to go out. We wanted to go on a boba run or get ice cream, just something to pass the time. I didn't put on any makeup because I knew I'd want my makeup done fresh for the party and I didn't want to put on makeup twice. I put on some white sweatpants and a cropped baby pink hoodie. I put my hair in a half ponytail using a claw clip to clip the ponytail up, leaving the bottom half of my hair down. I got my sunglasses and my Valentine's air forces then waited downstairs for everyone else.

Riki came down with some straight oversized jeans and a black zip-up hoodie. Once we were all done we got into two cars. Junior drove with Levi, Jesse and Bella while Amanda drove with me, Riki, and Sunoo. We were meeting up with the rest of our friends at the food court we had decided on. My cousins had wanted to properly meet the rest of our friends so they knew who I would be with when they went back home. The reminder of them leaving soon made my chest tighten, but it just made me more determined to enjoy their time here.

                               Riki's POV

Once we found parking we started looking for our friends. They had texted us that they arrived a few minutes before we did. We made our way towards the center of the food court to try and find them. I saw jungwon waving at me from a large table at the corner of the food court. Me, Nani, Bella, and Sunoo sat down while the rest of them stood up to introduce themselves.

We all decided to split up into groups, going to whichever food stand we wanted and meeting back up at the table after. Nani went with Bella, and Jesse to get bubble tea while I went with Jake and Jay to get ice cream. We met back up at the table and everyone started talking, getting to know eachother better. My hyungs ensured her cousins they would take care of Nani just like they took care of me. I felt more relaxed realizing that Nani's cousins liked my friends. It was almost as important as them liking me.

We made it back to the house at around 3 o'clock. It didn't take long to get the house ready, just fixing up a few things and hiding any valuable objects. We went upstairs to get ready.

Nani's POV

I started doing my makeup, doing my regular routine and choosing to add a bold black and silver eyeshadow look. I left my hair down and straightened it. For my outfit I chose a skin tight silver crop top and low waisted black cargo pants. I styled them with black and white Jordan 1s. For accessories I wore a thin silver chain and hoops that I prayed wouldn't get pulled on by a drunk teen.

Riki had changed in the room while I had changed in the bathroom. When I got out I saw him wearing a loose black button up, not tucked into his pants with oversized straight jeans. He looked amazing, so much that I was staring until he cleared his throat trying to get my attention. I looked at his face, red from the attention, and smiled. "You look great" I said "like really good. I can't believe I have the hottest boyfriend in the world." He blushed even more at my words "you look really good to. I like your makeup." I playfully posed for him and we both burst out laughing.

We both fell on the bed after laughing so hard. We faced each other and I looked in his eyes. My heart started beating faster the longer we held eye contact. Eventually I decided to break it with a quick peck on his lips.

By the time the clock struck 7:00 we we ready. We had put out snacks and drinks, we also put out the edibles but agreed one of us would be keeping an eye on them so that no one dies. We put out a pool table and a table for beer pong in the backyard. The backyard was large with grass covering most of it but with cement surrounding the pool. We were also taking turns making sure no one drowned.

Riki's friends got to the house after going to their own houses to change. They'd brought disposable cups and even some shakers to mix drinks. We put a small gate to block anyone from going upstairs, not wanting our poor beds to be traumatized by horny teenagers. The gate could be climbed over but definitely not by someone intoxicated. We still had a few more hours so we put the drinks in the freezer waiting for people to arrive.

The clock struck 9 and people started flooding in.

Riki's POV

More groups of people were entering our home every second, the living room and kitchen filled with loud chatter. The playlist we had all contributed to blasting on the speakers while people danced everywhere. The house looked bigger all of the sudden, after seeing how many people could fit.

I tried to look for Nani or one of my friends, but everyone seemed to have disappeared in the crowd. It was Nani's shiny shirt that brought my attention to her dancing on her own to the music. I walked through the crowd to grab her and hopefully get a drink together. When she saw me she was the one to grab me by my arm. "Let's dance" she shouted over the loud music. "Okay" I said in the same volume "but do you want to get a drink first?" She smiled at me "of course." I pulled her with me as she danced to the music until we arrived at the drinks.

