Karma x Reader || Appearances

By booksandanime00

314K 14.1K 18.7K

"You were told multiple times you were good at acting. It was ironic, honestly. Of course you would be a good... More

|1| Home, Sweet Home
|2| The Day Everything Changed
|3| Own Free Will
|4| Don't Judge A Book By Its Cover
|5| The Start Of A Friendship
|6| Kyoto
|7| Mutual Feelings
|8| Sides Of The Moon
|9| Lights, Camera, Action
|10| Our Little Secret
|11| Shared Interests
|12| Not Everything Is What It Seems
|13| I Just Need... Air
|14| A Tale Of Two Parties
|15| Hearing Symphonies
|16| Cold
|17| The Romeo To My Juliet
|18| Realization
|19| Okinawa
|20| Mind If I Join?
|21| Against All Expectations
|22| Busy Schedule
|23| Complete Strangers
|24| The Aftermath
|25| To Accept Or Not To Accept That Is The Question
|26| Jealousy
|27| The Light At The End Of The Tunnel
|28| What's The Princess Doing Without Her Knight?
|29| Raw Honesty
|30| Thinking Things Through
|31| Fears
|32| Complicated Decisions
|33| Truth Be Told
|34| Kunugigaoka Festival
|35| The End Of The Chase
|36| Private Tutor
|37| I Need You To Tell Me The Truth
|38| Honest Conversations
|39| Change
|40| Playing With Feelings
|41| The Day I Fell For You
|42| I Just Want A Family
|43| Never Enough
|44| Betrayal
|45| Broken Family
|46| A Place To Call Home
|47| Christmas Miracle
|48| The Rift
|49| Trust
|50| Who Are You?
|51| So This Is My Future...?
|52| The Truth Always Comes Out
|53| Stay?
|54| Valentine's Day
|55| Rise To The Challenge
|56| Blood
|57| Unexpected Allies
|58| History Repeats Itself
|59| Regrets
|60| You're Only Young Once
|61| Making Things Right
|62| Blood Is Thicker Than Water
|63| Blame
|64| An 800 Word Essay
|65| Photographs
|66| All That Lead Us Here
|67| The Final Confrontation
|68| One Last Goodbye
|69| After The Storm
|70| Graduation Brings Change
|71| Old And New Friendships
|72| Red And White
|73| The Place You Left Behind
|74| The Dinner
|75| Turning A New Page


878 24 60
By booksandanime00

A/N: Hey!!! Sorry for not having updated but I've been really busy and still have to plan exactly how I want the fic to end and it's a bit of a slow process :(

As I said before, there are only like 5 chapters left and although there aren't many, it's the end of the fic so I really wanna make it all tie together and that requires more planning on my part, which I unfortunately haven't been able to do :(

So, since it's been so long and it's Halloween, I've decided to publish this Monster AU I wrote a few months ago to get out of writer's block.

It's not exactly a one shot like my last AUs since it's not that elaborate and was just a fun way for me to play around with the characters in this different environment.


- The world in which they live in is 90% humans, 10% monsters.

- Monsters can't keep up with the new technologies and are easier to constrain than in the past so humans now have the upper hand.

- Monsters are hunted for their abilities (witches for their potions, devils for their deals...) but also for the properties they have. For example, vampire teeth are indestructible and cut through anything, making very lethal and discreet weapons. A werewolf's fur makes for the best coat and is immune to freezing temperatures, etc.

- Monsters try to blend in and go unnoticed.

- In the monster society, there's a hierarchy which determines how accepted they are by humans. Those at the top are given certain privileges and the monster race at the very top of the pyramid is made illegal to hunt and basically gets a free pass. In exchange, they must give something in return (potions, deals, community work lol, etc.)

- In this AU, vampires aren't immortal. However, they have the longest lifespan out of all.

- Vampires live for 300-400 years. Vampire children age as humans would but when they reach 21 they age very, veeeeeery slowly.

- Vampires also don't immediately die from sun exposure. They get first degree to third degree burns, depending on how sunny it is and the time they stay in the sun. The sun also makes them more thirsty so if they don't get in the shade, they will die of starvation and overheating.

The (L/N) family (The Parent's Story)

- I'm gonna pamper myself so in this AU, Rui and Hanami get along and their relationship is similar to the one they had as teenagers in "Empty Promises" (if only... 😪).

