ROTTMNT x Reader - Oneshots

By Riakami

15K 337 376

Okay. I am UPSET about the lack of romance in this show (No matter how much I adore it regardless.) and there... More

Teddy Bear ❀️
Savage In Red ❀️
Date-Me-Not ❀️
Minor School Drama πŸ’™
Sweet Disaster πŸ’™
Double Trouble πŸ’™
What is this witchery? πŸ’œ
The Twins πŸ’œ
In the name of science! πŸ’œ
This is a nightmare. Literally. 🧑
One Iced-Coffee Please 🧑

Princess Half-Yokai πŸ’œ

1.4K 30 86
By Riakami

AU where Reader is a half-yokai from a royal family but doesn't know that yet.

"Victory is min- OOF!" Y/n gets tackled to the ground by Leo.
The turtle snatches the remote from her hand and quickly picks himself up.
"I got it gu-- GAH!" Y/n takes a hold of his ankles, effectively tripping him.
Leo's snout collides with the floor.

"My poor handsome face..." He groans.

The rest of the brothers lay somewhere a bit further away in a pile.

"Like I said, ahem," N/n plucks the remote from his hand.
"Victory IS mine." She grins proudly.
April walks up next to her, leans on her shoulder and chuckles.

Ah yes, it has been around 4 months now since the turtles had met Y/n.
The energetic girl is now in the lair for the first time since.

"Everybody buckle up cuz we're watchin' Disney movies." N/n twirls the remote.
All four males let out a frustrated groan at that.

"Dibs on Splinter's chair!" She rushes out, dragging April with her.

"WHAT!!" The boys yell in union but the girls are already half way to the projector room.


The turtles arrive to Y/n and April hauling the chair like some queens.

"That was so not fair!" Leo is the first one to voice his complaint.
"All's fair in love and war, my good friend." The blonde smirks, glancing at April who returns it eagerly.

The brothers all roll their eyes.

Donnie is the first one to move, quickly taking a seat in front of Y/n on the floor.
He doesn't know what drove him to sit exactly there but he doesn't think much of it and neither do the others.
Leo sits in front of April by Donnie's side, Mikey on his other.
Raph sits next to the chair.

"Alright your highness, choose a movie before I grow a beard longer than Santa." Donnie tips his head back so he can look up at the blonde, who in turn leans over him.
The teen genius had been the victim for many of Y/n's teasing in the past few months and he made it his personal mission to try and fluster the girl himself for once.
Needless to say he has yet to succeed.

Y/n chuckles from above him.
"Is that so." She gingerly puts her pointer finger on his snout. "I bet even that would suit you." The turtle flinches.

"PWAH! Donnie with a beard, imagine that!" Leo suddenly bursts out laughing, jabbing an elbow into his twin's side.
His words bring at least a giggle out of everyone, except the blonde.
Donnie slightly recoils, feeling embarrassed.
N/n swats Leo in the head with the remote.

"Ow!" He yelps.

"Hey-!" He's about to confront the girl but shuts his mouth once their eyes meet.
Damn, if looks could kill-
This is totally favoritism!

A few seconds later Leo loses the staring contest and N/n huffs, satisfied.
She turns her gaze back to the turtle in front of her.
He has an evil grin on his face, eyeing his twin in blue.

"Ha! Get put in your place, Leon- OW!" He exclaims, grimacing at his cheek now being pinched by none other than the blonde.
"I won't hesitate to put you in your place too just because you're my favorite." Donnie's heart momentarily stops.

"Pf, guh.. What?! I mean, it's obvious you favor him but dang, saying it with no guilt what so ever just does a number on my pride, y'know?!" The turtle in blue turns back towards her just in time to see her let go of Donnie's cheek.
But not even Raph's or Mikey's hurt expressions faze her, she just shrugs.
Donnie can't help the sudden giddy feeling in his chest.

Out of the corner of her eye, N/n sees Mikey's eyes fill with obviously fake tears and she cracks.

"Aw nooo... Don't.." She frowns.
"C'mere baby." She makes grabby hands at the youngest brother who eagerly pushes the twins aside to sit between them.
Back to the chair, Mikey lays his head back between Y/n's and April's knees.
The two girls both giggle at the twins' complaints.

