Two Rejects

Par zero_gravity500

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"Oh Mia," Alpha Matthew's low, slow voice practically purred. "I'm going to take so much pleasure in ruining... Plus

Author's Note
Fan Covers
Chapter 1 - Welcome to Sparta
Chapter 2 - The Glaze
Chapter 3 - Rejected by my mate
Chapter 4 - Going Rogue
Chapter 5 - Some Nice Strangers
Chapter 6 - Trusting the Enemy
Chapter 8 - Becoming a Scholar
Chapter 9 - Professor Alpha
Chapter 10 - Alpha's Office Hours
Chapter 11 - Muscle Memory
Chapter 12 - Beer Me
Chapter 13 - Werewolf Hangovers
Chapter 14 - Old Town
Chapter 15 - Electrifying
Chapter 16 - Fashion Show
Chapter 17 - Electric Candles
Chapter 18 - Hosts of the Castle
Chapter 19 - Ruining You
Chapter 20 - Absolutely Insulting
Chapter 21 - Contingencies
Chapter 22 - Fight
Chapter 23 - Glorified Babysitter
Chapter 24 - Old Friends
Chapter 25 - The Initiation
Chapter 26 - Oh-So-In-Love
Chapter 27 - Barbie B*tch
Chapter 28 - A Chance
Chapter 29 - Two Separate Entities
Chapter 30 - Going Rogue II
Chapter 31 - Bearing a Mark
Chapter 32 - Glowing
Chapter 33 - Alpha Alter-Ego
Chapter 34 - Formalities
Chapter 35 - Two Unlikely Lovers
Chapter 36 - Haunting War Cry
Chapter 37 - The King
Chapter 38 - Chess Game
Chapter 39--The Foretell Part 1
Chapter 40 -- The Foretell Part 2
Chapter 41 - A Second Chance
Chapter 42 - Brotherhood
Chapter 43 - The Ceremony
Chapter 44 - Epilogue
Author's Note - Prequel and Sequel(s)
Author's Note - Rebelling the Alpha King
Bonus Chapter - Graduation & Mia Meet's Matthew's Parents

Chapter 7 - Alpha Matthew

18.8K 629 47
Par zero_gravity500

I was told the Rebels were monsters. But honestly, they're not. They're extremely nice werewolves. After I agreed to trust the Rebels, Sloane excused me from her tent. Since then, I spent the night eating with the Rebels and learning their stories. Particularly, why they ended up joining the rebellion. A few werewolves were betrayed or feel betrayed. Some have no where else to go and this feels like their family. But mostly, there is a genuine despise for the King.

I ate so well. The stew was amazing and I was given a tent to sleep in peacefully. At first, I was nervous but having my own sleeping space was a massive relief off my shoulders. As soon as the sun started raising, I had to get out and head towards the main tent. Sloane and Joshua were waiting there for me alongside a few warriors.

Sloane gives me a small smile, as we being to walk towards one of their cars. "We cannot have you telling the pack where we are. The Scholars have a close relationship with the King."

I just stare at her, confused. "So, what am I supposed to do?"

Part of me still believes this is too good to be true. They're letting me go. They aren't trying to hold me hostage or trying to kill me for what I know. In Sparta, we would have killed the Rebels immediately, without hesitation. Maybe the Rebels aren't as ruthless as people make them out to be.

Sloane pulls out a small pill, handing it to me as we get into the car. She gives me an intense stare as we begin to drive out of the woods, "This will remove your memories from the last 18 hours."

I stare at her blankly, "Are you insane?"

"Don't worry, it just puts a mind block. Once you take the pill, it'll knock you out. The last thing you see is also the only thing that will ever release the mind block."

"What are you going to do then?" I ask her, somewhat afraid. "Where will you leave me?"

"Just outside of the Scholar's territory." She places the pill in my hand, handing me a water bottle. "Seeing as you're about to forget this entire ordeal, I'm just going to let you know that we have a mission to run in the mountains anyways. Not near the Scholar's, but close enough that you can walk there."

"How am I supposed to explain my loss of memory?"

"Doesn't matter what I tell you," Sloane shrugs. "You're going to forget it anyways."

Joshua, who's sitting in the passenger seat, smirks. "Good luck with their Alpha. I hear he's quite the misanthropic. But with werewolves, of course."

Sloane begins to unravel a string of leather she has tied in her ponytail. She quickly wraps it around my wrist, with a kind smile. "If you feel like you do not belong and you branch away from the pack life, you will find us in the most unlikely of places."

