Black Lightning: The Outsider...

Da kamjaxson

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Following the events in Book 1, the Outsiders try to navigate life, while protecting Freeland from a Anti-Gov... Altro

Chapter 1: Calm Before The Storm
Chapter 2: Crashing Parties
Chapter 3: Locked Up
Chapter 4: The Reinforcements
Chapter 5: Wardog
Chapter 6: The Underground
Chapter 7: Hotspot #1
Chapter 8: Roller Coaster
Chapter 10: Hotspot #2
Chapter 11: The Unexpected
Chapter 12: Digging For The Truth
Chapter 13: Khalil's Destiny
Chapter 14: Hotspot #3
Chapter 15: Reunited
Chapter 16: Hotspot #4
Chapter 17: Unit 43
Chapter 18: No Cracks In The Armor
Chapter 19: Breaking & Entering
Chaoter 20: It Begins, Where It Ends (Finale)

Chapter 9: Scars

60 4 2
Da kamjaxson

Khalil stands over Lala choking him.

"WHAT DID YOU SAY?", Khalil screams punching him in the face.

Black veins start creeping up Lala's neck. Lala tries his best to get Khalil off of him. Suddenly Jenn and TC run into the room.

"Khalil, stop , what are you doing?", Jenn asks trying to pull him off of Lala.

Khalil pushes Jenn and she falls back on the floor. TC holds out his hand and throws Khalil across the room.

"She said stop!", TC says.

Lala leans over coughing and spits out blood on the floor.

"That nigga is crazy", Lala says.

Suddenly Brandon runs into the room. He looks over and sees Jenn on the floor and rushes to help her up.

"are you okay?", Brandon asks.

"Yeah, I'm fine", Jenn says brushing herself off.

"What happened?", Brandon asks.

"I don't know, we heard screaming and when we came in here Khalil was choking Lala", TC states.

"And I tried to pull him off but he pushed me on the floor", Jenn says.

Brandon quickly looks over at Khalil angrily. Khalil stands up and takes a deep breath.

"You better have an explanation for what just happened", Brandon says his eyes turning white.

Jenn touches his arm and he calms down. Khalil walks closer to them. TC holds out his hand signaling him to stay back.

"Khalil, what happened", TC says slowly.

"This fool just told me who was responsible for my brother Keenan dying", Khalil says.

"I thought you already knew Lala was responsible", Jenn states.

"That's the thing, it wasn't Lala, it was Tobias, he called the hit not Lala", Khalil replies.

"Wait what?", Jenn asks.

"Yep, it was Tobias", Khalil says.

"Why would Tobias have your brother killed, what connection did he have to anything", Jenn says.

"I don't know, he won't tell me anything else", Khalil replies.

Jenn turns and faces Lala.

"Why can't you tell him?", Jenn asks.

"Because I already told him too much", Lala says.

"Too much, you left him on a cliffhanger", TC says.

"Exactly, how can you withhold that type of information. Here we are helping you and you don't even have the common decency to help Khalil know what happened to his brother", Jenn says.

"Sorry, but I'm not Google, I can't tell you everything you want to know", Lala says.

"Ok, you better get to talking in the next 10 seconds, or I'm gonna start choking you", Brandon says walking up to Lala.

TC jumps in front of everybody.

"Alright, everybody needs to calm down", TC says, "I understands we all want information but knocking a dead horse, when it's already down is too much, so I say we let Lala rest and let him talk when he get's ready".

Khalil pushes past everybody and walks out the door. He leaves the medical room and heads for the front door. Anissa and Grace are walking in holding medical supplies. He pushes through them and heads out the door.

"Khalil, wait, what's wrong", "Anissa says.

Her and Grace rush to the medical room.

"What's going on?", Grace asks.

"Yeah, what's wrong with Khalil.

"Too much", TC says taking a deep breath.

Anissa looks over at Lala nervously.

"Ok everyone leave the medical room, so I can work on Lala", Anissa says.

Everyone except Grace leaves the room.

Jenn, TC, and Brandon head to the sanctum.

"This is crazy", Jenn says taking a deep breath.

"I know, I can't believe Tobias is the reason Khalil's brother is dead", Brandon says.

"I mean what's new?", TC starts, "Tobias is the reason a lot of people are dead".

"But why Khalil's brother?", Jenn asks, "What could he had possibly done to provoke Tobias?".

"This has to go deeper than drug trafficking", TC says.

"But we won't ever find out if Lala keeps withholding those details", Brandon says.

"Oh he'll eventually talk, once he's well again he's gonna tell us everything he knows, or he'll become unwell", Jenn says.

Brandon and TC look at Jenn and laugh.

"Okay then Mrs. Fighter", Brandon says laughing.

"Shut up", Jenn says pushing Brandon.

They all laugh again.

"Okay, on a lighter note, I have an update on your powers", TC says.

"Details please", Jenn says smiling eagerly.

"Ok calm down", TC replies.

TC pulls up a diagram on the screen. It shows Jenn's body and data on it.

"Ok so this is Jenn's body, and she lost her powers by figuratively burning out her generator so much that it's evaporated", TC states.

"Which is weird to say nonetheless", Jenn says.

"Well all we have to do is physically rebuild her generator so it can begin to pump out more power into her system, which is where the pink power stripping balls come into play", TC says.

He pulls out a briefcase with the pink ball and a new green ball beside it.

