Sonic's Unwanted Harem

By LeJesterVixen

29K 852 10.7K

Alt. Universe - The blue blur just does what he does best, saving lives and living free as the wind while oc... More

01. One Year Ago
02. Home
03. Letters
04 Crystal Cavern Part 1
05 Crystal Cavern Part 2
07. Talk Part 1
08. Voices Part 1
09. First Part 1
10. First Part 02
11. First Part 03
12. Voices Part 02
13. Reunion
14. Talk Part 02
15. Rest Pt 01
16. Letter Pt. 02
17. Searching Pt. 01
18. Searching Pt. 02
19. Talk PT. 03
20. Deal Pt 01
21. Deal Pt 02
Sonic Train - PT 01
22. Home Pt. 02
23. Presence
24. Home Pt. 03
25. Haywire
26. Countdown Pt. 1
27. Countdown Pt. 2
28. Countdown Pt. 3
29. Troubled Pt. 01
30. Birthday Pt. 01
31. Birthday Pt. 02
32. Birthday Pt. 03
Characters ! PT 1
33. Haywire PT. 02
Characters! Pt. 2
34. Searching Pt. 03
35. Rest Pt. 02
36. Friend
37. Countdown Pt. 04
38. Showtime Pt 01.
39. Showtime - Part 02
40. Rest Pt. 03
41. Promise
42 Talk Pt 04
43. You
44. Talk Pt. 05
45. Just Another Normal Day

06 Crystal Cavern Part 3

803 21 67
By LeJesterVixen

Warning: This chapter contains language and sexual themes. Please be advised. Thank you.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

??? - 3:24 a.m.

The back of a hand reaches towards a cracked mirror with some shards sticking outwards. Once it reaches the surface, it starts to stroke the glass, ignoring the shards threatening to cut the fabric of already torn gloves.

The owner continues to stroke the glass as he sees Sonic's sleeping image reflect on the other side, causing him to chuckle. The chuckle comes out low before gradually growing louder. As a few more seconds pass it grows to a hysterical laughter as shards of the glass start to cut the back of the hand, but the owner doesn't even acknowledge it.

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA! Ah, Sonic..." he brings his hand back to him while he leans his forehead against the glass, staring at the blue hedgehog.

"-if you don't wake up soon," he tilts his head to the side as he finally looks down at his hand, seeing little spots of blood on his ripped glove, making his grin widen. "-then I'll have no choice but to take control..."

"After all,"  he looks back up at the image with a crazed delight in his eyes, "-seven years is a long time to be forgotten about."

Crystal Cavern - 3:33 a.m.

Mephiles turns the page of his book before he continues reading. He's quite impressed that this book had caught his attention for so long. Although he could care less about this planet or its inhabitants, he'd rather have more knowledge about it than be ignorant, especially if he's going to tame his pet. He would hate to take his pet out for a walk and have the blue one run away in the wild while he himself didn't know about the terrain at the very least. Or have Sonic lose him in one of the grand cities at most. Sure, Mephiles could always level the area and return his pet to him, but he'd rather just avoid the trouble altogether.

Speaking of, he feels the younger shift a bit in his arms, causing Mephiles to look down at him: Sonic has his right cheek resting on the elder's shoulder. He can feel the younger's breath lightly hit his collar bone with each exhale. His left arm is draped over Mephiles' right shoulder but is starting to slip off. A small chuckle leaves the elder's lips as he brings the arm back up, allowing the hand to just dangle off him. Sonic is slightly hunched over but Mephiles can feel the warmth emitting from the peach torso towards his own even though their fronts are not touching and the younger is sitting on his lap with both legs on either side of him.

A rather new predicament for either of them to be in but they'll just have to make do. Afterall, the last book he read said that new pets must be close to their master's in order to trust and obey them.

Mephiles returns his gaze to the book, reading the geography of the land and the history of it. He wraps his left arm around the younger's back to keep him from sliding down.

A crick starts to form in Sonic's neck, making him let out a soft groan. 'Why am I sleeping on a rock...' he questions as his eyes flutter open only to see pale blue and deep purple? Or maybe black. He can't tell, he's too tired. He lets his eyes close once more and scoots closer on his uncomfortably cold bed. 'Right, I'm in a cave...' He starts to doze off when all of the sudden he feels the rock on his back push him forward some more before his chest is flushed against something hard and fuzzy?

Green eyes snap open to see pale blue and almost black again but this time he lets his eyes focus enough to allow him to see properly. "What the?"

