Insatiable [h.s]

By _fallingkiwii

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in·sa·tia·ble adjective of an appetite or desire, impossible to satisfy. Learning to trust and getting along... More



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By _fallingkiwii

It's my birthday. 

I am officially twenty two.

Chloe FaceTimed me this morning and spent the better part of an hour talking to me. When I answered the call Harry had to sneak out of the room and close the door without a sound so that Chloe wouldn't notice anything.

My aunt also called me, her singsong voice ringing out cheerfully as soon as I answered the phone. Her husband, Zach, also said hi to me. It was a short phone call, but one that made my day all the better.

As soon as I got downstairs Millie started playing 22 by Taylor Swift. Harry, of course, rolled his eyes at her choice in song, but he didn't comment on it.

Thalia made my favorite breakfast, french toast with powdered sugar and strawberries. Niall made mimosas and everyone sang happy birthday to me.

I've never felt so special in my life.

Everyone gave me gifts, Harry included. I guess the necklace was just something special he wanted to give to me without the interference of everyone watching us.

Thalia gave me a gift card to a shop that she knows Millie and I like going to. Jade gave me an at home spa set, which I cannot wait to use. Millie got me a few outfits and said, "Rori, I love you and I know it's your birthday... but you really need to let me help you step up your fashion game." Which is understandable. I do wear a lot of sweat pants...

Liam and Louis got me a few bottles of alcohol each, but they gifted them together. They said they went out for them together and just put them in the same bag instead of buying separate ones, which is typical of them.

Niall... gave me a gun. He said that it's his favorite gun and has saved his life a few times so I better treat it well. The thought of holding a gun that has been used to kill someone was terrifying, but I guess it's the thought that counts.

Harrys gift was given to me last.

In natural Harry fashion it couldn't just be something simple. He literally blindfolded me and guided me upstairs. Why did he not just blindfold me after the stairs? I'm still asking myself the same question.

He took my hand in his and led me through the second story hallway to a part of the house I have yet to go to. I could hear the scattered footsteps of everyone behind us as he continued down the long hall. Until finally, he stopped. My body nearly crashed into his from the sudden lack of movement, everyone else's footsteps halting as well.

I hear a door creak open, Harry guiding me once again to start walking. With my vision gone my sense of smell seemed heightened, hints of musk and earthy scents filled my nose as we moved to what I assumed to be the center of the room.

Stopping in front of me Harry dropped my hand and lifted his up to the blindfold, "You ready?"

I nodded eagerly, "Yes."

Without another word Harry pulled the blindfold from my eyes, his face the first thing that I was able to see from where he stood in front of me. I ran my eyes over his face for a moment, appreciating his natural beauty in the light of the room before I turned my head slightly to the side, something in my peripheral now catching my attention.

I turned to the left and took in the glorious sight before me. A wall to wall bookshelf, books stuffed full on each of the shelves. Some old and worn, others seemingly brand new.

I turned to look at Harry with questioning eyes. A dimple popping smile was carved onto his face as he watched me, "They're all yours." He said lightly. "I know you like to read and all your books were left in Oregon so I thought you might like some more. Some are old ones of mine and others are ones that I had shipped here."

"We did all the dirty work, though." Niall piped up from the doorway, my head turning to look at him. "While you guys were out last night we set up this whole room. It might be his money that got it, but we put in the actual work."

Thalia swatted Niall on the back of his head, all of us laughing, besides Harry.

"Fuck off." Harry grumbled out. "You lot offered to help."

"We did." Millie quickly agreed. "Don't listen to Niall, Rori. Harry set this whole thing up— I mean, not literally because we did. But, well, you know what I mean."

"I do." I laughed, giving everyone a smile. "Thank you."

"There's more." Harry spoke again, my attention falling back to him.

He nodded his head and I followed looking over to my right to see an art set up. I had to hold back a squeal of excitement as I took in the sight. With wide eyes I quickly made my way over to the set up and started scoping it out.

"I set this one up myself." Harry said from where he still stood in the middle of the room. "I know that it's not a lot, but there's more coming. It was just delayed a few days."

I looked up with a huge smile, my fingers dropping the brush I was holding back down into place. "It's perfect. Thank you so much." I turned to look at everyone still standing in the doorway, their eyes on us. "And thank you for setting everything up, it's amazing."

