Mikaelson's Gem

By Brielle319

135K 3.3K 372

When Esmeralda the 5th Mikaelson child, decides she wants to go and live life on her own, she's condemned to... More

The Original Family
Mystic Falls 1860-1864
On the Run
Welcome Back
Charlie's Angels
Death Wish
Memory lane
wolf stench
Pettiness >
Bitch fight
Tea Party
Another Love
Hormonal Teen
Best type of Party
Face This Together
60's Dance
Wake up
Car ride
Lockwood Mansion

Alaric = Klaus

3.3K 100 5
By Brielle319

"What happened?" I ask when I bump into Elena and Bonnie running through the halls.

"Klaus is in Alaric's body!" Elena says. I freeze. What the hell is she on about? I don't have time for this.

"What?" I ask confused, I couldn't have heard that right. There's no way. We would've noticed.

"He's possessing it or something." Bonnie explains breathlessly.

And that's when all the puzzle pieces started to fit. Someone did notice, since the very beginning, but we didn't listen. Esmeralda... Esmeralda! She went with Ala- Klaus alone.

"Where's Esmeralda?! Have you seen her was she with Klaus?!" I ask anxiously looking around, hoping to see a glance of blonde hair.

"No she wasn't with him. I haven't seen her-" Elena says.

"Go find Stefan. Now!" I tell Elena. I can't look for Esmeralda, keep Bonnie safe, while also babysitting Elena. I needed her gone. "Now!" She gives Bonnie one last look and runs away hesitantly.

I turn to look at Bonnie seriously, grabbing onto her shoulders.

"Can you kill him?"

"He's got some kind of protection spell on him-" she starts panicking.

"You have the power of a hundred witches. Break it."

"I'm trying! If I kill Alaric, he'll just possess someone else." She yells, sharing my frustration. I grunt, thinking of a way to get us out of this mess when we're interrupted by Alaric's voice.

"There you are." He says excitedly, pointing at Bonnie. "How about we finish this?" He stated, as he took threatening steps towards us. I moved to stand infront of Bonnie as I pushed her back.

"How about you leave."

"I'm not going anywhere." He laughed. "But I'll make you a deal Damon. Give me Bonnie and little Esme gets to live to see another day, yeah?"

"What have you done to her? Where is she!" I yell running at him with vamp speed. I wasnt thinking cleary, I couldn't. Not when she was involved.

Pushing him up against the lockers, I questioned him again. In my rage, I failed to notice the wooden stake in his hands until it was to late. Klaus lunged it at my chest the wood almost reaching my heart as he pushed it slowly, dragging it out. He was taunting me, and he loved every sick moment.

"Agh- Bonnie run!" I yell between groans as I try to push the stake away, feeling it poking at my heart. Even if I die, Bonnie could make it. And with her and Em toguether they stand a chance.

"I guess you'll die just like Esmeralda will." He taunts with a wicked grin.

Just as the stake was about to pierce my heart a blur of blonde locks pushed him away roughly, making him crash into the shool floor, breaking the tiles with the amount of force she used.

"Esmeralda-" I breathed out. My eyes wide, as relief flooded my system seeing her alive and well. Besides the fact that her arm was covered in blood.

"-This is gonna hurt." She didn't give me time to process her words as she pulled out the stake from my chest, throwing it away. I groaned in pain as I catched my breath.

"How did you get out?" Klaus asks annoyed but not that surprised, as he practically peeled himself off the floor.

"You know better than to think I would let that silly boundary spell keep me in." Esmeralda says arrogantly as she turns to look at Alar- Klaus. Oh and if looks could kill...

"It's been a long time since I've been with you, I forgot just how stubborn you can be." He stands up fully now.

"Did you also forget how mean I can to someonewho pisses me off?" Esmeralda asked, as she walked towards him threateningly. Eyes darkening as vein appeard under them.

"Now now Esmeralda, don't get all grumpy. You know that creates wrinkles-"

Esmeralda didn't wait for her brother's tease to finish as she charged directly at him. Putting him in a choke hold.