"You can choose." N/n tosses the remote to April, opting to pamper the needy turtle a little.
She cups his face upside down and Mikey grins widely when she begins to scratch at just the right spot somehow.
"Michelangelo, you are evil." She snorts, amused.
The turtle in orange just giggles innocently.

"Hey, why don't I get any of those?" Seeing Mikey's satisfied face, Leo suddenly wants to know what it's like too.
Donnie just turns away, arms crossed and chin held high.
"Baby brother privileges." Mikey mockingly waggles his non-existent eyebrows at the twins.
Another snort leaves N/n's mouth.
"Okay, I think it's time we start the movies now."


Y/n is very close to bursting into tears.
"She'd rather live as a frog with him then human without him.." Her face is scrunched up in the most comical way, trying to hold the tears back.
"I knooow.." April looks very much the same as they cling to each other.

On the screen playing in front of them is The Princess and The Frog, Tiana and Naveen are holding hands, rubbing their noses together smiling happily even after the kiss didn't work.

"Hold my dignity a sec, the dam's about'ta break, yo," N/n sniffles, smushing her cheek into April's.
Leo, Donnie and Mikey are eyeing the two with concerned and confused gazes.

"Is this normal behavior for females, orrr...?" Leo side-eyes his twin.
They hear a deeper sniffle.
"Oh my god.." Donnie sighs.

"Raph...." Leo follows suit.

Raphael is bawling his eyes out with a straight posture.
The younger brothers all sweatdrop.
Suddenly, Raph shoots up from the floor, causing his brothers to flinch.
"Wha..?" Leo asks, blinking a few times.

Raph wordlessly turns to the girls, picks each one up in his hands, sits on the chair and puts them on his thighs, engulfing them in a hug.
That does it for Y/n and tears flow down her puffy cheeks in literal streams.
"What in the coffee filled heaven am I looking at..." Donnie narrows his eyes, questioning reality.

"Love is so beautiful," N/n balls a fist dramatically and squeezes her eyes shut with a determined expression.
April nods, her own tears now running freely.

"Okay, this is too much affection and I am not even being touched... OW!" The remote collides with Donnie's forehead.
"What was that for?!"
N/n sniffles with her nose held high.
"Don't ruin my moment." She cradles Raph's bicep and Donnie's eye twitches.

"I want hugs too!" Mikey throws himself between the girls who don't hesitate to snuggle him.
Not even a second later, Leo follows.
"Hey, don't forget about me!"

Donnie merely narrows his eyes further.
The emotions radiating off of them is just too much!
He makes a bee-line for the exit.

"And where do you think you're going?"
Donnie's heart does a backflip as he feels dread crawling up his spine.
He very slowly moves his eyes to the delicate hand grasping his wrist.
Before he knows it, he is pulled into the pile.

"Y/n." He eyes the blonde with a frown but she just giggles.
The turtle rolls his eyes in defeat and very slowly, a little smile emerges on his face.


"You guys are so slow, hurry it uuup!" Y/n is literally vibrating with impatience.
The guys and April had just told her they would be going a place called "The Hidden City" to visit someone, the turtles' second "dad" or whatever.
She didn't pay much attention to the reason of their visit because she was too hyped to go to a place filled with yokai.

"Calm down N/n, we will be leaving shortly." Donnie puts his hand on the bouncing girl's head to halt her movement.
"How can I?! We're going to a place filled with cool creatures like you guys!" The soft-shell cannot describe the giddy smile on her face as anything but adorable.
He shakes his head with a lop-sided smile.

"Damn, I don't think I've ever met someone so happy about seeing mutants." Leo stiffles a laugh.
"Oh, you don't even know half of it!" N/n's grin grows wider than the Chesire Cat's.
"Alright guys, got everything ready!" Mikey calls.
The family gathers behind Leo.
Y/n already knew what was coming, she had seen this many a times now but it still amazes her.
Her star filled eyes never fail to boost Leo's ego either.

"Watch and be amazed!" The blue-clad turtle shoots Y/n a knowing smirk.
Leo conjurs up a portal smoothly, then bows elegantly.
Y/n's mouth forms a perfect "O" shape, clapping her hands together excitedly.
Donnie just rolls his eyes.
April cups her mouth with a giggle.

