I'm Yours |Soogyu|

By -Rayni-

24.4K 590 330

Soobin and Beomgyu always cared for each other dearly. While their other friends, hueningkai, taehyun and yeo... More

Twenty *Final chapter*
Author's note


842 25 20
By -Rayni-

*Soobin's POV (first person)* (yes yes, it's everyone's favorite persons pov)

*later that day at 6:30 pm*

"Want to come inside? My roommate isn't here..." Chae-Yeong said to me with a flirty smile. (*gagging*)

"Sure." I knew what I needed to do. I would feel bad for hurting her, she was actually a nice person, but I needed to break things off before I could get serious with trying to make Beomgyu forgive me. Plus, Yeonjun would probably kill me if I went within five steps of Beomgyu before breaking it off with her. (That's definitely right 😭😂)

She opened the door and I followed her in. I sat down on the bed and patted the spot next to me, waiting for her to sit down. When she sat down beside me, she tried kissing me. I gently pushed her away.

"Wait... Chae-Yeong, there's something I need to tell you." (Oh, what a tangled web we weave, when first we practice to deceive, isn't that right, Soobin? 🤔)

"Yes?" She asked, looking slightly nervous. I guess she had a right to be though. I sighed.

"Well... I actually... like someone else..."

"What????" She asked, looking slightly hurt and angry, "Why did you date me then???"

"I- well... I'm sorry, I thought I liked you, but I can't keep hurting the person I like." I said in a defeated tone.

Honestly, she looked more angry then sad. Who could blame her though?

"Next time, figure it out first. I don't need to waste time." She snapped. "Get out."

I nodded and got up, but I lingered for a second at the door. "I really am sorry."

"Yeah, whatever. Just go." She said, pushing me out and slamming the door. (Why am I kinda laughing while writing this part? 😂😂😭)

I stared at the door for a moment before making my way back to my dorm.


"I'm glad you're eating again." Yeonjun said, sitting on the opposite side of Beomgyu and Kai at the table. Beomgyu had been laughing and talking to Kai when Yeonjun finally came over to eat. 

Beomgyu nodded, "I'm not entirely better, but I figured starving to death doesn't do any good."

"It doesn't." Kai agreed, and I nodded.

They ate in silence before Kai got up to take a shower.

"So, has Soobin reached out to you again?" Yeonjun asked. But Beomgyu shook his head.

"I'm not trying to upset you... but do you think he'll actually break it off with Chae-Yeong?"

"I don't know..." Beomgyu muttered. Yeonjun noted that Beomgyu looked a little sad so he quickly tried to cheer him up. He reached over and scooped up some of Beomgyu's food with a smile.

"Come on, cheer up." He said, waiting until Beomgyu leaned forward and ate the food that Yeonjun had scooped up.

(Ngl I just put that photo there because it's one of my favorites of them... but you guys thinking what I'm thinking?....




Beomjunbeomjunbeomjunbeomjunbeomjunbeomjunbeomjunbeomjunbeomjunyeongyuyeongyuyeongyuyeongyu- ahem sorry. Tis what happens when you have multiple ships 😭😂❤️)

"Good boy." Yeonjun said, patting Beomgyu on the head and laughing. Beomgyu smiled and continued to eat. 

"Oh right! I forgot to ask, how did it go with Kai when you took him out? Since I was drunk, I never asked..." Beomgyu said with a sheepish smile.

Yeonjun felt himself blush slightly. (Okay, so this is the part where Yeonjun confesses his undying love for Beomgyu and then Yeonjun breaks up with Kai, but they're still friends, and then Beomgyu and Yeonjun start going out. And then Soobin finally realizes he missed out big time and lives in regret forever. But it's happily ever after for Beomgyu and Yeonjun. Dw guys, I'm jk- anyways)

"It was actually really nice." Yeonjun said with a small smile.

"Awww, you're going all dreamy eyed." Beomgyu said with a teasing grin.

Yeonjun rolled his eyes with a smile. 

"Seriously though, I'm glad everythings going so well." 

"Me too." Yeonjun said . Being around Kai made everything better for him.

Beomgyu opened his mouth to say more but a knock on the door cut him off. 

"I'll get it." Yeonjun said, getting up and walking to the door and opening it.

He sucked in a breath through his teeth. "What are you doing here?"

(*Evil laugh* Mwahaha, now you have to wait until the next chapter to find out who it isss.

anyways, evil cliffhangers aside, I hope you liked it. Comment and vote? Maybe?)

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