
By its_tsd

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His face is leveled to mine and I can see tiny droplets of water on his face and lips as he draws closer to m... More

Second Chance


781 137 4
By its_tsd



It comes out as a shock. I press the phone to my face and when I don't answer Kiara speaks.

"Tejasswi we need you. Come as fast as you can."

And with that she cuts the phone.


He can't be shot, the leaders are under extreme protection.

But I know him. If there is danger he will put others in the frontlines but not without him doing it too.

My head slowly turns in rage, to Aditya. Who looks confused, or "acts" like he's confused.

"You did this on purpose didn't you?"

"Did what?"

I calm my breathing and remember my training.

"You brought me here so your people can go on with their plan right?"

"Nancy, what are you talking about?", he emphasizes the name to remind me who I'm supposed to be.

I give up and storm out the building which he follows quickly.

"Nancy! Hey, wait up I need to drop you!"

I stand near his cars as he approaches me.

"What are you talking about? I'm confused."

"You brought me here as a distraction so you're people can take out mine."

I'm so deathly quiet I know it nerves him.

"Hey, I'm confused you need to talk to me."

"I don't need to explain anything. I trusted Karan to trust you and you let them do this?", it's a whisper to conceal Karan's name.

His brows furrow and he puts on a concerned face.

"Give me your keys."


"Give me your keys now."

He fumbles for it, listening to the authority in my voice and I get in the drivers seat and start it.

"No! W- what are you doing?!"

I already reversed out the lot before he comes.

I'll text him saying I'll give him his car later.

At least I'm nice enough to do that.

Throughout the drive I take deep breaths in. Kiara sounded confused and in danger.


Why would they target him?

Don't they know he has a big heart?

That he comes off intimidating but loves each agent in the agency as his own kid.

He never had kids, which is why he always called me his kid.

I fight my tears back in my throat as I continue driving.

He's okay. It's a bullet.

How many bullets did they put in him?

Those H.E.X.A people are going to pay so bad they wish they were bankrupt.



I scan my band to enter when I hear the faint alarm. The kids were being safely evacuated while the remaining agents were defending the building. I hurry to the main level near the Pit where I see a few spies scurrying around.

I catch an eye of one of my decent friends here. She is 20, with light skin, dark feather hair and blue eyes.

"Laura", I walk to her as her gaze focuses on me.

"Tejasswi, thank goodness."

"What's going on? What happened?"

"Boss was in a meeting and the alarms went off and we heard gunshots in his direction. Some of the guys went to check and they saw him shot and unconscious. The person left but they think they know who it was."

My heart sinks. "Who was it?"

"I don't know Tejasswi. But before he left unconscious he said to call you and Karan. That you guys will know what happened."

I do.

We have a spy in this agency, who gave our stuff to H.E.X.A

But we have a spy too.

"Where is he? Where's Boss?"

"Some of the guys took him to a Hospital, not the one in here. The other one."

"Did he have any instructions for me?

She shrugs. "No he said you would know what to do."

I take a deep breath.

You're number one for a reason, baby.

"Okay. Okay make sure the kids are safe. I want everyone in level C under to be evacuated out of the building. I need level A and B agents with me. Where's Sam?"

"I-I don't know."

I look around the building, the stairs to my right. "Okay, go get a few more people I'll see if anyone's left behind."

She nods and rushes downstairs as I take a look at every room, making sure no one was left behind.

My heart.

My heart was beating rapidly as it does in missions. But it was beating with hurt.

He can't die on me.

He's strong. He wont.

I look around for anyone. Including H.E.X.A agents but I'm sure they fled by now.
I walk fast until I run into a hard body.

I look up to see Karan who is also confused.

I take his beautiful face in and take a deep breath.

Seeing him is going to make my emotions worse.

Something in his face changes, and emotions in his face spill out before it's closed like a lid in a flash.

I read it immediately.



But he doesn't act on it.

"Where were you", he says softly the same time I ask "How's Boss?"

He sighs. "He's in care."

"Was he bad off?"

