Total drama island Nerd love


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'Ew, nerd love! If you kiss in front of me, I will throw up!' Just an AU where Alex and Scarlett go on TDI in... Еще

Not so happy campers, part one
Not so happy campers part two
The big sleep
Not quite famous
The sucky out doors
Phobia factor
Up the creek
Paintball deer hunt
If you can't take the heat
Who can you trust?
Basic straining
X-treme torture
Brunch of disgustingness
No pain, no gain
Search and do not destroy
Hide and be sneaky
That's off the chain!
Hook, line and screamer
Wawanakwa gone wild!
Batter batter, swing!
haute camp-ture
Camp castaways
Are we there yeti?
I triple dog dare you!
The very last episode! Really!
Total drama, drama, drama, island!

Tri-armed triathlon

150 3 2

Alex's POV

"Mmm, donuts...cheese... helicopter..." Owen mumbled in his sleep, before starting to drool. I have no idea what he was dreaming about but it sounded very, very weird.

I heard a helicopter outside. I got dressed and went outside to see what was going on.

Chris was in a plane driving around like a moron.

"What's going on out here?" Gwen asked, having also come out of her cabin.

"Is that the donut copter?" Owen asked hopefully.

"The what now?" I asked.

Everyone else came out of the cabins and Chris landed his plane and started talking to a camera.

"Only eight campers remain, and after six weeks of bugs, yucky camp food, and even grosser bathrooms, our eight campers are about this close to losing it! We strove to come up with the best ways to help campers de-stress, then decided it would be way more fun to handcuff them together and see if we couldn't push them over the edge!" he grinned.

"Did Duncan's parole officer send a care package?" Heather said with an eyeroll

"No, all in the name of today's challenge! The tri-armed triathlon!" Chris announced

"Tri-armed? Like, three arms?" Owen questioned.

"Yes! four challenges, four teams of two" Chris explained

"Have you met these people?! I am not being chained to any of them!" Heather said angrily.


Scarlett: That's rich coming from the girl who's made enemies with say, one hundred percent of the cast


"Winning team gets immunity from tonight's vote" Chris finished


The teams were

Owen and heather

Gwen and Geoff

LeShawna and Duncan

Scarlett and I

I'm surprised that Chris didn't put Gwen and Heather or LeShawna and Heather together

We were in the mess hall sitting at the table.

"First of four challenges, the competitive chow down!" Chris said. Scarlett and I gulped. I guess she hates eating challenges too.

"Oh come on! This is like a dream I had once!" Owen said happily

"The donut-copter dream?" Heather scoffed

"You've had it too?" Owen asked

"Each team will choose a feeder and an eater. Eaters must put their hands behind them, making it more difficult for the eaters. One last thing, this is the wimp key! A skeleton key that will open any handcuffs! You'll be offered the wimp key at the start of each challenge to unshackle yourself from your teammate, but if you choose to accept it, you'll both be eliminated" Chris said.

"hello? How do we win this challenge?" Scarlett asked impatiently.

"Chef's getting platters for each team. title goes to the team that finishes their platter of delicacies first" Chris explained.

LeShawna and Duncan instantly started fighting over who was eating.

Chef put our trays down.

"Yeahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, you're eating Alex" Scarlett said after glancing at it.

I sighed "Fine."


Alex: I'm terrible at eating challenges

Scarlett: I'm terrible at eating challenges


Me, Duncan, Owen and Geoff put our hands behind our backs.

"And... chow down!" Chris said.

Scarlett started spooning food in my mouth. It was disgusting, but I tried to eat as much as possible.

Geoff was enjoying the food, Duncan was pleading with LeShawna to feed him slower, Owen was urging Heather to feed him faster.

Heather ended up shoving all the food left in his mouth.

"The winners are Heather and Owen!" Chris said.

Scarlett growled.

"It's Owen, asking us to beat him in an eating challenge is like asking someone to jump off the CN tower" I pointed out.


"Last chance for the tempting wimp key before part two" Chris offered. We were standing on the beach.

"Dare you" Duncan said to LeShawna, giving her a good ol' glare.

