Back for Her 18 +

By ariesstarz

693K 16.4K 1.1K

EDITING AND UPDATING Back for Her will be back on wattpad on the 16th of May 2023 More

Twenty One
Twenty Two
Twenty Three
Twenty Four
Twenty Five
Twenty Six
Twenty Seven
Twenty eight
Twenty Nine
Thirty One
Thirty Two
Thirty Three
Thirty Four
Thirty Five
Thirty Six
Thirty Seven
Thirty Eight
Thirty Nine
Forty One
Forty Two
Forty Three
Forty Four
Forty Five
Forty Seven
Forty Eight
Forty Nine
Fifty One
Fifty Two
Fifty Three
Fifty Four
Fifty Five
Fifty Six
Fifty Seven
Fifty Eight
Sixty One
Sixty Two
Sixty three
Sixty Four

Forty Six

2.7K 86 6
By ariesstarz

Forty Six

I sneaked out of bed in the morning. I had a busy day with my sister ahead and as much as I would like to stay in bed with Damon this morning. I needed to support my sister.

I slipped into the shower quickly. I had about an hour to make it to Lily's wedding dress appointment.

Every time I think about Lily getting married, I feel nervous for her. Not just because of the wedding but what comes after that. I know that her and Adam were good for each other but she still was very young.

Just as I was rinsing the conditioner from my hair I heard the sound of the shower doors opening.

Damon stood shirtless, just in his boxers.

" I thought you were sleeping," I asked him as I twisted my hair and brought it to one side.

He hummed as he pushed himself inside the shower and forced my body to the back of the shower.

" Damon" I said in a warning tone. " You know I have to meet Lily at 9, now is not the time"

Damon's only response was increasing the temperature on the shower and pressing his body against mine and letting the water run down our bodies. That primal look in Damon's eyes as he stared at me.

Fully at his mercy right now.

" We have plenty of time. I'll break all laws to get you to your sister's appointment in time baby. I just need to be inside you right now"

I bit my lip as I looked at him.

" Are you going to stop me baby? Because the look in your eyes right now is telling me that you want to stay here with me and let me do everything I want to do to you"

This man, I swear.

I knew that trying to stop him would be no use. Not people I couldn't but because no part of me wanted to stop him right now. I needed him.

Damon pushed my hair to the back and instantly slanted his lips over mine. His Hands moved over my waist and pressed me back against the wall. His kisses were fast and urgent. Forcing moans from my lips as his rough hands worked their way around my body.

My hands moved down his chest and tugged at his boxers, moving them over his hips and down his strong thighs.

Damon wasted no time in cupping me and circling his thumb down my slit.

" Good girl, so slick and wet for me"

My hands flew to his shoulders as Damon kissed down my neck and continued to play with me.

" Hold onto me okay baby" Damon said looking down at me, his thumb tracing over my lips.

I nodded as I tightened my hold on him. Damon instantly lifted me up and forced my legs around his waist. I felt him press against my stomach. Damon slapped my ass and moved his dick between my thighs.

" Damon please " I begged as he continued to tease me.

" I just know you're going to be the most beautiful bridesmaid. I'm going to make sure that every man knows your mine at the reception " I pressed my lips against Damon's.

"Be quiet" I mumbled softly against his lips. With those words leaving my mouth Damon finally gave me what I needed. I pressed my lips against his shoulder as I felt him fill me, stretching me around him.

" Moan for me baby girl, I want to hear your sweet voice"

That's exactly what I did. I let out moans every time he moved inside me, every time he sucked on my lips as his own grunts filled the shower room.

It was the best way to wake me up.

Damon was right at what he said. He did get me to the appointment just on time. I didn't go all out with my hair and makeup. Lily was still planning on how she wanted her bridesmaid's to look.

I sat with a few of Lily's girl friends as we waited for her to come out with her first dress.

Anna, Sarah and Kirsty were all close friends of Lily's. They all went to college together and even though they lived a few hours away from Lily, they still kept in touch and made plans when they could.

I admired their friendship.

" What do you honestly think of Adam, i'm sure Lily doesn't tell me everything" I said to Anna.

She smiled over at me, dropping her phone into her bag.

" You want the goods do you Sky" She said giggling with the other girls.

I gave her a blank stare. " Spill I said with my own giggle.

" Oh Sky I wish I could give you some juicy gossip but in all honesty Adam is great. He really does care for Lily doesn't he guys"

Both Sarah and Kirsty nodded their heads. " He really does. I think the only thing I can think of is that theres times when he will just keep to himself and sometimes when theres tough conversations he tends to stay silent and it makes Lily go crazy" Sarah explained.

" What kind of conversations?" I pressed her.

"Nothing much but things like jealousy or tough decisions. I think it is his way of coping with it though"

I think I know what she meant but at the same time, they should always be able to talk about it and get through it together.

