Destiel One Shots

By Nananana989

512K 12.6K 12K

You hear about people falling in love all the time, what about an angel and a hunter? After watching Supernat... More

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Destiel ~ Wings
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Destiel ~ The Social Groups Part 2 (Highschool AU)
Destiel ~ Drunk
Destiel ~ Roommates (Au)
Destiel ~ Classified (Spy AU)
Destiel ~ Classified Part 2 (Spy Au)
Destiel ~ When I'm Gone
Destiel ~ Part Of Your World (AU)
Destiel ~ Part Of Your World Part 2 (Au)
Destiel ~ Don't Scare Me Like That
Still In Hell You Guys
Destiel ~ A Little Bit Of Lust
Destiel ~ Performing Arts (Au)
Not This Shit Again
Destiel ~ Nightmares
Destiel ~ Good vs Evil
Destiel ~ I Don't Want To Go Too Fast
Destiel ~ Don't Forget About Me ( High School Au)
Destiel ~ Don't Forget About Me Part 2 (Au)
Destiel ~ Don't Forget About Me Part 3 (Au)
Destiel ~ Don't Forget About Me Part 4 (Au)
Destiel ~ Colorless (Au)
Destiel ~ Time To Ship
Destiel ~ Time To Kill A Homophobe
Destiel ~ You Can't Change A Man
Why The Fuck Do Witches Hate Us?
Why The Fuck Do Witches hate Us? Part 2
Why The Fuck Do Witches Hate Us? Part 3
Destiel ~ Masquerade (Au)
Destiel ~ Masquerade Part 2 (Au)
Destiel ~ You Don't Just Kiss Your Best Friend!
Destiel ~ A Demon And An Angel, How Hot
You Can't Save Everyone My Friend
Destiel ~ Unprofessional Part 2 (Au)
Destiel ~ I'm Nothing But A Monster
Destiel ~ Bad Boy (High School Au)
Destiel ~ Dirty Prayers
Destiel Texts
Destiel and Sabriel ~ Double Date
The Best Way To Get Rid Of The Mark
Destiel ~ Pool Party (Au)
Destiel ~ Our Love Is Forbidden (Au)
Destiel ~ Our Love Is Forbidden Part 2 (Au)
Destiel ~ Shower
The Beast Inside
Destiel ~ Drunk And In Love
Destiel ~ Letters To Love
Destiel ~ Lost In The Woods (Au)
Destiel ~ A Child To Remember Me By
Destiel ~ Draw Me Like One Of Your French Girls *Giggle* (High School Au)
Don't Piss Off A Winchester
Destiel ~ Well Fuck You Too Twilight (Au)
Destiel ~ Well Fuck You Too Twilight Part 2 (Au)
Destiel ~ Well Fuck You Too Twilight Part 3 (Au)
Destiel ~ Are You Afriad
The School Of The Extraordinary (Au)
Destiel ~ Hogwarts Is Where We Met
Destiel ~ Old Habits Die Hard (Au)
Destiel ~ Old Habits Die Hard Part 2 (Au)
Destiel ~ Hunger Games (Au)
Destiel ~ Hunger Games Part 2 (Au)
Destiel ~ Hunger Games Part 3 (Au)
Destiel ~ Panties
Destiel ~ Friends With Benefits (Au)
Destiel ~ Idea's Start With Fan Fiction
Destiel ~ Undercover
Destiel ~ Party Like There's No Tomorrow (Au)
Destiel ~ So, What Just Happened? (Au)
Destiel ~ So, What Just Happened? Part 2 (Au)
Feelings And Blood
Destiel ~ The Green Eyed Monster
Destiel ~ The Green Eyed Monster Part 2
Destiel ~ Take Me Away (Au)
Destiel ~ My Time Traveler (Au)
Destiel ~ It's My Lucky Day
Destiel ~ Just One More Night (Au)
Destiel ~ Really, You Got A Cat?
Destiel ~ Protective
Destiel ~ The Mirror Of Erised
Destiel ~ You're My Prisoner (Au)
Destiel ~ A Little Taste Of Heaven
Shit, She's Pissed
Destiel ~ Face It Babe, We're Meant To Be
Destiel ~ Roommates (Au)
Destiel ~ Roommates Part 2 (Au)
Destiel ~ Hey Now (Au)
Destiel ~ Hey Now Part 2 (Au)
A New Beginning (Future Adventure)
This Is The End

Destiel ~ Unprofessional (Au)

4.2K 101 93
By Nananana989

A/N: I should take a nap, but I love writing. Would you believe I'm having a bit of writers block?


