Dangerous Life Ahead

By Writer_Hiya

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~ Dangerous Life Ahead ~ • Book 2 of LIFE OF PANCHALI TRILOGY • Panchali Rathore, Ex- CEO of Rathore Industri... More

• D I S C L A I M E R •
1 : || Her Unusual Behaviour ||
2 : || The Atrocious Night ||
3 : || Will She Understand ? ||
5. || Problems And Complications ||
6 : || Arrival In Hastinapur ||
7: || Miseries Of Life ||
8 : || Sudden Panic Attack ||
9 : || Post Wedding Rituals ||
10 : || Pehli Rasoi ||
11 : || Was it a Revenge? ||
12 : || Her Abnormal Behaviour ||
13 : || Misunderstanding and Rituals ||
14 : || Her Unusual Panick ||
15 : || Imprisonment After Dispute ||
16 : || Misunderstandings And Manipulation ||
17 : || Who's More Beautiful? ||
18 : || Bhanumati's Baby Shower ||
19 : || The Harsh Realities||
• F L O O R D E C O R •
20 : || Efforts To Mend ||
21 : || Panchali Gets Shifted ||
22 : || A Budding Mystery ||
23 : || Shakuni Is Banished ||
24 : || Bhanumati's Sudden Delivery ||
25 : || Her PTSD Syndrome ||
26 : || The Next Generation ||
27 : || The Naming Ceremony ||
28 : || Guests For Navratri||
29 : || Fragments of Entangled Relationships ||
30 : || Lesson For Love ||
31 : || Panchali Meets Subhadra ||
32 : || Her Unusual Approach ||
33 : || Understanding And Knowing ||
34 : || Hunt For Past ||
35 : || Trying To Manipulate ||
36 : || Their Slow Realization ||
37 : || Realization Of Love||
38 : || Will They Remarry?||
39 : || Their Firm Resolution ||
40 : || Sense Of Divinity||
41 : || Chasing Her Bygone||
42 : || Her Slow Acceptance ||
43 : || Yuvrani, A Mystery||
44 : || Some Different Perspectives ||
45 : || Dusshala's Unusual Demeanor ||
46 : || Their Surprise Plans ||
47 : || The Devil's Plan ||
48 : || Lavender Haze ||
49 : || Turn Of Events ||
50 : || Terror Of Night ||
51 : || Essence Of Lives ||
52 : || Healing Her ||
53 : || To Comprehend Them ||
54 : || Accepting Them Earnestly ||
55 : || Her Changing Personality ||
56 : || Her Genuine Assertion ||
57 : || Storms And Life ||
58 : || The Sudden Combat ||
59 : || Her Punctual Nature ||
60 : || Rise Of Obsession||
61 : || Her Sadistic Personality ||
62 : || Under Intoxicated Condition ||
63 : || Changes of Circumstances ||
64 : || The Incomplete Ritual ||
65 : || An Unexpected Apology ||
66 : || Conspiracy Around Corner ||
67 : || The Unforeseen Betrayal ||
68 : || Will History Repeat? ||
69 : || Her Vulnerable Side ||
70 : || An Unexpected Visitor ||
71 : || The Real Motive ||
72 : || The Passionate Night ||
73 : || The Court Proceedings ||
74 : || Absurd Social Customs||
75 : || Fear For Future ||
76 : || The Sudden Assassination ||
77 : || Was Everything a lie? ||
78 : || Maybe In Another Lifetime ||

4 : || Departure For Hastinapur ||

1K 52 46
By Writer_Hiya

"Welcome Maha Mantri Vidur. We are pleased to see you here." King Drupad welcomed again the minister of Hastinapur, who was the uncle of his sons-in-law.

They were seated in the private discussion chamber of the Panchal Palace.

"Pleasure is all mine, Maharaj Drupad. The Hastinapur Royals are very eager to welcome their daughter-in-law. So, the moment we heard the news about the winner of Swayamvar, I started my journey for Panchal." Vidur said, smiling softly at the King of Panchal.

