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"Soooobinnnn!" Beomgyu whined as he smacked Soobin with a pillow. "Time to get up!"

Soobin mumbled something as he pulled the covers higher over his head. Beomgyu sighed. 

"GEEEETTT UPPPPP!" He yelled as he started jumping on Soobin's bed. Soobin and Beomgyu lived together as roommates on campus.

"Fine, fine, I'm up! I'm up." Soobin mumbled, sitting up and rubbing his eyes. "What time is it?"

Beomgyu looked at his watch. "hmmm. 7:13 am."

"7:13 am!? why'd you wake me up so early?" he whined. Beomgyu made his cutest pouting face as he said something, but Soobin couldn't pay attention.

he looks so adorable when he pouts, Soobin thought. then he quickly shook that thought away. Where had it come from? Sure, all the friends agreed Beomgyu was cute, but like puppy dog cute. this felt... different. It took Soobin a minute to realize Beomgyu was waving his hand in front of his face. 

"Helllooo, earth to Soobin." 

"Huh, sorry what?"

"I saaid, I woke you up this early because I wanted to hang out with you all day since we both have nothing going on. plus, the others are waiting for us at Yeonjun's and Kai's dorm."

"Wait, how'd you even get in the dorm if it locks behind you?" Soobin asked. Plus, Soobin recalled seeing Beomgyu forget his key on his nightstand when he had woken up enough to watch him go before falling asleep again. Beomgyu had a slightly guilty smile as he flushed. 

"I might or might not know about the spare key you put in the door frame since you always lose your key."

"Oh. I didn't know." He had been too embarrassed to admit it...

"Yeah, i didn't tell you for a reason," Beomgyu said, booping his nose, "Come onn, get ready so we can go get breakfast. I bet you want to take a shower but hurry up."

Soobin smiled after Beomgyu as he skipped out of the room like a little kid.


feel free to maybe comment?  hoped you liked ittt <3333

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