After a few more minutes of talking and a bit more inspecting of all the things Harry had gotten me, we were all making our way out of the room, Harry and I last.

When everyone had turned and started going down the hallway I quickly reached out and grabbed Harrys hand firmly to force him to stop. He turned to look at me with questioning eyes, his lips parting to say something. But before he could I stood to my tiptoes and pressed my lips against his, my arms wrapping around his waist to hold myself closer to him.

Harry seemed stunned for a second but after the initial shock he hummed against my lips, his own arms wrapping around my shoulders. I pulled away from the kiss, my head instantly falling to the crook of his neck to hold him in a hug. "Thank you." I whispered.

Harry drug a hand slowly up and down my back with his cheek rested on the top of my head. "You're welcome, tournesol. Happy birthday."

After a few seconds longer we decided to go catch up with the others and see what else they had planned. I know that Niall had more things that he wants to bug me about and if I didn't catch up with him he would come looking for me.

Niall has been annoying to say the least.

He's been hounding me about artists I like to listen to, what food I like, and multiple other random questions. Harrys been giving him death glares all afternoon but Niall has been too caught up in his own world to even notice.

By the time dinner rolled around Thalia had made alfredo, which happens to be my favorite. Everyone drank at dinner, talked and laughed. Even Harry, who usually doesn't say much, chimed into the conversations and would give his input on certain topics.

It's like a birthday miracle.

After dinner we went upstairs to get ready, Niall informing us that in order to celebrate my birthday properly we're having our first party since being in California. It was true, we've gone out at night but we haven't actually had a real party since Oregon.

When Harry and I finally made it up to his bedroom door he wrapped a hand over my eyes, his body pressed to mine from behind as he snaked his other arm around my waist. "Got another surprise for you." He whispered into my ear.

"No more!" I laughed, "You've all given me too much."

"This one doesn't really count." He said normally as he opened the door to his room. "I've had it for a while."

"Okay... What is it?" I asked as he stepped us inside of his room.

As I asked he lifted his hand from my eyes to allow the light from the room to flood into my vision. I scanned the room momentarily before my eyes landed on the bed.

"If you don't like it you don't have to wear it." Harry said from where he was still standing behind me. "I got it when I got the other dress that you wore to the club."

Laid out on his bed was a deep red, almost wine colored dress. It was longer than the one I had worn to the club and covered a lot more, and even though this one still had a slit up the thigh it wasn't quite as high.

"I know you just wore a red dress, but it's your favorite color so..."

I turned to look at him with a wide grin, his eyes meeting mine as I faced him. "Thank you."

"If you—"

"Stop." I took a step closer to him, my hands wrapping around his waist, "Just let me say thank you."

A small hint of a blush rose to Harrys cheeks and he shifted his eyes away from mine, a small twitch of a smile on the corner of his lips.

"Aww... don't be all shy." I teased, Harry rolling his eyes in response.

He rubbed his hands up my arms, kissing my forehead before pulling away and nodding his head towards the bathroom. "You should get ready, Niall will have a fit if you're late to your own party."

I know he's right.

Niall has been on my ass all day about this party. I don't know what it is about tonight but it's got him all wound up for some reason.

I quickly grabbed the dress off of Harrys bed and made my way to the bathroom. For the most part I was ready, I had done my make up earlier and Millie curled my hair for me. I just needed to do a few touch ups and I should be fine.

I stripped out of the outfit I was wearing and pulled the silky dress on. It fit perfectly.

It covered a lot more skin than the other dress and I felt really comfortable in it. I ran my hands down my sides and smoothed the material out as I looked in the mirror. The color looked good against my skin, my tan darkening as summer goes on. My dark hair fell against it from over my shoulder and for the first time I realized how long my hair was actually getting. I got a trim with Chloe, but it seems that it's already grown back out. Even with it being curled it fell down to my lower back.

I quickly touched up my makeup, making sure nothing was smudged under my eyes before applying a dark red lipstick to match the red of the dress.

I know Harry likes red lipstick.

Satisfied with the look I turned and walked out of the bathroom, my eyes lifted up as I smiled to say something to Harry.