"By the way, I have heard that Vasudev Krishna has arrived here for the Swayamvar and the wedding of the Princess. I have a wish to meet him once after our meeting, Maharaj." Vidur stated his wish with a smile.

"My apologize Maha Mantri, but Vasudev has already left for Dwarka yeterday evening. I guess you all are aware of the wedding." Drupad stated but the answer he got confused him.

"I am sorry, Maharaj Drupad but isn't it quite natural that after the Swayamvar, the wedding follows. So, why are you saying if I am aware or not ? It's obvious that Arjun is married to Princess Draupadi." Vidur asked, being confused a little.

"But Maha Mantri, we did send a letter stating about the wedding. Haven't you all got ?" Queen Prishati asked after glancing at her husband, getting a reply from the Minister that's complete contrast of the actual situation.

"Uhmm... If that's the case Maharani, then I guess only I haven't got the any news as I departed on the evening of the day before yesterday, I mean on the day of Swayamvar only. Maybe as you said, the letter has arrived after my departure. Hence, I am not aware of the letter." Vidur stated reasonably.

Drupad and Prishati looked at each other at what Vidur said. That was quite reasonable behind his unawareness regarding the wedding.

After a quick pause he asked, "Why do you say so, is there something wrong ?"

"It is Maha Mantri." Drupad said, slightly scaring the Minister of Hastinapur.

Prishati then continued to recite the events, "Actually as you know, the Pandavas along with Rajmata Kunti were in incognito since the past one year. They were disguised as hermits and were roaming from place to place."

After a moment of pause, she continued, "No Princes or Crown Princes or any Kings of Aryavart was able to accomplish the task that was given, to complete the competition. We were bound to call upon the hermits or brahmins to try at least."

"Then a young brahmin came forward and did complete the task, winning my daughter's hand in marriage as a result."

"We were happy that she will be married now, yet we were downhearted because she was to be married to a hermit. That means her life would be just like begging and all. She would have to sacrifice all the royalty...Nevertheless we accepted thinking God has made their choice."

"She made her way to the home of that young hermit along with his elder brother. Moments passed when we decided to visit her would be in-law and escort them to our palace for the wedding, all by ourselves."

"But the situation there, was different when we arrived at the hut of theirs." Prishati inhaled a long breath before she continued.

She was too sorrowful to recite everything to the Minister of Hastinapur, thinking everything in a way.

Vidur was confused and was slightly scared thinking about any dreadful situation. What can be the situation that Maharani is so hesitating to say ?

Prishati then again continued, "We came to know that the young hermit who won the ceremony, they were five brothers in total."

"Pandavas ?" Vidur asked, though he knew the answer and he was confirmed when the Queen of Panchal nodded in affirmation.

"Yeah, they were Pandavas. Their mother, Rajmata Kunti was performing a puja in their hut and hence didn't knew anything about her sons arrival at the hut or about my daughter too."

"When Rajkumar Nakul asked her to see what Rajkumar Arjun has brought, she uttered those sinful words." She chocked at her words, thinking how her daughter's life has got miserable in just few hours. In just few words.

"Sinful words ? Please be clear, Maharani." Vidur asked, he was now scared.

"Yes, she uttered those sinful words, ruining my daughter's life in just a second." Drupad stated in a cold emotionless voice.

He hated the moment when the Queen Mother of Hastinapur said those words. He hated that Queen Mother from then, for ruining his precious daughter's life just like that. He hated his sons-in-law for supporting their mother. He hated that Arjun who kept quite all the time, when his would be wife was said to marry to his brothers also along with him.

"What exactly happened, Maharaj, that you are looking so furious ?" Vidur asked cautiously, though he dreaded that something dreadful happened.

"I am in no mood to state that, Maha Mantri.... Maharani, please enlighten the Minister of Hastinapur about the deeds of his family." Drupad said, he couldn't keep his calmness more.

