Two Rejects

Da zero_gravity500

820K 28.2K 4.2K

"Oh Mia," Alpha Matthew's low, slow voice practically purred. "I'm going to take so much pleasure in ruining... Altro

Author's Note
Fan Covers
Chapter 1 - Welcome to Sparta
Chapter 2 - The Glaze
Chapter 3 - Rejected by my mate
Chapter 4 - Going Rogue
Chapter 5 - Some Nice Strangers
Chapter 6 - Trusting the Enemy
Chapter 7 - Alpha Matthew
Chapter 8 - Becoming a Scholar
Chapter 9 - Professor Alpha
Chapter 10 - Alpha's Office Hours
Chapter 11 - Muscle Memory
Chapter 12 - Beer Me
Chapter 13 - Werewolf Hangovers
Chapter 14 - Old Town
Chapter 15 - Electrifying
Chapter 16 - Fashion Show
Chapter 17 - Electric Candles
Chapter 18 - Hosts of the Castle
Chapter 19 - Ruining You
Chapter 21 - Contingencies
Chapter 22 - Fight
Chapter 23 - Glorified Babysitter
Chapter 24 - Old Friends
Chapter 25 - The Initiation
Chapter 26 - Oh-So-In-Love
Chapter 27 - Barbie B*tch
Chapter 28 - A Chance
Chapter 29 - Two Separate Entities
Chapter 30 - Going Rogue II
Chapter 31 - Bearing a Mark
Chapter 32 - Glowing
Chapter 33 - Alpha Alter-Ego
Chapter 34 - Formalities
Chapter 35 - Two Unlikely Lovers
Chapter 36 - Haunting War Cry
Chapter 37 - The King
Chapter 38 - Chess Game
Chapter 39--The Foretell Part 1
Chapter 40 -- The Foretell Part 2
Chapter 41 - A Second Chance
Chapter 42 - Brotherhood
Chapter 43 - The Ceremony
Chapter 44 - Epilogue
Author's Note - Prequel and Sequel(s)
Author's Note - Rebelling the Alpha King
Bonus Chapter - Graduation & Mia Meet's Matthew's Parents

Chapter 20 - Absolutely Insulting

18.1K 670 68
Da zero_gravity500

To say that the party was a success is an understatement. All day when I was walking on campus, students would greet me with a smile and wave, giving me their thanks for throwing the party. A few would bow their heads which at first, I found odd but then realized it's probably because I'm with Matthew. I wonder if they're doing it out of respect for Matthew or if they genuinely view me as a Luna.

My friends invited me to go up into the mountains with them today. Tyler said he found a really cool spot he wants to show us. Despite my wolf wanting to go for a run, she's much more eager to see Matthew. Especially because we're getting so much closer—both emotionally and physically.

I can't help the jitters I feel as I make my way to the castle. Lately, I've been spending so much more time there anyways. I've started having dinner there with Matthew and Sage. Occasionally the guards that are stationed will come inside and share a meal with us. Matthew says he hates the idea of having his warriors stand outside while he's eating well. Being around them has really made me realize the extraneous amount of training they go through. It's not Sparta level, but there are certain drills that even I wouldn't dare doing.

I arrive happily to the front doors, the two warriors giving me kind smiles as I walk up casually. "Hey Joel," I smile to my left. Then to my right, "What's up John?"

They both return my kindness. Letting me know that they're excited to see me at the Full Moon this weekend for Eli's monthly trivia night. Apparently, a bunch of students and locals meet up to get asked these crazy trivia questions. It supposedly gets very competitive because the students want to prove that they're smart and the locals want to affirm that university knowledge isn't always as valuable as it seems. Tyler already signed me up to be part of his group. He thinks that just because I'm a professor I'll be able to answer everything but to be honestly, I would be impressed with myself if I could just answer one question.

Once I finish my small talk with the two warriors, I walk into Matthew's castle. Oddly, it's starting to feel like home to me. I can't tell if that's good or bad. I walk over to the kitchen, grabbing something to drink and snack on. Matthew says I can help myself to whatever I want and at this point, it's embarrassing having to ask him for a glass of water.

I start to head up the staircase towards his office. It's only when I reach the top steps that I start to feel his aura. Irate energy is pulsing off of him. My wolf starts to run circles in my head, begging to go comfort him. The energy is so strong that I almost find myself developing anger. I can almost sense his need to punch a hole in the wall.

Once I reach his office door, I hear several voices on the other side. Matthew and Sage being the first ones and then a third I don't recognize. For a split second, I'm uncertain whether I should even knock on his office door. A part of me realizing that he might want to be alone, but another side of me knowing that if I was this furious, I would want him to comfort me.

I knock lightly at first, letting their voices die down. No one says anything, no invitation to enter is extended. I'm just about to open my mouth to let him know it's me and that I'll wait for him in the living room, when suddenly the door opens.

Matthew is standing in front of me, the energy around him so intense I could practically see rage steaming off of him. His eyes turn black as soon as he sees me, staring at me for what feels like forever as his hand grips the door with white knuckles. For a moment, I start to wonder if I'm the cause of his anger. If maybe I did something wrong that has upset him. It makes me panic for a second. Until Matthew pulls me into a tight embrace. His chest vibrating and face instantly pushing down into my neck.