Dean sighed, glancing up from the papers. 3 hours. That's all he had to last until the weekend. Dean was one of the higher ups in the business. He had piled upon piles of reports to fill out.

This job was annoying and full, but at least he worked with his brother. Sam was the secretary for someone named Castiel. Sam deserved to be a lawyer, not the assistant to some guy. He glanced back at his papers and decided to take a small break. Before he could even get up however, his brother knocked on the door.

"Castiel Novak would like to schedule an appointment. He needs to talk to you about some reports." Sam says, a Bluetooth in his ear.

"What time?" Dean questions.

"4:40." Sam replies. Great, so an hour from now.

"Tell him I'll see him then." Dean nods.

"Will do. And Dean, have you gotten any work done today? You still have a huge pile of reports." Sam questions.

"I just keep getting more and more." Dean sighs, shooing Sam from his office. Dean takes a sip from his coffee and gets back to work. There was no point in a break now.

1 hour later......

Dean yawned and finished the last of the reports on his desk. That's when a knock sounded on his door.

"Come in." Dean said, and in walked a sex God. Dark messy hair and deep blue eyes with a stubble painted on his jaw, his pale pink lips slightly chapped. He wore a sharp suit, just like Dean, suited for work. Dean guessed this man was Castiel.

"You must be Mr Novak." Dean nodded.

"Correct. Castiel Novak." Castiel smiled.

"Dean Winchester. My brother is your secretary." Dean says.

"I knew the name sounded familiar. Anyways, I came to talk about reports....."

After 20 minutes of discussing what they needed to, they chatted for a bit.

"How long have you worked for the company?" Castiel questions.

"2 years. You?" Dean shrugs.

"Around the same, approaching three." Cas admits.

"Do you mind if I call you Cas? Castiel is kinda a mouthful." Dean a asked.

"I don't mind at all." Cas smiled kindly. He glances at the time. He lets out a sigh. "I have to get back and finish my reports. Nice meeting you." Cas leaves the room without Dean saying anything. Dean just sits back in his chair. To think that he had been working next to a sex god this whole time.

Woah, stop objectifying him. Dean was certain that Cas was an amazing person, in their brief time talking, he seemed like a nice guy, and that was good enough for Dean. Soon, the day was over and The Winchester brothers said goodbye and left.

"See you Monday Dean." Sam smiles, heading to his car while Dean heads to his 1967 black Chevy Impala. The car may not be as fast as newer models, but she was full of memories.

"Nice car." Cas smiled as he headed to his.

"Thanks." Dean smiled back. Dean made no comment on Cas' car, though, he thought it was cool he had a classic car as well. Didn't particularly know the maker of the car, but oh well. Dean got in his car and drove off.

When he got home, he changed into sweat pants and that was it. He didn't plan on going anywhere else that night. He started checking his phone. He saw a text from his brother and rolled his eyes. What was he going to wrangle him into this time?

From Sam:

So, don't freak out, but I gave Castiel your number. You two seemed to hit it off and I took notice. I'm a good brother aren't I?

To Sam:


From Sam:


Dean rolled his eyes yet again. His brother was an idiot. He still loved him though, despite how annoying he got, a real pain in the ass. Well, so was buttsex, besides the point. And he had to agree with his brother, Cas and him really hit it off. As if I'm cue, Dean revived another text.

From Unknown:

Hey Dean, it's Cas. Sam gave me your number.

Dean smiled a bit and changed his contact name.

