The Summoners' Heir

By Lasanai7

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Born to both light and shadows, I'm respected but feared. I have lived many centuries and served as a general... More

Chapter 1: A New Timeline
Chapter 2: A First Lifetime
Chapter 3: A Lifetime ago
Chapter 4: The Golden Thread
Chapter 5: Not Today, Babushka
Chapter 6: Mission: Sol Koroleva
Chapter 7: Thank you, Genya
Chapter 8: Alone, But Never Lonely
Chapter 9: Yes, Mother. Yes, I will.
Chapter 10: A Corporalki's Insight
Chapter 11: Dining with the Darkling
Chapter 12: A Promise to Ravka
Chapter 13: Baghra's Plea
Chapter 14: The Sun's Announcement
Chapter 15: Your Queen Awaits
Chapter 16: Your Queen Awaits Part II
Chapter 17: A Family Reunion... Almost
Chapter 18: For the Love of a Daughter
Chapter 19: Sweet Dreams
Chapter 20: My Princess is Perfect
Chapter 21: We're Finally a Family, Father
Chapter 22: Everything I Do, I Do For You
Chapter 23: It's Like Looking In A Mirror
Chapter 24: Never Let Me Go. Ever
Chapter 26: You Are Not Alone, Not Anymore
Chapter 27: Like A Father
Chapter 28: Spill The Tea
UPDATE!! (Not a chapter - sorry y'all)
Chapter 29: The Sweetest of Realisations
Chapter 30: Till Infinity Runs Out
Chapter 31: Only Love Could Hurt This Way
Chapter 32: Irreplaceable
Chapter 33: Precious Gem
Chapter 34: You'll Never Walk Alone
Chapter 35: The First of Many Eclipses
Chapter 36: Gathering The Puzzle Pieces
Chapter 37: Paying the Price
Chapter 38: Two Faces Of The Same Coin
Chapter 39: The Heart of His Storm
Chapter 40: The Calm Before the Storm
Chapter 41: Only Know You Love Her When You Let Her Go
Chapter 42

Chapter 25: Moya Rebe, Moya Luna, My World, My Everything

921 31 148
By Lasanai7

"Oh, come on, it wouldn't hurt..."

"No, Alina."

"Why not?"

"You know why."

"No, I don't."

Mother and the Darkling were in their chambers. It must have been the end of the day. What was this?

The Darkling sighed. Perhaps this was an ongoing argument?

"Alina, there will be no others like us."

"You don't know that. Baghra produced you, and your Father was only a heartrender."

"Alina, please. It will only cause you more grief."

"You can't be the only person I spend eternity with."

This made the Darkling smirk.

"Oh? Surely that isn't the worst thing in the world..."

Slowly, he started tracing her neck with kisses... Ummm, why am I seeing this?

"I think I can change your mind..."

OH, MY SAINTS... my hands were over my eyes in an instant.

Hear no evil, see no evil...

"Depends. Do I get my baby out of it?"

He immediately seized his kissing.

Thank the Saints!

"Alina, why do you want a baby so much?"

"I always thought I'd have a family eventually. And being immortal... why should that change? You've never thought about it, Aleksander?"

Something dark crossed over his face. Remorse. Loss. I didn't quite know what to make of it.

"Alina," he drew her in, "I gave up on such delusions long ago. That life isn't meant for people like us."

There was a long pause before anyone spoke. A reflection on what that truly meant for them both. 

"Aleks, look at me."

He did.

She cupped his face in her hands. He closed his eyes at her touch - a comfort only she could give.

"You're not alone anymore, my love. I'm here. No matter what happens, I'm here."

"I just don't think I can handle more... what if they're not like us, otkazat'sya even..."

"No child of ours would be otkazat'sya."

"My Aunt was... and it was Ilya's downfall."

"Not our children. If anyone can have another shadow or sun summoner... it's us. Imagine it, Aleksander. A little shadow or sun summoner running around..."

This brought a soft smile to my Father's face.


I had no idea.

She was reaching him now. Bringing a lost dream alive. Only Mama could...

"Come on, Aleksander. Let's try."

"But what if..." 

"Aleks... we only know if we try." 

I could see the emotions wreaking havoc inside him. He did want this. He had thought about it. He took Mother's hand in his own, giving her a quick nod.

There was disbelief on her face.

And his.

He squeezed her hand, nodding more surely.

"So, we're doing this," he concluded.


Mother's face was pure joy.

A smile was now appearing on the Darkling's face. He couldn't quite believe what he was saying, and he couldn't be happier. I had never seen anything like it. Mother embraced him. This was a poignant moment in their relationship, I realised. He took her in his arms, cupping her head with his left hand. They had made a decision. A big one.