- Rui belongs to a clan of very traditional noble vampires. They drink human blood, sleep in coffins, live in grand (and haunting looking) manors, etc.

- Hanami is also a vampire but she belongs to the 'vegetarian' coven. They drink animal blood, and are more of the live-in-the-moment type. They're also the more rebellious and risk-taking kind of vampires.

- Hanami and Rui were forced to marry each other to bring peace and unite the two clans. It was important for the vampires to join forces so they could regain their status, and impose their influence and power over the other monsters.

- They got engaged at 16 and married at 18. As expected, Hanami and Rui didn't get along and they were always arguing over their ideals and basically everything. After all, Rui saw her as a stubborn and impulsive girl and Hanami saw him as nothing but an uptight robot.

- Since they despised each other so much, they tried to spend as little time as possible together. They rarely saw each other and they spent zero time at home.

- That's how they lived for many years. They also tried to rise through the hierarchy on their own and actually did make progress, but it was too little for it to make a big change.

- It wasn't until they were like 30 or so that they actively tried to get along. It first started by passively aggressively helping each other brainstorm ideas to help their clans find some common ground.

Rui: Perhaps if we gave your type a book for once, an interesting conversation might spark and we might start finally getting along

Hanami, through gritted teeth: Well perhaps if your type stopped being such whiny and uptight jerks, we might actually start having some fun.

- It then moved onto putting those plans into action, therefore having to fake getting along to convince the others to do the same.

- So, as they started spending so much time together, they began picking up on certain traits about the other that they had overlooked all those years.

- Rui slowly realized that, although Hanami may act without thinking from time to time, she was pretty intelligent and resourceful and always managed to get out of the situation unscathed, and sometimes, with a very valuable advantage.

- Hanami on the other hand recognized Rui's ambition and determination to fight for their species and restore their power, which made her realize that, as cold as he may be, he really did care about those closest to him, and was willing to make many sacrifices to save vampires from humans.

- So, Rui started spending more time at home, hoping Hanami would be around. Little did he know Hanami was doing the same thing.

- Up until that point, the hierarchy and their political advances was the only thing they talked about. But, as they get more interested in each other, they start asking about their day, their likes and dislikes, and just overall wanting to get to know more about each other.

- They start admiring the other's vampiric powers. Hanami for example really likes Rui's mind control and the ease with which he does it. Rui admires Hanami's superstrength and speed, though he gets a bit jealous when she uses her vampiric alluring visage around others (of course he makes sure to keep this jealousy hidden under lock and key).

- Healthy Hanami and Rui made an unstoppable duo and finally managed to place their species quite high on the hierarchy. This was all thanks to bribes, connections and influence (the romantization of vampires in novels was also a huge plus 😂).

- Their past accomplishments are now a huge reason why they're currently considered the vampires' leaders, and are even treated like vampire royalty.

- It takes them eight years to profess their love for each other LOL. Hanami was the one to confess first. It wasn't as romantic as she would've expected since she ended up blurting it out one day when she was extremely tired. It came so out of the blue that it completely freaked Rui out, and he ended up turning into a bat without meaning to.

- Of course Rui made Hanami promise him to never tell a soul.

- Since vampires can't see their reflections, Rui has painted millions of portraits of Hanami. And just like in canon, he has also composed many songs for her. She's his muse and eternity.

- They were about 100 years old when they had Akiro as they focused on the hierarchy during their 'youth'. (Nowadays, they appear 35 or so).

- Whenever Rui gets his hands on hospital blood bags, he pours them into wine bottles cause he's that fancy.

- Vampire!Akiro and Vampire!Reader get along from the very start and act like any normal pair of siblings :)

- Vampire!Reader, who grew up in a healthy household, is definitely a daddy's girl. Vampire!Akiro is a momma's boy.

- When they were little, Hanami liked to bring up the story of the time she confessed to Rui because Akiro and Reader would then tease their father nonstop. Rui would just sit there, sipping blood and staring off into the distance as his own kids poked fun at him.

- When Reader was little she always followed her big brother around. Wherever Akiro went, Reader was right behind.

- When Reader's fangs were growing, she started biting her brother out of curiosity. Akiro was not amused.