"what's the challenge Chris?" Geoff asked.

"On the beach you will find four canoes, one for each team. Your challenge is to paddle your canoes -while wearing handcuffs- to Boney Island! Once, you get there, you will open a package that is waiting for you. GO!" Chris said.

Scarlett and I pulled our canoe into the water and she got in the front. I got in the back behind her.

"Canoeing to Boney island? Chris is really running out of ideas, huh?" I asked

"I guess." Scarlett said, not seeming that interested.

We just paddled the rest of the way in silence.

All the teams got to Boney island and got out of their canoes. Scarlett picked up a bag waiting on the beach and pulled something out of it.

"Welcome to the second part of your challenge! Back in episode eight, your teammate Beth stole the Boney island tiki doll!" Chris said from a helicopter.

"She said she'd return that!" Gwen yelled

"She lied. She broke it up and flushed it down the septic tank!" Chris yelled back.

"EW!" we all exclaimed. Scarlett dropped what she had been holding, revealing that it was a piece of the statue.

"I know! All pieces need to be returned to the cave of treacherous terror! And you wanna do it quick, because the longer you have it, the worse your luck! Oh, and one of you has to piggy-back the other. Enjoy!" Chris said.

LeShawna and Duncan ended up wrestling on the ground over who piggy backs the other.

"I piggy back you?" I asked Scarlett

"Sure" she responded. She got on my back and I started walking.

I walked for a while.

"Wait, stop" Scarlett said. I stopped and she got off my back and glanced around.

"Are we lost?" she asked "I don't remember this from when we last came here... Ugh, we're never going to get immunity like this..."

"Relax, we'll be fine, we still have two more challenges after this" I said

"Stop thinking about later, and start thinking about now" Scarlett snapped.

"Scarlett, we'll be fine" I said trying to calm her down

"Ok, would you please zip it? Ugh!" she said, balling up her fists.

"Scarlett, are you... ok?" I asked her softly

"Look, you don't need to pretend to be worried about me. We're in an alliance, but that does not mean that we're friends" she said

"I- I wasn't pretending! I want to be your friend!" I said in shock

"I don't want your friendship, and I don't need it, ok?!" she yelled "I've had bad experiences when it comes to putting my trust in people, and I really don't want to go through that again"

"What happened?" I asked, trying to keep my voice calm.

She sighed. "Tell anyone about this, and I will fracture your skull" she threatened. I nodded. "Ok, so a few years back some new girl joined my school. She actually chose to become my friend. I told her one of my secrets, and the next day she had told everyone. It resulted in nicknames, bullying, people telling me to die, etc, etc. I vowed that day that I would never trust anyone again, and I have every intention of staying true to that vow."

I was shocked. Scarlett had never really struck me as someone who would be the victim in any situation.

"Not everyone's like that" I said. She looked down at the ground.

"Yes they are."

"You're not like that."

"Yes I am! I cheat, I lie, I manipulate, I fucking programed my little brothers toys to attack him in the night for six fucking years just because he pulled my hair! I am living proof that people are terrible! So you can keep living in magical fairness land, but I will always be in the real world, being reminded every second that the world is a dark place!" she screamed.


Scarlett: did I just... admit to things I've done?


"So go ahead, start hating me, it'll only confirm my hypothesis" she said.

"Scarlett... I don't hate you" I said "I'm happy that you admitted to doing bad things. And I'm sorry that you've had bad experiences in the past, but you shouldn't let that determine your life. I still consider you a friend, but you don't have to consider me as one."

"Thank you." she whispered.

"Come on, we've got a challenge to win" I smiled. She got back on my back and we started looking for the cave again.


Alex: Poor Scarlett! Who knew she had a sensitive side?

Scarlett: To answer the question that many of you are probably wondering, no. For once I am not trying to manipulate someone.


"Attention campers! Geoff and Gwen win!" Chris said from his helicopter.


We went back to camp.

"And that's a point for the Gwen and Geoff dream team!" Chris said

"Rightous!" Geoff cheered, holding up his hand for a high five. Gwen sighed, before taping his palm with her finger.