" That's not juicy enough girls, try harder next time" I said with a smile.

I wasn't trying to cause trouble or invade Lily's privacy but I am her older sister and I need to make sure I am looking after her.

I turned my face back to the front when my sister finally walked out in her first dress. The dress was beautiful, a simple but elegant mermaid style dress.

" That is beautiful Lily" I said standing up and admiring how beautiful it made her look.

" But it's not her wedding dress " Sarah spoke up from behind me.

Lily stared at her friend through the mirror and nodded her head softly.

I was a little surprised that they were so quick to make a decision like that but I guess they have been shopping around and talking about the dress for many weeks now.

"It's not, Why isn't it?" I asked.

" We've got this Lily, try the next dress" Sarah said dismissing Lily back to the dressing room.

As Lily disappeared I turned to Sarah, not quite favouring her way of silencing my little sister.

I caught from the corner of my eye, Kirsty shaking her head over at her friend but when she saw me looking she stopped and just smiled.

" Does she not like the style?" I asked again. Hoping that Sarah would think about lightening up.

I didn't know much about Lily's friends but I'm sure they all treated each other with respect. They all seemed nice from what I've heard from my sister.

" Look Sky, we've been shopping for her wedding dress for weeks now. We know what we are doing so you can just sit back and let us help Lily"

I felt at a loss at her words.

My lips parted as I stared at Sarah before turning to Kirsty and Anna but they all stayed silent. Anna was finding her phone more interesting.

" I respect that you have been helping Lily but I want to help and I'm not going to just sit back. That's my sister and you should understand that Sarah"

I needed to stand my ground. I don't know why she thinks she can try to put me in a corner but I wasn't going to allow that. If she's doing this to me, what exactly is she doing to my little sister.

" we get it but it's not like you've been around so we had to step up that's all I'm trying to say"

" Sarah stop it" Kirsty finally burst out, her eyes wide with shock as they stared at her friend.

I wasn't really sure what she was doing but something told me that she had been waiting to say something to me for a while.

Clearly she cared a lot about Lily but there was no reason for her to come and attack me.

" What, someone had to say it" she said, shrugging her shoulders and leaning back in her chair.

So no remorse?

" You don't know what you're talking about Sarah"

The words that I was thinking in my head, were spoken aloud by none other than my little sister as she stepped out in another beautiful dress.

Lily stood by the mirrors watching us.

The dress fitted her body to perfection before spreading out past her waist. It had the most elegant flower details on the shoulders and down the arms.

Even though she looked so beautiful in the dress her eyes carried nothing but hurt and disappointment as she looked at Sarah.

" Oh this one is beautiful Lily " Sarah said jumping up but Lily quickly stepped back.

Sarah looked in pain.

" I told you that you had no right to say anything about my sister and you decided to do it behind my back. When you thought I wouldn't hear."

I was impressed that Lily was sticking up for me but I also didn't want them to fall out over me.

" Lily, it's okay it's just a misunderstanding" I stood up and moved over to her. I took her hand looking down at the beautiful dress covering her skin.

Lily shook her head. " But it's not okay," she said quietly.

I smiled softly at her as I brought her hand back down. " Forget about it, this is your wedding and I promise to be by your side from now on. If Damon has to come to these fittings so be it"

This forced a giggle from her lips. " I'd love to put him through that kind of pain" She said quietly.

I could only nod. Me too.

" I'm serious though, this dress is actually stunning. What do you think about it" I asked her.

She turned around and looked at herself in the mirror. Her hands moving delicately over the white flowers printed down her sleeve.

" It's beautiful but I'm not sure if Adam will love it, is it a little too much"

My breath hitched at her words, the hesitancy.

" Not this again" we heard from behind me. Anna was shaking her head but not in a mean way, more playful than anything else.

Sarah surprisingly stayed quiet.

"You want to see the poor boy cry don't you" I said to her.

"You bet" This time Sarah did speak up.

I had to smile at this.

" Adam will love you in any dress you wear, you do know that right" I told her.

She nodded softly. " I know but i'm still not sure about this one"

" Adam is going to watch you walk down the aisle with Shane. He's going to first see your beautiful dress but after. When he's about an arms length, he's going to see your face, see the look of love in your eyes and he's not going to remember a single detail of your dress Lily."

I pushed her face up with my fingers. " Do you hear me. So this dress should be anything that makes you feel beautiful. The dress is second nature when you finally marry that man"

I knew that this was going to get real soppy, quickly but she needed to hear this.

Sarah had her point, I needed to be here for Lily, more than I have been with everything going on in mine and Damon's life.

" Holy fuck, thats the sweetest thing" Kirsty spoke up before Lily could even respond to me.

I smiled as I dropped her hand once again.

