Love At First Sight ❤️

By SK_O3NLove

36.4K 1.8K 669

"Ohm trying to get rid of stupid dare he just trapped with because of his friends . But that make him to meet... More

Dare or ❤️‍🔥
stranger 🐶💕
Meeting ❤️
❤️Love at first sight
Nickname 😹😆
Flirty ohm😘🤭
first kiss 😘💋
Baby fight 🫂(⁠◍⁠•⁠ᴗ⁠•⁠◍⁠)⁠❤
Misunderstand😭😔(⁠ ⁠⚈̥̥̥̥̥́⁠⌢⁠⚈̥̥̥̥̥̀⁠)
Promises ❤️🤝❤️
Lovely Date💖(⁠。⁠♡⁠‿⁠♡⁠。⁠)💕
Dinner Date 🥂❤️
Awoken junior 😅🤭
New story update ✨✨
Soulful Love❤️‍🔥🌹
TC 💝
He is back😓😭
I'm coming ❣️
Hope 🥺💜
Traumatic past💔❤️‍🩹
Escape 😥😶‍🌫️
New story EP update ✨
Coming to you 😢🥺
Into your arms 🥺🫂💕
You're Safe Baby 🥺❤️‍🩹
My Safe Zone🫂💖
My P' Omii🥺❤️💚
Mine & Only Mine 🥰❤️‍🔥
Mine Baby 💖🥰🤭
Can't Go 🫠🥺
Embrace 🫂🥹😶‍🌫️
Had to go 😕😮‍💨
Trapped 😑😡
Possessive Non😈🔥🤗
Sweet Talks 😊🐦
Surprise 🎉🥳😍
Daddy And Baby 😈❤️‍🔥😉
Mood Swings 🤣😅😉
First Day At Office 😄🤓
How To Make Up With My Sulky Kitten 🤫😸😉
Office Romance 💒😈💦
Office Romance 02 ❤️‍🔥😈💦
Good News 🥹 & Bad News 😢
Fear 😣☹️🥺
End Game 🎯🔥
Epilogue - Love Lasts Forever ❤️💚
Special Epilogue ❤️💚
💚Author's End Note❤️

Together ❤️💚

604 38 13
By SK_O3NLove

Previous Chapter

Drake:" Where do you think you are going?"

Nik:" Yeah... You can't run away now. Now you will have to pay for what you've done. I've already issued an arrest warrant against you. "

Joss was left in shock and stopped in his track seen his all plans vanished.


Nik:" I'm CID officer Nik Tanat . This arrest warrant issued against him. Here .."

Showing the paper document to head Officer.

Officer #1:" Arrest him . He is needed criminal for crimes. "

Two officers come forward and hold Joss . Joss tried to run away but Drake push him inside with Nik. Two officers hold him and one officer put handcuffs on him.
Joss is fumming in anger and struggling to get out of their hold. He shouted in frustration,

Joss:" Noo... You can't arrest me. You idiots... Let me go.... Nanon don't think this is over. I will kill ...."

Before he finished his words Ohm punched his face again making him stumble back. Ohm holding his chin tightly saying,

Ohm:" Don't you dare to say another word and you will see hell for sure in next second. Mark it on your stupid mind you bastard."

Joss look at him with full of hatred and anger. Officers dragged him into incide cell. Joss give last glance at Nanon with hatred. Nanon didn't even look at him. Ohm quickly went towards Nanon and wrapped his arms around Nanon giving a side hug with comfort and a safe feel.

Nanon was quiet all the while witnessing everything. He smiled back at Ohm with relief. He felt so relieved after so many years. Glimpse happiness and relief peek through after so many bad memories. His world lighten up seen Joss lock up here.

Ohm gives a soft kiss in Nanon's cheek drawing his attention to him. Nanon snapped out of his thoughts and looked at his Ohm with love filled teary eyes.

Ohm immediately cupped Nanon's face in panic,

Ohm:" Baby, what's the matter.... Why are you tearing up?"

Non:" It's real right ? He will not come to our life again. Right? "
Nanon asked while tearing up. Ohm wiped his tears softly caressing his cheeks,

Ohm:" Yes Non... This is real. He will never come back to our life again from now on. You don't have to be fear anymore. No one is going to separate us".

Nanon swiftly hugged Ohm and burying his face in Ohm neck crook. Ohm hug back rubbing his back in soothing pattern. Nanon felt overwhelmed and so happy. Ohm felt the same.


Nanon parents felt so dejected and shame for their behaviour. Ohm father looked at them and sense what's going on. So Ohm's father step towards them and wrapped his arm around Nanon's father shoulder saying,

Ohm Papa:" Can we go back to our old friendship ... ?"

Nanon's Paa was awestruck by hearing him and his sudden action. He turned around and hugged Ohm father immediately.