"Time for your next challenge! A quiz on a bunch of random subjects!" Chris said "I'm going to ask you ten questions! If you think you know the answer, press your buzzer and yell out the answer! Answer one right, and your team gets a point, answer one wrong, or don't answer and your team gets a shock".

"Um, what do you mean by shock?" Owen asked "And what are these metal collars Chef's putting on us?".

"You just answered your own question. But to make it even more clear-" Chris said, before pressing a button on a remote. We all got electrocuted.

"Right, got it" Owen said in pain.


Heather: Ugh, shock collars? I've just about had it with this show! *Gets electrocuted* OW!


"Okie dokie, first question, how many stomachs does a cow have?" Chris asked. Scarlett pressed our buzzer.

"Three, duh" she said. Everyone else got electrocuted.

"Point for Scarlett and Alex!" Chris said "Next question, what color were stop signs before the nineteen fifties?".

I pressed the buzzer. "Yellow" I said

Everyone else got electrocuted. "Another point for Scarlett and Alex!"

"Why do you know that?" Scarlett asked me

"I'm a font of useless information!" I responded

"Next question, what is the color of disgust and envy?" Chris asked. Gwen got to her buzzer a second before me.

"Green" she said. Everyone but her and Geoff got electrocuted.

"Huh, no wonder your hair's green" Heather said with an eyeroll.

"My highlights are TEAL!" Gwen yelled. They both got electrocuted.

"Hahaha! Awesome! Anywho, next question! What are the names of the Schylur sisters from Hamilton?" Chris asked.

I pressed the buzzer. "Angelica, Eliza and Peggy" I said

Everyone else got shocked. "hahaha, I love this game! Anyway, point for Scarlett and Alex! Next question, where were French fries invented?" Chris asked.

Geoff pressed his buzzer "France, duh" he said. We all got electrocuted.

"WRONG! It's Belgium!" Chris laughed "Next question, what was the first hook up this season?".

Heather pressed her buzzer. "Lindsiot and Tyler" she said. the rest of us got eliminated.

"Nice job Heather!" Owen congratulated. Heather rolled her eyes.

"Question the seventh! In the tv show Julie and the phantoms, what is the only song that Flynn sings in?" Chris asked

I hit the buzzer. "She raps in 'I got the music'" I answered. Everyone else got electrocuted.

"We should probably try answering questions" Duncan said

"Nice idea, Juvie Boy!" LeShawna said with an eyeroll.

"Next question, who is the only African-American Disney princess?" Chris asked

LeShawna hit her buzzer. "I actually know this one! My girl Tiana!" she said. The rest of us got electrocuted.

"Point for LeShawna and Duncan! Next question, what is 459 x 3751?" Chris asked. Scarlett hit the buzzer.

"easy, 1,721,709" she said. Everyone else got electrocuted.

"Another point for team Scarlett and Alex! Final question, how can someone go two months without sleep?" Chris asked.

I pressed the buzzer. "I've heard this one before! They just sleep during the night!". Everyone else got electrocuted.

"And the winners are Scarlett and Alex with six points!" Chris said.




Scarlett: It is incredibly obvious that Alex and I would win a trivia based challenge, given that we seem to be the smartest people on the island. As long as the next challenge isn't based on eating, or any of the other's very few strengths, I'd say we have an excellent chance of winning immunity


"So, awesome day huh? Moldy food fights, carnivorous beavers, electrocution, but it's time for someone to win this thing. Point for everyone but LeShawna and Duncan! Who can still pull a stopper, today's final challenge..." Chris said, before whisking a cover off the table in front of Heather and Owen to reveal a bunched of heads carved from wood.

"AHHH!" owen shrieked

"Relax, it's just Eva. oh! Two Eva's... that is upsetting" Heather said.

"The totem pole of shame and humiliation! Your task? Assemble the heads in the order of which your comrades were voted off! Unless you want... the wimp key!" Chris said "It's time for heads to roll!".

"Ok so it was Ezekiel first, then Eva" I remembered, stacking them up.