She hopped on the counter, her legs dangling off. She motioned for me to hand her the tequila. She poured us both shots and grabbed some lemon with salt. "Cheers!" she yelled and took her shot. The liquid burned my throat on its way down, my face obviously showing my discomfort since Nani offered me a lemon to suck on.

Me and Nani both turned our heads hearing Jay screaming our names from the other side of the counter. He grabbed three cups with ice and poured whatever he had been shaking into them. I guessed it was some type of soju mixture considering the empty bottles next to him. I took a sip, the coolness of the drink soothing my once burning throat. Nani looked satisfied with the drink too. I offered my hand to her "let's dance." She took my hand and made our way to the dance floor. We danced and drank more, the warm buzzing feeling spreading through my body made me happy. I didn't notice the change from dope by BTS to rompe by Daddy Yankee, everything becoming one big blur but in the best way.

Eventually me and Nani had been separated. She had been pulled into a beer pong match by Jesse and jungwon dragged me out to see the senior that had fallen into the pool.

I felt myself start to sober up which I didn't want, it was no fun to be sober at a party. I went to pour myself another drink when Levi saw me and waved me over. He had a gummy in his hand, "want one?" He asked. I nodded and he handed me one. He took the entire thing so I did too. "I can stay with you until it hits" he offered. "No it's fine" I said "go have fun." He gave me a quick high five and went to join the game of pool. I went to look for something to keep me occupied. I found Sunghoon and Jay arm wrestling and sat down to watch them for a while. Once they had officially decided that it was a tie I left. I decided to go outside to get some fresh air, laughing at the fully clothed people playing with a beach ball in the pool. All of the sudden I felt a wave of heat envelope me. I felt like I had started to float and the world around me seemed so different than it had a few seconds ago. I sat down on the grass and watched the lights we had put up change colors, giggling at them like they were the funniest thing in the world. Holy fuck this really was fun.

Nani's POV

After demolishing my nephew at beer pong I left him with Junior since he was, in my opinion, to drunk to function. I went to look for someone to talk to when I found Sunoo, who had done exactly what he said he'd do and got cross faded. "Nani, this is great" he said jumping around "we should do this more often." I laughed at his droopy eyes and the smile that was permanently on his face. He jumped away from me to go find someone else to talk to.

I went to the kitchen to get myself a plain old bottle of strawberry soju. I took a big gulp of it, sighing at the satisfying feeling of it making its way down my throat. I looked around to find somewhere I could drink it, when Amanda came up behind me. "Your boyfriend is high out of his mind outside" she said. The realization hit me that I hadn't seen Riki since we had parted ways on the dance floor. Amanda looked at me with slightly judgmental eyes "you really shouldn't have given him the whole thing." I almost gave myself whiplash at the speed I turned my head to look at her "I didn't give him anything." Confusion painted her face "well someone did cause he's been giggling at the lights for like 30 minutes now." I left Amanda behind to go look for him. On my way out I bumped into Levi. "Hey where's Riki, I haven't seen him since I gave him that edible" I ignored him still trying to find Riki before he does something stupid when I processed what he said. "YOU GAVE IT TO HIM?!" I screamed. He nodded with wide eyes. "AND THEN YOU LEFT HIM ALONE?!" Levi put his hands up ready to defend himself "I offered to stay with him until he said he was ok." I rolled my eyes at him "of course he said he was okay he didn't know how hard they'd hit. How many milligrams are in there?" He looked down at his hands trying to make himself small despite being 6 foot. He finally answered me "50." My eyes widened. "If he passes out you're dead" I threatened before leaving to go outside.

I found him lying down on the floor, mouth wide opened while he looked at his hands like he'd barely discovered them. I went to sit down next to him. He didn't notice me until I called his name. He looked up at me startled but then started laughing when he realized it was me. I smiled back at him and tried to get him to sit up. He opened his mouth again and stuck his tongue out, he was thirsty and probably hungry too. I stood up, a little dizzy from the soju I had drank, and dusted myself off. "Come on" I said with my hand extended towards him "let's get you water and some food." He nodded at me rapidly and tried to get up while I pulled him with whatever strength I had.