To Cas:

Hey Cas. My brother told me he gave you my number. I'm not even surprised he did. He does things like this a lot.

From Cas:

He gives your number away to anyone who talks to you?

To Cas:

Not exactly.

From Cas:

I'm not going to ask. Anyways, would you like to grab a drink sometime?

To Cas:

Sure. What time?

From Cas:

How about 10:30 tonight?

To Cas:

Sounds good. I'm guessing the bar by the office?

From Cas:


To Cas:

See you then.

Dean smirked. Maybe he would get drunk, who gives a rats ass? He was going to get to know Cas better.

To Sam:

You are so lucky.

From Sam:

Going on a date?

To Sam:

No. But I am getting to know Cas better.

From Sam:

Let me guess. Drinking, lots and lots of drinking.

To Sam:

It's just a drink or two Sammy.

From Sam:

You better not send me drunk texts.

To Sam:

You have no faith Sammy.

From Sam:

Dude, you're an atheist.

To Sam:

Shut up.

Dean went to change. He had plans for tonight. After deciding exactly what to wear, he took a quick shower, doused himself in some decent cologne, and got dressed. He wore a nice white collared shirt with the sleeves rolled up and some tight dark jeans. His boots were laced up. He still had a few hours to kill. He checked his phone again.

After checking everything, he grabbed a book from the bookshelf.

"It's been awhile since I've read Harry Potter." Dean smiled, sitting down with the book.


Dean checked himself in the mirror, unbuttoning the first two buttons of the shirt and fixing his hair. Granted, he was just getting to know Cas, the dude could be married. But, a guy can dream, can't he?

Dean drove to the bar and went inside, his wallet and ID in his pocket. The inside of the bar was stuffy and smelt of desperation. That was normal. Guys hitting on the prettiest girls. This was no gay bar, which Dean would've preferred. He spotted Cas sitting at the bar. He looked a bit uncomfortable, some girl was hitting on him. Dark eyes and dark brown hair that full into curls. She was giving him flirty eyes. Dean walked over.

"Hey Cas." Dean smiled. Meg recognized his voice and glared. She turned and walked away.

"Thanks Dean." Cas sighed.

"No problem. She hates my family. Just hates us." Dean. Chuckled.

"What would you like?" The bartender asks.

"Just a beer." Dean smiled. She went to get his drink.

"Why would she hate your family?" Cas questions.

"Meg? She tried to date my brother, before finding out he was dating someone named Gabriel. Then she tried hitting on me, I just told her I was nobody second choice, nobody's back up plan and told her to leave. So yeah, she kinda hates us." Dean shrugged.

"Gabriel? Right, your brother is dating my brother." Cas rolled his eyes a bit.

"Why are you rolling your eyes?" Dean questions.

"Have you met my brother. A sweet tooth, extremely flirty, and I'm not even going to mention how much I despise his job." Cas sighs.

"What's his job?" Dean questions.

"Trust me, you don't want to know." Cas says. The bartender brings back Dean's beer and he pays her. Dean takes a sip of his beer.

"Okay. So, you in a relationship with anyone? I doubt a guy like you could be single." Dean questions.

"No, actually. I haven't actually dated anyone in a while. I mean, I had a boyfriend a couple years ago, but that was my last relationship." Cas shrugged. "What about you?" Cas asks.

"I've been single for a year now. My ex girlfriend Lisa got in a car accident. And I was driving the car when it happened. She blames me for putting her life in danger when she had a 7 year old kid at home. She blamed me because some drunk dude decided to get into a car and go on the highway." Dean rolled his eyes.

"Harsh." Cas grimaced.

"No kidding." Dean glanced around the bar.

"Man, this place stinks of desperation and hookers." Dean crinkled his nose.

"And yet, it's the nicest bar in town." Cas sighs.

"Want to go to my place? I got some whiskey. With the stress of work, I could really use it." Dean suggests.