She pushes the water bottle further towards me. Before I can ask what she means, I take the pill as quickly as possible. Basically, chugging down the water with all my might. I could die right now. I could have trusted these random people, and this can lead to my death. But who cares. My mate certainly doesn't care. What's the point of living when my soulmate doesn't even want me. Here I go, taking a gamble because why not. Why bother caring.

I begin to feel drowsy, unsure where my head is at. My eyes turn to Sloane, who's mouth is moving but I can't hear a word she's saying. I keep my eyes planted on her, what was it she said? The last thing I look at will be the one thing to bring my memories back. I wouldn't mind meeting Sloane again. I wouldn't mind running into her. My gaze gets blurrier and her face starts to dissolve into black.


I have no idea how I got here. I must have been running so much that my mind shut off because the memory of reaching the bottom of the mountain seems gone. Even though my body doesn't feel as sore as it should be and I'm not starving the way I thought I'd be. Regardless, I realize that I'm only a few hours away from my destination.

I start to climb up the side of the mountain. There's a valley here where I know one of the pack lives. We call them the Scholar's because they also have one of the few Werewolf universities in the world. It's like a college town run by their Alpha, Matthew. There are stories about Alpha Matthew. A recluse of an Alpha to the outside world but particularly kind to his pack. I keep praying to the moon goddess that he will be kind to me as soon as he learns of my circumstances.

As I get closer, I get more nervous. I have no idea what's going to happen to me as soon as I step foot on their territory. I have a small plan of what I want to do, but I doubt it'll actually go the way I've thought of it in my head.

My wolf starts running around in my head. I can tell she's nervous the closer and closer we get to the pack territory. Just as I round the top of the mountain, I manage to look down at the valley. The town looks absolutely beautiful. Small pockets of buildings and houses along the lakes. In the forest to the right of the lake I see the university alongside the tree line.

It doesn't look at all like Sparta. It's much more beautiful. Even my wolf is blown away by the beauty of this pack. I start climbing down towards the valley. The closer I get, the more I feel nervous as the pack's energy bounces off. It's like a warning sign for me to turn away.

You can do this, I think to myself. My wolf huffs in agreement.

You've been rejected, I tell myself as I get closer. Nothing can ever be as painful as that rejection.

Taking a deep breath, I step onto the territory. The small hairs on my neck instantly perk up. I decide not to move. I know that wolves have been alerted of my presence. I take my backpack off, setting it on the ground as to not pose a threat.

Within seconds, three patrol wolves appear. Growling and letting their claws extend to threaten me. I can't mind link with them, but I know they're talking to someone about me being here. I hold my hands up in the air.

"Please," I say smoothly. "I just want to speak with your Alpha."

One of the wolves' snaps at me, making me stumble back. I don't want to lose control, but I feel my canines start to itch and my wolf becomes defensive. She wants to come out and defend me. She wants to attack and enact on all the training we received in Sparta.

A different wolf circles behind me and I realize how quickly they've trapped me. Waiting eagerly to launch themselves at the right order. I start to realize I've probably made a huge mistake. Maybe it wasn't the smartest thing to just turn up here and invade their territory. I might actually die.

I hear a loud growl in the distance that makes me want to sink down to my knees. It's not overly powerful but I can feel the energy push my wolf down to the ground. I watch as a female marches her way towards us, her eyes narrowed, and fists clenched to her side. Her hair is cut at shoulder length with one side that has been buzzed off. I can see a wolf tattoo etched onto the side of her skull. If everyone looks like her in these lands, then I'm not quite sure why it's called Scholars and not Bikers. My God.

"What makes you think you can just cross into our land, Rogue?" She snarls once she's closer. Her voice is laced with venom that makes my wolf nearly sink down in submission. It's not an Alpha voice but I recognize it clearly as Beta. Especially after the wolf guards all nodded at her respectively.

A female Beta? I quickly think to myself. Sparta would never.

"I come in peace." I tell her honestly and as gently as I can. "I wish to speak with your Alpha."

She cocks her head to the side, eyebrows furthering. "You are not worthy of his time, do you not realize that?"

I figured this would happen. What is one rogue to an Alpha? If anything, I'm just a typical intrusion. I'm sure this happens more times than not so why would he ever want to see me.

Here's a long shot. I show my wrists, where my brand is meant to be but right now it shows that I belong to no one. "I come from the Sparta pack," I explain quickly. "I request refuge. Under the King's decree of Pack Asylum."