But before I could form the words a blinding light caused me to stutter a step, my eyes blinking rapidly as I tried to clear the dots from my vision.

I could hear a whirring sound from a few feet in front of me and I had to fight to restrain myself from reaching up and rubbing my eyes to try and get them back to normal.

Finally, my eyes refocused and I looked up to see Harry sat on the edge of his bed with a polaroid camera held in his hand. A smirk plastered on his lips as he waited for the picture to come out.

"Hey!" I groaned out in irritation, "I wasn't ready for that."

Harry eyes looked up to meet mine. "Still looks perfect to me."

"It hasn't even developed yet." I grumbled out.

He only shrugged, "I don't have to see it to know."

I swear my heart stopped at his words.

I'll never get used to the random compliments. The way he can make me blush with a simple few words is amusing to him, but truthfully hearing those words come from him has an entirely different meaning to me than he thinks.

People have told me I was pretty, or that they like my shoes while at the club— Chloe on multiple occasions would try and "hype me up" by telling me I'm a bad bitch or saying that I'm hot— you know, normal things that best friends tell each other. But hearing things such as those from Harry gave me a feeling that I couldn't explain.

I walked up to him, his eyes cast down to the picture as it slowly started to take shape on the tiny film. "Let me take one of you." I said.

"Absolutely not." He dismissed, chunking the camera higher up on his bed as he looked at me. "I hate pictures."

"But y—"

Harry shook his head, "And I look like shit on film."

"Liar." I squinted at him.

Harry ignored my comment and lifted a heel up from his bed. I guess he had gotten them out from the closet while I was in the bathroom. He looked up at me, "Wear these?" He requested.

"Isn't this outfit a bit fancy?" I question in reference to the dress and heels he was holding up.

"Not too fancy for tonight." Harry shook his head, "It's your birthday— Your first birthday in LA, it's not just some house party that we had in Oregon."

"Don't get all fancy on my account. I'm happy with anything." I laughed as I made my way to stand in front of him.

"These? Yes or no?" He held up the heel again waiting for my input.

So I nodded, "Sure, I can wear those." I reached out to take it from him but he pulled it away from me with a subtle shake of his head.

I gave him a questioning look but he only stood up next to me in response. I stood there for a second unsure of what he was wanting until he caught my eyes with an expectant look. "You gonna sit down?"

Still unsure I sat down on the edge of the bed where he had just been, my eyes watching him carefully as he lowered himself down in front of me with my shoe still in hand.

I watched as he slid my foot inside of the shoe, his fingers working nimbly to fasten the heel around my ankle. Wordlessly he reached for the other on the bed beside me and copied his action, putting both of my heels on for me.

As he put my foot back down onto the ground he looked up at me, innocent looking eyes meeting mine. "Thank you." I managed to breath out.

Harry smiled at me, "You're welcome." He responded, running his hands up my thighs as he stood from his knelt position in front of me.

My eyes stayed on him as he turned and started making his way towards his closet.  He reached behind his head as he walked and grabbed ahold of his t-shirt, pulling it off of his body to discard it into the dirty clothes in his closet. After a few moments he re-emerged from behind the door, slipping his arms into a silky black button up.

An abrupt knock at the door had me jumping, a panicked gasp leaving my lips as my eyes yanked away from Harry to look towards the door.

"Harry! I know you're in there, mate!"

"Oh, for fucks sake." Harry muttered under his breath as he started making his way towards the door, his fingers working to button up his shirt.

When he reached the door it swung open, nearly hitting him in the process. He had to take a quick step back to avoid it, an aggravated huff leaving him.

"Interrupt something did we?" A familiar blonde asked with raised brows as he watched Harry finishing half buttoning his shirt.

"No." Harry gritted, "I was just changing my shirt."

"Hello, gorgeous. Nice to see you again." Luke looked over Harrys shoulder at me, a wide grin plastered onto his face. "And happy birthday."

"I— Uh... Thanks?" I managed, my body still frozen in place on the edge of Harrys bed.

"Niall sent me up here to get you." Luke looked back to Harry, "He said you're taking too long."

"Tell him to fuck off." Harry huffed as he made his way back into his room to grab his boots.

"Tell him yourself, now get the fuck out here." Luke shouted, hands slapping against either side of the doorway.