6yo Reader: *bites Akiro's hand*

12yo Akiro: Mom!! She did it again!

Hanami: AWW!! That just means she loves you!

Akiro: *crouches down to Reader's eye level* I swear you're gonna pay for that *turns into a bat and flies away*

- When it comes to feeding, Reader follows the morals of her mother's clan whilst Akiro follows his father's. This is just personal preference though, no competition involved :)

- Hanami taught Akiro how to turn into a bat in less than a day. Rui was pretty impressed by her accomplishment until he found out her method. You know that scene in "Hotel Transylvania 2" where Drac throws his grandkid down a huge, safety hazard-y tower? Yeah, that's basically what Hanami did.

Rui: Hanami, my fallen angel, the love of my undead life... *takes deep breath* WHAT WERE YOU THINKING?!? DID YOU JUST THROW OUR SON DOWN A SKYSCRAPER!?!?

Hanami: *Pouts* But that's how I was taught...

- Rui was the one to teach Reader how to turn into a bat. He didn't want to repeat the Hanami incident...

- Whenever the siblings are feeling down, they sit together in front of the fireplace, share their problems and give each other advice. Akiro even brings a glass filled with blood (mixed with wine) for him, and a juice box for Reader 😂

Reader's story

- Kaori is half-ghoul. His father kept his identity a secret from his mother but eventually the truth came out when they went on a trip to a farm, and a five-year old Kaori chased down a chicken and ate it right there and then.

- His mother was repulsed by their "monstrosity" and abandoned them one night without warning. Kaori's father didn't take her leave well and blamed Kaori for what happened.

- One night, when Hanami was walking home late from work, a peculiar ghoul smell reached her and she couldn't help but follow it. This smell led her to a 12-year old Kaori, who had run away from home and had been living on the streets for a few weeks. When she discovered what happened, she quickly offered him to come with her.

- When Hanami brought Kaori home, Reader was a bit hesitant with this new stranger living in her house. This only lasted like two days or so since her curiosity got the best of her. They quickly clicked and soon became friends.

- As opposed to "Appearances", Ghoul!Kaori lived with the (L/N) family from ages 12 to 18, so, seeing as he kinda grew up with Reader, he considers her a sister and doesn't develop feelings for her.

- Kaori eventually moves out to go on his own because he wanted to explore the world.

- Reader attends Kunugigoaka, the only human school with a class (3E) dedicated to monsters. Here, the supernatural students can be themselves and not have to adopt a human persona for the sake of survival.

- However, only a select few types of monsters (the ones higher on the hierarchy) can attend. It's some kind of an experiment that the government is putting together.

- Koro-sensei is a psychic (he's OP and basically has all of Saiki K's powers). He decides to present himself as a humanoid octopus.

- Nakamura is a faerie.

- Nagisa is a gorgon.

- Sugino is a ghost (I'm imagining him as Casper HELP).

- Karma is a very powerful devil and his sly head and quick thinking always outwits the humans he makes deals with.

- Reader and Karma had a tense first encounter. Although werewolves have always been vampires' oldest enemies, devils are now their biggest threat. Both species have been fighting for dominance over the rest of the monsters, and their relevance in the hierarchy.

- They eventually become friends since Karma isn't one to follow the rules or care about the hierarchy, and Reader is willing to give everyone in the class a chance. After all, 3E is supposed to be a safe haven for all monsters.

- When Karma finds out Reader is basically vampire royalty, he starts teasing her and calling her 'princess'. No matter the universe, Karma always enjoys messing with Reader.

- When it's sunny, Karma uses his wings to cover Reader. He then claims it's only because a death on school grounds would be very inconvenient. Reader be like: =_='

- Since Reader can't see her reflection in the mirror, Karma likes to mess with her by telling her she has something on her face or her hair's extremely messy or stuff like that. It's a very innocent prank but Reader always freaks out and makes a huuuge deal.

- A few months after the start of the school year, Karma found a wounded bat in the forest. Something inside him urged him to take it home with him and he spent the rest of the evening nurturing it back to health.

Karma: You know? Last year I would've left you to die *chuckles* but I guess your vampire relatives aren't half bad so I'll take mercy.

- Turns out that bat was Reader who had been wounded by a monster hunter when she tried to flee.