Prishati nodded at her husband and gazed at Vidur before continuing, "Rajmata Kunti ordered her sons to divide my daughter among them."

"What !" Vidur audibly gasped, hearing such from the Queen of Panchal.

"Yes, Maha Mantri. My daughter was so furious that she screamed at them so much. I could see in her eyes that she was helpless, she was trying to be practical. She even stated that she won't marry them. Not even Arjun."

"So, the wedding didn't take place ?" Vidur asked, furrowing his eyebrows.

Drupad snickered in a sarcastic way, "If that was possible Maha Mantri, then the situation would have been different now."

"Please be calm, Maharaj. I am stating, right ?" Prishati tried to calm her husband.

"No Maha Mantri. The wedding happened but with all of them. Actually Vasudev Krishna and Rajkumar Aryan of Saurashtra arrived at the spot soon after. They tackled the situation well which meant Krishna stating that the wedding was pre decided and it was necessary for the future."

"Whereas Rajkumar Aryan was so of another kind, like the way he said some things to Panchali, it sounded like he threatened her about something. He was telling like she was bound with some promises and all that she made 13 years ago. It was something like that only. We were all confused hearing him and was more confused and suspicious, also we were shocked to the core when Panchali agreed for the wedding."

"Bound with promise ?" Vidur asked getting flashbacks from the time when Aryan said or more like threatened as per the Queen of Panchal, in Hastinapur when the Princess visited for the first time there.

"Yeah, we couldn't understand anything at that moment. We decided to ask them later and when we did in yesterday evening, Aryan hesitated to answer whereas Panchali gave us a cold reply that she doesn't think to give us any clarification. Hearing both of them, we didn't brag anymore."

There was a silent after Prishati completed reciting everything to Vidur. They were sitting in the private discussion room of the palace.

"Where is Princess Draupadi ?" Vidur asked formally.

"She was supposed to spent yesternight in her room along with the five princes. Maybe she is getting ready for the day." Prishati replied.

"Oh !" Was all Vidur could say. That was an unexpected shock for him but as per the Oracle two years ago, it had to happen.

That was their destiny, after all.

"Pranipaat Maha Mantri Vidur. Pranipaat Pitashree, Pranipaat Maa...Maa, it's time for breakfast." Aditi interrupted them and called for breakfast.

"Yeah, let's go Maha Mantri. Have your breakfast first and then you all may leave for Hastinapur." Prishati said politely and they went towards the dining hall.

Vidur has arrived in Panchal to receive the bride and the grooms and escort them to their home, to Hastinapur as newly married couples.

It was said, that they will depart just after the breakfast so that they can reach Hastinapur as early as possible. Though it may take 2 days to travel.

It's past 8:00 am and the royals sat for their breakfast. Their eyes roamed and spotted two seats were vacant.

"Where is Panchali ?" Drupad asked, not spotting his beloved daughter on her usual seat.

The newly married grooms knew that she was not in the palace. She went out in the night. That was the reason they were disturbed slightly when they couldn't spot her on the dining hall.

That meant only one thing. She hadn't come back yet.

"I am sorry to interrupt Maharaj, but I haven't spotted Bhabishree yet. Pandu putro, where is Bhabishree Kunti ?" Vidur asked, not spotting his sister-in-law at the dining table.

Yudhisthir was the one who answered, "Actually Kakashree, mata is fasting today for some puja. So, she is in her room and performing the puja. It will be over, maybe after 1 hour."

"And Panchali ? She haven't arrived yet. Where is She ?" Satyajit asked, not finding her sister too.

"And Rajkumar Aryan also left to come here. Before them we can't start having our breakfast. But where is Panchali ? She was with you all, isn't Pandu Putro ?" Dristadyumn said, while others nodded.

Others too turned their gaze at them, seeking an answer.

"Rajkumar, she is getting ready. You know, girls usually takes time to get ready. That's what." Arjun bluntly lied with a tight lipped smile.