"Ooh, testy, tell me why are you so pissed? Is it because I almont broke your little play thing? Even as a kid you never really liked to share your toys-"

"Shut up!"

"But to get this mad? Careful Gem, wouldn't want me to think you care for him. You know what I'd do don't you-"

That seemed to trigger something dark in Esme. In seconds she had bitten into his neck violently causing him to yell out in pain as she quickly dried him off life.

"Wait! Esmeralda you can't kill him, you'll kill Alaric too-" she removed her mouth from his neck to glare at me, blood covering her mouth as her eyes remaind a darkened shade.

"I don't care-" she said as she licked the blood off her lip. I know it's totally not the time, but God that woman is breathtakingly hot. If there was ever a woman I'd go down on my knees for... oh wait I already have-

"Em!" I called out to her again, her eyes finally going back to that beautiful emerald shade as she got her rage under control. "We gotta go...Now." I said almost pleadingly, as I silently communicated with her. She took her time as she thought it over in her calculating mind.

"Grab Bonnie and get out of here." She ordered in a dark tone, her eyes glaring at her brother once again. I did as she said and grabbed Bonnie, vamp speeding her out of there. Using my vamp hearing to listen in on Esmeralda who hadn't followed. I trusted her to do the right thing, but I wanted to make sure she'd be fine.

"You can't run forever, Gem." Klaus taunted her. Oh how I'd love to bash his head until I'm covered in his blood.

"I've been doing it for a couple centuries now. I bet I could do it a little longer." With that she vamped away following the path I took.

Once she was able to find us, we were left standing at a hallway on the opposite end of the school.

"He knows I have my power." Bonnie quickly explains what we all knew.

"He's trying to kill her, by getting her to kill him." Esme says. "If she dies he wins."

"No. Klaus does not get to win tonight, no way...You still willing to do whatever it takes to kill him?" I ask Bonnie. An idea coming to mind.


"There you are."

"What are you doing? Where's Bonnie?!" Elena quickly asked, once Damon and Esmeralda came into view, without the Bennett witch trailing behind them.

"She's doing what she has to." Esmeralda answerd unbotherd.


"Where is she?" Stefan questioned this time, looking between Esmeralda and Damon.

"Stefan, let her do this." Damon avoided the question.

"Damn it, Damon, where is she?!" Stefan vamped towards him grabbing him by his collar.

It was to late when they were finally able to find where Bonnie was. The witch layed limply on the floor, blood running from her nose as her chest remained unmoving.

Elena and Stefan opened the doors and rushed over to Bonnie. Tears quickly forming in Elena's eyes as she mourned the loss of her friend.

"No! Oh! Bonnie! Bonnie, Bonnie! Bonnie! Hey, hey." She takes Bonnie in her arms. Stefan looks around them to look for Alaric- Klaus, but he was nowhere to be found.

"Stefan, she's not breathing!" Elena starts crying. "Stefan! Stefan, I can't find her pulse! Stefan! Do something, please! Stefan, please! Just give her blood, do something, please!"

Stefan slowly looks up at Elena, guilt flooding his eyes. "It's too late. I'm sorry." Elena's cries become harsher as she shakes her head in disbelief.

"No! No, no, no! Bonnie! Bonnie, please, no!"

"Stefan, get Elena out of here. I'll deal with the body." Damon whispered to Stefan as he walked in with Esmeralda.

"What do you mean, deal with it?" Elena ask furiously as tears still thunder down her eyes.

"The sheriff can't know about this. Last thing we need's another mysterious death."

"This is Bonnie!"

"Get her home. Now. So I can clean this up." Damon says sternly to his brother. Stefan grabs Elena and helps her get up.

"No... Jeremy. Oh, my God, Jeremy! What about Jeremy?" Elena questioned through sobs as Stefan led her out.

"I'll find him." Esmeralda promised the weeping girl. She still didn't like Elena, not in the slightest, but Esmeralda wasn't completely heartless, contrary to popular beliefs.

