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Soobin woke up in his bed with Beomgyu beside him. It took him a second to remember what had exactly happened last night. He quickly went over it in his head. The sound of the door shutting... the feel of Beomgyu's lips against his... his lips pressed against his neck...and then... 

Soobin lifted up the blanket and looked down, then he lowered it. So... they really did... he looked at Beomgyu. He looked so peaceful. Happy, even. Soobin wondered what went through Beomgyu's head to make him want to... actually, he didn't even know what was going through his head. Beomgyu's eyes fluttered open and he looked at Soobin.

"Good morning..." He yawned.

"Oh, morning." Soobin said as he slipped out of bed and quickly put on pants. Beomgyu sat up and fiddled with his fingers.

"About last night--"

"Forget it. It was just one time, right?"

Beomgyu stood up, pulled on pants and walked towards Soobin. He stopped right in front of Soobin. Soobin could feel Beomgyu's breath on his cheek as Beomgyu looked up at the taller boy. He went slightly on his tiptoes and whispered in his ear,

"No one can have it with me just once. They always come back."

Soobin gulped and took a step back. "Hurry up, we're going to be late for class."

Beomgyu and Soobin walked side by side down the halls until they ran into Kai, Taehyun, and Yeonjun.

"I'll go first." Beomgyu said, walking away.

"Hey, Soo- hey, what's that mark on your neck?" Taehyun asked with a smirk and a raised eyebrow.

"Mark? What mark?" Kai asked as he pushed Soobin's hand away from his neck and looking closer. "Wait a second... is that a hickey?" Kai asked. Soobin blushed.

"I- well- uh-"

"No, nope, don't lie," Yeonjun cut in. "But wait... does that mean... you and Beomgyu-"

"Don't be ridiculous," Soobin said. "It's probably just a mosquito bite."

"That must be one big mosquito..." Kai muttered. Taehyun and Yeonjun smirked.

"Well, let's go, we wouldn't want to be late..." Yeonjun glanced at Soobin one more time before the others followed him down the hall. Soobin noticed Yeonjun lagged back a bit with him.

"So," Yeonjun began as Taehyun and Kai walked a bit ahead, "What even happened? Becuase i KNOW Beomgyu wouldn't let you hook up with anyone while he was there. Or he would at least go to Taehyun's and his roommate's dorm for the night, or to mine and Kai's. And don't you dare say nothing happened," Yeonjun interrupted as Soobin opened his mouth to argue, "Just tell me the truth so I don't have to do all the extra work of finding out clues myself. I can also pry the truth out of Beomgyu, you know."

Soobin sighed. "Fine. Yes, me and Beomgyu hooked up."

"See? Was that so hard?"

"I guess not." Soobin mumbled.

"So, who made the move first, you or Beoms?"

Soobin sighed again and looked down. "Beomgyu." He muttered.

"Really? Actually, I can't say I'm surprised."

"What? Why?"

Yeonjun shrugged. "No reason."

"No reason? What do you mean no reason?"

"I gotta get to class." Yeonjun said, running off.

"YEONJUN!?! ARE YOU SERIOUSLY NOT GOING TO TELL ME!?!" Soobin yelled after him. "YEONJUNNNNN!" He yelled again as Yeonjun gave no reply. Soobin sighed. "Asshole..." He grumbled.

Beomgyu set his tray down beside Yeonjun's. 

"Hey, guys." He greeted with his usual happy smile. Soobin just noticed Beomgyu had worn a black turtleneck and realized why. Beomgyu had given Soobin a fair number of hickeys, but that didn't mean Soobin hadn't also given the same to Beomgyu. Soobin silently cursed himself for not thinking of wearing a turtleneck or something. If he had he could've skipped the whole conversation with Yeonjun.

"How are you feeling?" Beomgyu whispered in Soobin's ear, making Soobin jump slightly. 

"F- fine. Why?"

"Just making sure nothing's... sore." He smiled and leaned back, engaging in conversation with Taehyun. Yeonjun leaned backwards slightly as Soobin did the same. To Soobin it looked like Yeonjun mouthed "What was that about?" 

"Nothing." Soobin mouthed. Yeonjun rolled his eyes but leaned forward again.

*Two weeks later*

Soobin realized Beomgyu was right and found himself... occassionally hooking up with Beomgyu. They weren't even a couple... it seemed that maybe they were just helping eachother please one another? Or that's what Soobin made of it. Though he found Beomgyu treating him like his boyfriend and for some reason... Soobin tried to fight it. He didn't even know why. But he found himself rejecting Beomgyu's advances of hooking up later that night.

"Beomgyu." Soobin muttered as Beomgyu pressed his lips against Soobin's neck. "Not tonight."

Beomgyu looked up at him with those beautiful eyes of his. "Why?"

"Because... I'm not in the mood." He said, gently pushing Beomgyu away. But Beomgyu clung on.

"What's this actually about?" He asked.

"Nothing." Soobin said.

"Then... let me kiss you." Beomgyu didn't wait for a response as he pressed his lips against Soobin. The softness and sweetness of Beomgyu's lips had him going weak. And soon he didn't resist anymore.

(Okayyyy soo, the better drama stuff will happen in probably a couple chapters. I have to keep this kind of thing going to make it even better. Anyways, vote and comment? Maybe? Hope you liked ittt <3)

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