Sonic pushes himself backwards but is stopped when the hand on his back pushes him against the chest, keeping him in place. "Let go!"

Mephiles glances from his book to his pet before going back to his book. He's reading how Mystic Cave had gotten its name hundreds of years ago and it's quite fascinating.

'Did he just... He ignored me...?' Sonic looks from Mephiles to the book, very surprised to see it in such a place, before looking back at Mephiles. He blinks his eyes a few times before shaking his head, trying to get rid of this strange phenomenon. It's not important. What is important is him getting out of the other's grasp and getting back to Shadow and Rouge.

"I said," Sonic moves his hands to the other's chest, pushing against it in hopes to free himself. "-let go of me!"

Mephiles quickly grabs one of the wrists, pulling it off from him as he lets out a sigh. He then makes the book disappear before turning his full attention to the hero only to feel a fist connect with his right cheek, making his head turn to the side.

Sonic is slightly panting as he has his left eye shut. He pulled at his damaged side with that attack, really hoping the immortal would release him but unfortunately his right hand is still trapped in the other's grip. 

Mephiles opens his mouth to move his jaw to make sure it's not damaged before turning to look back at his now snarling pet. He tightens his hold on the hand in his grasp as he summons a tentacle from behind the younger. "I don't appreciate,"

Sonic's ear flickers when he hears movement behind him. He sees Mephiles release his hand but before he can even question the action does the tentacle tightly wrap around his wrists. "H-hey!" Sonic quickly tries to scoot himself backwards, to get off the other at the very least.

Crystalized hands grab the younger's waist, pulling him closer as he protests. "-being attacked,"

Sonic narrows his eyes, glaring at the elder, before pulling his head backwards. Instantly does he ram his forehead against Mephiles', knowing it did some kind of damage to the deity from seeing how the red and green eyes screw shut and a low groan can be heard. Using this opportunity, Sonic leans back, trying to get off the lap but is quickly stopped when a clawed hand digs into his outer thigh, forcing a low, pained groan from his lips. He looks down and sees little droplets of blood from where the claws are digging into him. Still, Sonic refuses to back down as he moves his left leg from the lap.

Mephiles quickly brings his right hand around the younger and grabs the first thing he can, making the younger stop altogether.

Green eyes widen as uneven pants leave Sonic's mouth. He slowly turns his head to see behind him while trying but failing to catch his breath and sees Mephiles squeezing the base of his tail. He clenches his eyes shut and his body starts to tremble just a bit as more uneven breaths leave his mouth. "L-l-let ... haa haaa-a-ah... g-go-oo..." he says in a whisper. He wasn't trying to say it that low, but it seems like his voice refuses to go any higher.

Mephiles does the opposite and squeezes the base tighter, making sure to dig his nails into it. He sees his pet tightly screw his eyes shut and dig his teeth into his bottom lip. He can feel Sonic's chest go up and down unevenly as he's trying to catch his breath, all the while his body is still trembling from this.

"I'm curious," He squeezes it to the point he can start to feel the bone.

Sonic brings the top of his head to rest against the other's chest. He's trying to catch his breath, but every time Mephiles adds more pressure to that part of his tail, it feels like more air is leaving his lungs. "S-stah-stah-ah-op... st-stop it...!" he tries to demand the other.

Mephiles moves his other hand from the thigh to the hero's lower back, just above the tail. He uses the tip of his middle finger to roughly scrape along the spinal cord, hearing more of the shallow and hitched breathing. "-what are you feeling," he releases the tail before he uses his forefinger and thumb to roughly massage the base. He then moves his mouth to the blue ear. "-to make your body act in such a way?"

Sonic lowers his head even more and involuntarily arches his back. He's not even sure himself what he's feeling. All he knows is that he can't gulp down enough air to calm his lungs. And that his throat hurts because he refuses to let whatever sound come out that's trying to, especially when the fingers touch the underside of the tail. And his body is hot, but that's probably because he's not getting enough air? He's not too sure right now. Not to mention that his head is starting to get fuzzy. He can't tell if it's from when he fell earlier or if it's because of what Mephiles is doing right now.

The crystalized finger slowly runs back down, earning a strangled grunt, before it travels off to the side, grazing over edge of the blue buttock.

Sonic's eyes fly open when he feels his bottom being touched and he tries to move away from it but is forced to stop when fingers tightly grip the base of his tail once more, making him open his mouth but no sound comes out. By now, his arms are trembling in front of him but stopping the movement is the last thing on his mind. He just needs to find how to get away from these... whatever these touches are doing to him.