Yudhisthir couldn't lie. Bheem was in no mood to open his mouth and speak with someone other than his brothers. Nakul would surely stumble if he was to take the lead to lie while Sahdev contemplated on what he should say. So, Arjun was left to take the lead to lie.

"But my sister doesn't -" Dristadyumn was interrupted by a loud voice of his twin sister.

"And who the hell told you, the oh-prince of Hastinapur that I belong to that category of girls who take immense time to get ready ?" Panchali asked, entering the dining hall with a regal attitude with Aryan alongside.

She went and sat on her usual seat, which was just infront of Arjun, who sat in the middle with Nakul and Sahdev on his left while Bheem and Yudhisthir on his right side. Aryan took place on the vacant seat, beside Panchali on her right.

Arjun was startled by the question and the look she passed towards him, made it more difficult and nervous for him.

He glanced at his brother and then Panchali, who then warned him saying, "It seems like you don't have any valid justification for the statement you passed two minutes ago. It will be more than better for you, if you control your tongue the next time from uttering such rubbish, regarding me especially. Take it as a warning... Mitali serve my breakfast."

She warned with an emotionless voice and passing a cold look towards Arjun, who then gulped and lowered his eyes, feeling humiliated infront of the Royals of Panchal, Aryan of Saurashtra and some maids. Also a little bit hurt as she uttered such words in a way that it seemed like he had committed some crime.

He couldn't reply her by making the situation more serious and complicate. That would just make her more angry and increase the hatred in her heart for them, eventually their relation would be worse than it was.

Unknown to them, there was a person who smirked arrogantly seeing her behaviour towards the Pandavas, though his intentions were not bad. Drupad.

He felt at peace seeing his beloved daughter talking rudely to his so called sons-in-law. They deserved that. They were the reason for his precious daughter's ruined life, a miserable life, a life that was against all social norms and ethics.

Mitali, Panchali's one and only trusted cook, who could prepare anything Panchali wanted. She was the only one to do the perfect at the first attempt itself after being taught.

Mitali served her breakfast on La Opala glassware utensils, consisting of cereals, a bowl of milk, dry fruits, honey, a plate of vegetable salad and a glass of orange juice.

She placed the cutlery set on the dining table that were to be solely used by Princess Draupadi. No one was allowed to touch her things. She was the one of the most hygienic person out there Mitali has seen in her life.

A healthy nutritious diet and hygienic habit indeed.

"Let's start our breakfast now." Prishati announced and they started having their breakfast.

Now where the others were having their breakfast in gold platter, consisted of Flatbread and some other delicious dishes, Panchali had her in glassware utensils, consisted of cereals, vegetable salads, dry fruits, juice.

Yuck ! How will she eat those...ewww !! Bheem thought, making a face of disgust seeing her, mixing the milk in the cereals, adding the dry fruits and then spreading honey over it.

His mind forgot what she did last night, being concerned about her food habits now.

Bheem took a look around the dining table, everyone was busy having their breakfast except him...and his brothers too, who were busy gawking at her actions that were different from them, just like him.

Her food habits were not new to the Panchal Royals and obviously for not Aryan too. That was very normal to them. But it was the first time for Bheem and his brothers. To Vidur too, but the Minister just concentrated on his food and continued his breakfast.

Panchali took a spoon from the cutlery stand and dipped it in the cereal, taking some of it and brought it to her mouth to eat but her eyes darted to front.

Her hands stopped from placing the cereal inside her mouth, seeing them looking at her, like they were watching her for the first time.What the hell !!

She placed the spoon back on the bowl that contained the cereal, rather harshly that produced a click sound, grabbing the attention of other members and passed a irritated look towards them.

"What happen Panchu ? Is there any problem ?" Aryan asked, shifting his eyes between his best friend and her husbands.

"Panchali, dear why are you not having your breakfast ?" Drupad asked in confusion, while he too shifted his eyes from his daughter and the princes of Hastinapur.