"Calm down!" Harry snapped, "Getting my bloody shoes you annoying fuckin—"

"Yeah, yeah, missed you too buddy." Luke rolled his eyes. "Just hurry up."

Then with that, he disappeared.

My head snapped to the side to look at Harry as he stood straight up from his slight struggle with pulling on his boots. "What?" He asked as he pushed back his hair from his eyes.

"Why is— I didn't... Why?"

Harry shook his head with a small laugh as he made his way back over to me. "So many thoughts running through that pretty head of yours." He murmured as he reached down to grab hold of my hands sitting on my lap. "Come on, we really should get down there." He said as he started to pull me up to my feet.

"But I—"

"They're here for your birthday." Harry interrupted. "It was Nialls idea."

Harrys arms wrapped around my waist as I stood in front of him, my hands smoothing up his chest. "I just— wow." I breathed out. "I wasn't expecting to see Luke on the other side of the door."

"If it's too much I can tell them to leave." Harry offered, but I shook my head quickly.

"No, no. It's okay. I was just shocked." I said honestly.

Harry gave me a small smile, his head coming forward to place a soft kiss to my forehead. "Alright."

As he went to pull away, I gripped his shirt in my hand and pulled him back to look at me again. "Wait, I have a question."

"What is it?" He asked, his eyes watching his hand as he smoothed back my hair, his hand then sliding down past my shoulder.

"Last time we were around Luke and the guys, we weren't friends..." I began. "You cared about what Luke thought and said his family was powerful too. I just— I don't know, I'm just wondering if we'll have to act differently in front of them."

Harrys eyes met mine as he once again wrapped his arms around me. "Things were different then." His voice was soft. "Luke won't say anything to anyone— And even if he did, my father knows about you. There's nothing that anyone can do anymore."

"What does that mean?" I asked for clarification.

"It means that we can do whatever the hell we want." He smirked down to me. "It doesn't matter anymore."

I took in a deep breath, "You won't be embarrassed?"

"Embar— What?" Harrys face nearly looked appalled by my question. "Why would I have anything to be embarrassed about?"

I bent my head down to avoid his eyes, my shoulders slightly shrugging. "Of me, I guess."

A silence fell between us for a few seconds. My mind started racing around different possibilities of what would happen once we made it down stairs. Would Harry go hang out with other people? Would he find another girl he's interested in? Would he even acknowledge me?

"Stop doing that." Harry pushed my chin up with his index finger so that I would look at him. "Stop thinking about yourself like that, and stop worrying about what I think."

"I can't help it..." I mumbled, my eyes resting heavily on his.

"How many times do I have to tell you that this is what I want?" Harry asked bluntly. Not rudely, just bluntly. "I don't want to waste my time with anyone else. I don't want to learn about anyone else. I don't care about anyone else's favorite color, or what movie they can recite word for word or even what their name is. I don't care about anyone else. Like I've said, for me, for right now, it's just you." Harry reached his hand up, fingers softly smoothing back my hair before looking back to my eyes, "Now stop worrying this pretty head of yours and come downstairs with me, yeah?"

A smile curled up onto my lips as I nodded my head, Harry smiling down to me before pressing a quick kiss to my lips, then grabbing ahold of my hand to tug me along behind him.

Once we got to the stairs the loud music from down stairs started to seep up to meet my ears. The thumping beat something I felt all too familiar with.

By the time we made it down to the first floor the sounds of Sex by the 1975 playing through the speakers.

I look over to Harry with a questioning look on my face, "This isn't really your normal party type music." I stated.

Harry shrugged as he started leading me through a crowd of people, his head turning to call over his shoulder, "Niall made a playlist for you."

I cocked my head back, "For me?"

Harry laughed as he turned around to face me. "Yes, for you. You're the birthday girl, aren't you?"

"Well yeah but—"

"He also has 10 Things I Hate About You playing on a constant loop in the movie room." Harry added.

My head fell back in a laugh, the sound of Harrys laughter ringing around me as well.

Once the laughter subsided my eyes met his again, a faint smile on his lips as he watched me. "Why would guys do this all of this?"

Harrys brows knitted together, his eyes searching mine for a moment. "Why wouldn't we?"