" So why don't we try on a few more dresses and then if you're still not sure we can come back again"

Lily and her friends were happy with that idea. We were there for another hour before we called it quits. Lily walked with the assistant to organise a new appointment. Leaving me with the girls.

" Hey Skylar, can we talk"

I saw Sarah sitting up against her chair, looking directly at me.

"I just want to say sorry for what I said earlier, it really wasn't my place to judge you based on nothing"

I looked at her, listening to her carefully. She looked and sounded sincere with her apology. I was never really mad at her, I knew that she had her reasons.

" It's really okay, I know where you are coming from, and you're right. I haven't been here for my sister like I would have wanted to be"

I turned to all three of the girls. " I am really thankful that she's had you all to help her with this wedding" I told them.

" If you girls need anything, you just let me know I will try my best to help "

Sarah smiled and surprisingly rushed over and wrapped her skinny arms around me.

" I hope that everything is okay too"

I smiled. " Yeah I'm okay, thank you though" I replied just as Lily joined us again. A beaming smile on her face as she saw me and Sarah embracing.

" Shall we head out then" Kirsty suggested as she slung her bag over her shoulder.

" Yeah, what do you girls have planned for the rest of the day?" I asked as we exited the bridal store and walked out into the sunny London streets.

Anna pulled out her phone and quickly pressed it to her ear." we're having dinner out because we knew it was going to be stressful"

Her eyes were scanning the area, it all made sense when a car pulled up to the side and a guy stepped out.

" Sorry baby, mental traffic down the road" He said as he stepped up to Anna and kissed her cheek.

" it's okay, oh Chad this is Skylar, Lily's older sister"

Chad turns to me and reaches his hand out. " Pleasure to meet you Sky, i've heard a lot about you so its nice to finally meet you"

I looked at him rather confused. " He also went to school with us" Lily explained to me.

" That makes sense, well nice to meet you Chad i'm assuming you're also coming to the wedding"

He looked at Anna briefly but finally turned to Lily and brought her in for a side hug.

" You bet I am, Just wanna see this idiot fall on her feet"

Lily smacked his arm and pushed him away from her body.

"Do you need a ride or something Skylar or are you getting a lift?" Sarah asked me.

I shook my head. " Don't worry about me, I think Damon is picking me up in a bit "

I quickly said goodbye to the girls as they stepped into Chad's car.

I waited by the side of the road for about 10 minutes before I saw Damon's car speeding around the corner.

I was surprised to see Adrian the one driving the car. But nonetheless I slipped inside the passenger side.

" Damon and Charlie are with the private investigator so you've got me for 24 minutes" Adrian said, pulling away from the path and heading back onto the main road.

"Oh joys" I mumbled under my breath.

"Behave woman"

" What's going on with the investigator then?" I asked after a short few minutes.

Adrian turned the music down and took a deep breath. " From what I've heard, he needs to do a lot of digging on Henson but I think we might be able to do something about what happened with Yvonne "

"Seriously, can he get time for that?" I asked him.

Adrian shrugged his shoulders. " Maybe but it's definitely something we can get the police involved with, people that we can trust anyways"

That was a huge relief.

" That's great news" I said as I sat back in my chair.

" It is , it really is" Adrian replied as he took the familiar turning that led us closer to the house.

Just as we were arriving at the house. I noticed Damon standing outside as a sleek Mercedes was just pulling away from the drive. Adrian slowed down as we were about to pass, then stopped immediately when the other car stopped and winded down his window.

" Damon has briefed me well, I will try everything I can to get this Henson man off your case"

I offered him a smile as I leant over the console. " Thank you so much for helping us, i'm sorry Damon never gave me your name"

He slid his sunglasses onto his head. " Call me Nathan, I'll pop round this week and speak to you properly Skylar"

Nathan nodded at Adrian as I waved him away, I'm sure he has many other cases he is working on.

Just as Adrian put the car into gear and drove into the driveway, he turned down the music playing and turned to me.

" In the future, please don't lean over me whilst that scary man is watching us"

I narrowed my eyes as I stared at Adrian's grimace.

"Oh stop it Addy, I barely touched you"

Adrian pushed his fingers through his hair. " That's not the point Sky, I value my life, i still want another kid"

"The man is useless. He still acts like he hasn't see you in 5 years. The man has a constant boner and it's annoying"

This man was being ridiculous.

"Fine, it won't happen again" I told him, as I sat back in my seat.

The second I entered the house, Damon was waiting for me in the hallway. I instantly walked up to him and linked my arm around his neck, pulling him down to my lips.

He pressed his lips firmly against mine, grabbing my ass just as firmly before deepening the kiss.

"There it is again, fucking distracting" Adrian mumbled as he walked past us, his fingers shielding his eyes.

Adrian will always be dramatic.

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