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"Beomgyu, aren't you going to go to class?" Yeonjun asked, sitting beside Beomgyu on the bed, who was crying with the blankets over his head. Beomgyu shook his head. Kai had already left but Yeonjun wanted to make sure Beomgyu was okay before he left. 

"Do you want me to stay with you?" Yeonjun asked.

"No, it's okay. You go. I'm fine." Beomgyu said between sobs. Yeonjun sighed and pulled the covers off his head.

"Sit up." Yeonjun told him. Beomgyu reluctantly sat up and rubbed his eyes. Yeonjun sat down on the bed beside him and wrapped an arm around his shoulders, pulling him into a hug.

"It's going to be okay." Yeonjun assured him, giving him a gentle squeeze. "Me, Kai, and Taehyun are here for you."

"I know." Beomgyu mumbled, sniffling.

"Look, Beomgyu, Soobin's a jerk for doing that.  You're awesome, and smart, and funny, and if he can't see that then he doesn't deserve you. I know you love him, and I know it hurts, but it will get better. I'll stay by your side until you get better."

"Promise?" Beomgyu asked, looking up at him with tears staining his cheeks, "You aren't lying, right? I don't know how much more lies I can handle."

"I promise. You can trust me, Beomgyu. No matter what, okay?" Yeonjun told him, wiping his tears off his cheeks. Yeonjun felt like it was now his job to take care of Beomgyu now, not because he like liked him, but because Beomgyu would need someone for this next part. The healing part.

Beomgyu nodded against his shoulder and Yeonjun gave him another gentle squeeze, deciding it would be best not to leave Beomgyu alone.


Soobin was shocked when he realized Beomgyu's stuff was gone, but who was he to care anymore? He felt guilty, of course, but he didn't want to be gay. Beomgyu was his best friend, and he ruined that. It all could have been avoided if Beomgyu didn't fall for him, so clearly it's Beomgyu's fault, right? (That's painful to write 💀) 

Soobin was done caring. He never loved Beomgyu. He just wanted him to be happy. Obviously he realized that Taehyun and Kai would also hate him now, but who cares? He didn't need them. And he definitely didn't need Beomgyu. But he had to admit... maybe he did miss him a little. And maybe he did regret hurting him. And maybe he did feel somewhat sad when he looked at Beomgyu's empty bed, and where his stuff should've been. But that must of been because he used to be his best friend, right? Leaving him for Chae-Yeong was the best decision, right?

*Beomgyu's POV (first person)*

I appreciate Yeonjun staying with me. It was comforting with him beside me, knowing I can trust him. But I just can't make myself stop crying. Why'd I have to love Soobin? It always felt like I trusted the wrong people for relationships. I don't know how much more heartache I can take. But I do think I reached maximum with Soobin. Thinking about him made my heart ache in ways I never thought possible. Why couldn't he love me? Why'd he have to play with my emotions? This all could have been avoided if he had been straight with me from the beginning. It would have hurt, but not like this. 


"Yes?" Yeonjun asked, looking down at me.

"Have you ever gotten hurt by someone and you never thought it would be okay again?" I asked, sniffling against his shoulder.

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