N. Paa:" I'm so sorry buddy. If I believe you guys that day this will not come so far. Also I should have given more time and attention to our son. I'm so sorry. Please forgive me Pawat "

Ohm Paa pat Nanon Papa back and then loosen hug and hold him in his shoulders saying,

Ohm Papa:" Hey... It's okay . Don't apologise. I know everything happened without our consent but the Past is Past. right? We can't change it now. We can start over again with new beginning . "

Nanon Paa smiled with relief.

N.Maa:" Yeah.... We are at fault p' . We are so sorry."

Ohm Papa:" Oh ... It's okay. Let's forget this all and let's go back to our friendship again. "

N. Paa:" But I think we can't go back as it was. We can't be friends anymore buddy"

Ohm Papa:" Why? What do you mean??"

Nanon Paa smirk at him saying,

N. Paa:" Why ? Am I wrong? We can't be friends because we have to be relatives . Look at that lovely couple who lost in their own love world without caring about anything. So we will be family so soon ."

Ohm Papa:" Hahahaha... You almost gave me a heart attack Kiri... But it's true. We can't be friends anymore because now we will be a one big family. Our little Non grew up so well. And bring back our Ohm to his past self."

N. Paa:" Did you knew about their relationship?"

Ohm Papa:" Noo... But Ohm always head over heels for our Nanon. I didn't know it's our little Non but he always talked about him and Ohm completely changed into the crazy lover. So I was so eager to meet this miracle boy who turned Ohm into lovesick puppy."

N. Paa:" Yeah. Our boy also changed. He smiled so often and he is in so happiness in the past few months rather than last years. Ohm bring back our son to his old bubbly, lovely personality too. We must be thankful to Ohm for everything he had done for our son ."

Ohm Papa:" Ohm loves Nanon so much his mind only fill with him. Both of them find each other comfort zone within each other. I'm so glad my son found the right one for him and it's our Non . Anyway , I have so many stories to tell you man. I missed you guys so much."

N. Paa:" We missed you guys too. We are at fault but it's not too late anymore, right? Let's start with a new beginning. "

N. Maa:" Yeah I missed Mia so much. I have so many things to say to her too. "

Ohm Papa:" Yeah .... She always nagging about missing you too. Now we can start all over again. "

N. Paa:" Yeah... "


Ohm loosen hug and looked at his Non with lovingly. Nanon looked at him with sparkling eyes. Ohm slowly cupped Nanon's face and move closer to kiss him. Nanon can feel Ohm's hot breath. Now They are inches apart from each other's lips.

Ehem.... Ehem.......

Ohm looked at his Papa who was There with Nanon parents. Ohm Papa cleared his throat and looked at him with a smirk.

Ohm looked at his Papa with so much annoyed expression with sad pout because he abruptly break their sweet moment. Nanon's parents left out a little chuckle seen his face.
Nanon slowly turned around to look at them with flustered shy expression.

Ohm Papa:" Son, do you forget where are you? "
Ohm father asked with mischievous grin plastered on his face.

Ohm:" Papa I don't care. I have the permission from my Non. It's enough.
It's my privilege,right Non?"

Ohm father and Nanon's parents chuckled seen Ohm shameless behaviour.
Nanon lightly hit him and started to whine with shy,

Non:" phiii......"

Ohm:" Why ? Am I wrong ?. You are mine and only mine. So I have the right baby?"

Nanon faced him while whining with puppy eyes and pouty lips.

Non:" Phiiii......."

Ohm didn't care about their parents he swiftly gave peck on Nanon's pouty lips making him blushed hard. Ohm father shake his head in disbelief and Nanon's parents mouthed aww.... With little chuckle.

Non:" phiiii........"

Ohm wrapped his arms around Nanon and Nanon clenched into his arms with shyness.

Ohm Papa:" ok.. ok... Enough... Do you want to see me getting high diabetes than I have now...."

Everyone laughed with Ohm's father statement. Nanon chuckled shyly.
Then Nanon's father looked at Ohm with serious face and asked,

N. Paa:" Who said he belongs to you. Who said you have all rights on him. Huh??"

Ohm and Nanon smile fade away and changed into a stressed one.

Ohm:" Noo... Uncle I.. mean..."

N. Paa:" How can you call me like that.?"

Raising his eyebrow with serious face,
Ohm's father covered his mouth trying his best to control his laugh.

Ohm:" huh?? Ah.. er.. sir..."

N. Paa:" If you don't call me paa right now I will be so sad..."
Nanon's father said making a sad face and Ohm father burst into laughter.

Ohm:" Huh???
Ohm and Nanon are so confused and looked at each other.

Ohm Papa:" Hahahaha... Kiri..."

N. Paa:" Look at their faces. They caught up in my trap already. "

N. Maa:" Ohh.... Enough honey, Don't tease my babies "

Ohm father and Nanon's father are still laughing seen confused Ohm and Nanon.