To have children.

That's when the scene changed.

A baby girl was fast asleep in her crib. Precious, she was. Her room was adorned with intricate designs... a crest. You wouldn't expect these things for a baby. Royalty perhaps? A baby princess. What a heartfelt image.

"Hello, little sister," a voice called cheekily.

You could hear the smile in the man's voice. The baby got up and squealed in recognition.

"Aren't you just adorable?" he cooed.

A prince appeared at the door, and it took only seconds for me to recognise who.


Oh, how I missed him.

He reached for the little girl, picking her up, and she squealed in delight, thrashing around with glee in his hold. He leaned forward, placing kisses all over her face, evoking a laugh from the baby.

Me, I realised.

He seemed younger somehow. More carefree. But why? Alistair would've been a general at this point. He was about a hundred, sure. But he did not look a day over 25. That was normal for us, but... his eyes... they were still young.

Alistair summoned, forming little animals with his shadows... like puppets: birds, dogs, cats, and even a shark. The little girl didn't scream as you would expect. In fact, she clapped in delight, squealing her little heart out. He then let the shadows reach for her, and in response, she reached out - her attempt to connect with the shadow figures. Every time she touched them, she would squeal happily. The image brought a smile to my face. Alistair would make such a great Dad. He did.

He reached for the baby again, bringing her up for more kisses.

"When you grow up, you and I are going to be the best of friends, little one."

Something about this felt familiar...

"More shadow?" the baby pleaded.

This got a laugh from my brother.

"Anything for you, little Leksi."

Just as he was about to summon, a darker voice called out.


Immediately, he put the baby back in her crib and bowed.

"Moi Tsar," the Prince acknowledged, still bowing.

The Darkling made a motion for him to get up.

"Don't you have duties to attend to?"

"Apologies, moi tsar... I just wanted to see my sister before..."

"Who gave you permission to see my daughter?"

"No one, my king."

The Darkling's features were void of emotion, aside from his mouth - a thin line of disapproval.

"Well, General, don't waste any more time here..."

My heart lurched for my brother. This was so unfair! The Darkling had no right...

"But sir..."

"Are you questioning my orders, General?"

Alistair dipped his dead in defeat.

"No, sir."

"Well, then. Best be going before I change my mind."

Without another word, Alistair departed, but not before popping one last kiss on the baby's forehead. Once my brother was gone, the shadow king entered the baby's chambers.Now it was his turn to pick the baby up. 

Me, I re-remembered.

I was squealing with glee all over again.

"Well, hello, moya tsaretsina," he chuckled, "what was your pesky brother doing hmmm..."

The shadow king planted a kiss on the baby princess' forehead... kind of like how he does now. The baby reached out, cupping the Darkling's face in her tiny hands, pulling his face towards hers.

"Da-da!" she cooed.

I froze.

Me. I said that.

This brought a grin to the Darkling's face. The only smile I'd seen from him - aside from the past that was now my present.

"Yes, hello, moya rebe,"

The baby giggled again, delighted by the shadow king's response.

"Da-da," she said again.

"Moya luna," the King replied, kissing his baby some more.

"Shadow, Dada," the baby requested, pulling his sleeve.

Now the Darkling was laughing. Father. He was laughing.

That was when another voice called out. A woman.

"You know, you were really hard on that boy, Aleksander."

His head turned to meet his queen.

"Well, he has things to do. This kingdom is not going to run itself."

"Oh, come on, he just wanted to see his sister."

"My daughter," he said, gripping the baby possessively.

This made Mother chuckle.

"She really is your world, isn't she?"

This made him look at the Sun Queen, a meaningful look on his face.

"Thank you for my world, Alina."

"No more," she joked, wagging her finger.

He replied, but this time his gaze was on the baby.

"We don't need more," he murmured softly, planting another kiss on the... me.

"You know there was a time where you said you didn't want..."

"I know what I said.."

"So what does that mean?" Mother inquired.

No way! There was no way...

He said something... a low grumble... I couldn't quite make it out...

"Sorry, what was that, Aleksander? You're going to have to say that again."

She was cupping her ear mockingly.

He said it again. Louder.

"You were right," he grumbled.

Now, Mother was in fits of laughter.

WOW. I never thought I'd see the day...

Now I was wide awake. I had no idea what to make out of what I just saw. 

Was this a memory? A cruel joke?

I couldn't help but wonder... what went wrong? 

Hey guys, 

I know it's been a little while since I last posted. Thank you for your patience and I hope this chapter made it worth your while. I had a lot of fun writing this one. Again, thank you  @lovebeyondwords and @Slytherin62442 for the inspiration of the last Chapter name. As always, would love to hear your thoughts and name suggestions for this chapter!

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