I shrugged at his question, "It's just— I don't know. No one's ever thrown me a birthday party. It's seems like an inconvenience."

"What are you talking about?" Harry cocked his head back at me, "Rori, it's your birthday. We wanted to do this for you. Do you not like it?"

"Oh, no! No, Harry, I love it. This whole day has been perfect. I didn't mean it like that." I quickly tried to recover.

Harry physically relaxed at my words. "Good." He nodded. "Now let's make it even better, yeah?"

A smile broke out on my lips as I nodded to Harry, a perfect smile of his own forming. He wrapped his arms around me and mine found their way around the back of his neck, my fingers instinctively going to his hair and twisting around small pieces. He leaned in with closed eyes and rested his forehead on mine.

"Happy birthday, tournesol." He whispered, words barely audible over the music.

The height advantage from the heels I wore made it easier for me to kiss him, just needing to slightly tilt my head upwards.

The second our lips touched everything else fell away. The music, the people, the party. Everything. As soon as I felt his lips on mine it was like nothing else existed. It was just us.

It wasn't a fast paced kiss or even one that had much movement at all. It was a slow kiss. One that allowed us to both savor it and truly bask in the feeling of one another.

His fingertips pressed into my lower back to force my body closer to him, my arms pulling him in desperately to feel him in as many ways as I could.

I can never get enough of him.

His taste. The way he smells. How he talks. He's like a drug and I'm fully addicted.

When we pulled away Harry leaned his forehead against mine, both of us taking in harsh breaths. My fingers were still toying with his hair and I smiled when he let out a satisfied hum at the feeling.

"Je n'en ai jamais assez... Je suis tellement obsédé par toi." He whispered, his breath fanning across my lips as he spoke.

"I don't know what that means." I said, my voice now in a whisper too.

I heard him let out a soft laugh before pulling back a bit, his lips coming back to place a quick kiss to my lips. "It means... we should dance."

"You hate dancing." I deadpanned.

Harry shrugged, "But you like dancing."

"Yeah," I laughed. "But I'm not going to make you dance with me in a house full of people if you don't want to."

"Who said I don't want to?" He questioned.

Another smile overtook my face as he spoke, my heart swelling with so much joy. As he pulled away, our hands interlocked and a familiar opening note played over the speakers.

My face lit up, eyes wide and mouth dropping open as Harry turned to look at me. "I love this song!" I nearly hopped in place from excitement. "But it's seriously not a party song."

Harry shrugged as he started tugging me with him through the crowd of people, "As long as you're happy, that's all that matters."

Finally reaching a spot that had enough room for the both of us Harry stopped and turned towards me, a smile still on my face as our eyes met.

He pulled me closer, arms hooking around my waist with a goofy grin as I rested my hands on his shoulders.

"I finished crying in the instant that you left and I can't remember where or when or how. And I banished every memory you and I had ever made." The words to It's All Coming Back To Me Now by, Céline Dion playing through the house.

Harry started swaying us, neither of us really paying attention to the movements we were making. Harry, so different from how he was in the club, was laughing and swaying me around without caring who could see him.

A freeing look was in his eyes as he led us in whatever dance it was that we were doing.

"There were nights of endless pleasure, it was more than any laws allowed." Harry had a wide grin on his face as he sang along to the song. "Baby, baby, if I kiss you like this. And if you whisper like that. It was lost long ago but it's all coming back to me."

It doesn't matter how many times I hear him sing, my stomach still does a weird flipping feeling at the sound of him. I could listen to him all day if he'd let me. I closed my eyes and relished in the moment of dancing with Harry as he sang on my birthday. His beautiful voice mixing with the music as he moved with me in the crowd of people in his living room.

"And whenever you tried to hurt me, I just hurt you even worse and so much deeper."

I opened my eyes hearing Harrys soft voice, my eyes meeting his as he leaded forward and placed a hovering kiss to my forehead.

I closed my eyes again, my body falling into a state of euphoria. Wrapped in Harrys arms, listening to him sing. Everything felt perfect.

Everything seemed so content.

This moment. Right here. Right now. Everything felt so right. 

We were both happy. Both smiling as we danced together. It was more than I could ever ask for.