They step through the portal and Y/n glances around in awe.
"Dudeeee..." Donnie swears the stars in her eyes start shining even brighter.
The others just giggle at the awestruck blonde.
"This is the most beautiful place ever..."

"Isn't it just?" A deep, smooth voice of a male brings everyone's attention behind them.
Tho owner of the voice resembles a human quite a lot, minus the fact that his ears are about 10 centimeters long and are sharp instead of round.
An elf, Perhaps?
The young male has sharp features, dirty blonde hair, piercing green eyes and is wearing elegant, expensive looking clothing.
He very much looks like a prince, straight out of a fairy tale.
He seems to eye Y/n with great interest.

"Ah, pardon my rudeness, I am Elias." The boy- Elias, puts a hand over his heart and bows ever so slightly.
"I apologise for my sudden comment," The elf (?) takes a step forward, reaching for Y/n's left hand.
The others eye the scene playing out before them with blank faces.
"Your beauty seems to have put a spell on my heart and I'd gladly make your every wish come true." Elias closes his eyes, placing the tenderest of kisses atop her knuckles.
For whatever reason, Donnie's body goes stiff and the others' jaws meet the pavement.
Even the people walking around them freeze up.

Elias draws back, staring into the blonde's eyes with a charming smile.
Y/n's face is blank.
"My guy, I've literally been wearing this hoodie for a week now." She deadpans.

"Clothing does not create beauty, it merely enhances what is already there." Elias pulls N/n a single step closer by the hand.
Donatello feels the slightest of pains in his chest.

The blonde feels her stomach do a flip, and not in a good way.
Maintaining her blank expression, she slides her hand out of Elias' grasp, which he tilts his head at.
Y/n lowers her own head and silently makes her way over to Donnie.
The other blonde, April and the turtles all follow her with their eyes.
N/n wordlessly bonks her forehead against Donnie's plastron, never raising her head.

"N/n...?" Although he slightly flinches at the contact, his eyebrows furrow with concern and surprise.
He briefly glances towards the others who just shrug.
Then he returns his gaze back on her when he feels her palm on his plastron.
"Donnie..." The turtle's heartbeat slightly quickens at the murmur of his name. "Yes..?"

"...Please tell me you have that disinfectant with you, I think I'm gonna hurl........"

"........ H u h ." He blinks a few times, letting her words sink in.

Y/n balls her right fist and holds it in front of her mouth.
She raises her head with clearly green tinted cheeks.
Donnie's cheeks puff up as he inhales sharply, only to erupt with laughter 2 seconds later.

"PWAHAHAHAHAAHAA!" He doubles over, clutching at his mid-section, the heavy feeling in his chest immediately dissipates.
Leo, Mikey, Raph and April quickly follow suit.

"What is the meaning of this?!" Elias' offended voice is merely background noise.

"You guys I am seriously about to throw up a whole ass rainbow here..." N/n gives Donnie specifically an unamused face who just barks out laughter even more at that.

N/n flicks Donnie in the snout.
"Hand it over, drama llama."
A mechanical arm emerges from his battle shell and does just that.
"My stomach hurts..." The turtle has literal tears flowing down his face.

"Are you telling me you'd rather be with such a hideous, low-class yokai than me? Do you not know who I am?!" Elias angrily points to Donnie and addresses Y/n again, who is squirting out about half of the little bottle's contents.
Donnie's laughter abruptly cuts off and N/n turns to the fellow blonde with an offended gasp.

"How dare you?! Dee is a very handsome turtle!" She flings her arms around said turtle's waist protectively, smushing her cheek into his plastron. "I'd choose him any day over you or anyone." She squeezes Donnie in her arms, glaring daggers at Elias who looks baffled.
Donnie's brain literally short-circuits as his brothers all 'Oooo~' at him.
Elias' eye twitches.

"You cannot be serious! Choosing a turtle over a literal prince? That is rediculous!" Elias fumes.
"Maybe if you pull that 20 meter long stick out of your ass then we can attempt to talk." N/n's eyes narrow further.
She truly is upset about this rando insulting Donnie.
Speaking of- The purple masked turtle's soul is very close to leaving his body.