There's a rumble in the back of his throat as he tries to suppress a growl. His breathing intensifying trying to inhale me. I wrap my arms around him, rubbing his shoulder gently while he tries to calm down. "What's wrong?" I ask quietly against him.

He doesn't say anything, not until I feel his aura calm down. The deep breaths he was taking helping him immensely. I pull away to look him in his eyes—back to the dark green I'm falling for. He won't look me in the face which I find odd of him. I give him a gentle smile, cupping his face and running my thumb on his cheek. He relaxes further, grabbing my hand to give it a small kiss in my palm.

"You're okay." I tell him softly.

His eyes meet mine, something different behind them flickering. I want to say fear, but Matthew isn't one to be afraid. He's also so good at hiding it because just as soon as I think it's there, it's gone.

"We were just about to call for you." Sage interjects.

I look just around Matthew, Sage is standing against one of the bookshelves. Her body tense and expression hard. Then my eyes fall on the man in the middle of the room, who oddly enough looks like the male version of Sage. Very muscularly built, a kind smile, but hard eyes. His arms crossed and notice an ear piercing on his right ear.

I smile at the man, who seems very intrigued by both myself and Matthew. "Sorry," I take a step forward towards him, making sure to keep Matthew's hand in mine. "We've never met."

"The pleasure is all mine, Mia." He returns with a gentle smile. Not only does he look like Sage, but he has a massive scar just down his cheek. It's much more noticeable when he grins. His eyes flick to Matthew who's standing just behind me, "I've heard a lot about you from this one."

"This is River," Sage says. "My brother."

"Oh wow," I perk up. "It's so nice to meet you. I've heard a lot about you from Sage."

Sage mentioned that Matthew gave her the title of Beta over her brother. I don't talk to her often about it because she doesn't bring it up, but apparently, Matthew and Sage's brother are close friends. It just happens that Sage is more suited for the role of Beta. Even River himself didn't want the title, he just felt obligated to hold it because of their father. No one complained though when Sage took it. And River is perfectly happy as the lead warrior of the pack.

I feel Matthew's hand on the small of my back, his body feeling tense. "River is the head of the warrior program here, if you recall. He's my strategist and...what would you call it River?"

"I'd say commandant," River shrugs with a grin. His focus entirely on me, "I was never built for the bureaucracy side of things, but I'm especially excited about fighting."

I'm sure that River would fit well in Sparta. Physically, he looks like a Spartan. He also has that bloodlust in his gaze when he talks about fighting that I grew up with. But he seems quite nice. I've learned that the nicest people tend to be the most ruthless.

"He's definitely a shark," Sage rolls her eyes. "Can smell blood from miles away."

"Well, it's still nice to finally meet you," I raise my eyebrow at Sage. "Your parents must love nature to name their two children River and Sage."

River let's out a small laugh, "They were quite the hippies for sure."

A silence falls into the room, the tension in the air building up as soon as I realize that the three of them are all staring at me. There's a sudden shift in the air—the mood turning to quickly I feel like I've gotten whiplash. I feel like I'm suddenly under a microscope. I turn to Matthew, his eyes staring at me intently, like he's trying to memorize my face.

"What is it?" I ask no one in particular. My nervousness starting to build up, "Did I do something wrong?"

"You didn't do anything." Sage quickly intervenes. Her focus turns to Matthew, and I watch as she mind links Matthew with me in the room.

Rude, my wolf and I agree.

"You're starting to freak me out." I say honestly. I can't help the panic bubble in me and I turn to Matthew with fearful eyes. Matthew takes a deep breath, walking across the room to take a seat at his desk. His anger starting to reappear as soon as he his eyes land on a letter.

"We got a letter from Sparta today." His voice comes out slow as he's trying to control himself, like it's physically straining him. My heart starts to pick up its pace. There's no way that Sparta knows I'm here. No one even knows who my real pack is. Only Matthew, Sage, and Tyler.

"What do you mean you got a letter?" I ask rattled.

"Alpha Bren has reached out to all Alpha's." Matthew tries to suppress a growl but doesn't succeed. His eyes are staring at me hesitantly, waiting to see how I react. "He says that his mate is missing. That he would greatly appreciate if we contacted him if we stumble across you. So he can..."

Matthew clenches his fist, "So he can take you home."

A part of me doesn't actually believe that Bren would ever do that. Another part thinks that maybe he's regretting his decision of rejecting me. His wolf might be going crazy. There's a chance the pack isn't doing very well. Maybe he thinks it would be better if I returned. Maybe he actually misses me. Too many thoughts start running through my mind.

Could I even stomach the notion of going back to Sparta? Back to Bren? My true mate. The idea—surprisingly—makes me sick. I start to feel nauseated and gross. Remembering the way, he didn't want me and how he humiliated me in front of the entire pack. I don't even have my brand from Sparta, which I'm so incredibly grateful for now. I revert to my wolf, trying to tap into her emotions and letting her tap into mine. There's a chance she feels differently that she could convince me otherwise.