He gulps. "He was bleeding in his arm and sides. I-"

I let out a panicked breath and breath one in at the same time.

"Hey." Concerned fingers pull on my face. "He'll be fine. He's strong."

I nod, convincing myself more than him.

"The- the spy did you see him? Anyone?"

He shakes his head. "I was taking a nap when I got three calls near this address. I got ready as soon as I can. You weren't here?"

"No, I was-"

I stop myself before the thought of Aditya's betrayal fills me again.

Karan raises a thick brow to go on, but I tell him I'll tell him later.

"Is everyone down safe?"

"Yeah. I got a crew of people guarding the exits and entries. Boss would want us to check his room first."

I nod and that's exactly what we do.

His door was open and we walk in and examine the room.

Only he would know if something was stolen but I've been in here enough to know if anything major or big was moved.

Karan and I examine the windows, chair, desk.

Anything that could indicate what happened.

I run my fingers along the mahogany desk, and my eyes scan to the black tiled floor.

It was shiny.

I bend down and swipe my fingertips and blood appears.

Oh my god oh my god

I draw a shaky breath. "Karan."

He shuffles behind me and observed my hand.


I try to collect my thoughts. "Uhm, do you see anything missing?"

"No, I don't think they were here to steal they were here to hurt."

I close my eyes. "What do we do Karan?"

"We hold down the fort. And then we go see him. We got this, Tejasswi."

His warm breath lingers by my ear and I nod.

"Karan, go look for Sam or any of the tech agents. See if the security is on."
He nods and exits the room.


2 hours later

I spent the time ensuring everyone was safe and out, as many in our Training A class was doing. Training A was best of the best in the agency. The ones who were sure to get a leader role, or have already gotten it.

All of us split the work. A few guys went with Karan to check on security, as some already escorted the children safe, and the rest of us were making sure no one enters the buildings.
It's been two hours since I told Karan to look for Sam, and he's gotten busy since then.
I was currently working with a few agents when Karan and some guys step in the room.

His eyes search for me and when my green and his grey black eyes clash, he strides towards me.

"Sam's gone."
My brows furrow. "What do you mean?"

"He fled. But not after shutting down the security. Raven got some footage back but some were permanently deleted."

Raven was another smart hacker and worked with our complicated technology.

A few agents behind me stir at Karan's words while I piece everything together.

"You think he was the spy?"

Karan nods solemnly.

I sigh and rub my hands over my eyes. "He was a headstrong worker. He helped us-"

"He helped us so he can use our mission as H.E.X.A's intel. No wonder why they caught us in many occasions."



He's never ever been an issue, more of a help.

This just shows how little you can trust people. The agents behind me already are mad at his disloyalty, and I know he won't be able to enter this agency for anything again.

Raven speaks. "We changed the passcodes to all our technology equipment so he can't get in anymore, even if he wanted to."

I nod. "Okay. He's not allowed to enter this agency, not even for this stuff. We need to keep out for anyone else that doesn't seem loyal to us."

The agents nod and head back to work when Karan lightly pushes me to the side.

"We aren't putting the agency on lockdown, right?", he asks voice hushed.

"No, they won't come back."

"Yeah but we should up our security."

I sigh. "Ugh, we need new security because they would have worked with Sam."

"No, not necessarily, but some yeah." He notices my frustration. "We got this Tejasswi, don't worry. We can meet with Boss tomorrow."

I look up at him and nod, heading to the long window that illuminates the now darkened sky.

I look at the highway of cars and bustling energy.

For them.

We do it for them, so they can happily drive home from work every night to their loved ones.


Karan drives me back home, but it's full of unwanted silence, a tension lingering in the air. I end up arriving back home late, but not after Karan and I amped up security and left a few guards there overnight.

I sink in my sheets after a hot shower but don't end up sleeping as my mind wanders to Boss.

He's family, and my heart tugs at the made up instances performing in my head.

It takes me a while before I drift to an uneasy sleep.


Hey Watty People,

Hope the chapter was good and the story is up to your mark.

Do shower your love, votes and comments on this one until the next chapter is uploaded.

~Lots of Love

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