"Oh-ho-hoooo, sick burn!" Leo chuckles into his fist.
"Why you-!" Elias takes a step forward.

"Elias." A demanding voice of an older sounding male fills the air.
A similarly blonde young man emerges from the crowd in equally elegant clothing.
His face is more defined and his tone is much more professional than Elias' though.
"Brother..!" Elias flinches.

The older looking male shifts his gaze from his brother to Y/n, who is still latched onto a very much blushing Donnie with a threatening glare.
He approaches the pair and as he comes closer N/n's scowl only turns more ferocious. "What?!" She hisses.

The blonde male merely chuckles.
"I apologise for my younger brother, he cannot seem to keep his cool around pretty women." Elias pouts in the background.
N/n reluctantly nods and her face relaxes after eyeing the man for a second.

"N/n if you hold poor Donnie any tighter you might squeeze him out of his shell." Leo snickers, his own cheeks reddened from breathlessness.
"Leo!" Donnie growls, but he turns to look down when he feels N/n shift.
Their eyes meet.
"H-Hi...?" He stutters.
"Hey~" Y/n smiles innocently. "Oh boy, are you about to have a heart attack..?" N/n turns to put her ear flat against his plastron. "Holy lemon cakes, it's going so fast..."

Donnie didn't think his face could be any redder but alas, here he is.
Leo doubles over for another round of relentless laughter.

"Do you seriously fancy this guy?" Apparently Elias hasn't had enough yet and he waltzes over, intending to jab a finger into Donnie's plastron.
He never makes it that far though, because Y/n let's go and whips around.

"Insult him one more time, I dare you." She challenges.
"C'mon, he's a turtle!" Elias snickers.
Something inside Y/n snaps in that moment.
She draws her fist back, which is then engulfed in blue flames- Wait what-
And effectively socks Elias in the jaw, who then falls on his back.
Everyone's eyes go wide at the sight she has yet to realize.
Y/n points an accusing finger towards the male on the floor, her hand still ablaze.

"You disrespectful piece of- WHU-AAAAAAAA-"

Fright quickly fills her almond colored orbs.
"PUT IT OUT, PUT IT OUT, PUT IT OUUUUUT!" She looks like she came straight out of a cartoon, flinging her arm around like that.
Then she ubruptly comes to a stop.
"Wait... It doesn't hurt." She eyes the flame with a dumbfounded expression.
All at once her eyes light up.
Her giddy expression quickly drops though. "I suddenly have a hunch why dad was barely around.."

"You-!" The horrified expression on Elias' face nearly makes Y/n smile.
"You're his daughter?!" Y/n tilts her head. "You know my dad?"

"I just hit on my own sister..." Elias' soul tries to leave his body through his mouth.
The turtles, Splinter, April and Y/n all freeze up.
"WHAT?!" N/n shouts and the flame on her hand goes out.
"Let's take this somewhere more private, yes?" The older of the brothers gestures for them to follow.


They wind up in an office resembling room in a very elegant palace.

"First, allow me to introduce ourselves more properly." The older brother holds a hand over his heart.
"I am Prince William, 20 years old and this is my- or our, younger brother Prince Elias, he is at the age of 17 and we are both pure-blooded fox-spirits."

N/n gives the brothers a dumb look.
"Uuuuh, are you sure that we're related...? Cuz my mom seems very much human to me... Hah..." She laughs awkwardly.

"Yes, it would appear so." William confirms.
"Those flames of yours are a signature sign of our bloodline, you do not seem to share our appearance, however." N/n tilts her head at that and the male chuckles.
"Allow me," He bows briefly, than snaps his fingers.

Two oversized, fluffly ears and a tail sprout from the man's head and lower back, the same color as his hair.
Y/n just stares in awe and William chuckles again.

"Wait, if we're related then does that mean I can do that too?!" Y/n excitedly points at his ears.
William's smile turns apologetic.
"Unfortunately, I do not think so. If that were the case you would have them right now, as we cannot 'change forms'. We can only hide them by constantly using magic to do so." He explains.
"Dang it, I was this close to becoming an actual anime girl..." Y/n sheds a tear.

Something suddenly clicks in N/n's head.
"Wait... But what about the flames then? How come I can do that?"

