Per BangtanArmies

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Alpha - Blooming Flowers - Chapter 1
Alpha - Phone Number - Chapter 2
Alpha - Squabble - Chapter 4
Alpha - Checkmate - Chapter 5
Alpha - Adult Love - Chapter 6
Alpha - The Riddle - Chapter 7
Alpha - Mind Games - Chapter 8
Alpha - The Protagonist - Chapter 9
Alpha - Carrot Cake - Chapter 10
Alpha - The Corset - Chapter 11
Alpha - Dark Flames - Chapter 12
Alpha - Midnight Rain - Chapter 13
Alpha - The Pervert - Chapter 14
Alpha - Hot SSAM - Chapter 15
Alpha - Poisonous Prick - Chapter 16
Alpha - The Wilderness - Chapter 17
Alpha - Problematic Man - Chapter 18
Alpha - First Blood - Chapter 19
Alpha - Poisonous Intimacy - Chapter 20
Alpha - Fair Trade - Chapter 21
Alpha - Silent Killer - Chapter 22
Alpha - Unscratched - Chapter 23
Alpha - A Goddess - Chapter 24
Alpha - Wild Card - Chapter 25
Alpha - Murder Trial - Chapter 26
Alpha - Beautiful Woman - Chapter 27
Alpha - Parallel Lines - Chapter 28
Alpha - Glass Heart - Chapter 29
Alpha - The Curse - Chapter 30
Alpha - Double Edged - Chapter 31
Alpha - Creams & Crumbs - Chapter 32
Alpha - Cursed Child - Chapter 33
Alpha - Lone Wolf - Chapter 34
Alpha - Fire Bird - Chapter 35
Alpha - Blood Thirst - Chapter 36
Alpha - A Snowflake - Chapter 37
Alpha - Light & Shadow - Chapter 38
Alpha - Inner Warmth - Chapter 39
Alpha - Invisible Bruises - Chapter 40
Alpha - Counter Attack - Chapter 41
Alpha - The Prophecy - Chapter 42
Alpha - Death Angel - Chapter 43
Alpha - Divine Offering - Chapter 44
Alpha - Red Petals - Chapter 45
Alpha - Cotton Candy - Chapter 46
Alpha - Cruel World - Chapter 47
Alpha - The Untamed - Chapter 48
Alpha - A Mother's Sacrifice - Chapter 49
Alpha - Love Greed - Chapter 50
Alpha - Our Fairytale - Chapter 51
Alpha - Translucent Porcelain - Chapter 52
Alpha - The Apocalypse - Chapter 53
Alpha - Child Support - Chapter 54
Alpha - Power Burden - Chapter 55
Alpha - Everlasting Legacy - Chapter 56
Alpha - Winter Storm - Chapter 57
Alpha - White Lies - Chapter 58
Alpha - Backup Plan - Chapter 59
Alpha - Souls Ascension - Chapter 60
Alpha - Blue and Grey - Chapter 61
Alpha - Autumn Leaves - Chapter 62
Alpha - Love Debt - Chapter 63
Alpha - Winter Breath - Chapter 64
Alpha - Love Affairs - Chapter 65
Alpha - Internal Wounds - Chapter 66
Alpha - Cursed Flame - Chapter 67
Alpha - Predator & Prey - Chapter 68
Alpha - Disgraceful Existence - Chapter 69
Alpha - Our Love Story - Chapter 70

Alpha - Aftertaste - Chapter 3

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Per BangtanArmies

Sora's POV

THUD. I violently slammed the front door shut and stormed through the living room while rubbing my tearful eyes when I noticed Jungkook lying on the couch with his arm tucked under his head. He quickly sat up with a startled look and tried to speak, but I ignored him and rushed away in a hurry.

A maid immediately bowed in my presence as she cleaned the portraits in the corridor. I lowered my face to hide my tears and hurried into my room. My mind was suddenly bombarded with painful memories, so I frantically undressed my body in the bathroom. I need to shut it out! I quickly turned on the cold shower to let it drench my steaming head until the build-up tension eased in my chest. Don't think about it! Don't think about it! After a while... I deeply exhaled to soothe my mind while standing under the shower with my eyes closed.

Sora, you can't lose yourself like this! They'll keep on hurting you if you show them your vulnerability! The shower icy cold downpour was turning my skin bright pink, so I quickly rinsed my slippery flesh and stepped out of the bathroom with a towel wrapped securely around my drenched body to find a silhouette on the couch inside my dark room.

"What are you doing here?!" I snapped, switching on the lights to find Jungkook sitting with his arms crossed. His face flushed bright red when he found me in my towel and nothing else.

"You agreed to talk with me!" Jungkook swallowed, turning his head away to give me some privacy. I exhaled in annoyance before walking into my closet room.

"Leave. I don't feel like talking right now," I muttered while changing in the room and finally walked out to find Jungkook... still seated on the couch.

"Why not? Is it because of Taehyung? He's an asshole, so you should get used to it," Jungkook shrugged. I ruffled my damp hair with my sharp eyes trained on him.