"That doesn't sound like a bad idea." Cas admits. They leave and Dean gets in his car, Cas gets in his and follows Dean's car. When they get to Dean's home, they go inside and Dean goes to get the whiskey.

"Here you go." Dean hands Cas a bottle of whiskey.

"Nice place you got here." Cas says.

"Thanks. Nice view too. My neighbors don't make a lot of noise and it's almost peaceful, if not boring." Dean shrugs.

"I live in an apartment. This is definitely a nice change of scenery." Cas comments.

"So, I forgot to ask, besides your brother, any family?" Dean questions.

"Yeah, an alcoholic dad, my oldest brother is a sex addict, my brother Michel has his issues, such as hating every single one of us. Gabriel is the only one I can tolerate. And that's even pushing it. What about you?" Cas questions.

"My dad was never the same after my mom died, kinda went crazy. He's a mechanic. Besides Sam, I have my half brother Adam who's still in college. That's about it. Sam drives me insane sometimes, I was my dad's little soldier, raising my two brothers, Sam is still his favorite. Adam hates all of us, but he's coming around." Dean shrugs.

"So both of us come from dysfunctional families and yet we still managed to get the jobs we have today. Cheers." Dean smiled and they took a large swig of their drinks.

"I forgot how strong whiskey is." Dean laughs.

"Agreed." Cas smiles. They stood there for a minute, just drinking their whiskey and glancing at each other. "If I hadn't gotten to know you better, I would've thought you were a walking ken doll." Cas admits.

"Yeah, I get told that a lot." Dean chuckled.

"Well, you are pretty attractive." Cas smirked.

"So are you. Remember when I told you my brother did this a lot? He tends to give my number away to anyone I find attractive." Dean just glances at the ground. Dean sets his bottle of whiskey on the counter and hears Cas set his bottle down.

He hears him walk forward, him placing both arms besides him. Dean looked at him, the entrancing blue looking at him. He could smell the whiskey on his breath.

"You find me attractive?" Cas questions.

"Yeah. You said you thought I was attractive as well." Dean glanced down at Cas' slightly chapped lips. Oh, if only Cas could read his mind and see his thoughts that prevented any innocence. Cas glanced down at Dean's lips. They seemed to be thinking the same thing. Maybe the whiskey got to them already, maybe they were drunk. Okay, so maybe they were sober, but either way, they had just met that day. No one it their right mind would just kiss after they had just met that person.

Well, unless it was a hooker, a prostitute, something like that. One second their lips were inches from each other, the next they were connected in a heated passion. Dean cupped Cas' jaw and kissed him filthily and roughly. Cas didn't seem to mind, in fact, he enjoyed it. His hands finding their way to Dean's hips, pushing the shirt up slightly so his hands met Dean's warm skin.

One minute they were leaning against the counter, the next they were on Dean's bed. They both knew they were sober, they both knew where this night might lead, and frankly, neither gave a rats ass. They only cared about the lips that were connected with theirs In a lustful passion. Cas started to unbutton Dean's shirt, with each unbutton undone, the more they understood the situation. And the more they loved it.

Dean tangled his fingers in Cas' messy hair and tugged roughly at it. Their lips separated, and they were gasping. Their eyes met and their lips reconnected. Dean wrapped his legs around Cas' waist as they kept kissing. Cas ripped off Dean shirt, throwing it across the room, the fabric landing on the doorknob. Dean tugged at Cas' shirt and Cas broke the kiss to pull it off.

"Holy fuck." Dean gasped. He was admiring Cas' body. Considering both of them work in an office so much, neither of them should be this skinny/fit.

"I could say the same to you." Cas smirked, damn that smirk. Cas peppered kisses all over Dean's face, suddenly butting at the skin on his neck, sucking at it, leaving hickeys. Light ones. They still had to go to work Monday. Dean rolled his hips upwards, trying to get some damn friction because he was fucking horny. You get that way when you're in a heated make out session with a hot guy who's about to have sex with you.

Their lips crashed together again, Dean dragging his nails down Cas' back. Were they in for a night.


A/N: There will be a part 2! Yay!

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