"That would be because you are half-yokai, on our father's part." He says.
"T-That can't be..." Y/n falters. "Mom wouldn't hide something like this from me."

"It is highly likely that she does not know." William puts a comforting hand on her shoulder.
Y/n nods in understanding. "Wait, so... While we're on the topic, how do they work? The flames, I mean."

"That very much intrigues me as well." Donnie steps forward.
William pulls his hand back, smiling.
"That is very easy. Simply imagine the flame ignite in your hand, how big you want it to be and what shape it should take. Ah, I should also mention that it will change color, based on your emotions."

"Oh?" A sinister grin spreads on Y/n's face.
N/n raises an eyebrow at Donnie, who flinches under her gaze.
"W-What?" His eyes narrow.

"Hey Dee," Y/n snaps her fingers and a tiny purple flame ignites atop her fingertip. "Guess what I feel right now?" She wiggles her eyebrows and Donnie chokes on literal air, along with the two foxes.
The rest just look at each other, confused.

"S-Sister.. How very bold of you." William hides his blushing face behind a fan he literally brought out of nowhere.

"Mating season is not yet due until next spring, you horny girl!" Elias' blush is much heavier than his brother's and the look of horrified bewilderment on his face is very clear.
The rest of the group wears similarly blushed faces as Donnie tries not to die from choking.

"Oh, I may actually marry one of them off." Splinter comments.

"DAD!" Donnie roars at his father through his coughing fit.

Y/n eyes Donnie for a moment with a blank face.
"N-N/n...?" Once the turtle regains his composure- More or less- He addresses the girl.

"Eh?" She meets his eyes.

"EEEEEEEH?!" Reality hits her like an avalanche and her entire face goes red.

"Of course it is not. Hmph." A deep, elegant voice of a woman speaks up.
"Purple has more than one meaning, you know, clueless child." Y/n turns her gaze towards the voice- The flame, on her fingertip.

The flame flies off on its own, takes a few circles around her before stopping in front of her face.

"Do not fret Lady Y/n, the fox child is overreacting." It says.
"Although," It takes off again, this time in Donnie's direction.
It glides along his jawline as if caressing it, the turtle shivers at the odd feeling, audibly gulping.

"He is very cute, is he not?" It chuckles.

"Aaaayy, she gets it." Y/n's blush disappears like it was never there and she fist-bumps the purple flame with a smirk.

"Okay, why is Donnie the one getting all the attention here? I am clearly more handsome." Leo pouts.
"Says who?" Y/n and the purple flame ask at the same time which earns a snort from Raph, Mikey and April.

"Alright, jokes aside what is..." N/n gestures to the flame. "This?"
"That, dear sister is your fox-fire." William folds his fan.
"As you can tell, it has its own consciousness. And since this is technically your first time using itproperly, you've just brought a new life into this world." He smiles. "Every fox-spirit has their own fox-fire and every flame has its own personality. They are just like an actual person. Although, they tend to resemble their 'masters' very often." He chuckles.

"Great, as if one of Y/n wasn't enough." Donnie groans.
"Oh shush, drama llama, you loooove me." She muses and the soft-shell rolls his eyes at her.

"N/n, this is so cool!" April throws her arms around the blonde. "Can I touch it?" The brunette points at the flame.
"Uhm... I am not sure.. Heh," N/n nervously scratches her cheek.
The flame chuckles.
"Do not worry Lady Y/n, I will not burn your friends. Unless you so wish."
April and Y/n share a glance, the latter shrugs.

April gingerly cradles the flame in her palms and it shifts into a pale baby-blue hue.
"Wow, this feels so odd." She marvels at the tiny fire. "It feels like holding my fingers into a waterfall- Except it flows upwards rather than down."

"I know right? But why is it blue? I don't feel down or anything." Y/n puts a finger to her chin.
"Fox-fire is blue by default. It would be a much darker blue if you were upset." Elias cuts in.

"Ooh, ooh, can I touch it too??" A very eager Michelangelo peers over the brunette's shoulder.
The flame moves on its own before any more could be said, it glides up his arm to caress his face briefly which Mikey giggles at.
Then, it spreads around his head, resembling a lion's mane.
Mikey gasps and he gets stars in his eyes, the flame giggles at his awe.

