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Now I was barely seventeen with a pocket full of hope Screamin', dollar and a dream with my closet lookin' br... Еще



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"Please don't go." I whispered in her face and she held mine. Looking at me with soft eyes because I know like she knows that she has no choice. It made my heartbeat speed up for her. How could they want to do something so harsh? It's not right.

Yea they shot at us but their family doesn't deserve anything. Plus that happened two months ago, it's forgotten about now.

"Oscar don't do it, please..."

"Go in the room when we leave and wait for us to come back. Give it an hour and if we aren't back by then, don't panic, just call one of us."

I nodded my head as they got dressed in their all black clothing. It felt horrible to watch them even get ready, so I went into my room now. Closing the door and sitting in my bean bag. The tv played netflix lowly and I put my attention to that. Something to take my focus off them.

It's just the fact that innocent lives are about to be taken. Their family didn't shoot at us, they did. So why go bother their families who probably know nothing about what's going on? That's not right. Because if people wanted to come after us due to Papas debt, they could. But they haven't so we need to be grateful and tread very carefully.

Instead of worrying about a shooting where none of us got hurt. They keep saying I could've been hurt and then it would've been war. But i'm not hurt and they're still fighting. It doesn't make any sense to me at all.

What if they end up in jail because of this? Papa will really be shaking his head at us. It's like we keep doing things to make him look like he did nothing to raise us properly. When he really did everything in his power.

He'll really shake it at Bey if she was caught. She just got out two months ago, a little before the shooting. So why is she even apart of any of this? To me, she should be trying to get her life back. In jail she got her GED, so she needs to be working on a career. It's simple stuff. She can make it, she just has to show that she cares.

I grabbed a throw blanket from my closet and curled up on the bean bag. The show was getting interesting and I only turned it on for background noise. Now i'm into it. It's called The 100, so that's different.

All I can say is that Clark is a badass.

A knock on my door made me play sleep. I closed my eyes quickly and put the cover over my mouth because I know i'll smile. The door opened and just by the vibe, I could tell it was Beyoncé. She closed the door behind her and stood in front of me. I can feel it.

"Mmm. She sleep so I guess i'll keep this goodbye kiss."

My eyes shot open and I threw the cover off of me.

"Come back!" She hadn't even moved. I smiled up at her and she shook her head. For some reason I feel like she teasing me. "Are you gonna really give me a kiss?"

"Yep." She bent down and kissed my forehead. Mmph. That's not what I wanted but whatever. I stood up to her and gave her a soft look. I'm gonna try again. Hopefully I can get through to her. "Onika...."


"I already know princess...You don't want us to go, but it's not like we have much of a choice. If we don't hit back, they'll try again. And who's to say that they'll miss this time?"

"Who's to say that y'all won't miss?"

"Oh trust me we not gon miss." She smirked and bit her lip at me. I rolled my eyes at another failed attempt. It's like they don't listen at all.

"You can't be so sure." I grumbled.

"Arregla tu cara y cálmate. Confía en nosotros."

"No debería tener que dudar de ti. Eso significa que no lo hagas." I gritted and my nose flared. "I'm calling Mami." I folded my arms and her eyes widened. They know she'll get on them and make them stay home. She didn't say anything so I walked away, didn't get far though.


"No! Y'all won't listen to me! It's not a good idea!"

My door opened again and Alex walked in.

"If you don't change your mind, i'm calling Mami! And you know what will happen if I call her!" I was trying to jerk out of Beyoncé's hold but she wouldn't let go.

"Onika...chill out man."

"So I have to chill because y'all are about to go do something stupid?.....Do y'all not realize why i'm saying this?"

Oscar made himself seen and I looked between the three of them. They all stood quietly like they were dumb or something. I've been backing away from saying the real reason I don't want them to go. It'll only make the vibe awkward and I don't want that. But if it's the only way I can get it through their heads, i'll try.

"I'm scared.....I don't want anything to happen to y'all like it happened to Papa. I watched him get shot and he died on me....I had to feel him take his last breath. I don't want to go through that again. You can't just say you'll be safe because you have guns. Papa had a gun on him and he still didn't win...."

"That's different nina." Alex spoke lowly and I looked at him.

"How? How is this any different Alex? The same shit can happen so it's not different!"

"He had a gun to his head and was killed for nothing! They had open fire, shooting to kill us because we did nothing! We didn't die so we can get our get back! You think if Papa would've survived he wouldn't have got back at him!?"

I kept my eyes on him, breathing heavily. I'm about to cry.

"Alex it's not different. You still didn't prove the difference in the situations. We all know Papa died, that's it." I whispered and let my tears fall.

"You won't understand unless you out there experiencing it all. What you saying makes no sense to us so what we saying to you won't make sense to you."

I huffed and snatched my arm away from Beyoncé. She should've been let me the fuck go.

"Y'all wanna be in the streets so fucking bad! Papa tried to keep y'all away from that but y'all never listen! Ever! Always wanna be right but when you're laying on that ground taking your last breath, you'll regret it. Eres tan tonto como el pomo de una puerta. Chicos de cerebro de pájaro. Te odio!" I snatched my keys off the dresser and walked out the room.

It shouldn't take so much to try and get through to them. Just for them to still not listen in the end. If they go, i'm not talking to them. I'm gonna hold a grudge until I feel like letting go. I've been through way too much, they should at least consider that.

"Onika! You better not leave!"

Too late, i'm already in my car. I sped off and just drove, no destination. Just getting away from them.