"Is Taehyung the only asshole in this mansion? Get out of my room!" I demanded, nodding at the door in irritation.

"Moh? What did I even do?! I'm desperately trying to resolve our problems, and you're telling me to leave?!" Jungkook scoffed, launching to his feet with an offended glare. I fired him a dumbfounded look.

"What did you do?! Shibal! You dated another girl while I was away!" I shrieked, angrily hurling a cushion at his face. Jungkook immediately ducked to the side with a terrified face at my violent outbursts.

"We were young! You're still my first love- but-"

"You could've spoken to me first! You could've given me proper closure! But you did nothing! You brought your girlfriend into my room and even did inappropriate things with her on my bed! You're a heartless jerk! Now get out before I bruise your face pretty again!" I screamed, angrily hurling another cushion at the door. Jungkook's eyes were wide open in disbelief, but he didn't snap back and angrily stomped out of the room.

"CLOSE THE DOOR!" I screamed when he strode out without shutting the door. Thud. Thud. Jungkook retraced his steps backward on my demand and reached for the handle to slam my door shut. Stupid! Stupid! When will he grow up?! I glared at the door in frustration before slumping down on the couch to rub my burning face.

Fuck- Did he have to ruin my mood just after I struggled to contain myself?! Hot tears spilled from my eyes once again as I fought to resist the discomfort. What's going on? I thought I was okay with everything, but why am I hurting again? Is it the guilt of losing him? Or is it my past traumas? Even if we were together when we were young- I never treated him right. I bullied him and would often conceal my feelings because I didn't know how to express my silly affection. It was always Jungkook who showed me his undying fondness. But I'd brush his efforts with little to no attention. I've always liked him... but I wish I could've shown him how I truly felt instead of cradling the feelings to myself. Maybe that's why he detached himself from me...?

Why are you blaming yourself? He could've given you an appropriate closure even if he was done with you. Sora. You're hurt because the only person you thought was your solace... left you for someone else. You thought you'd still have Jungkook, but you've already lost him.

I sat up on the couch to dry my tear streaks after breaking down and got up to review the materials I learned from school because I didn't feel like confronting my problems and drowned myself in the boring textbooks until a maid visited my room to inform me about dinner.

I gloomily dropped my pen and walked out of my bedroom in mismatched pajamas, puffy red eyes, and striking messy hair. I'll eat quickly and go to bed- I halted by the entrance to the dining room when I found the tables filled with food and beverages. The loud chatter suddenly died down at my presence, so I slowly glanced around the room to find... my parents- appa returned? The Jeons and Kims were all present inside the room. Jungkook and Taehyung were occupied with their phones, but the elders were very attentive. Mrs. Jeon eyed my shabby condition with a disapproving look.

"Sora! Aigo~! Didn't you brush your hair? You must be too comfortable around us!" Appa gasped, getting up from his seat to embrace me. Caught off guard, I unconsciously gripped his cardigan as he patted my head, slowly averting my eyes to find eomma smiling at me from her seat.

"We're so guilty for not welcoming your return yesterday, so we're hosting the celebration now!" Mrs. Kim smiled from her seat. I gulped after my father pulled away to pat my shoulder, so I stiffly bowed at the elders. They're very lively. I sat down in my mismatched clothes to eat my food in silence.

"I wonder if you have a boyfriend in the States?" Mr. Jeon asked from across the table when he noticed I wasn't speaking to anyone. I lifted my eyes from the fork and averted it to him.

"Boyfriend?" I asked, sideway darting Jungkook a bitter look. He cleared his throat when our eyes met, guiltily glancing down at his plate as he chewed the food in his mouth.

"You looked very gloomy since you arrived. Why? Is there someone you dearly missed?" Mr. Jeon sadly eyed my puffy eyes. What makes him think my misery is caused by someone outside this mansion? It's the goddam family and society.

"There is someone I left without bidding goodbye to," I weakly smiled. Jungkook suddenly lifted his face to stare at me in surprise.

"You have a boyfriend? Why didn't you tell me?" Eomma asked, lowering her steak knife with a slight frown. Taehyung was eating in silence, unbothered by our conversation. I don't exist in his world.

"It was a person I really liked... but I never gave us a chance because I thought I had a boyfriend in Korea. Turns out... my long-distance boyfriend was already with another woman when I returned. I could have granted the person a chance instead of hopelessly yearning for someone who didn't care about my well-being," I nodded. Jungkook turned stiff in his seat. The elders awkwardly shifted their attention to Jungkook's flustered face. My frank statements seem to put him in a very uncomfortable situation.

"Did you apologize to Sora?" Mr. Jeon darted Jungkook an uptight frown. Jungkook gulped and tried to speak when my mother joined our conversation.

"You can't blame Jungkook. He might be your first love, but you were really young, Sora. People change. You were away, and your relationship didn't have a defined boundary, so it's natural for you two to grow apart," Eomma shook her head to defend Jungkook. I smirked at her words. For a moment, did you think my eomma cared about Jungkook? No. She opposes our relationship.