"Alright, alright. I think we've kept you long enough." William laughs lightly.
"I believe you were going somewhere before my brother so rudely interrupted?" He shoots Elias a glare and the teen in question flinches.

"Ah, yes, let us go. Draxum must be wondering where we are by now." Splinter speaks up and William nods in understanding.
"You are welcome to visit whenever you please, Y/n." He kindly smiles at his sister who returns it.
"You can call me N/n, Will. We will be on our way then."
She reaches out for the flame, it returns atop her palm and goes out.


"So," Leo puts his hands together, they are now standing in front of the palace gates. "Are we just going to completely ignore the fact that Y/n is a HALF-YOKAI PRINCESS?!"

"Oh my gosh, you're right!" April covers her mouth.

"I'm friends with an actual princess!" She engulfs Y/n in a bone-crushing hug.
"Can't... Breathe!" She groans.
April lets her go.

"Geez, I still have so many questions.. Like, where's my dad?" N/n sighs.
"Well, they did say you can come back whenever.." Donnie puts a comforting hand on her shoulder.
She smiles up at him.
"Yeah, you're right."

She puts her hand over Donnie's, grasping it firmly.
When he meets her gaze, he's met by a rare, genuine smile and the slightest of a blush on her face.
One look is all it take for Donnie's body to feel light as a cloud.

He smiles back.


Mikey eagerly knocks on Draxum's door who moments later opens the door.
"Ah, if it isn't the turtles. Splinter, April,"
He briefly eyes each of them as a greeting, he raises an eyebrow when he spots Y/n.
Getting an idea he cracks a smirk.

"So, which one's girlfriend might you be?" He chuckles.
The yokai's face grows more amused when N/n's eyes flick towards Donnie with a blank face, the turtle's face heats up and he momentarily forgets to breathe but he also looks confused.
Is she implying something here...?
His brothers stiffle a laugh and Splinter shakes his head.
Y/n's eyes then return to Draxum, completely unbothered.

"None of them," She chuckles, offering her hand.
"I'm a family friend like April, my name is Y/n." She smiles politely.

Draxum shakes her hand.

"Please, come on in."


"So, if Y/n isn't with any of you, have you boys perhaps found a partner yet?" Draxum puts down his fork.
They were in the middle of dinner.
The boys all flinch, April and N/n both huff out a laugh.
"Okay, just what is up with you and girls today?" Donnie forces a smile.
"I am simply curious how my 'sons' are doing." Draxum puts a hand over his heart in mock offense.
"Riiiight..." The soft-shell narrows his eyes.

"Pfah! Heroes like us have no time to gawk at girls!" Leo shakes his head with with an overconfident smile.

"Says the turtle who tries to convince S/n every chance he gets that he's 'not like other guys'." N/n snorts and high-fives April.
"Hey now, S/n/n has boy issues, I'm just trying to help her." Leo's confident smile falters ever so slightly.

"Leo, ever since you found out that she hates pushy guys you become a gentleman every time she's around." The blonde raises a teasing eyebrow.

I tiny but clear blush settles on Leo's face. "Y-Yeah well.. What about you and Donnie, huh? You're constantly all over him!" At the mention of his name the younger twin looks towards Leo and N/n.

"My feelings for your brother have nothing to do with your very obvious crush on my sister." N/n pops a piece of food in her mouth noncholantly as if the brother in question wasn't even there.
Donnie spits the sip of coffee he just took out at Mikey, who yelps after getting drenched.

Draxum and Splinter share a blank glance.

"Y'know, S/n/n likes you too." N/n looks at Leo with a blank face and sees his eyes fill with hope in real time.
"R-Really...?" The slider pokes his pointer fingers together repeatedly, looking at his hands nervously.
"N/n! You weren't supposed to tell!" April hisses at the blonde.
"Oh c'mon, those two pining over each other is killing me." Y/n groans in frustration.

Meanwhile, Donnie's brain stops functioning properly.

She has feelings for him?!
She said it so easily too then why didn't she just tell him to his face before?
Wait, did he want her to tell him?
Does he feel the same...?