I'm sitting in my car in front of the gas station. Yes the one that everyone goes to. It's packed as hell and i'm about to smoke the time away. Beyoncé left weed in my car from when we went to work that day. Turns out they grow weed plants in the backyard and they sell it.

I'm really surprised because it's some good weed. Really good smell and taste. I rolled up and pushed my seat all the way back before putting my feet on the dashboard.

I'm not hiding from them or anything, I wouldn't be able to. My car is very noticeable, white with a small barbie head on the hood. I couldn't hide if I wanted to.

All I want is to be away from them for a bit. They aren't using their heads, so hopefully this does something. It's late at night so they don't know what could happen. But it's whatever. They chose to go, i'm not talking to them. Simple.

There was a soft knock on my window and I couldn't even see who it was. It's so smoked out in here. I wiped it with my sleeve and saw Blo. My insides kind of panicked but I cracked the window. I'm sure smoke just flew in his face.


"Damn girl...."

"Sorry....What is it?"

"Just came to see what was up. You been sitting here for a minute, ain't got out or nun."

"I'm good."

"Can I see your face? I miss you..."

I thought about it for a minute before letting my window down all the way. He waved the smoke away and I turned to put my blunt out. Really forgot how fine he was...forgot he was Beyoncés brother. Their genes are so damn good.

"Wassup Blo?"

"You look good, beautiful. I missed this face and them dimples."

He poked my cheeks making me smile. I'm not supposed to be talking to him at all. I can get in so much trouble right now, so he need to make this quick before someone sees this. They swear they owe us so much loyalty that they think they have to snitch about everything. It's annoying.

"Thank you. You know i'm still upset with you."

"You have every right to be my love. What I did was fucked up and it caused me to fall for you in the end. So it's not even a win cause I lost what I thought I could keep."

" did. Now I can't even talk to you anymore."

"You talking to me now."

"Not supposed to be. If anybody sees you right now, i'm in trouble." I raised an eyebrow and he looked around. It confused me when he walked away, but he went to the passengers side before getting in. I turned to him and he was smiling at me. "You're gonna get me fucked up Blo."

"No I ain't. You gon prove I was around you?"

I shook my head while staring at him and he rubbed my thigh. I'm not falling for it. Even though he got me feeling things, i'm not gonna fall for it. I inhaled deeply before turning forward.

"Wanna smoke with me?" I cleared my throat starting to roll another blunt. Something needs to distract me from his flirtatious ways right now.

"Yea that's coo."

"Ok." I licked the paper down and burned it to ceil. After that I lit it, taking the first hit and passing it. It's one blunt, shouldn't take long. "You have to leave after this."

"I gotchu. Miss goody two shoes."

I chuckled while pulling out my phone. So many messages from them, threatening me and shit. They're not gonna do anything for real, it's all talk. The only one I believe is Beyoncé. She won't hesitate to jerk and all that. Nobody has time for her aggressive ways because it turns me on. Then she won't do anything about it.

"What you doing up here by yourself?"

"Just needed to get away from the house for a little bit. Was tired of being inside."

"They got you locked down?"

"No." I lied taking the blunt from him. It's partially a lie because if they aren't going, I don't go. And i'm always having somewhere to go, so i've missed out on a lot. So I am locked down in a way.

"Mmm. How ya summer going? Ready for your senior year?"

"Yea i'm ready. But that's not even on my
mind, i'm ready for my birthday." I smiled and ashed the blunt. I'm beyond high. Bitch i'm higher than the clouds above, i'm in space. And now i'm hungry.

"Same plans?"

"Yea...just without you."

"I'm sorry...."

"It's cool. Hopefully somebody else come around and swoop me up. Then it'll be the same plans for real." I wiggled my eyebrows at him.

"Nasty ass." He chuckled before licking his lips. Love when he do that. Dude know he fine as shit. "Imma gon get up out of here before- yo!"

"Ouch!" I felt a grip on my arm before I was yanked out the car. Beyoncé stood there with such a hard face and I got scared. My breathing quickened as she stared at me. "B-Beyoncé."

"Don't say shit. What you in the car with him for?"

I glanced back and saw Alex in Blos face.

"U-um...he came to the car and said-"

"Whatever he said is a fucking lie. You dumb enough to believe what he said?"

"All he said was he missed me and that I was beautiful!"

"I can tell you that shit! You get weak to yo knees when the enemy say it!?"

"You don't understand."

"The same way youn understand why we gotta do what we gotta do. Get in the car." She flicked her nose and stormed around to Blo. I gasped when she yanked him by his shirt, slamming him on the hood of my car. Jesus my car. "You wanna die? Cause I think you do. Didn't I tell you not to fuck with her no more!?"

He tried to say something and she punched him.

"Ou Bey! No!" I ran to her and grabbed her arm. She jerked me off and punched him again. People were crowding around and recording, she need to stop. "Bey please stop." I whined as close to her ear I could get. She stopped punching him and jerked him up again before pushing him to the ground.

We heard police sirens and people cleared the way. My heart dropped as an officer walked up to us. Beyoncé didn't look a bit of scared, just pissed as she stared at me. It honestly made me scared for my life. I know I joke about her killing three people, but that really scares me about her.

"Get in the car."

"No Bey-"

"Get in the car!"

I jumped and got in the car quickly. All she gotta do is yell and imma do it. We need no issues with each other. I watched the officers talk to her and they pointed at Blo. They shook their heads before patting Beys shoulder. She turned around as they cuffed her and I frowned.

Why are they taking her?

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