No one ever really uses this decree anymore. It's really only meant for extraneous circumstances when a wolf from one pack is trying to receive shelter from another without letting their previous pack know. Mostly women and children use it and I feel dirty for even suggesting it. It's also only offered for members of packs which puts me in a difficult situation because I haven't been branded. Regardless, it's the only way they'll give me an audience with the Alpha.

At this point, they're supposed to hurt me unless I pose a threat. It's kind of a like a Parley for pirates. Except Jack Sparrow isn't necessarily here to save me. If they abide to the King's law, they have to take me to see the Alpha. But not every pack follows the exact words of the King. Only after I've told the Alpha of my situation is he allowed to determine whether I can seek refuge in his pack.

The female Beta growls, "You're joking. What proof do I have that you're not just trouble? Or worse...a Rebel."

I shake my head, "I'm neither. I just want a new life. Please."

The three wolves all turn to her. I can see they're all mind linking together, and I wonder if she's also mind linking the Alpha. The tension is so thick, and I can feel sweat start to build on my forehead. If this doesn't work, I don't know where I'll go. I don't know what kind of life I can live. I don't even think Sparta will take me back. Maybe Clara would argue for me, but even if my old pack opened its doors to me, I can't watch my mate with someone else. It will destroy me.

Two of the three wolves shift to their human forms. The female Beta throws them some spare boxer briefs she pulled from her back pocket. They each come to either side of me, gripping my arms tightly as we begin to march towards the town. The one guard in wolf form staying promptly behind us and reminding me he's there by nipping at my feet whenever I slack.

The Beta leads us towards the university which catches me off guard. I'm not sure where they're taking me, and I decide this isn't the moment to be asking questions. I just let them basically drag me towards the school.

I don't get to see much but the few bits of the campus I manage to glance at looks amazing. Now I know why they're called Scholars. It's like being on a medieval campus. There are werewolf students on the grassy quads who don't even blink as we walk past. There is even a small athletic center where students are fighting and running track. Everything looks old like I'm in Oxford or Cambridge.

The buildings are quickly replaced by trees again until we come across a castle. At least, it looks like a miniature sized castle that sits alongside the edge of the lake. It looks stunning compared to the grounds back home. Walking inside makes me feel like I'm in Beauty and the Beast. Chandeliers, a cracking of a fire at the fireplace, large rugs that make the house smell like pine.

I'm hustled up a winding staircase, one of the men next to me pushing my head down so I can't see up. We finally enter a room where I'm forcefully placed on my knees, the grips on my arms finally letting up. I quickly rub them before glancing upwards.

My gaze instantly meets a set of dark green eyes. Forest green with tinges of dark brown. I try not to stare but my voice has totally caught in my throat. There is an energy pulsating through the air that makes my wolf recoil and bow down.


Alpha Matthew is standing in front of what looks like a mahogany desk, his body leaning on the desk. Arms crossed over his chest. I quickly notice a string of tattoos down one of his arms. My eyes slowly settling on his face.

I'm not surprised to find that he's beautiful. His face chiseled, chin square like he was fabricated by some demigod. His hair is dark black, lightly brushing the side of his forehead. A black tight button down with gray pants. I didn't think I would be threatened as much by him after knowing Bren, but there's a maturity around Alpha Matthew that has me petrified to my core.

Alpha Matthew is studying me intently, his finger tapping on his muscular arm. I notice a wolf ring just on his index finger that shines brightly under the lights. No one speaks as Matthew stares at me with an intense gaze. I can almost feel him trying to get into my mind but more realistically, I think he's testing me to see what I'll do.

There's a shuffle outside the door, a man in boxer briefs coming in holding my backpack. "She came with this, Alpha." He says handing over my backpack to the Beta.

His eyes still don't leave mine. Alpha Matthew finally turns towards his wolves. His voice comes out smooth but with force. "Everyone but Sage. Out."

I, myself, almost left the room as well by the way his Alpha command emanated in the room. The wolves all bow their heads, leaving myself with the Alpha and Beta. My heart starts pounding in my chest and I look back down at the ground.

Matthew turns to his Beta, anger lightly lacing his words. "What is the meaning of this? Brining a Rogue into my home? Are you insane?"

Sage shrugs her arms, dropping my backpack to the ground. "She asked for Pack Asylum."

Matthew's eyes narrow at me, "Why?"

I quickly realize his question is directed at me. I decide to grow some balls and stand up slowly. Sage gets defensive, her stance instantly becoming more tense as she seems ready to launch on me any second. I didn't think I would pose that much of a threat but with the Rebels stirring so much, I don't think they believe they can trust me.