Donatello slowly glances at Y/n, she has a huge smile on her face as she showers his twin with advice on how he should confront the very wary of males S/n.
For a second, her wide smile turns genuine instead of teasing, trying to actually comfort Leo.

The soft-shell feels his heart skip a beat.

Oh, the things he'd do for her to smile like that all the time, for her to be happy.
He finds himself smiling.


He does like her.


After spending about an hour at the lair after the dinner at Draxum's, it's time for the girls to go home.
"Alright guys, we're going then." April calls out to the boys.
"Byeee!" Y/n chimes in.
The turtle brothers with Donnie's exception return the gesture.

"Wait, Y/n!" The tech genius rushes over to the two.
The blonde turns to him. "Yeah, what's up D?"

Donnie nervously glances at April in the back who just smiles.
He returns his gaze to Y/n when she tilts her head.

"D-Did you..." He gulps.

"Did you mean that... At Draxum's....?" Mustering up all his courage, the male very carefully takes Y/n's hand in his.
His gaze is hopeful, yet scared.

"When you said that... You have feelings for me.. Did you really mean it?" He ever so gently squeezes her hand, his voice becoming quieter with every word.
For a moment he feels the little rush of confidence go away but it quickly returns when N/n squeezes his hand back.
"Yes," When Donnie looks at her face her smile is apologetic, almost sad.
"I do have feelings for you."

Donnie feels like he's on cloud 9.
She really does actually like him.

She does...

He suddenly remembers how to breathe and a sense of confidence like never before surges through his body.

He cups N/n's cheeks in both hands, smashes his lips into hers a little aggressively then hoists her up and spins a few time with the now giggly blonde in his arms.
N/n throws her arms around his neck, pulling closer if that is even possible.

"I like you too," Donnie pulls back with a no doubt stupid grin on his face.
And there it is.

That smile.

The smile that he loves so much.

"I thought you don't do emotions or physical affection, Mr. Bad Boy." N/n quirks a teasing eyebrow, giggling with the giddiest smile ever.
Her heart is beating so fast she wouldn't be surprised if Donnie commented on it like she had in the Hidden City.

Donnie huffs with a flustered smile.
"I don't mind it when you touch me... In fact I.. Wouldn't mind if you touched me more often." He rubs his snout into N/n's right arm still around his shoulder.

Then he sees something he probably never will again.
Y/n's smile falls and she turns so red even the tips of her ears burn.

"N-N/n?" The turtle lightly jumps when the girl suddenly hides her face in his shoulder.

He had actually flustered her!

"Damn you, Donatello..." She speaks against his skin which makes him squeeze her a little.
Then he remembers why they are near the exit to the lair and an idea pops into his head.
He really doesn't want N/n to leave right now.

"N/n? ..N/n, please look at me." He gently nudges the side of her head with his.
Y/n pulls back with a very adorable frown on her face.
"Please stay?" Donnie digs his face into her chest, looking up at her with big, pleading eyes.
Y/n raises an unamused eyebrow but is battling herself on the inside.

Why did mother nature give this guy such a cute face, WHY?

When she doesn't budge Donnie lets out a single, very sad chirp so quiet that only she can hear.

Since when the fuck can turtles do that.........

She flinches at the adorable sound.
Her nose scrunches up into a sour expression because she knows she can't say no to him.
Donnie just smiles innocently.

She's the shameless teaser here, switching roles wasn't a part of her plan!

"Ugh! Fine..." She grunts but her smile returns quickly when she sees Donnie grin from ear to ear, clearly happy with the response.

"April?" She turns to the brunette with an apologetic smile.
She gives her a thumbs up.
"Don't worry, I'll tell your mom you're staying at mine tonight." April winks before turning to walk out on her own.
"Congrats, by the way!" She calls back from the tunnel.

The blonde giggles. "So," Y/n returns her gaze to Donnie. "Movie night?" She carasses the nape of the soft-shell's neck absentmindedly.
The turtle hums at the feel of her fingers on his skin.
"That can be arranged." He smiles smugly, earning another giggle from the girl.

Donnie turns on his heel without putting N/n down and makes his way into the projector room.


Literally behind the corner of the enterance.

"Ha, you guys both owe me 50 bucks each!" Michelangelo smirks smugly at his siblings who just groan in defeat.


5559 words

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