Elena walks away. She looks at Bonnie's body one more time, crying and screaming. Stefan takes her and they leave. Once alone, Damon gently caresses Bonnie's face and closes her eyes.

"Don't worry Dai, it'll work." Esmeralda comforted him. He tried acting heartless but there was no denying that the whole Mystic falls gang had grown close to him. Even the fiery witch he once hated.

"Yeah. I know." He said as he put up a cold front. Carrying the limp girl in his arms as he walked towards the parking lot where his car was.

Opening the trunk Damon carefully placed the petite witch in it, with the help of Esmeralda. Just as the trunk was closed Jeremy runs over to them.

"Damon! Esme! Hey, I got your message, I can't find anyone. Where's Elena, where's Bonnie?"

"Sweetheart...we need to have a little talk." Esmeralda says carefully as she reaches Jeremy.


"How's Jeremy and Bonnie doing?" Damon asks as soon as he hears me enter his room, his back faced to me.

"Good. They're all snuggled up and lovey dovey with each other back at the haunted house." I reply, as I plop myself down on his bed. Damon turns around and walks towards me.

"I bet you must have hated that. Considering how much you like Jeremy." Damon mocks as he sits down next to me, lifting my legs so that he could sit, resting them on top of his lap.

"I really do like him. He's got that emo boy thing going, but alas he is in love with someone else... And he's also a tiny bit to young for me, I'll admit." Damon laughs.

"Now you admit it. After trying to seduce the poor boy all these weeks. You're such a coager." I reach for one of his pillows and smack him with one across the face.

"I'm not a coager!"

"Okay...whatever you say princess." We both fell into a comfortable silence. Smiling despite the horrendous amount of chaos that surrounded our lives. "You okay Em? After your whole interaction with Klaus. It must've been weird being face to face with the person you've been running from for years on end."

"I'm fine...I knew I was gonna have to face him sooner or later. Let's just hope that the next time I see him its at his funeral." I joked at the end, trying to lighten the mood.

"Do you really want him dead?" Damon asks out of nowhere. Catching me off guard. "Because you have every reason to, but it still feels like you don't. Not really. "

"I want him dead. But if it came down to it...I can't be the one who does it. I won't be able to kill him. Someone else has to."

"Don't worry princess, we'll kill him. If it comes down to it, I'll kill him myself. For you." Something shifted between us and I could feel myself slowly being pulled towards Damon. Our eyes closing as the heat between us grew. His breath painting across my face as I felt his lips brush mine. I was about to close the gap between us when I heard footsteps walking towards Damon's room.

Pulling away I stand up from his bead, leaving a slightly dazed and confused Damon. "What's wrong?"

"Today's been a long day and I'm covered in blood. I should probably take a shower. "


"Damon?-" Elena's voice interrupted as she opened the door to his bedroom. "Oh, I'm sorry I didn't know you were-"

"It's alright, I was just leaving." I say as I start walking towards the door.

"Esmeralda." Damon calls out my name.

"Goodnight Dai." With that I leave. But I don't go to my room.

I can't stop thinking about our coversation, if I'm not able to kill Klaus I need to find someone who can. And as much as I want to belive Damon and his promise that he'll kill him, today was a perfect example that he just can't. He'll be the one to die against Klaus, because he doesn't know the way Klaus works, thinks and fights. I need someone who knows how to destroy him. I need an original.

So that's how I ended up in the basement of the Salvatore house, dagger in hand as I waited for my older brother to wake up from his slumber.

This reminds me of when we were kids, if Klaus ever gave me a hard time all I had to do was run crying towards Elijah about it and he'd handle it.

"Time to wake up Lijah."


I'm back guys!! Things are finally back to normal for me. I thank all of you for your patience and support. The updates might be a little slow and I apologize in advance, there's just a lot going on in school and I'm not doing the best mentally. But I'm working through it and I promise to keep updating as recently as possible.

Anyways that's all for now,

XOXO, Brielle 💋

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