"You're right. I doubt there was even love between us since we were so young. Right, Jungkook-shi? There were no deep feelings between us. I'm not upset. In fact, I've already taken an interest in another person," I exhaled, smiling brightly at the elders. Jungkook blinked at me in shock after I carelessly dismissed our past relationship. He seemed offended for some reason but didn't dare express his discontent.

"You've already found another person? After your first day at school?" Appa chuckled at my claims as if he didn't believe me. I can't sulk forever over the past. I was stupid before, but I won't let them deceive me anymore. I left this country a fool, but I've grown, and I'll play their games.

"That's right. He's an intelligent man... and he could potentially be the society's future leader," I nodded. Taehyung suddenly stopped chewing, slowly looking up at me with an uneasy stare.

"The next leader is undoubtedly Taehyung," Jungkook scoffed, bitterly shaking his head.

"That won't happen if I don't marry him," I chuckled, shaking my head at Jungkook to deny our potential marriage.

"Marry me?" Taehyung huffed at me in disbelief.

"That's right. I am the society's supreme alpha. The council's seat will only welcome the man I choose to marry because I can easily crown a king with my power," I smiled warmly at Taehyung, whose face suddenly darkened at my words. Did he really think he can become the leader without my support? The elders exchanged uncomfortable looks, but I pretended not to notice the dread on their faces.

"Who is the alpha? I bet you're bluffing! Taehyung is the univeristy's president," Jungkook fired me an annoyed glare. He knows I'm taunting everyone, but I won't let him catch on.

"Seokjin is also the president. It's the alpha rule to maintain balance in the council. Taehyung isn't the only candidate," I shrugged. My mother suddenly coughed, hysterically choking on her wine. She pursed her lips at me in horror.

"You're interested in Seokjin???" Appa asked in disbelief.

"Seokjin is really handsome- He instantly captured my attention at first glance, but no. Kim Namjoon. I did some investigation as soon as I arrived here. Kim Namjoon is working with Kim Seokjin. Namjoon might not be as powerful as the leading alphas, but he's capable of handling the society," I nodded. Did they think... I'm a sleeping sheep? I won't let them use me as a puppet to solidify their power.

"I don't think you should make up your mind without proper consideration. How are you so sure he feels the same for you?" Eomma shook her head to disapprove of my partner's preference. She's catching on too. I need to throw her off now.

"I probably won't catch his attention with this messy appearance, but don't worry, mother. You gave birth to a beautiful daughter. I'm confident I can get any man I want, especially when I'm a powerful heiress. Sooner or later... they'll all chase after me," I chuckled, placing my fork down. Taehyung scoffed with a funny expression as if he couldn't believe those words flowed from my mouth. I brightly smiled at him with an unbothered expression until his face hardened. He glanced away in discontent.

"I love your spirit, sweetie. But Seokjin and Namjoon are our rivals," Mrs. Kim sadly nodded at me.

"I'll turn them into our allies... and I'll make the entire society submit to us," I said shortly and got up to leave the table. The dining room grew hushed as I strode away until I was back inside my bedroom.

"Sora! You can't say nonsense! You'll get in so much trouble!" I smacked my head in distress.

"I'll find a way-" I muttered, slumping down on my bed to lie down when my phone started ringing, so I quickly sat up to stare at the unknown number on my phone screen.

"Yeoboseyo?" I answered the call.

A moment later.

"What are you doing here?" I asked, unsurely walking toward the front gate to find Namjoon standing by the lit path. He was dressed in casual clothes with a bunch of books in his arms.

"I'm here to personally deliver your books," Namjoon nodded at the stacks of study materials the guards were carrying inside.

"You didn't have to come in person! It's already late!" I lightly shook my head.

"I thought it would be disrespectful if I let my driver-"

"Someone's getting nosy with our family affairs?" Another voice interrupted. We turned around to find Taehyung walking up to us with his hands in his sweatpants pockets. Namjoon dimmed his eyes at Taehyung's presence.

"I'm simply helping Sora stay on track, Mr. President," Namjoon nodded at Taehyung's not-so-welcoming greeting.

"Kim Namjoon running errands for free? That's unusual," Taehyung chuckled while shaking his head. I glanced back and forth between them as Namjoon clenched his jaw at Taehyung.

"You should head home! Here! This is a popular snack I got from the States!" I smiled, placing a bag into Namjoon's hand with a bright smile. Namjoon shifted his eyes from Taehyung to mine as I held onto his hands with a radiant beam to distract him from Taehyung's rudeness.

"Call me if you need anything," Namjoon nodded, causing my cheeks to flush red.

"Araso! I'll see you tomorrow!" I giggled. Namjoon waved at me and turned to leave the mansion, so I cutely waved at Namjoon until he drove off in his car, finally turning around to head back inside, but I halted almost immediately when I found Taehyung staring darkly at me.