Mephiles releases his hold on the tail and moves that hand to the other butt cheek, hearing another choked sound coming from the younger. He sees Sonic lift his head up with his left eye clenched shut, his right eye is barely opened but he's trying to glare at him while his mouth is tightly closed. He's breathing hard through his nose. Mephiles looks at him clearly amused as he roughly grabs the blue bottom and pulls the younger to sit directly on top of his lap, making sure that their chests are completely pressed against one another.

"G-get... ah-off...!" Sonic is trying his best to come off intimidating but he can't with how quiet his voice it, not to mention he's still struggling to catch his breath. What the hell happened for it to come to this?

"How can I get off," Mephiles reaches between their bodies and grabs the younger's bound hands, feeling them struggling to pull free for naught, before he lifts them and puts them over his head, forcing Sonic to have his arms wrapped around his neck. "-when you're the one on top of me?"

A smirk reaches the pale blue muzzle from seeing the younger trying his hardest to glare but the look falls apart once Mephiles starts to rub the base of the tail once again. He sees green eyes hide behind eyelids once more as Sonic opens his mouth to let out shallow breaths. "You still don't know what's going on, do you?"

'Why the heck... can't I... get out of t-this...' He feels a hand grab one of his quills and roughly pulls his head back while the other hand or fingers, he's not sure at this point, continue its torment on his tail. He opens his eyes enough to see those green snake-eyes staring at his own, making him feel even more uncomfortable than he already is. 'What... is he doing... to me...?'

Mephiles lets his eyes travel from the confused and slightly hazed green eyes down to the panting lips, seeing the now swollen bottom lip from when teeth were biting down on it. He just continues to stare at the lips as he slows his fingers down but adds more pressure in the massage, earning another soundless scream. He tugs the head back some more and sees the throat, immediately moving his face to it.

Sonic opens an eye he doesn't remember closing and tries to look down to see what the other is doing but loses concentration when he feels a strange feeling shoot up his spine as a finger digs into the underside of his tail, dangerously close to his tail hole. ' ... No...!'

"St-ahp ... hhi-it... n-n-now...!" Sonic's mouth is getting dry from all of the panting he's doing. Too much air has gotten into his mouth and he hasn't had anything to drink for over half a day now.

Sonic pulls at his bound hands but stops when he feels the hand leave his quills and run down his right side, slowly grazing it with the tips of the claws, making him lean his head forward and take shaky, deep breaths. This is too much for him. He has no idea what's going on with his body or why he can't fight back.

Mephiles opens and closes his mouth a few times against the neck, wanting to do something but he isn't quite sure what he wants. So instead, he continues to run his fingers up and down the side at an agonizingly slow pace, hearing more uneven breathing. It's only when he runs a thumb along the underside of the tail and hears the lowest of sounds erupt from the younger's throat does he bite down on the neck, earning him a louder sound; a moan if you will.

Gloved fists clench tightly behind the deity's neck as he feels teeth bite down a little harder on his neck. Sonic clenches his mouth shut, to the point where his jaw is hurting. Some weird noise came from him and he didn't like it. It didn't even sound like him. 'What was that!?' His concentration is broken when he feels teeth bite harder and he feels something warm run down afterwards.

Mephiles stops rubbing the side and wraps his arm around the waist, pulling the hedgehog closer to him as he sinks his teeth deeper into the soft flesh. This time he's rewarded with a strangled moan. Not what he was hoping for but he'll take what he can get at the moment. 'I'll just have to try again' he smirks against the neck before he licks it, ignoring the slight metallic taste from blood and he hears a rather loud gasp. His smirk widens before he brings his fangs to previous mark and sinks them in, deeper this time.

Sonic is caught between throwing his head back or to the side to try and get away from the sudden attack as his mouth opens wide. He lets out harsh breaths before he bites down hard on his tongue, doing everything he can to not let that sound out again since the mouth is now sucking on his neck.

Green eyes suddenly go wide and he clenches the dark quills in front of him when he feels the other slowly start to move his hips against his own. Sonic is sure that his heart just stopped from the sudden action.