"Pandu putro, what happen ? Why is Panchali glaring at you people ?" Dristadyumn asked this time.

She just shook her head in irritation when her so called husbands shook their heads in a nothing manner and concentrated on their breakfast.

She then along with others too had their breakfast and departed from the dining hall to make arrangements for the departure of the newly married couples and the Minister.

At about 12:00 noon, the royals stood in the main exit door.

"It would be our pleasure if you accompany us, Rajkumar Aryan. There is a celebration to welcome the newly married couples. So, if you could come with us." Vidur invited Aryan, who got perplexed at the sudden invitation.

He glanced at Panchali, who raised her eyebrows and then hesitated, "But Maha Mantri, how...I mean...Is it appropriate if I accompany you. I don't if I should or not."

"You are departing towards Saurashtra, right ? Then, why don't you take a turn and accompany us to Hastinapur ? Just send a letter to your family that you are coming to Hastinapur and will stay there for few days. Maharaj Dhritarastra and Maha Mahim Bhism themselves have invited you... Take this." Vidur said, and handed Aryan the written invitation from the Dhritarastra and Bhism.

Aryan took that and went through the letter, which indeed said that he was being invited to Hastinapur for the grand celebration and has been requested for a few days stay.

"Okay, if that's the case, then I wouldn't insult the Hastinapur Royals by rejecting the invitation." Aryan said with a smile.

"I am asking the servants to bring your belongings, Rajkumar Aryan." Aditi said at which Aryan nodded his head with a smile. She then indicated the servants to bring his belongings.

Aditi furrowed her eyebrows when she saw Mitali, her sister-in-law's cook, coming towards them carrying a trunk and two more trunks, that was being carried by two other maids.

"Why are you here ? What's about these trunks ? Are they belong to Panchali ?" Aditi went forward and interrogated Mitali, unknown to others.

"Pranipaat Yuvrani. Actually Princess has ordered me to accompany her to Hastinapur and stay with her. So, those are some of my belongings and the trunk I am carrying, consists of Princess's food, dinner set and some other things." Mitali said, in her low soft voice and bowed head.

"Oh okay. You may go." Aditi dismissed Mitali, who went towards the carriage.

"Where is her so called make up artists ? Won't they go to Hastinapur ?" Shikhandini asked when Aditi informed her about Mitali.

"Make up artist ? Would they too accompany her ?" Aditi asked insted in confusion.

"I think so. She is a perfectionist indeed, no one except the perfect ones are allowed to invade in her personal space that includes her dressing and food habits." Shikhandini said, in a sense of humour.

"You are right, jiji." Aditi said, returning the smile.

Few moments passed when Panchali decided to declare something, scrolling through her phone and not looking at anybody, "I am very strict with my privacy and I want no one to interfere in that."

Her words ringed confusion in the air as others looked at each other.

She raised her eyes and glanced at her husbands, who by the look guessed what she wanted to say. Then at Vidur, who furrowed his eyebrows in confusion.

"I will stay at the top floor of the palace and I want no one to come there. But before that, I will like to renovate the floor and the rooms that followed on the floor. And I am declaring this not requesting." Panchali stated with a full contact with Vidur.

"It's okay dear. You may do what you want and you have to stay in the west wing of the palace as it's where Bhabishree Kunti and Pandavas stays. You can take the top floor and we will inform the carpenter to renovate your floor." Vidur said with a soft smile but that fell a little when Panchali uttered next.

"You don't have to take that much pressure. I will arrange everything by myself, the carpenters too. I don't trust anybody except my few trusted people....Chitra, call them." Panchali said in her usual cold voice and indicated Chitra, one of her handmaidens to call the carpenters who went to a side and soon came back with a group of young men.

"Rajkumari..." Chitra called her and pointed towards the group of men.

"Depart right now and try to reach before me as fast as possible. When I arrive, I should see that you all have started your work with the renovation." Panchali ordered in her her authoritative emotionless voice that quite surprised others.