Once I finally got him off the ground he clung onto me like a koala bear. I tried to make my way back inside while also carrying half his body weight. We got inside the house and let him lean on the counter. I told the guy standing next to us mixing drinks to keep him awake. I filled a cup with water and ice trying to also cool him down. He snatched the water out of my hands before I could give it to him and finished it all in one big gulp. "More" he demanded, holding his cup out to me. I grabbed the cup and refilled it. After his fifth refill he was finally satisfied and a little more in his right mind, but not sober whatsoever. He leaned on me whining that he was hungry, probably seconds away from taking a bite out of my shoulder. I gave him some fruits to snack on while I found something to satisfy his munchies. He kept following me while eating his fruit, complaining about how hot it was and (unsuccessfully) trying to unbutton his shirt. With some cookies and the biggest cup I could find filled with water, I dragged Riki outside.

I sat him down on a small bench we had in the backyard. He munched on his cookies, taking sips of water every once in a while. His cheeks puffed up as he tried to fit as much food as humanly possible in his mouth. I couldn't help but find him adorable despite the situation. All of the sudden I saw a big bright ball fly by my head, almost hitting me. I got up to get the ball and throw it back to the people in the pool. Then I turned around, to an empty bench.

Riki's POV

I felt like I had a bit more control over myself after Nani fed me and gave me water. But when I finished my food and water and turned around and she was gone. I decided to go look for her inside and probably find an empty bathroom.

There were so many people inside but not Nani. I also couldn't see any of my friends. At this point though, I only cared about emptying my bladder. All the bathrooms downstairs were occupied even though I could tell some people weren't just using the bathroom. I really needed to go and my last options were the bathrooms upstairs. I walked towards the stairs and tried to climb over. Curse this fucking gate, I couldn't get through and I was seconds away from making a puddle on the floor. After several attempts I finally made it over and ran towards our room and more specifically our bathroom.

Nani's POV

I looked around the house desperately. Every time I ran in to one of our friends I'd ask them if they'd seen Riki. The answer was always the same 'I thought he was with you.' I didn't know how he managed to leave the second I wasn't watching him. I had looked in every corner and asked every person I could. Right when I thought I'd never find him a boy came up behind me and tapped me on the shoulder. I turned around slightly annoyed "can I help you?" I asked. "Are you looking for Ni-Ki?" I nodded. "I'm pretty sure he went over that little gate." I thanked him and tried to climb over too. I struggled probably more than he did cause my legs were smaller and I couldn't get them over the stupid gate.

   When I finally entered our room, I sighed in relief as I saw his figure on the bed. I took a deep breath so that I wouldn't choke him right then and there for running away from me. "Hey Riki" I said to catch his attention. It worked because his head snapped towards me. I walked towards him and sat on the bed. "Riki you can't just run away from me like that" I said. He only pouted and whispered, "I had to pee." Then I get a little guilty for being mad at him, I hadn't even asked the poor boy if he needed to use the bathroom. "Ok. that's okay" I told him "do you need anything else." He started tugging at his shirt "yes please get me out of this" he whined. I went into his drawers and grabbed a t-shirt for him. I pulled his shirt over his head and put on the t-shirt. After putting his shirt in the laundry basket, I went back to the bed to lay down with him.

He changed his position to get more comfortable on my chest. When I realized he planned to fall asleep I immediately pushed him off. "You can't go to sleep high" I said sternly "you'll get a good nights sleep but you'll wake up cranky." He just whined and pouted, again. "I'm cranky every morning, let me sleep." I pulled his limbs off of me again, "no, you'll regret it in the morning. I'll keep you entertained, just talk to me." He nodded and sat up, resting his head on my shoulder. "You're pretty, you're nice. I like your hair and your style and the way you talk. I like your smile and your laugh." I got taken aback by his sudden confessions, my heart beating faster every second. He looked at me, "I love you."

   He fell asleep. He was high and I was not. So why did I feel my throat closing in? Why did my thoughts blur together? Why was I dizzy? Why did he make me feel like this? And why was I about to say I love you too?


Hey it's been a while. I know it's a long chapter but I hope this makes up for my lack of posting. Anyways this was fun to write I hope it's just as fun to read. Thank you <3

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