"You should be cautious around him. He doesn't have good intentions and don't be foolish over trivial past conflicts with your family," Taehyung muttered. I smiled at his blank face.

"I'll be careful around the alphas, but they're not the real threat," I shook my head.

"The household's security is your only hope in surviving-"

"I won't trust anyone easily. Not even you," I narrowed my eyes at Taehyung.

"I know you're putting on an act to-"

"An act? Eomma told me, I'm supposed to marry you to merge our power, but I refused. You don't want me, and I don't want you either. I'm doing you a favor," I shrugged, trying to walk past Taehyung when he suddenly caught my wrist to stop me. I glanced down at his tight grip before looking back at him with a slight frown.

"You're doing me a favor? I am working tirelessly for the position to sustain your household-"

"You can work your ass off for the council- but you'll never earn it if I don't allow you to. Don't try to guilt trip me with your good acts when it was you who tried to kill me. I might've been foolish before, but I won't let anyone drown me again," I firmly stared at Taehyung's rageful glare.

"Your parents will fall without me, and Jungkook- so don't provoke me-"

"If I remember correctly. It was you... who killed your uncle to save yourself from perishing in the game. Am I wrong? Kim Taehyung. Don't try to threaten me when you know I have absolute power to destroy you. I'm no longer a people pleaser, so don't try to hold me accountable for your crimes," I gritted, yanking my arm from his grip, and quickly marched away before he could respond to me. Taehyung scoffed at my attitude, but it didn't bother me. I hurriedly strolled toward my room... only to find my bedroom door... slightly opened.

"What are you doing inside my room again? Wasn't it enough for you to bring another woman onto my bed?" I dully questioned when I found Jungkook peeking at my drawers. My presence must've startled him because he immediately slammed the drawer closed before snapping his head in my direction with an embarrassed look. Taehyung had already ruined my mood. What is he doing here again?

"I was waiting for you," Jungkook gulped, glancing away to avoid my eyes. I told him to leave me alone, but he's back again!

"Leave," I nodded at the wide-opened door with my arms crossed. Jungkook quickly darted me an irritated look.

"It's a misunderstanding-"

"I don't think bringing another woman onto your first love's bed is a misunderstanding. You knew it was my space. And yet it never bothered you to use my room as you pleased. I doubt it was your first time together in my room. I don't need any explanations because I've seen enough," I huffed, nodding bitterly at Jungkook's rosy red cheeks. He fired me an uptight frown.

"I know I've hurt your feelings with my careless actions-"

"Naturally, I should be heartbroken over such an incident. Anyone would break at their partner's betrayal, but I wasn't that upset. I thought I loved you, but it didn't hurt. I'm only disappointed, so I really meant what I said earlier in the dining room. I believe we've grown apart, and I've been loving you less the longer we were separated," I sighed, slowly leaning against the door frame to watch Jungkook's sore reaction.

"Are you sure there's nothing left? If you do, you have to tell me now because even after our time apart, you're still the only person I cherish most. I don't want to hurt your feelings," Jungkook clenched his jaw. I quietly stared at his intense gaze to think about his words.

"I suppose... there's nothing left between us because of how quickly I liked another man. Is that enough?" I asked, raising my eyebrow at him.

"Kim Namjoon? You shouldn't associate with-"

"You've matured, and I'm proud of you," I cut him short with a weak smile. The childish and reckless Jeon Jungkook has finally grown into a sensible man.

"What?" Jungkook blinked at me in confusion.

"I've also grown, Jungkook-ah. You're the only person I yearned for while I was away, but now that we've united again, I'm finally at peace to see you grow up so well," I shrugged.

"What are you talking about?" Jungkook furrowed his clueless eyebrows at my odd statements.

"I'm saying I've also grown. Everyone might think I'm still a weak and foolish child, but no one was actually there with me... to watch me grow. You don't have to worry about me anymore. Let's not be a burden to each other's life. I really appreciate your concern, but I've already learned to thrive on my own. Whether I like Namjoon or not... please don't interfere with my life anymore," I muttered, slowly walking up to Jungkook. He quietly watched me approach him with a tensed body as if he wanted to fire back at me.

"You know this isn't only about personal matters, right? The brutal game will endanger all of us if you're reckless," Jungkook narrowed his eyes.

"I promise I won't endanger you, so keep your nose out of my business, and I won't trouble you. I've simplified my words for you. Do you get it now?" I smirked, causing Jungkook's face to flush bright red. And as I anticipated, Jungkook suddenly lost his temper and stormed out of my room without responding to me. I chuckled and turned to watch him disappear from my view.

"Maybe he didn't change at all?" I scoffed, closing the door in disbelief. Slowly, I sat down on my bed with a slight smirk. Revenge. Did they think they could tame the weak child they banished out of fear of being exposed for their treacherous crimes?

Their biggest mistake is bringing me back into the game.


"What's this?" Namjoon smiled, lifting his eyes from the digital text on his tablet to look up at me from his seat. I grinned, lightly pushing the little gift box toward him. Taehyung briefly glanced at our interaction from the table beside us.