"If anyone objects there, then you them this letter... Rekha ?" Panchali said, taking the letter from her another handmaiden and handing it over to the one of the carpenter.

"Sure Rajkumari." They bowed and left, riding in their respective horses.

"Who were they, Panchu ?" Aryan asked, glancing at the retreating figures of his best friend's trusted people as per her.

"They were the one who renovated my floor here, in this palace. I like it really and hence ordered them to start there work where I would stay...Now, Hastinapur is where I would stay from now onwards and it is my home, isn't it the Princes and the Minister of the said Kingdom ?" Panchali said to Aryan first and asked the Pandavas and Vidur in a hint of taunt.

"Yeah, it surely is dear. I am very glad that you have started accepting us as your family." Vidur said with a smile lingering on his lips, without understanding the taunt while the Pandavas kept quite as they quite well understood what she tried to indicate.

Panchali raised her eyebrows at what Vidur said. Family and them ? My foot !

"You are wrong, Maha Mantri. I have stated Hastinapur as just, is going to be my home. And you have already started considering yourself as my family ?" She asked, fake mockery laced her tone.

"Panchali, what is this ? Maha Mantri Vidur is elder to you and moreover he is your uncle-in-law. Talk with respect at least." Prishati tried to make her daughter understand while Drupad passed her a displeased glance.

"You know what, there should be some qualities in you people before you bark utter rubbish like calling yourselves as my family." Panchali said instead, ignoring her mother completely.

"Panchu, what is this ? Stop it." It was going too far and Aryan needed to intervene to stop her from further insulting the Minister of Hastinapur.

Panchali just rolled her eyes and went back to her mobile, muttering something.

While Vidur felt immense insulation from the girl he considered as his daughter, he couldn't stay in Panchal any further.

Just then Kunti arrived and smiled warmly at everyone. Vidur spotted her, "Bhabishree has also arrived. I think we should leave now."

Drupad joined his hands in respect and said, "Please visit again." He so doesn't want them in Panchal anymore as much he doesn't want his daughter to go to Hastinapur leaving Panchal, her motherland behind.

Prishati forwarded her legs to go towards her daughter who was busy with that thing in her hand. She still couldn't understand, what was so special in that little thing that keep her short tempered daughter so busy.

She raised her hand to caress her daughter's cheeks but before she could, Panchali stepped two steps back from her mother, still busy with her phone and not looking at anywhere but at her phone.

And the reason why Prishati suddenly felt an ache in her heart seeing the ignorant behaviour of her daughter for her. This was noticed by others too, who just felt bad.

A lone tear escaped from the mother's eyes, which she wiped immediately, not wanting to show her vulnerability to anyone. A daughter is going to her in-laws, leaving her home, her family, her motherland and her mother behind. That mother who couldn't protect her daughter from a miserable life. And the mother do deserves hatred from her daughter but do that mother have the strength to bear the immense hatred from her daughter ? Won't the mother ever be forgiven ?

Clearing her thoughts, Prishati asked in a stern voice, "Why are you wearing black ?"

That made the daughter to stop her scrolling session on her mobile and to look at her mother. She raised her perfectly shaped eyebrows towards her mother hearing the question.

"Now, do I have to answer you, the so called Queen, who wanted her daughter to leave the palace and the Kingdom as soon as possible ? Listen, I will wear whatever I want. I will do whatever I want. You are no one to question me and neither there is anyone, whom I will listen to." Panchali said in a very stern voice.

A moment of pause later she asked Vidur, "Can we leave now ?" At which, Vidur nodded and they went towards the chariots.

She was going to get up on a open chariot but stopped when she heard a voice that triggered her, "Why are you getting up in that open chariot ? Won't you go in the carriage with Mata ?" Nakul asked, a little concern lacing his words that went unnoticed by his wife.

She shut her eyes while her jaws were tight. She knew that it was that time period of India where women used to ride in a carriage. If not, the woman was considered as unchaste who intentionally showed her body to the world, the men obviously.