"Then Noah and Justin" Scarlett said adding them "And then... Sadie?"

"No, it was Katie, I think" I said, racking my brain. I thought back to past episodes


Sadie listen to me...

Katie would want you to keep going...

Sadie you're shooting for Bass...

Bad haircuts...

That's fine with me, you marshmallow eating freaks!

End of flashback

"yeah, Katie" I nodded, adding her head to the stack.

"Then... Tyler in the phobia challenge" Scarlett said "And then it was Izzy in the canoe challenge".

I stacked them up.

"What's this?" I heard Chris say.

"Don't!" Duncan said nervously. Chris held up Courtney's head with a heart carved into the back. Chris laughed. "It's not funny man!" Duncan said in embarrassment.

"Most guys kiss girls they like! Dude carves her head!" Chris laughed "Mister Tough ain't so tough!".

LeShawna threw Sadie's head at him. "And who says we have to be tough all the time?" she smirked.


Alex: You gotta love LeShawna! *Grins*


Scarlett and I continued to stack heads on our totem.

"Weeeeee have a weeeener! LeDunca and sheewana take it! Tha means anyone can get voted off tonight!" Chris slurred, still dizzy from LeShawna throwing Sadie's wooden head at her.

We got our handcuffs taken off.

Everyone but Scarlett and I left

"We lost!" I cheered, high fiving her.

"Yeah. Not our best performances" she admitted "Sorry I wasted to much time venting on Boney Island"

"No problem, I'm fine with listening. And at least Heather doesn't have immunity" I said

"true. Vote for her?" Scarlett asked



"You've all cast your votes and made your decisions. The camper who does not receive a marshmallow must immediately return to the dock of shame to catch the boat of losers. That means, you are out of the contest. And you can't come back. Ever. The first marshmallow goes to... LeShawna! Next, Duncan. Strangely Heather, and one for Owen." Chris said, before pausing. "Four campers, three marshmallows. Next marshmallow goes to... Geoff, Gwen".

Scarlett and I exchanged nervous looks.

"Yep, that's one surefire way to wipe a smile off a camper's face! Show them a plate with exactly one marshmallow!"


Scarlett: *Sighs* Six weeks, one friend, eleven marshmallows. I am incredibly bad at this game.


"I'm left with one marshmallow for the night and either Scarlett or Alex is about to go home" Chris said.

Scarlett stood up. "It's fine. I placed eighth out of twenty-four. Not terrible." she sighed.

"What are you doing?! You're wrecking it!" Chris whined. Scarlett sighed again before sitting back down.

"The last marshmallow of the night goes too.......................... Scarlett!" Chris said.

We both gasped.

"What?! Are you all crazy?! Alex is the nicest guy in the world!!!!!!!!!!" Scarlett exclaimed.

"Yeah, bingo sister" Duncan said

"As if Heather could compete with nice" Owen shrugged

"The power of nice is huge!" Heather exclaimed "And we're not worried about you in that department Scarlett".

"It's fine. I had fun." I said "Bye Scarlett, I'll be rooting for you". I hugged her before leaving for the boat of losers.

Well, I lasted six weeks on a very weird island with some very, very weird people. That's more than I could say before the show.

I got on the boat and pulled out my sketchbook before writing up a list.

New friends: 6

Enemies: 1

Marshmallow ceremonies survived: 13

I hesitated for a second

Crushes: 1

Scarlett's POV


Scarlett: They voted for Alex because he was NICE?! What the fuck happened to voting for people we didn't like?! Oh and also, why Alex of all people? Why not Geoff, or Owen, or LeShawna or one of the other 'nice people' on this fucking island?! Why did it have to be the one person keeping me sane?! Oh, that's it! The gloves are off! *Cracks knuckles* No more miss nice girl!


Authors note

Hi, it's me!

Just so you know, Scarlett and Alex were having the venting/ argument/ therapy session on Boney island instead of Geoff and Gwen, so it wasn't two teams having similar arguments.

Just thought I should clear that up in case of any confusion



That is all 😌

-Chinchilla ✨

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