- When Reader regains her strength and turns back, Karma internally questions himself if the reason why he took the animal in was because deep inside him he knew it was her.

- And would you look at that, a few days later that hunter lost his soul in a deal with a devil 👀

- From then on, Karma starts paying very close attention to Reader's thirst. When he sees she'll be feeding soon, he coincidentally finds himself in the woods too. "Huh? Princess? You again? *Smirks* Don't tell me you're stalking me."

- They even start hunting together. Even though Karma doesn't feed from animals, he has always enjoyed the chase.

- Karma sometimes convinces Reader to transform into a bat to help him in his devious plans.

- Reader finds Karma's horns and tail to be very cute.

- Karma thinks Reader's fangs are hot lmao.

- Reader prefers to meet up in the woods since that sadistic redhead always 'forgets' to invite her inside his home. There's something about Reader begging to be invited inside that Karma really enjoys.

- There's a lot of back and forth as they figure out their feelings but I can see Reader being the first one to confess in this AU (she probably does it accidentally though).

- Karma stopped eating garlic since he doesn't want to overwhelm Reader with the smell (but also so that he can kiss her, though he would never admit to that).

- Reader keeps their relationship a secret from her family since she doesn't know how to break the news that she's basically dating their enemy.

Akiro's story

- When vampires had to lay low to slither their way higher in the monster hierarchy, Akiro was forced to hunt for animals. This change in diet left him pretty disoriented and he even had trouble picking up smells and using his vampiric abilities to their maximum potential.

- One night he got into a fight with a werewolf over a very delicious wild boar. They were so busy fighting over their territory that their prey fled.

- Akiro left the fight with a scar on his abdomen. The werewolf left with bite marks on his collarbone.

- A few hours after the fight, the werewolf transformed back into a human and...

Evelyn: Leo did you get into a fight!?!?

Leo: Evelyn??

Evelyn: Answer my question Leo. Did you get into a fight? Are you okay? Did you get hurt!?!?

- Leo is one of the best supernaturals at blending in with humans since he grew up in a human household. His werewolf scent is masked too and makes it very difficult to pinpoint. However, this is also a disadvantage. Since he barely had any contact with other monsters, he can't identify them by smell.

- Two weeks later, Akiro and Leo met at an internet café late at night. Akiro had never seen Leo's human appearance, and Leo always had vague memories after transforming, so neither of them recognised the other one but... why was that stranger's scent so familiar? 👀

- They kept bumping into each other afterward.

- After so many coincidences, Leo couldn't take it anymore and took it upon himself to get to know Akiro and form a friendship. After all, this stranger had to mean something, right?

- As expected, Leo and Akiro didn't get along from the get-go. Leo tried many times to befriend Akiro, but Akiro just wasn't interested because he first found him quite silly.

- Akiro actually clicked with Evelyn and they soon started hanging out since they had much more in common. Leo and Akiro didn't really start getting along until they were forced to cooperate when Evelyn got really sick.

- Two months or so later, Leo discovered Akiro was a vampire but in a very stupid way. Basically, their friend group met up at the internet café to study together. Akiro, as always, brought his own drink which he never shared and was very possessive of. After being there for a few hours, Akiro's phone rang so he excused himself and exited the establishment. Leo, filled with curiosity, opened Akiro's now empty bottle, hoping his developed sense of smell would make out what drink Akiro loved so much. Much to Leo's surprise, that familiar iron scent greeted him.

- Leo never brought it up. He knew about the ancient rivalry between vampires and werewolves and didn't want to lose Akiro's friendship which he had worked so hard to get.

- Evelyn secretly knew about Akiro being a vampire since she pieced it together a month or so after befriending him. She never said anything out of respect for Akiro's privacy.

- Akiro started to suspect Leo was a werewolf because of the small hints he picked up on. Like the way Leo's eyes always lingered on a ball, a stick, etc. Or the way he was waaay too enthusiastic and even animalistic when the cafeteria served steak.

- He also found it quite amusing seeing Leo's attempt at getting the leftover raw meat. "Hey~!! How's my favourite lunch lady doing?? *Finger guns* What do you think of giving me today's leftovers? Huh? Why do I need so much raw meat you ask? *Laughs nervously* Uhhh I wanna recreate that famous meat dress??"