"It's all coming back to me now." I opened my eyes at Harry's soft voice, a smile on his lips as the music intensified. "There were moments of gold and there were flashes of light. There were things we'd never do again, but then they'd always seemed right."

Watching Harry sing I couldn't help but smile. The feeling of it just being us once again ran through me and I swear in this moment no one else was here. It was just Harry and I. The two of us dancing in his living room as he sang to me.

"There were nights of endless pleasure. It was more than all your laws allow." Harrys eyes closed and his face scrunched up as he belted out the notes. My heart fluttering once again. "Baby, baby, baby, when you touch me like this," He reached up to my cheek and softly drug the back of his knuckle down my skin. My eyes closing at the feeling. "And when you hold me like that."

I can't take it anymore.

In a quick motion I had pulled his head forward and connected our lips, my red lipstick long ago smudged against him. Yet, neither of us cared.

My lips moved against his more feverishly than before. I hadn't wanted to mess up my lipstick— but now I didn't care anymore.

I pulled away and sucked in a ragged breath, my lungs pleading for air as Harry dropped his head down to my shoulder.

Harrys shoulders shook in a slight laugh. "If you wanted me to stop singing you could've just told me."

I laughed and lightly smacked his shoulder, "I never want you to stop singing."

We stayed in that position until the song ended, Harrys head in my neck giving me a few kisses every so often while our arms tangled around each other.

Amongst all these people I realized I had never felt so comfortable. I had never felt so at home.

My heart hammered against my chest at the thought. The simple action of feeling at home terrified me since I had never felt it with a person before.

Harry pulled his head up to look at me when the song ended, his soft eyes meeting mine with a lazy smile. "Want to go get a drink?" I made a face at his offer causing him to frown at me. "What's wrong?"

"Do you mind going to get the drinks?" I pursed my lips as he continued to give me the same look. "These shoes are cute but they kind of kill my feet."

Harrys face dropped instantly, "Why didn't you say that earlier? You could have worn a different pair."

"I know, I know." I groaned, "But it was just really cute that you picked them out so I wanted to wear them."

As I spoke Harrys eyes flashed around the room taking in our surroundings for the first time since we started dancing together. After a moment of scoping around he took my hand in his and started walking me towards the minibar on the other side of the living room.

Once reaching it he pushed me in front of him and pushed on my hips to turn me to face him. In a swift motion he had grabbed my waist and was lifting me into the air to sit on the counter of the mini bar.

"Stay here, I'll go get our drinks." He semi-ordered.

I rolled my eyes at him but nodded anyway, "Okay."

I watched as he disappeared towards the kitchen, the good alcohol being hidden in the refrigerator behind all of our food.

There were a lot of people here tonight. A lot more than I had initially realized. I guess sitting up a few inches higher gave me an advantage to see everyone better.

I haven't seen anyone I know since coming down stairs. I know they're here, and that somewhere mixed in are Luke and the guys but I haven't seen any of them yet.


I turned my head to see a black haired guy standing next to the counter, a drunken grin spread across his face.

"Hi." I gave a tight lipped smile as I looked back out to the crowd of people, swinging my legs from where they dangled as I listened to Better Off by Ariana Grande start playing through the house.

"What's your name?"

I looked back to see the guy still staring at me, a red solo cup being raised to his lips.

"Rori." I said shortly, not rudely. Just shortly enough for him to get the point that I didn't want to engage in a conversation.

The way he was staring me was kind of creeping me out.

"I'm Tucker." He continued. "You live here in LA?"

I nodded my head, eyes looking anywhere but at him. "Yeah, I do."

"I use to come here a lot for parties but a big fight broke out here one night and they haven't had one since. It's been like... ppfhh." He made an irritating noise as he blew out a breath. "Six months maybe?"

"That's cool." I nodded, pleading Harry would reappear quickly.

"You ever been to one of their parties before?"

I nodded, "Yeah, I have."

"I've never seen you before."

I glanced down at him to see that he had slowly inched his way closer to me. "That's because I haven't been to a party in this house."

"But you just said—"

"I know the owner." I just him off shortly.

Tucker let out a laugh, "Yeah, and I'm the governor."

I shot him a look, mostly offended that he didn't believe me. It's not that I cared much, but still. Calling a girl a liar is not a way to flirt with her.