Mephiles licks the blood clean before he continues sucking on the neck. He hadn't meant to move his hips yet, or to be so physical in general but when he grabbed the tail earlier and heard the younger's reaction to it, he couldn't help himself. And how could he? The hero is completely oblivious to his own body's reaction to touches and being the good master that he is, Mephiles will make sure that he will be the one to teach his pet how to react in such a situation as this. He will learn every inch of this body, learn every type of sound: from pained cries to sounds of pleasure and everything in between. He will learn his pet inside out and there is no one to stop him. Ha, funny what being alone in a dark cave for three years can do to someone...

Sonic can feel his grip on the other's quills start to loosen yet he's still trying to pry the mouth from his neck, at the very least. "Ga-get... ah-off-fa ahh..." he clenches his eyes shut and leans his head back as he feels the tongue run down his neck to his collar bone. The arm wrapped around him lets go as it once again grabs his right butt cheek as the other finally stops with his tail to grab the other cheek, lifting him from the lap. He can feel the immortal reposition himself giving Sonic enough time to clearly think for a moment. Just before he's brought back down, Sonic brings his right knee up, hitting Mephiles right in his jaw, which makes teeth scrape against the collar bone, shedding more blood before both hedgehogs fall out of the chair and unto the ground. Unfortunately for Sonic, his arms are still wrapped around the other's neck. "... darn it...!'

Mephiles leans his head to the right, cracking his neck before moving his hand to feel his jaw, making sure there's no damage to it, again, before seeing the blue fighter under him. He just stares at the panting form underneath him for a moment before his eyes gaze at the bite marks on the neck and collar bone, bringing a smirk to his face. "It looks like I need to properly train you." He lets his eyes travel up his pet: there's splotches of blood on the left side from the bites, a small trail of saliva has reached the chin, his bottom lip is swollen and there are little red dots; he must have made himself bleed sometime ago. His cheeks have the faintest shade of red on them that's hard to see with the dim lights. Green eyes are narrowed and glazed with anger, confusion and just the slightest hint of desire but there is no way that the hero would recognize that.

Mephiles repositions himself to completely go on top of the younger, whose eyes widen at the realization of what's going on. The arms around his neck go upwards in an attempt to get free but is quickly stopped when Mephiles pulls his body back, dragging the hero along with him. He then places a hand on the younger's shoulder, pushing him back down with enough force to make him winded before settling himself back on top of the younger.

"It doesn't feel good, does it?" Mephiles whispers as he brings a leg up to separate the blue ones, nudging his knee against the crotch, which earns him another loud gasp. He moves his mouth to a blue ear. "To feel pain when your body is feeling pleasure, unless," He starts to rub his knee against the crotch, hearing broken gasps and ragged breaths. "-you're the masochistic type..." he licks the inner ear before biting on the base hard, getting an arched back and a choked cry from the younger.

Sonic is completely at a loss of what to do. His arms are trapped behind the immortal's neck, his left leg is trapped under the body while his right one is forced to the side and he's trying to kick at something but can't every time he feels he feels the knee rub against him. And that damn knee! It's touching an area no one has any right to. Hell, Sonic only reaches for that area for bathroom and hygiene purposes. Why the hell is Mephiles touching it? And even worse, why is it sending small sensations throughout his body?! Not to mention, it's making him hot!

"...stah-ahp...!" Sonic grits his teeth and arches his back again. The knee is making him sensitive down there. His body is already damaged from the fall and with his head getting fuzzy and body hot, he doesn't know what to do. He just knows he needs to get out of this, now!

"You'll have to beg me," Mephiles whispers before sucking on the ear once more.


Said hero tries to look to his right but throws his head back and harshly bites down on his lip, drawing more blood when he feels the cold hand reach for his crotch, starting to unsheathe him. He doesn't know if he heard someone call out his name or if that was just his imagination, but it doesn't matter now, not when he feels the cold, crystalized fingers slowly running down the length of his- "N-n-noo...! Don't... don't t-touch... m-me-me...!"

Mephiles licks the ear before slowly running his finger up the length of the younger's member. Even though he's not one for sexual pleasure, such as this, he must say he's quite impressed with his pet's size. Anyone on the receiving end would get a lot of enjoyment from the hero.

But alas, as much as Mephiles wants to thoroughly analyze his pet's body, there is an intruder that he must tend to. 'What a nuisance. Shadow actually found a way to make it here.'

Mephiles creates a clone of himself and it travels through the shadows to the far left of the cavern just seeing his original target walk by. Either he and the bat were separated or she was told to stay behind. Either way, Shadow is by himself.