- Leo's impressive sense of hearing and smell didn't go unnoticed by Akiro either, and only reinforced his suspicions. Akiro never said anything though.

- Summer soon rolled in and they were invited to a pool party. Akiro accepted after being peer pressured, though he couldn't deny a small part of him genuinely wanted to go and was a bit curious of human parties.

- It was a very, veeery sunny day so Leo and Evelyn did everything in their power to make sure their friend was always indoors.

Evelyn: Hey Wendy, why don't you give us a tour of the house?

Leo: Psst Wendy, don't tell Akiro I told you, but he can't swim and you know how he is, he doesn't wanna embarrass himself so don't pressure him to go outside.

Leo: Wendyyy~ Akiro makes the best drinks and appetizers so what do you say of letting him in charge?

Evelyn: Oh yeah!! He'll have to stay in the kitchen though but I'm sure he won't mind!

- Akiro is so preoccupied trying not to die of sunburn that he fails to notice how suspicious the siblings' behaviour is, and doesn't even question why they're so keen on keeping him indoors.

- It's a pool party right? So they'll spend most of the time in their swimsuits, RIGHT?

Leo, pointing at Akiro's scar: Did you get attacked by an animal or something?

Akiro: Uh... yeah, but don't worry. It's not a big deal

Leo: Bro, even if it's fading, it looks pretty serious to me

Akiro, trying to divert the attention: Well I wouldn't say it's as serious as those marks on your collarbone. I know they're faint now but it must've hurt

Leo: Pshhh- this?? *Laughs nervously* It's nothing, just my cat

Akiro: ... You don't have a cat

Cue an awkward silence as they're both hit with that night's events.

- Leo and Akiro keep being friends despite their species rivalry, though the latter keeps their friendship a secret from his family since he doesn't know how they'll react.

- Akiro starts tagging along during Leo's transformations. Evelyn's super relieved because she always worries for her brother since he doesn't have a pack to protect him from monster hunters or even other monsters.

- It took a lot of trial and error but Akiro finally gained werewolf Leo's respect. Turns out, his werewolf-sona just wanted someone to play with and keep him company.

- Akiro bought Leo dog toys for his birthday.

Leo: Not funny Akiro -_-

Akiro But I thought you liked tennis.

Evelyn: *dies of laughter*

- When Akiro's thirsty, Leo and Evelyn always offer their blood but Akiro refuses. During tough times, when he can be compromised if he goes hunting, he has no other choice but to drink it.

- This has only happened twice but Akiro always feels super guilty afterwards and disappears for a few days to sulk in his coffin.

Reader: Akiro, are you still in there? It's been three days now!

Akiro: Go away (Y/N)!


- All secrets are uncovered one night during a full moon. Reader and Karma were supposed to meet up in the forest that night and of course Reader was late. So Karma wandered off for a while and came face to face with a werewolf. Werewolf Leo is very territorial so seeing a devil, the vampire's new enemy, makes him attack.

- Reader finally arrives and sees Karma's not at their meeting point. This weirds her out since he's always on time. That's when she hears a snarl and picks up Karma's scent really close to the danger. She flies to his aid and arrives just in time to see a werewolf pouncing at a smirking Karma who's more than eager to fight.

- Akiro, who had just arrived a few minutes ago, suddenly spots his sister near the devil's side and, fearing for Reader's life, he quickly tackles Leo to the ground.

- Reader is absolutely perplexed when she sees her brother trying to calm down the raging werewolf.

- Akiro is in shock when he sees his sister checking the devil for any injuries.

- Once they make sure everyone's okay, there's an awkward silence as they just stare at the person standing beside their sibling.

Reader: Is this... is he your friend?

Akiro, awkwardly: Yeah. And is he...?

Reader: *Laughs nervously* H-He's my boyfriend actually.

Both of them, in unison: Do mom and dad know?

- When Leo finally transforms back, he's super guilty.

Leo: I tried to kill your sister's boyfriend!!!!

Akiro: It's no big deal Leo. No one got hurt

Leo: But what if something did happen?? I could've been killed! Or become a murderer! Plus he probably hates me now!!

Akiro: Leo, Karma said it was alright and even had fun

Leo: But how does your sister feel?? Imagine Karma tried to kill me!! How would you feel?!