Her mind indicated that Nakul was one of those egoistic jerk who considered women only as a thing who would stand or sit according to men.

"I guess you didn't heard me few minutes ago. I don't have a habit of repeating but still I doing it for you...I said, I will whatever I want and no one has any right to say me anything against my wish and it applies to you too. Is that clear ?" Panchali asked but soon again continued after a quick pause.

"I know very well, why you are telling me to get into the carriage. Wanna know the reason ? That's because, you too are in those cheap category of those cheap men who believes women to be unchaste if she rides in a chariot, trying to show off their body. Am I not right ?"

Nakul widened his eyes hearing what his wife thought about him. His eyes darted towards his brothers who passed him their helpless glance.

Panchali smirked in disgust thinking wrong and forwaded her legs towards her chariot but before she could get up, she again heard Nakul.

"You are wrong. Again." Nakul said, tried to clarify her thoughts for him. He said Again as he just remembered the last night, her accusations.

He so couldn't keep his voice to himself. He feared their bond will never get repaired ever as it was already broken, if they don't start to clear her thoughts for them.

"What ?" She was surprised seeing the audacity of his, to stop her and go against her words.

"Yes, you are wrong Panchali. I don't intend to say what you actually thought. I asked you to get into the carriage because of the afternoon Sun. You will feel uncomfortable if you go in that open chariot... Okay, if you don't want to ride in the carriage, please take my chariot then. It has a shed to protect from the sunrays." Nakul said and gulped at last when he saw Panchali turning towards him, maintaining a gaze at his eyes while he too looked straight at her ones.

She snickered a little in a sarcastic way, "Are you serious ? You think, I will believe whatever story you rant ? Or, are you trying to favour me so that you could blackmail me later about something ?Wow, that's quite impressive but you see, I don't take anyone's favour if you are trying to do so."

"Panchu, what is this ? Why are you behaving so cold all of a sudden ? You were all okay till today morning, what happened to you all of a sudden ?" Aryan asked in confusion.

The Pandavas looked at him, then at their wife, feeling a sudden sting at their heart, hearing him. The reason unknown to them.

"Take the chariot, Panchu. Rajkumar Nakul is not favouring you by providing his chariot. He is just trying to help you and he is right. The afternoon sunrays may be uncomfortable for you and you may feel tired. So, just take it." Aryan said, tried to make her think positively.

Panchali glanced at Nakul after hearing Aryan, who was already looking at her back. He passed a soft smile towards her, who rolled her eyes in return, marching towards Nakul's chariot.

Now, that was quite surprising and shocking for others, who thought Panchali won't accept the offer for a ride on Nakul's chariot.

Others too got up in their respective chariots, getting ready to start the journey.

Nakul was standing just infront of his chariot while Panchali went hastily and raised her right leg to climb the stairs but she slipped and was going to fall backward.

But luck favoured her as Nakul got a hold of her hand and steadied her.

She immediately taken her hand off from him, "Don't. Touch. Me." Saying so, she got up on the chariot and took a seat on the cushion.

Whereas Nakul shaked his head in disappointment, getting up on the chariot and taking the seat beside his wife. Just then his shoulder brushed her ones while his heart skipped a beat.

His eyes glanced at her face, who was looking at the other side, unaware of the little 'accident'.

He moved a little further from her and took the reins of the two horses and pulled it, making those run and the chariot moved along with the others.


Dear readers,

Greetings to my lovelies. Hope you all are well and happy in your lives. I have posted another chapter so that you all could enjoy the journey of Panchali.

I forgot to mention in the previous chapter but I am doing it here. Aryan and Panchali reconciled after a long time. The best friend duo are again back.

Is anyone there who missed their sweet bond ?

So, what are your thoughts on this chapter ? On Panchali ? Aryan ? Pandavas ?

Do vote and comment a lot guys.

Let's meet in the next chapter, till then Bye-Bye. Love ya'll !!

Thanking You,


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