"For you," I shrugged, sitting down before Namjoon with a keen smile. Namjoon cutely shook his head as he reached for the navy rectangular box to unbox it before me. I pursed my lips with my eager eyes fixed on Namjoon's reaction as he opened the box to reveal a classy black ballpen.

"How'd you get your hand on this edition?" Namjoon scoffed, glancing up at me in disbelief as he picked the pen from the box.

"It's lined with 18K white gold," I nodded at Namjoon as he examined the expensive ballpen with a stunned expression.

"How'd you know-"

"Obviously? I've never seen you scribble with an ordinary pen before," I chuckled, nodding at his other pen collection, placed neatly in his leather pencil case. Namjoon is a pen enthusiast. Although he never speaks about it... he probably has an entire space dedicated to pens.

"What's the occasion? Why would you get this for me?" Namjoon darted me a grateful nod from across the table.

"Nothing. I like you a lot... so I thought I should gift it to you," I shyly smiled at him. Namjoon's cheeks suddenly flushed red at my blunt honesty... but our moment was immediately interrupted when Taehyung let out a mocking scoff. We turned to the side to find Taehyung packing up his books. He wasn't looking at us, but I could sense his mockery from the other table. Taehyung rudely swung his bag over his shoulder and walked off without speaking to us.

"Did something happen at home? Taehyung's been acting this way since the day I visited you at the mansion," Namjoon asked with his eyes trained on Taehyung as he stormed out of the study lounge.

"He's been on edge since my return. Taehyung despises me," I shrugged, slumping on the chair with a pouty look. I'm not on good terms with Taehyung, ever since the day I claimed to expel him from the council.

"He must be pressured by your presence. I thought your parents would let him succeed your position in the council. Kim Taehyung must be disappointed with your return," Namjoon muttered while twirling the ballpen between his slender fingers.

"He's even more upset now after I signed up for the secretary position in the council," I shook my head. Namjoon encouraged me to partake in the artificial school council, so I did as he suggested... and Taehyung didn't seem to favor my decision.

"It's optional for the school presidents to have a personal secretary, but Kim Taehyung never cared about it. He prefers to work alone. I wish Seokjin could help you, but he's very picky, so he probably won't accept an inexperienced alpha," Namjoon apologetically smiled at me.

"It's fine. I don't expect to pass the trials anyways," I shook my head. Taehyung will never let me into the school council. Namjoom thanked me for the gift, and we parted ways after our tutoring session. I thought I could rest at home, but my parents found out about the pen I gifted Namjoon. And they were somewhat... very bitter about it.

A moment later.

"Why would you waste our assets on Kim Namjoon?" Eomma frowned at me from her office desk. I stood staring at my shoes with a dull expression. I'm so tired. They always pick on me for the littlest mistake I make.

"I told you I like him," I muttered, sideways glancing at Taehyung, who was scrolling through his phone with a slight smile. Is he enjoying this? Of course, he notified my parents about it because he's a pathetic prick! It doesn't make sense for a high-ranking alpha to feel threatened over a mere object! Should I buy him a pen and shove it up his filthy ass?!

"Kim Namjoon is an opportunist! I told you not to associate with him-"

"He's my tutor! Can't I be grateful!?" I snapped, angrily glaring at my mother. She scoffed at my defensive argument before glancing at Taehyung.

"I'll order Do-hwan to search for a new tutor then. Avoid Kim Namjoon," Eomma shakily exhaled while rubbing her nose bridge in distress.

"What? Why would you replace-"

"I don't want you around Kim Seokjin's minions!" Eomma snapped at me. I wanted to scream at her, but I'd be exposing my own weakness if I did. Instead, I angrily stormed out of her office to cool off my head with a cold shower in my room. But I was still very angry afterward... so I quickly got dressed in my nightgown and stormed out of my room without brushing my wet hair. Kim Taehyung. I will not let you trample on me like this!

"What's the matter with you?!" I snapped, wildly shoving Taehyung's door open- only to find him half-naked in his towel. Taehyung turned his head to look at me with a confused frown. He didn't answer me and glanced at my wet hair... drip... drip... the cold droplet... splattering onto the carpet in his bedroom. I waited for his response, but he only turned away to expose his bulky shoulder muscles and disappeared into his closet.

"Talk to me!" I snapped when he appeared again in his usual fine silk robe. Taehyung ignored my existent and tried to walk past me. What a jerk! I huffed in frustration, furiously turning to grab his arm when he tried to leave his room. Taehyung halted in his place, coldly glancing at the tight grip around his wrist.

"Leave," Taehyung sighed, shifting his dangerous eyes to mine. I glared at him in disbelief as he stood before me with an intimidating stare.

"I will not drown- not again," I gritted, taking a bold step closer to him. Taehyung didn't budge and hovered over me with his dull eyes fixed on mine.

