Pulled from the fire by Kevin...

By Priceisrightrusher

1.7K 27 8

Okay this story is going to be based off the original story that i had and tried to fix up again and that end... More

I'm pregnant or i'm not pregnant that is the question
The little dumpster girl
Shopping and getting Boston settled her new home
Boston's first night part 2
Bostyn first night part 3 & Fawn sees the little girl
Bringing Adilynn home
Getting Addilyn settled in
Addy's first night
Heading to texas for Thanksgiving
Thanksgiving with mommy
Getting ready for the holidays and Christmas at last
Swim lessons part 1
Part 2
Finding Lily's dad
Searching for Bostyn
Getting the new babies checked out
Wishing everyone merry Christmas and happy holidays
Part 2
Final part
Part 2
On hold
Part 3

Getting admitted

36 0 0
By Priceisrightrusher

Boston wanted to stay with mommy for the moment cause the babies that she was taking care of gotten adopted to other families that wanted a baby and that they had tried for one of their own and they had come up empty in that department, so they had a second chance at having a baby when those babies were brought in to be checked out as well and they had fallen in love with the baby that was going to be apart of their family and the two babies that was not going to be going to a family was going to be adopted by Kevin and Fawn and Boston was still going to be that mommy to them no matter what happens cause Kevin and Fawn had fallen in love with the babies and they were excited for them to join the family and Boston was still going to see them and be apart of their lives as well too

"Kevin, we should leave her be right now cause she has to process the news that all of the babies will not be coming home with us and that they were going to go to other families" Fawn tells him cause Boston wanted mommy to hold her in her arms and Fawn was going to hold her cause she really did want mommy to hold her cause she was really scared of what was going to happen to her cause of the babies that she saved

"Yeah, and I hope no cops come here as she has enough to deal with" he says as the cop came to see Boston and ask her some questions cause the restaurant owner wanted to know how long she has been living there and taking care of the babies too cause that worried the owner as well cause if mothers are abandoning their babies in the dumpster, he was going to see about having it moved so only the workers could access the dumpster only

Boston answer the questions as quick as she could before she said no more and she was done with the questions for the time being as well and she wanted to be with mommy and daddy once again


"Boston honey you are going to be staying in the hospital for a couple of days until you are fully better cause of the bacteria that is in your system from the dumpster Okay, but don't worry we are going to be right here with you cause our friends are going to watch your sisters while we are here with you and helping to get you better so you can go home" Kevin says as he looks at her as her and mommy were cuddling right now cause she loved when mommy cuddled with her cause mommy's cuddled were something special to her

Boston got closer to mommy cause she was really scared right now what was going to happen to her

"They are going to give you medicine so you can get better do you can come home" Fawn tells her

more will come hopefully when work isn't so nuts period and we have proper help hopefully

Happy Thanksgiving

Christmas will come hopefully in time, but I think that is going to get scrapped with my work schedule being the way that it is due to being understaffed

Happy holidays & happy new year

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