I turn to face this Alpha, my chin held high. "I come from the Sparta pack. During my official initiation of the pack, I found my mate. He rejected me."

Sage's eyes widen slightly as her gaze quickly turns to her Alpha. Almost like a tinge of worry flashes across her face. Alpha Matthew doesn't even flinch. He takes a step towards me, "You believe your rejection is cause for enacting the sacred Law of Asylum?"

His eyes narrow angrily, "Did you think that by coming here you would be granted with pity?"

I shake my head, "I don't want your pity. But I thought you'd be the most empathetic."

"Empathetic?" The word almost seems to anger him more, his tongue darting over his bottom lip as he bites down to hold his words. "And what do you mean by that?"

I open my mouth to speak but I quickly realize I could offend him. I have to choose my words oh-so-carefully. The last thing I want is for him to rip my vocal cords out. I look away from him, rubbing one arm where the guards had clutched onto me so harshly. The pain was finally starting to go away.

"There was a rumor." I tell him lightly, "A few years ago. That you..."

Matthew steps towards me, his body invading my personal space. I can smell the woods and pine rolling off of him. Feel the anger slowly radiating from his chest, but there's something else. Sadness? Rejection...?

I look up at him, "That you were also rejected."

Before he can say anything, Sage steps forward with a growl, "Just send her back into the woods like the Rogue she is!"

Matthew nods slowly, his eyes searching mine like he's trying to figure out what to do. I think I do catch a glimpse of empathy despite him not wanting to show it.

"I can be of use to your pack." I quickly state to try and defend myself. "I was the top of my class. I can teach your students. Whether it be self-defense, leadership, or even war tactics. I have knowledge that can be of use. All I ever wanted was to be is an Advisor."

"Your situation, as tragic as it is, does not constitute asylum." Matthew steps away and strolls around his desk. He sits back into his leather office chair. Tapping his ring against the table. "The law is meant for those suffering. Those who need safety. You are in no danger in your pack despite your mate having rejected you."

"I am a danger to myself." I clench my jaw, "Please. I cannot go back."

"Then you will be a Rogue." Sage crosses her arms.

I feel a burning sensation in the back of my throat. I knew coming here would be a Hail Mary, but I had really thought he would consider it. I turn towards my backpack, quickly grabbing it from the floor and spilling the contents on the ground. It's just a lot of papers and documents of me. Of my progress. Reports, grades, fitness tests, even my werewolf ID.

I place the stack of papers on his table, "Please. I beg you to consider it."

"You can live a perfectly normal life in your pack without your mate." Matthew argues lowly. Now I really can see the pain in his eyes. It only confirms to me that his mate did reject. As if on cue he adds, "I was rejected, yes. But my pack functions perfectly without their rightful Luna. You can live a normal life as well."

It's the kindest thing he's said to me this entire time, but it only makes me want to shake him until his stupid, gorgeous head rolls off onto the ground.

"I can't!" I practically scream. The frustration building up in my body, "My mate is Alpha Bren. You might be able to live here and rule your pack. But your mate isn't here. I will not subject myself to watching my mate rule alongside that fucking trollop while they delegate the pack and make pups together. I will not watch that happen. I can't."

The pain in my chest intensifies at the thought of Bren having children with Emery. It makes me want to cry all over again. My wolf whines trying to comfort herself and me. If I can't stay here, then I truly have no where to go.

I look up at Alpha Matthew, a tinge of respect and pity does cross his face. He's eyeing me up, head titled to the side. He glances at the papers on his desk, pulling them towards him as he skims them quickly.

"Sage." He calls while reading the papers. "Take Miss..."

"Mia." I tell him quickly. "Mia Holms."

He nods, "Take Miss Holms and do a full cavity search. Any evidence of the Rebellion and you know what to do. If she's as innocent as she claims, she will stay the night in the guest house. Guarded. At all times. Bring her to me in the morning and we will discuss this situation further."

I sigh out in slight relief. The weight of my shoulders instantly lifted. Maybe I do have a chance. Sage begins to guide me out of the office. It's only now that I finally get a look around where Alpha Matthew works. His office space looks like it belongs to a university Dean. There are old portraits and paintings lined up the high ceilings. But more importantly, every wall is decked out in elegant wooden shelves covered in books. My inner self basically drooling at all the knowledge.

"Mia." I hear Alpha Matthew say behind me. I see the edge of his lip curve into a small smile, "Welcome to the Valley."

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