"Did you think you could defy me if I wanted to shove your head underwater?" Taehyung asked, smugly raising his thick eyebrow to infuriate me. Sora! You can't surrender! I tightened my grip around his wrist when I felt a surge of boiling anger erupting within me, but I chose to suppress it.

"I'll make sure you drown with me if I find myself choking at your hands again," I snarled with my head tilted upward. Taehyung maintained a straight face, but I could clearly see his clenched jaws.

"I will not let Kim Namjoon threaten my position, so don't use him against me," Taehyung muttered, slowly rotating his body to face me.

"I'm not using anyone against you. Don't be delusional," I sternly stared at Taehyung's stone-cold expression.

"So you really like Kim Namjoon?" Taehyung scoffed, funnily tilting his head to frown at me in disbelief.

"Why? Are you afraid I'll place Namjoon on the supreme alpha seat instead of you?" I replied with a slight smirk.

"Me? Scared of a fourth-rank alpha? Don't be delusional, Sora. Did you really think he's into you? Seokjin is using him to deceive you," Taehyung chuckled, biting his lips to hold in his laughter.

"You won't be laughing once I achieve my goal," I frowned at Taehyung's mocking laughter.

"Your goal? Ah! Your intent is to search for a lover so you can grant yourself independence from your household. If that's your goal, then at least redirect your attention to someone powerful," Taehyung shook his head at me.

"Namjoon might be a fourth rank, but he can-"

"You know nothing about the game, so stop straining yourself to appear clever. I can read you like a transparent glass, Sora. And if he's really into you- then he wouldn't have pushed you to enter the council. Why? He knows you're weak. Did you think you're the only alpha competing to enter the council? He's encouraging you to embarrass yourself under the spotlight. Everyone is betting on your far-fetched success in the game," Taehyung gritted. I blinked at him in disbelief.

"W-what?" I stuttered, unsurely staring at Taehyung without blinking.

"Kim Namjoon is trying to prove how weak you are to the other alphas... and once you lose in the competition... All the alphas will strike you. Your allies will bear the consequences of your idiotic acts. Why else did I spend years asserting dominance in the council? It was to protect our household," Taehyung narrowed his dark eyes. I gripped his hand unsurely.

"Oppa... I won't disappoint you. I promise," I smiled, tiptoeing to give Taehyung a soft peck on his firm cheek. He suddenly froze in place at my unexpected tenderness. I smiled innocently at him as he stood stiffly before me with a dumbfounded expression. I used to give him a lot of innocent pecks when we were younger. He obviously hates being around me, and I believe the intimate mark I left on his skin will make him feel super uncomfortable.


"Goodnight," I smiled while patting his hand, and before he could respond- I quickly walked away. Taehyung loves to taunt me. He has nothing... but pure hatred for me, so I will use affection to poison him.


A future event

"This is stupid-" I drunkenly muttered, aimlessly extending my arms in the pitch-black room to search for the exit. Why did I agree to do this? I'm so fucking dizzy!- Shit- I suddenly stumbled over something on the floor and landed hard on the couch.

"Ouch!" Someone gasped when I stumbled on them in the complete darkness.

"Sorry!" I gasped, quickly sat up, and scrambled away from the intimate lovers in embarrassment. How on earth am I supposed to find my way out of this place when I'm this drunk?! My cheeks flushed red when I heard the wet smooching sound from different directions. Are they seriously making out?!

I thought the average had crazy party games, but the alphas- I froze in my position when I heard soft moans... from my right side. Thank god the room is dark! I really don't wish to see people groping each other! I gulped at the inappropriate sound and slowly stepped to the side when I suddenly bumped into a solid barrier. It's the wall! Yes! I frantically patted the wall until I found a door and carefully turned the knob. It's the exit! I excitedly opened the door and hurried out, slamming the door shut behind me and quickly turned around in relief. But I was still blinded by absolute darkness. Huh? Did I enter the wrong room? Where am I?

"This is unbelievable," I sighed in frustration when I realized I was still trapped inside the room. Carefully, I walked along the wall to feel the room layout with my fingers. Creak. I froze when a loose handle clicked open at my slight tug. Wait a minute-

"I'm in the closet room?" I whispered when I blindly reached inside the wardrobe to feel the rows of hanging clothes. This must be Hoseok's wardrobe. I glanced behind my back, even if I couldn't see anything- only to realize the nasty smooching sound had faded behind the door. No one came into the closet?

"Whatever! I'll stay here until the time is up!" I whispered under my breath and slowly knelt down on the floor to pat the carpet. The room was so muted- I couldn't hear anything but the dull static sounds ringing in my ear. I'm definitely safer in the closet. I crawled into the wardrobe on my knees, turned to sit with my back pressed against the inner wall... then reached out to pull the closet door close. I'm too drunk to move around anyways, so I'll wait until I sober up a little before finding my way out of this place.

"I should've brought my phone," I sighed while hugging my knees in the dark room. Hoseok smells nice. I can smell his faint cologne in the closet. Sighing, I lowered my head to press my face against my knees in silence. They'll search for me-

"Ah!-" I gripped my head in shock when a painful contraction hammered in my head. Why's my head hurting?! I huffed quietly in the dark wardrobe, cluelessly looking up at the closet door in confusion. What's this-?