Ohm Papa:" Yeah... Hahaha..."

Non:" Paa......"

N. Paa:" Sorry son. We were just teasing you guys".

Ohm:" Ohh..!!".
Ohm Sigh in relief.

Now Nanon's father looked at Ohm with a serious note and said,

N. Paa:" Ohm son, we are so sorry. Please forgive me son. I was blind with that bastard lies and being so rude to you. I'm so sorry son. Please forgive us"

Ohm:" Don't apologise me ancl.... I mean paaa... I know you guys did all these hoping Nanon's safe. I know how much you guys love Nanon. Please don't apologize me. It's my fault to be late to inform you guys. But now everything was solved perfectly."

N. Paa:" Yeah thanks to you everything solved good. But please forgive us we did bad from your childhood without listening to you. "

Ohm:" Paa... I forgive you naa ... It's all our fault. I'm having a fair part of that . I didn't even tried to call you or solve that misunderstanding because of my anger . So don't blame yourself Paa And don't apologize na ...."

N. Paa:" You're so good son. You grew up so well like your father. Thank you so much son."

Ohm with mischievous grin,

Ohm:" But I want one thing from you guys Paa.. ."

N. Paa:" What you want son? Anything for you guys"

Ohm with smirk said,
Ohm:"I need your permission to have your son for rest of my life . Only for me. Naa..."

Ohm father shook his head in disbelief and Nanon's parents chuckled lightly.
Nanon is shyly looking at them .

N. Paa:" Ok..... I gladly accept your offer son. Anyway It's great deal. So .."

Nanon looked at his Paa with a pout and asked,

Non:"Paa.... Am I a business deal now?"

Nanon's father laughed at the Nanon statement and ruffled his hair saying,

N. Paa:" No baby... But this offer is better than any business deal. So I can't let it go. So Ohm you have our permission son."

N. Maa:" Yeah you have our blessings Son "

Ohm:" Thanks Paa.. Thanks Maa....."

Ohm Paa:" But I can't give you permission this instant. "

Ohm looked at his Papa with annoyance and said,
Ohm:" Ohh.. Papa... I know you like Nanon . Don't be dramatic now.. Enough of teasing now. "

Nanon chuckled at hearing what Ohm said,
Ohm Papa:" Noo I didn't say I don't like Nanon. I love him more than you moron. But you hide him from me all these months. You need to be punished for that.
I need to adore my little Non."

Saying Ohm father cupped Nanon's face and pinch his cheeks.

Ohm Papa:" I need my hug Baby... I missed you so much..."
Saying Ohm Papa extended his arms.
Nanon smiled and hugged Ohm Papa saying,

Non:" Me too Papa..."

Ohm being Ohm making his face annoyance seen their interaction.
Ohm father loosen hug and cupped Nanon's face,

Ohm Papa:" Ohh... My Baby Non grew up so well. Now My little boy is so young and handsome ..."

Nanon smiled sheepishly . Ohm stick out his tongue to his father with annoyed face.
Then Ohm breaking their hug ,
Ohm :" Ok enough... I'm taking Nanon. He needs rest. "

Ohm papa:" Wait what?"

Before he finished Ohm scooped Nanon in his arms . Nanon was stunned by sudden action of Ohm and felt so shy. Nanon wrapped his arms around Ohm's neck while hiding his face in his Ohm chest with shyness. Nanon parents look at them with amazed expression.

Ohm :" Look he already was in his fractured leg. It must be hurts lot . I'm sorry baby. Maa.... Paa.... Can I take him to my condo for a Now? Please... He needs to rest now.
(Ohm being so dramatic)

Nanon slowly look at him saying,
Non:" Ohm.... It's okay... I'm okay..."

Ohm:" No . you are not. I know. Don't be a stubborn kitten you have to go now and rest properly. You did lot today."

Non:" Ohmmm....."
Nanon whining with shy...

N. Paa:" How did your leg fractured? Is it Joss doing? I will kill that bastard."

Non:" eh... Particularly yes.. he was reason I will tell everything later Maa.. Paa... There is someone here so eagerly needed to take me home. "

Tighten his arms around Ohm neck and rested his head in Ohm chest with smile.
Ohm smiled widely and give soft kiss in Nanon's forehead.

Ohm:" Yeah that someone is your boyfriend and soon to be hubby baby. So Maa , Paa can I have permission to bring him home."

Paa:" Yeah... You can. But tomorrow please bring our baby we missed him lot. Naa..."

Ohm:" I will Maa.. and Paa.... Then I will take your leave now. "

Saying stick out his tongue to his father with a victory face and take keys from his Paa and Ohm turned to left from there while carrying Nanon in his arms .

TBC _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Thank you so much for reading 💕😊
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Hope you guys enjoyed it 😉
So tell me your thoughts in comments lovelies ❤️🤗❤️💚

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