Akiro: Relieved

- Cue Leo going around with a crucifix, and carrying a bottle of holy water for two whole days.

Akiro: Leo, I said I was sorry

Leo: And I told you I already forgive you. So c'mon and share this wonderful Italian dish with me!

Akiro: Italian food always has garlic and you know that Leo!

- Hanami and Rui eventually find out about Karma.

Rui: You're dating our ENEMY!?

Reader: They're not our enemy dad

Rui: (Y/N), we've been fighting devils for this spot in the hierarchy for centuries!

Reader: But it's not their fault we're forced to fight for survival in this human-dominated world!

Akiro: Dad, (Y/N) is right. Every supernatural being wants the same thing. It's not like the devils are antagonizing us just because

Hanami, turning to Reader: (Y/N), honey, I need you to be completely honest with me. Do you really love this Karma boy?

Reader: *nods*

Hanami, breaking into a smile: Then I think you should risk it

- Rui very much disliked the idea of his babygirl dating a devil but he eventually gave in.

- Although both Hanami and Rui agreed, it's still a bit of a shock to them. They just can't understand how their daughter would ignore every vampire her age and fall in love with their enemy.

Rui: She got this from you my love. You've always liked breaking the rules

Hanami: Rui, please. You're the one who's always been fascinated by challenges and the unknown

Rui: Hmm... you're quite right, dear. I did fall for you after all

Hanami: You did not (L/N)

- After a few days, Hanami and Rui invite Karma to dinner to evaluate him. Awkward family dinner ✅

- There are some closed calls since Karma's mischievous and devious nature clashed with Rui's seriousness. Fortunately, the meeting went smoothly.

- After seeing how his parents were quite tolerant and even inviting towards Karma, Akiro decides to come clean too. He had been especially cautious because he would be revealing his best friends were a werewolf, their mortal enemy, and a human, which therefore meant he was officially revealing his family's secret.

- The (L/N) family (especially Rui and Akiro) like to drink their blood from wine glasses. So, when Leo and Evelyn were invited for dinner, Leo accidentally grabbed Akiro's drink.

Leo, spitting it out: What was that!?!?!

Akiro: Blood

Leo: Why was it warm?? 😭

Akiro: Leo, you're a werewolf. Since when are you squeamish? -_-

- Despite that incident, nothing bad happens and everything goes okay.

- Although Rui was at first quite unhappy with opening his doors to a werewolf and a human, once he found out Evelyn was studying medicine and looked up to him with such high regard, he decided to give them another chance and didn't take long to accept Evelyn.

- Leo on the other hand easily got along with Hanami. After a few weeks, they were actually joking around as Hanami told him some of baby Akiro's stories.

Leo, wheezing and pointing at Akiro: Did you seriously try to suck the blood out of one of your plushies? And you cried when you couldn't? AHAHA I would've loved to see that!!

- The next day Akiro came to university wearing every single piece of silver jewelry he could find.

Leo, 5 meters away from Akiro: Akiro. Please. People are staring

- Whenever she's out, Reader drinks her blood from a coffee thermos (kinda like Starbucks).

Nakamura: Oooo did a new drink come out??

Reader: Wait no! Nakamura-!

Nakamura: *vomits*

Reader: I'm sorry ༎ຶ‿༎ຶ

A/N: Btw here's a sketch I did of Devil!Karma and Vampire!Reader. I just really enjoy the supernatural so I was really inspired that day lol.

Oh and of course since Reader could be anyone, I based it on the interpretation I gave @Annixzy Amethyst (on Quotev) of Hanami (icy blue eyes and white hair to go against Rui's blood red eyes and black hair). So of course you can replace her and imagine whoever you want in Reader's place. 

Karma's outfit is from the design he was given in the anime. I think it's from the episode where Karma's imagining himself as a devil with Okuda as a witch brewing for him deadly poisons lol.

And woow!! That was much longer than I intended LMAO but I really wanted to make a completely Alternate Universe. That's why I decided to include how the 3 stories would've gone down in this Monster AU.

Oh and I'll try to update as soon as I can but this year I'm super duper busy so my schedule will be a bit all over the place and haven't had the time to organize my thoughts 😅

Anyways, thanks for reading this far and I'll see you soon!!

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