I froze in my position when I heard soft muffles beside me, so I blinked and turned my head toward the source of the sound- and to my horror- the wardrobe was no longer dark. I found myself staring at a frightened pale boy. He was about three or four years old, and his cheeks were glossed with warm tears. What is the kid doing in here-? I sucked in my breath when I felt someone gripping my hand tightly, so I turned to the other side to find- yet another boy... sitting beside me. He was slightly older than the pale boy. What's happening?

I glanced back and forth between the two kids. Why is the older boy frowning at the small gap in the wardrobe? He wasn't crying, but I could sense his fear as he shuddered beside me. Creak. I froze in my place again when I heard the door opening. I glanced through the gap to find a looming shadow entering the room. The small boy whimpered in fear and lowered his head to press his face against his knees as the older boy balled his hands into tight fists as if he were ready to charge through the wardrobe doors. My heart started racing in fear... the longer I stared at the dark shadow... gliding closer toward the frightened boys.

"Shit-" I gasped, suddenly flinging my eyes open in panic when I felt my body jerking from the intense shock. Was I dreaming!? I softly groaned as I sat up against the wall- and somehow... I was back inside Hoseok's wardrobe. My head didn't hurt anymore, and I was weirdly calm. I quickly turned from side to side to check for the presence of the two boys, but the cramped space was too dark for me to see. I'm alone. Ah~ Did I imagine everything? The kids I saw were Jungkook and Taehyung. What is this?

I rubbed my forehead with one hand to recollect my senses and leaned back to tilt my face upward with my eyes closed. I don't recall the memory. When did it occur? Both Taehyung and Jungkook were very young... I must be one or two years old? Was I too young to remember the memories?- I froze against the wall when I felt something twitching in my hand... so I glanced down in horror even if I couldn't see anything. It's a hand. Why am I holding another person's hand? I thought it was a dream- I quickly snapped my head to the side in shock and was about to say something when the person clasped his hand over my mouth to stop me from screaming.

"Shhh!" He hushed me, startling me with the unexpected presence so I tried to yank his hand off my mouth. I thought I was alone!? Why am I holding his hand!?

"Who are you-" I managed to blurt but was immediately silenced when I felt a swift force slamming against my body. My eyes grew wide open in shock when I felt his lips on mine- I gripped his shoulder in panic as he pinned me against the wall to hold me in place.

My mind was partly dazed under the influence of alcohol, and for some odd reason... my body began to heat up at the presence of his humid breath, softly panting... against my face. He slowly withdrew his lips from mine but didn't back away, and even if I couldn't see him- I knew he was only an inch away from my face. I softly shook my dizzy head in confusion, too starstruck by his attack to process my thoughts. I can't think of anything but the sweet aftertaste he left on... my lips. Which lollipop did he pick? I gulped, slowly turning in his direction as he softly breathed against my face.

"Your lips are very... sweet," I whispered without thinking. The person didn't respond to my compliment, so I slowly slipped my hands off his shoulders to trace my fingers up to his face. I couldn't think straight as I ran my thumb over his moist lips until I felt my cheeks heating up again. Sora... this isn't a good idea.

Slowly, I leaned forward... aimlessly searching for the sweetness on his lips. One more time... I want to taste him one more time. I missed his lips and pecked his cheek instead... so he gently turned his face to meet my lips in the dark. The man hugged my waist, carefully drawing me closer to him as we blindly kissed in the wardrobe. Was he beside me this entire time? Did he hold my hand? I clung to his neck with one arm while running my hand through his hair with the other. The chilly air around us suddenly growing warmer as his greasy lips brushed over mine in a steady rhythm. He suddenly presented his tongue between our kisses- making me muffle in surprise at his boldness. I gripped his firm biceps as our kiss progressed into a full-on... makeout session.

"You're good at kissing-" I chuckled, pulling away to take a deep breath as he heavily panted over my lips. The alpha impatiently drew me back into the kiss without responding.

I eventually lost my balance on the floor because he was making my heart flutter so badly- I failed to regain control of myself. He firmly held onto my waist to prevent me from falling backward as we kissed on the floor, so I secured my arms around his neck to draw him closer until I felt his chest pulsating against mine. Our interaction is oddly... addictive? The unknown man suddenly pulled me over his thighs, and before I knew it- I was sitting on his lap in the wardrobe. I cupped his face between my hands as we exchanged our slimy spits in the darkness until his touch infected my body with a strange throbbing sensation. Why is he so quiet? He leaned against the wall with his hands on either side of my hips to hold me on top of him. We're both out of breath but we can't seem to pull away from each other. I slowly untangled my hand from his hair to feel his firm chest as he massaged my waist to ease my strained muscles.

"Hmm?" I softly giggled when he drew his lips away to kiss my neck. He's really good- I moaned a little with my head tilted back as he softly nibbled my collarbone, so I gripped his hair again as we lost ourselves to the flaming desires.

