
By its_tsd

52.6K 6.8K 547

His face is leveled to mine and I can see tiny droplets of water on his face and lips as he draws closer to m... More

Second Chance


877 139 28
By its_tsd

~I Love You~



The quick heartbeat was all over my body as I inched closer to the door.
I haven't seen her in 20 hours.

I open the door slowly, making no noise and take a step in.

I hear a gun cock in a small distance.

"Tejasswi?", I whisper.


I step in to see her slender figure peeking up from a steel table.

"Karan is that you?"

"It's me."

She gets up immediately, running towards me and we collide into a hug.

Never have I missed her scent as much as today.

And I have missed her numerous times.

I wrap arms around her back tightly as her legs hook around my torso.

"How'd you find me?", she muffles.

"Hiral told me and escorted me here. You scared the crap out of me when you didn't show up to the room."

I let myself calm down as I take deep inhales of her shampoo.

She lifts her head up. "How did she know and wait, close the door."

She moves away from my embrace as I close the door and she heads to the far back of the room, sitting on the table, legs dangling.

"How'd you get here? It's the other side of the building?"

She sighs. "The amount of bombs and monoxide cartridges I disabled is insane. They blew up most of this wing and it would have been worse. I got caught up when a bomb went off and I blacked out for a bit."

My worry scale rises up. "Blacked out?"

She rubs her eyes. "Yeah, anyways I was able to make it out and I thought best to hide here."

"Are you hurt?"

She looks at me but doesn't answer.

"'Tejasswi", I say firmly. "I need to know if you are hurt."

"My shoulder. One of the men aimed for Laura and I stepped in, it just hit my shoulder but the debris cut through my jacket. "

She must have picked up on my unease.

"It's okay, Karan. I fixed it up and I'll get it checked when this is all over. If this gets over", 

Tejasswi hides her face in her hands.

I take a deep breath, sorting all the thoughts in my mind.

"Tejasswi, I- I really missed you these past 20 hours. My only motivation to do everything was BlackLight and you."

I step away from the door, looking at her nervously.

"You're the one I think of at night, in class, during a mission. I know we like each other and we won't say anything but I honestly can't wait till this is over. I need to say it now."

I look at her, her eyes not meeting met yet. But I knew her ears were attentive to me.

"Tejasswi, I don't know how this feels but I think I'm right. I think I've fallen in love with you."

She looks up right at me.

"I love you Tejasswi. And the thought of losing you today just made me think how dumb I am to keep putting off us. I want to stay with you, work with you, cook with you, sleep with you."

Her eyes start to tear up which causes mine to as well.

"Tejasswi, it wasn't you who needed a partner it was me. More than ever. Women are the backbone of all men. Guys, we put up a tough front for the world but when we come to you we lean on you guys for strength and energy."

"You're my strength and energy and I'm sorry it took me a while to say this, but I couldn't wait."
I said it.

The word "love" wasn't something I said to many things at all.

I loved sleep, my family and her.

The only three things I need .

I look at her as green eyes start pooling, staining her tanned cheeks.

"Tejasswi? Will you be the most dumb person in the world and actually consider dating me?"

She laughs in the midst of tears. "I guess I'm pretty dumb for saying yes. Come here."

I immediately rush to her and place my hands on her hips as I bent down to kiss her.

It felt like revival.

I kissed her passionately, eyes closing as her hands enclosed around my torso, and kissed her again.

And again.

And again.

I would never get tired of her kisses, her pink lips against mine.

I tighten my grip around her when she inhales a breath.

"My wound, be careful", she says.

"Oh", I loosen my grip. "Sorry."

She laughs, eyes closed. "It's okay. I missed you a lot."

"Not more than me", I say, joining my forehead with hers as she signals to the table she's sitting on.

My watch buzzes and I check the time.

"I have a final plan, this is bound to get H.E.X.A to surrender, but I need your help."

And then suddenly I hear blast near our room and soon the debris blocked the path of us to get out from here.

We were stuck.

But this time I had her with me.


Hey Guys,

Hope you liked this chapter.

This confession deserved a separate chapter, so here it is.


Do shower your love, comments and votes on this one until the next one is uploaded.

~Lots of Love

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