Mate wants us back? She can't help but asking. We're both feeling the exact same way. Confused and partially revolted.

She seems even more conflicted than I am. Every instinct in my werewolf body—everything we've ever learned—has always been to be with a mate. But in this very instant, remembering how much Bren didn't want me. How he decided to take Emery to be his Luna. How he didn't even search for me when I left the pack. It's been months since I've left—why would he suddenly have a change of heart?

My brain is irreversibly clouded with Matthew. It's like when in cartoons little birds are chirping around their heads. Mine sing only one song and it's about a rockstar professor who just so happens to be the Alpha of my new pack. I don't even want to humor the thought of going back to Sparta where I was unappreciated and miserable. Where I only had Clara whereas here, I've made plenty of friends and finally felt like I have a place other than "punching bag" and "nerd."

Bren can go fuck himself, I tell my wolf.

She huffs in agreement, I like Matthew. Matthew wants us. Matthew treats us well. He's so sexy. His wolf is sexy. And the pack likes us.

What pulls me out of my thoughts is Matthew's aura. It starts to pulsate like always. I must have looked kind of stupid standing in the middle of his office while I tried to internally battle myself. I'm sure they could all tell that my wolf and I were in mid-conversation. Sage, River, and Matthew are all staring at me eagerly waiting for me to say something. Concern and curiosity clearly written on their faces. Matthew's has a few extra elements of frustration and...dread.

"I need to talk to Matthew," I say turning to River. Then to Sage, "Alone."

My voice is much sterner than I intended, Sage even seems a bit impressed. They both start heading to the door, Sage turning to look at us. "Call us when you've come to a decision..." Her voice is unsure, eyes glancing at me.

Once they've closed the doors behind them, I snap my attention back to Matthew. He's suddenly built up a wall I've never seen on him before. His eyes harsher than normal—unlike the usual intensity that gives me butterflies. This stare makes me feel...wrong. It must be the look he gives Tyler that makes Tyler shit his pants—and now I get it. It's the stare of an Alpha, not of Matthew—my Matthew.

"I didn't want to tell you," He says lowly. "But Sage said you had a right to know."

I blink a few times, frowning slightly. "Are you scared I'm going to leave?"

Matthew's gaze softens slightly, his eyes quickly falling to his desk. Even without him looking at me, I see it. The sadness at the thought of losing me. Under any other circumstance I might have found it endearing but right now it both makes me sad and angry that he would think I would go back to Bren.

"Your mate wants you back," Matthew says softly.

"I don't give a fuck about what Dickwad wants." A sudden wave of anger washing through me. I narrow my gaze at Matthew, who's eyes snapped up to me instantly. "I want to stay here with you. And for you to think otherwise is absolutely insulting. You know exactly what I went through in Sparta, and you know how happy I've been here. How dare you brood over this thinking that I would even entertain the idea of going back there. With...with him."

I want to be angry at him for thinking and acting so differently towards me in these last few minutes. Except now, he's giving me that devilishly handsome smile. Slowly standing up and stalking towards me.

"Say it again." He says as he's standing in front of me. His hand pushes back a strand of my hair, lifting my chin up so I can look at him.

"What?" I glare at him, arms crossing defensively. "That you've insulted me?"


His forehead pushes against mine, my senses clouded by Amberwood and coffee and books. His hand cupping my face gently so that I'm looking directly into his eyes. I sigh out, my body relaxing at his touch.

"I want to stay here with you, Matthew." I tell him again gently.

He might as well have started glowing. The smile on his lip's ecstatic. The green in high eyes softening. Matthew presses a kiss on my lips that has my toes curling. My head spinning. My wolf howling. I can feel the relief in his body, his smile as he kisses me passionately. The purring in his chest that tells me just how content he is.

When he pulls away, my lips feel buzzed over. He's holding me closely, leaving small kisses on my forehead. "Are you sure?" He asks quietly.

"Yes." I breathe out, looking up at him. "My wolf and I want to stay right here in the Valley. With you."

I can tell how much it means to him when I say it again. I could only imagine the thoughts going through him head when he opened that letter. The anger of realizing you might be left broken-hearted a second time. I could never do that to Matthew, I'm too far gone.

I'm falling in love with him, I tell my wolf.

Me too, Mia. She replies with a purr.

Matthew picks me up bridal style, taking me around his desk and sitting back in his office chair. I can't help the small laugh as he showers me so delicately in kisses. A few on my cheeks before he kisses my neck. The joy I feel warms my entire soul. Maybe the Moon Goddess didn't make us mates, but that doesn't mean we're not meant for each other. 


A/N: Well I hope you didn't think that the only plot to this story was going to be romantic. Nopppeee. Other than our two little love birds falling in love, there's plenty of more coming up hehe ^-^

Also, I'll probably just add random pictures before the chapters. Really like some of the aesthetics I've found so why not lol 

Hope you're enjoying it! Don't forget to vote and comment <<33 some your comments are so funny and others are just so sweet. Thank you for your encouraging words about Mia and Matthew <3<3 

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