"Whoa, is that one of the pink balls Wardog shot at us?", Brandon asks.

"Yes, we were able to obtain one and after figuring out the formula used to make the ball, I was able to reverse it and make a serum that can restore powers", TC says.

"Is that what this Green ball is?" Jenn says quickly picking it up.

"Yes, but be careful, since we have limited amount of the pink substance we have to be careful with the supply we have of the green one", TC says taking the ball back and sitting it down.

"So what do I do, eat the ball or something?", Jenn asks.

"No, if you consume to much of this too fast it will take over your body and who know what will happen", TC says.

"So how does she take it?", Brandon asks.

"We will begin making small injections every day so that her body can slowly adapt to the sudden changes, eventually become so strong that she will regain her powers in about 30 days", TC says.

"30 days?", Jenn says, "I can't wait 30 days for my powers".

"You've been waiting for your powers for 2 months, 30 days won't kill you", Brandon says.

Jenn pouts for a minute then takes a deep breath. 

"I guess I can wait, when do we start the injections?", Jenn asks.

"Actually, I can give you your first one right now", TC says, "Come sit in the lab chair".

Jenn stands up and walks over to sit down. TC grabs an empty needle and syringe and gets a small dosage of the green power enhancing serum. He walks over to Jenn and rubs alcohol on her arm. 

"Ok so it might hurt a little", TC says.

"It's fine just do it", Jenn replies. 

Jenn reaches out for Brandon's hand. Brandon walks over and holds her hand. TC injects the needle into Jenn's arm and begins pushing in the serum. Jenn closes her eyes and bites her lip, grunting from the pain. 

After a few seconds TC takes the needle out and puts a cotton swab on the needle hole. He walks over and touches the monitor beside Jenn. A picture of her internal body pops up on the screen.

"Okay, so this is Jenn's inner body, as you can see a small orange light almost the size of a pea has began forming", TC says.

"So it's working", Jenn asks.

"Correct, now I'm expecting it to grow in size with every injection and give you stronger abilities a long the way, for example by day 7 you should be able to control the lights, and by 15 days you should be able to spark a lightning ball.", TC says.

"Wow that's great, I can't wait to have my powers again", Jenn says.

"Yes, but just a fair warning don't go trying to fight with these powers or use them to their full extent because they have yet to be developed fully, a strong use of powers can cause you to overheat and....", TC starts.

"Explode again", Jenn says rolling her eyes.

"I just want you to be safe", TC says.

"I know, and thanks for all your help", Jenn says giving him a hug and running out of the sanctum.

Grace and Anissa work on Lala in the sanctum. 

"Hey Grace, can you hand me some gauze I need to drain his cut wounds before I can begin the numbing injections to give him stiches", Anissa says. 

Grace walks over and hands Anissa some gauze. Lala shifts his body away from Anissa.

"Who says I want stiches?", Lala asks.

Anissa looks at him confused.

"If we don't close these wounds they can get infected and leave a nasty scar", Anissa says.

"Then let them scar", Lala says.

Grace walks over to them. 

"Why would we do that?", Grace asks.

"Because then I can have the constant memory of how I was hurt and it will strengthen me in my revenge", Lala says.

"Who did do this to you?", Grace asks.

"That new crazy ass meta that's leading a group called the Militia", Lala says.

"Wardog!", Anissa states.

"You know of him?", Lala asks.

"We've had a few run in's", Anissa says.

"Then you know, he's nothing to mess with", Lala says.

Anissa takes a deep breath. 

"What happened?", Grace asks. 

"It was a massacre, I was casually doing a drop, and right before I was about to bust a cap in some disrespectful asshole ass, Wardog came out of no where and attacked me and my gang", Lala says.

"Why?", Anissa asks.

"He wanted to make an example out of us", Lala states.

"Make an example for who?", Grace asks.

"Who do you think", Lala says softly. 

Anissa and Grace look at each other nervously. 

"How did you get here?", Anissa asks.

"Wardog brought me here and he told me let you all know he was coming for you", Lala says.

Anissa and Grace jump up quickly.

"Wait, Wardog knows where we live and was able to get inside?" Grace asks.

"Seems like it", Lala says.

"And you were just gonna hold this information in", Anissa says.

"Yes, this is my fight, I should be the one to handle this, not The Outsiders. Time and Time again you all have went into battle and spared the life of your enemies out of morals. This time we're gonna make an example out of Wardog, and let everyone know not to mess with Freeland again", Lala says.

"You're talking about killing him", Anissa says.

Lala takes a deep breath.

"Whatever it takes.", Lala says. 

Anissa and Grace stare at Lala in nervousness.

Over at Freeland Cemetary, Khalil walks through the grave yard with his flashlight. He examines each and every tombstone. When he nears a tombstone covered in dirt he begins wiping away at it. The name reveals to be Keenan Payne, Khalil kneels beside it and closes his eyes. He opens them and his eyes begin to water.

"Big Brother, I miss you. Everyday seems to be better than the next. But it's still a little hard", Khalil says putting his forehead on tombstone, "God why did you have to join that gang, you would still be alive. I guess you can say the same about me though. I'm still figuring this life thing out, cover me in your arms. I promise you that I'll do better. And once I tie up some loose ends, I'm done using this power I have. But Tobias had you killed, and I need to find out why".

Khalil looks out into the distance takes a deep breath. 

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