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Soobin walked towards mable cafe a while after class ended. It was time for his date with Chae-Yeong. He felt slightly nervous, happy excited, and slightly... guilty. Which he decided he definitely shouldn't feel guilty. Surely Beomgyu would understand that he wasn't gay or anything. He liked girls, not guys. He shrugged it off, pushing open the door, but little did he know that someone was watching him.


Yeonjun had decided to bring Kai here, since Kai seemed to like it. But he was surprised when Soobin walked through the door and met with Chae-Yeong. (Soobin needs to be careful, Yeonjun is always watching lol) 

"What's he doing here with her?" Yeonjun asked Kai. Kai looked around to see. 

"Honestly, I have no idea. Maybe he's making a move. But wait- what about Beomgyu?"

Yeonjun squinted his eyes in suspicion. "Looks like I have some reporting to do." He tsked and pulled out his phone. "Sorry Soobin, it needs to be done." He said, snapping a picture and quickly messaging Beomgyu.

Yeonjun: Beomgyu? We need to talk.


Beomgyu: what's up?

Yeonjun: it's about Soobin... 

Yeonjun sighed as he sent Beomgyu the picture of Soobin sitting at the table with Chae-Yeong, laughing about something she said.


Two minutes later, Yeonjun was getting worried but Beomgyu finally answered.

Beomgyu: ...

Beomgyu: what the hell is he doing????

Yeonjun: I'm not entirely sure, but I'll keep an eye on them just in case. They haven't noticed me and Kai here yet.


Beomgyu: you and Kai? Awwww, are you guys on a date?

Yeonjun: Beomgyu! Now isn't the time for that, you're getting off topic!


Beomgyu: at least you got a good one. You can definitely trust Kai. He wouldn't hang out with anyone who likes him when he barely knows them, even if he only sees them as a friend 

Yeonjun: I wouldn't worry yet, Beomgyu. We don't know what he's doing yet. Why don't you just ask him later?


Beomgyu: okay, but keep me updated on everything so I can confront him if he tries lying.

Yeonjun: aye aye, captain! Yeonjun out!


Yeonjun put his phone back in his pocket. He still needed to keep an eye on Soobin, but pay attention to Kai, so he made a mental note to do plenty of both.


Soobin was smiling at Chae-Yeong, wondering how he could've payed so little attention to her before. He was still slightly guilty about Beomgyu... but he just wanted Beomgyu to be happy a little longer, surely that wasn't selfish, right? (Ykw, Soobin, keeeeeep telling yourself that) He was thinking of Beomgyu, and his happiness. They're best friends, isn't this consider caring?

"Soobin, are you okay? Soobin?" Chae-Yeong asked.

"Oh, yeah, sorry." Soobin mumbled. Clearly he needed to pay more attention to the reason he was here. Chae-Yeong is a beautiful and smart girl, surely they would be a good fit? 

"You know you can tell me if something's wrong, right?" Chae-Yeong asked, reaching across the table and laying her hand on his. (Get your hands off of him, girl, that's Beomgyu's man 🙄 AND DON'T THINK YEONJUN ISNT WATCHING EITHER, SOOBIN, BECAUSE HE IS!!!)

"I know." Soobin said, laying his free hand on top of hers. (Internal cringing- okay I'll stop)

*Beomgyu's POV (first person)*

I ran my hands through my hair, making it stick out in all different directions, but of course I didn't care. That's my man she's with. And how could Soobin even meet her there? What the hell is going on?? Doesn't Soobin love me??? Because I thought he did. He wouldn't lead me on, would he? He wouldn't hurt me, right...? No, of course not, we've been friends for a while, so he would never. I hope. I don't think I would ever recover if he hurt me. I'm also beginning to wonder if I should have ever trusted him. Was he trying to make me jealous? Did he actually know Yeonjun was there??? Because if he's trying to make me jealous, I'll march over there and give him a good smack. He should know better then to toy with my feelings. I just don't ever want to see him walk away. Or do some thing to make me walk away. 

"WHY CANT I EVER BE HAPPY, DAMN IT!" I yelled, punching the closest wall. I was half aware my knuckles were bleeding but ignored it. Who cared, honestly? If Soobin didn't, then I had nothing to live for.

*Third person*

Soobin gasped as he saw Beomgyu leaning against the wall when he opened the dorm door sometime later. Yeonjun had updated Beomgyu about all the hand holding, the flirting, and everything else Soobin and Chae-Yeong had done, and he managed to make both of his knuckles bleed, and somehow ended up with a deep gash in one leg, which Beomgyu couldn't fully remember how that happened. He had become a sobbing, bleeding mess. 

"Beomgyu, what's wrong?" Soobin asked, rushing over. Beomgyu had already decided not to let Soobin know he knew Soobin did all that. 

"Soobin," Beomgyu muttered, "Can you just hold me? I'll take care of the wounds soon just...please."

"Okay," Soobin reluctantly agreed, still worried about him, but he still sank down next to him and let the younger boy lean against him. "Baby, it's going to be okay."

And those words hurt Beomgyu more then any wound could ever. Because they weren't true.

(Breaking my own heart along with Beomgyu's 😭 my poor baby. And also, I can't remember if I mentioned it already but make sure to check out my other story, Just Being Friendly {Soogyu} 

also, hope you liked it <3 comment and vote? Maybe?)

I'm Yours |Soogyu|Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz