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Beomgyu sat on the bed, staring at the wall. He couldn't help his mind replaying everything that happened. 

"Are you hungry?" Soobin asked, coming over and sitting down.

"A little." Beomgyu admitted quietly.

"Okay. I'm sure I have something." Soobin said, standing up. But Beomgyu grabbed his wrist before he could walk away.

"Thank you, really." 

Soobin smiled. "No problem."

Beomgyu gently let go of his wrist and Soobin walked away. 

Soobin set down a plate of food in front of Beomgyu a couple minutes later.

"Thanks." Beomgyu muttered and began to eat. 


*That night*

Soobin checked his phone as a ding went off.

Taeh: dude, you seriously need to hear this

Soobin: What is it?


Taeh: Dae-Jung's at the bar near mable cafe

Soobin: What? Can you come over and watch Beomgyu?


Taeh: Sure. But don't do anything too drastic. Or something that could land you in jail.

Soobin: Of course not


Taeh: be there in a few

Soobin quickly went into his messages with Yeonjun.

Soobin: Dae-Jung's at the bar. The one near mable cafe


Yeonjun: What are we waiting for? We need to get over there!

Soobin: I know. I just need to wait for Taehyun to get over here to watch Beomgyu


Yeonjun: Okay, I'll head over then

Soobin: Alright


*Yeonjun's POV (First person)*

Me, Soobin, and Kai walked through the doors of the bar. It didn't take long for me to spot the bastard at a table near a corner. I also remembered that I had to beat Soobin at the very same bar for hurting Beomgyu. Fuck, who would even want to hurt Beomgyu?

I marched over with Soobin and Kai and slammed my fist down on his table. He slowly looked up at me.

"Oh, hey, Yeonjun. Finally come to get back together with me?"

"You sick little-" I cut myself off and inhaled. "No. I'm here because of what you did to Beomgyu."

"Beomgyu? Who's that again?"

"You bastard! You know damn well who Beomgyu is!"

"Ohhh, isn't he the guy I hooked up with last night?" Dae-Jung asked with a smirk.

"Hooked up?! Is that what you call it?" I demanded.

Dae-Jung smirked. "Oh please, he was practically begging for my c-"

I was pushed aside forcefully by someone. I spun back around to see Dae-Jung slammed against the wall, by no other than Soobin. I had to admit, I was slightly impressed.

"You sick bastard!" Soobin growled, landing a punch on Dae-Jung, which he tried to return. Dae-Jung tried taunting him, but Soobin cut him off with punch after punch. Pretty soon me and Kai had to grab Soobin and drag him off of Dae-Jung. Dae-Jung honestly didn't look too good. There was a lot of blood coming from him. 

"If you ever lay a hand on Beomgyu again, I'll do a lot worse!" Soobin shouted, trying to twist out of mine and Kai's grip.

"Soobin, calm down." I said, genuinely shocked I wasn't the one to beat him first. 

"How can I?" Soobin demanded.

But my reply was cut off by a new voice.

"Police! What's going on here?" An officer demanded.

"They attacked me!" Dae-Jung shouted.

"He raped my boyfriend last night! And left several bleeding physical wounds!" Soobin shouted, still looking like he wanted to murder Dae-Jung. It took me a minute to realize he called Beomgyu his boyfriend, but I shrugged that off. That would have to wait. 

"Is this true, Sir?" The officer asked, now looking at Dae-Jung.

"Of course not!" Dae-Jung said.

Soobin death glared at Dae-Jung, but then he looked at the officer. "I can prove it."

The officer nodded, "Alright then."

I stood there silently as Soobin called Taehyun, who put Beomgyu on the phone, who in turn confirmed it. He even showed the bandages he had. 

"I'm sorry, sir, but you have to come with me."

Dae-Jung struggled a bit, but he soon gave up and got taken away. (Good riddance) 

"Now what?" Kai asked after several awkward seconds.

"Now I get back to Beomgyu and make sure he's okay." Soobin said, and without another word, took off.

"Wow, he really does care about Beomgyu, doesn't he?" Kai asked. I nodded.

"He does..."

*Beomgyu's POV (First person)*

"I'm fine, don't worry." I assured Soobin for like the tenth time.

Soobin sighed, "Okay."

"One second." I said as a ding went off from my phone. I opened messages to see that Kai sent me a message and a link.

CoolKai: Check it out

Beomgyu: Okay?


I hit the link to see that someone had videoed everything that had went down at the bar. I was half aware that Soobin was watching it with me, and the video  ended after Soobin said he was going to see if I was okay. 

"You really do care, don't you?" I whispered.

Soobin nodded. "I do. I really, really do."

"For real?" I whispered, not quite ready to use volume.

Soobin nodded again and took my hand, waiting for me to look at him before saying, "Which is why I want you to be my boyfriend."

(hahaha, cliffhanger again! Good riddance to Dae-Jung though!

Anyways, hope you liked it!

Comment and vote? Maybe?)

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