After hours of blindly walking in the dark not being able to find either source of energy or Sonic, Shadow was finally able to find a nook in the wall that was releasing a small amount of breeze. He was able to carefully destroy the wall without causing a cave-in and after ten minutes of back and forth of why it was a good or bad idea for him to go alone, Rouge finally agreed to it. Though he only has five minutes before she barges in.

Shadow rubs his eyes to let them adjust to the dim light the crystals are giving off. "Finally-"

"Enjoying your sight in the cave I see. It must have been terrible to be blind for so many hours."

Crimson eyes scan the area, looking left and right before he narrows them, spotting the figure walking towards him. "You," he spits out, narrowing his eyes.

"Ah, Shadow the Hedgehog." Mephiles bows mockingly, before raising up and just walks around him as he had done to Sonic earlier. "I would say it's a privilege to see you, but I don't want to lie."

"That's new." Shadow scoffs as he turns his head, eyeing the dark one's every step. "You're nothing but a liar." He can see amusement in the green eyes. His ear suddenly twitches when he hears an unusual sound in the distance. Even so, he keeps his focus on the being in front of him.

"Ah, my pet has caught your attention, I see." The clone keeps walking but turns his head to the original's direction, hearing a muffled cry from the younger.

Shadow narrows his eyes and throws a Chaos Spear at Mephiles, only for it to dissipate into smoke. "Tch, just a clone."


The agent feels hands tightly gripping his shoulder before he turns himself around, swiping at nothing in the air.

"-don't you want to see him?"

Mephiles' voice whispers in his ears but Shadow can't locate his body. Instead he looks towards the direction where the muffled noise is coming from and starts skating. The sooner he get's this idiot from the other's grasp, the sooner they can go back to their original mission and leave this damn place.

"Don't you want to feel him?" The voice whispers once more, forcing Shadow to skid to a stop.


"To feel him under you,"

Shadow looks around, trying to pinpoint the voice but catches something else instead. He sees Sonic with his eyes clenched shut and biting down on his lip before his back arches up, making an expression he's never seen before.

"To feel his hands gripping your shoulders as his lips touch your ears,"

Shadow quickly shakes his head, getting the image out before it lingers. He sees Sonic open his mouth but nothing comes out.

"To hear him moan as you pleasure him."

Red eyes widen as Sonic let's out a quiet moan. The sound echoes through the cavern and it feels as though it was meant to go right in Shadow's ear. He's completely frozen. 'What the hell is going on? Why is he-'

"To hear him moan your name..."

Shadow narrows his eyes and swats his hand behind him. "Enough!" He knows that he hit nothing more than air but he cannot afford to let himself get distracted anymore. He charges another Chaos Spear and throws it at the dark entity.

Mephiles sees the oncoming attack and, begrudgingly, makes the tentacle disappear from the younger's wrist, letting them drop from his neck before he completely disappears from the area.

The attack shatters a few of the crystals, making the area a bit darker and Shadow notices that Mephiles' presence is completely gone. "Tch, damn it." He walks over to the younger hedgehog and sees he's turned on his side, trying to catch his breath. He scans over the body and notices the area around the injured ribs is a dark purple. Shadow kneels down to lightly touches the area, hearing the younger let out a muffled cry.

Sonic turns his head and sees Shadow, a weak smile making its way on his face as he continues to pant. "Wha... took ya-"

"Shut up."

Sonic lays his head back down and closes his eyes. He can't tell if he's trying to catch his breath from what just happened or everything that happened this evening. Suddenly he feels warmth on his ribs, making him look only to see Shadow's hand is there, glowing in a soft green. He's sparing some of his healing abilities, who'd have thought. "...Sha-"

"Don't." the agent firmly says.

'To hear him moan your name...'

The last thing he wants to hear is his name coming from the younger. Not that anything would happen, he just does not need it right now.

Once he's healed the ribs, he looks over to see that Sonic is out. His eyes narrows as he sees the condition that he's in before he picks him up and slings him over his shoulder. 'Why the hell did he do that to you?'

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Yay! Writing this took me waaay longer than I wanted it to. Normally I can get this finished in a day. This? Nuh-huh, not this one.

Anyways, I love Sonic knowing when he gets hit on but never experiencing the physical aspects of it. Like, he knows of it, just never experienced it himself. I don't know why but I really like that

And yes, Shadow is no longer roaming in the dark. He can see, only he's seen too much XD Also, slinging Sonic over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes? Shadow, you sure know how to treat injured people lol.

Okay, I'm done. We'll get to the next person(s) really soon!

Until next time, take care luvs~

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