"You wanna get a drink?" Tucker moved infront of me placed his hand on my thigh, my body instantly going into overdrive to get him away from me.

"Don't touch me." I gritted as I tried to push his hand off of me.

"Aw, come on." He smiled while slipping his hand further up my leg. "Let's get a drink."

I leaned backwards away from him, my body filling with anger as he continued to slide his hand up higher and higher. I continued to backwards, my body now halfway hanging over the backside of the bar.

"You look so pretty sitting here all alone." He continued talking. "Had a feeling you were waiting for someone to come talk to you."

Fuck this guy.

"I said," I brought my knee up, his body taking a step back from my movement. With his hand still on my thigh I leaded back a bit more and placed my heeled foot on his chest, extending my leg out quickly and as hard as I could to shove him away from me. "Don't touch me."

Tucker stumbled back, his drink spilling on him in the process. He sat there dumbfounded for a few seconds before finally bringing his eyes up to look at me, "What the fu—"

He took a step towards me, but a hand shot out and grabbed him by the arm to spin him around. In a flash Harry had grabbed ahold of Tuckers hand and was contorting it in a way that had a pained cry leaving his lips. Tucker fell down to a knee as Harry stood over him, both of our glasses held in the palm of his free hand.

"Touch her again and I'll break your fuckin' hand." Harry said darkly down to the man below him.

"Y-yeah, okay man! No pr— No problem!" Tuckers panicked voice came out in a pained plead, "Please just let go— Fuck! You're hurting me."

"Good." Harry snarled down to him before eventually dropping his hand. "Now get the fuck out of my house."

Tucker was quick to bolt to his feet, his cup landing down to the floor before he took off in the opposite direction. I watched as he left, shoving his way through the crowd of bodies until he finally disappeared.

I turned my attention back towards Harry as he approached me. He placed our drinks down on the counter beside my leg, then looked up to me as he pushed his hair back out of his eyes.

"I totally had that under control." I said as Harry slotted himself between my legs.

He slid his hands up my thighs as he watched me. "Mm... I know." He hummed, "Just didn't like seeing him touch you."

My brows raised, "Why's that?"

A smirk rose on his lips, "Only I get to touch you like that."

"Oh, yeah?" I prodded, "And what if I let someone else touch me? Hm?" I slowly slid my hand up my body as I spoke, "What if you weren't the only one that I allowed to touch me like this?" I stopped once I got to my chest, my fingertips dipping under my dress strap.

Harrys hand tightened on my thigh, his blunt nails biting into my skin as I smirked down to him. "Mm... but we both know you wouldn't do that, baby."

My brows knitted together as my hand slowly made its way back down to my thighs, "And why would you think that?"

"Because they don't know how to make you feel the way I do." Harry leaned forward and pressed a kiss against my neck, my breathing faltering. "They don't know your body like I do." He said between another kiss. "They don't know where to kiss you... to touch you." His teeth grazed against my ear causing me to inhale a sharp breath. "They don't know what you like, or how you like it." Harry pulled back with a smirk, his eyes falling to my lips, "They'll never know you like I do."

The words barely had time to come out before my lips crashed into his in a desperate need. My body was craving his, my hands pulling him as close to me as I could. I wrapped my legs around him and scooted myself to the edge of the counter, both of us exhaling a shaky breath when our centers met through our clothes.

My hips moved against his, his hand shooting down to hold me still as he grunted against my lips. His falter in the kiss allowed me to lightly take his bottom lip between my teeth, so I bit down with a slight pressure, Harrys brows twitching together as he whimpered against me.

I pulled back a fraction and let his lip go, watching it snap into place as he let out heavy breaths through his mouth.

"Fuckin' killing me." He muttered before running a hand down his face to try and gather himself again.

I gave him an innocent smile, his eyes rolling causing me to laugh.

"You have anything you wanna do down here?" He asked, "Watch the movie, dance, anything?"

I shrugged, "Not really. We already danced and that Tucker guy kinda killed the party mood if I'm being totally honest." Harry nodded as he listened to me. "Why?"

"Because I wanna do something." He gave me a wide smile before pulling me down from the counter and tugging me along behind him.


oooh, where we going?

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