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⚠️Warning ⚠️  This chapter continues sexual content and bad language, so feel free to either skip to the end of the chapter where the really important part happens, or skip to Kai's part, or just skip the whole chapter 🥰 if you skip the important part you'll still get quickly caught up with everything in the next chapter, so no pressure! Happy reading! 🥰

*Beomgyu's POV (First person)

Soobin arrived a bit later. I opened the door for him with a smile as I grabbed some of the bags he picked up for takeout. My smile quickly faded as I saw it was from Mable Cafe. I didn't really like the idea of him being around Chae-Yeong since she obviously likes him as well.

"What's wrong?" Soobin asked me as he lifted his hand and smoothed the crease of worry between my eyebrows. Which was so not  fair. A single touch from him could have me loving him even more then I already do. I didn't say that though.I just grabbed his hand and put it against my cheek, leaning into his touch. I want to stay in this moment forever, just-

A ding from Soobin's phone interrupted my thoughts as he quickly withdrew his hand and looked at his phone. A huge smile crept across Soobin's lips as he typed away. I just stood there, worrying about who could make him smile like that. He didn't even let me answer his question.

"Yeonjun?" I asked as he continued typing.

"No." He said not even looking at me.

"Kai then?" I asked.

"No." He said again.

"So Tae?" I raised an eyebrow.


"Then whoooo" I whined. I needed to know. It was killing me slowly but surely.

"Don't worry about it." Soobin said. Fine, we'll play it like that. I walked over to Soobin and wrapped my arms around his waist. 

"Soobie." I said gently while stroking his hair. He just glanced at me but said nothing as he laughed at something on his phone.

"Soobie." I repeated with a frown. He continued to ignore me so I plucked the phone from his fingers and put it on the counter.

"Why did you do that?" Soobin asked.

I shrugged as I continued to play with his hair. Whoever he was talking to could wait. I leaned towards him. But right when our lips were about to connect his phone went off and he pushed me away. A little too hard but that probably wasn't on purpose.

"You should eat." Soobin said as he walked away to his bed and sat down. I frowned. I wasn't hungry anymore.

A couple minutes later Soobin finally noticed that I was pouty and finally set his phone down as he got up. He came up behind me as I was putting my takeout on a plate and wrapped his arms around my waist.

"Are you okay?" He whispered in my ear as he rested his chin on my shoulder. I ignored him and continued putting my food on the plate. 

"Beomgyu, are you mad at me?" He asked. Again, I ignored. 

"I'm sorry." He said as he planted a kiss on my shoulder. Not fair. When I didn't answer he planted a couple more kisses on my shoulder and the back of my neck. He let one of his hands wonder off of my waist and on my chest. 

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