"Sora???" A faint voice called from outside the closet room. We both froze at the sudden disturbance when we heard footsteps approaching the closet room. The person suddenly secured his arm around my hips.

"Ah!" I gasped when he effortlessly lifted me off the floor. I grabbed his neck in shock as he lowered me onto my feet. Who is he? I tried to make out his face, but it was too dark for me to see him. Thud. Thud. I heard footsteps approaching the closet room as the guy caressed my cheek with his fingers. He gently turned my chin back to him when I tried to look away and lowered his face to kiss me one last time. His tingling breath... softly brushing against my lips as he stroked my lips with his. I didn't want to let go of him, so I held tightly onto his arm when he suddenly placed his hands on my shoulders and turned me away from him. Oh? I blinked in confusion and tried to turn around, but he suddenly took a step back just as I grabbed his hands to stop him from leaving my side.

"Sora?" The person called outside the door. I felt his grip leaving my hand. No... Why is he releasing me? I tried to hold onto him, but he kept backing away from me into the darkness. He gave me one final squeeze before my fingers slipped from his. I opened my mouth to speak with him when the door to the closet room suddenly swung open, and someone suddenly switched on the lights. Flick. I immediately shielded my eyes from the blinding beam as another person strolled inside the room.

"Wait-" I gasped, quickly dropping my hand to stop the mysterious man, but the room was empty. My jaw dropped in surprise. He's nowhere to be found. Where did he go?

"Are you okay? What are you doing in here?"Jungkook asked, lightly tapping my shoulder to get my attention. I quickly spun around to face Jungkook with my eyes wide open.

"I was just- I-" I tried to explain myself, but I still couldn't process what had happened to me. How is this possible? I blinked and turned to scan the tidy room again as Jungkook frowned at my odd behavior.

"Your cheeks are red. How'd you wander in here?" Jungkook cutely chuckled. I turned back to stare at Jungkook in utter confusion. Was I imagining everything? Like the memory I had earlier? It felt so real though?

"I didn't want to kiss anyone, so I hid," I shrugged.

"You hid!? That's not fun! So you didn't kiss anyone?" Jungkook scoffed.

"Oh- oh! I didn't kiss anyone-"

"Which lollipop did you suck?" Jungkook frowned at my lips.

"Blue?" I blinked in response. Jungkook pursed his lips with his eyes trained on my lips, so I stood awkwardly staring at his observant stare.

"Are you sure you didn't kiss anyone?" Jungkook tilted his head to the side while studying my flushed face with a doubtful look.

"Oh- I didn't-"

"Your lips and tongue are purple," Jungkook scoffed with his arms crossed. I froze in shock, unconsciously touching my lips with my fingers. It turned purple??? I glanced at Jungkook's orange lips.

"I don't remember-" I shrugged, quickly walking out of the closet to find Hoseok's messy bedroom. Everyone left. How long was I in the closet? I strolled towards the staircase until I spotted the other young alphas... gathering downstairs with excited grins on their lips color.

"You probably kissed one of them. Search for purple lips," Jungkook lightly nudged my shoulder as I frowned at the crowd below us.

"Who did you kiss?" I asked, turning to stare at his orange lips.

"Minah, of course. She had a red lollipop. I had yellow before the game," Jungkook shrugged, calmly strolling down the stairs. I sighed and followed him with an anxious expression. Who did I kiss? I nervously eyed everyone's lips... but I couldn't find another purple- CRASH. The crowd suddenly halted at the loud clatter, so I quickly glanced at the center of the room to find Seokjin... lying unconsciously on the ground.

"What's wrong?" Namjoon called, quickly pushing through the crowd.

"Seokjin is drunk! I'll take him to his driver!" Hoseok immediately knelt down to grab Seokjin as I uneasily stood staring at them from the staircase. Seokjin's head flopped weakly against his friend's shoulder as Hoseok dragged him out of the mansion... and the crowd suddenly buzzed into noisy chatters again.

"You found our supreme alpha!" Minho called, waving at me from the stair landing. Jungkook and I averted our attention back to the crowd, so I took a deep breath and strolled toward them.

"Who did you kiss?!" Jimin shrieked in excitement. I glanced at the green tint on Jimin's lips. It's not him.

"She doesn't know," Jungkook awkwardly turned to look at me.

"Are you serious? You're so drunk you can't even remember?!" Minho laughed, nudging Mira, who was furiously rubbing her bright pink lips in disgust. Minho's lips were also pink... they must've had the same flavored lollipop. It was Hoseok's idea to play the lollipop game during the party. Everyone had to pick a flavor, suck it until the dye transferred to our tongue, and then we all had to enter his dark bedroom to make out. It was a match-making game.

Of course, the couples stayed together like Jungkook and Minah and a bunch of other lower ranks. Namjoon couldn't participate since we ran out of lollipops, so he waited outside. I was pushed into the room by Jungkook, and now I have no idea whose mouth I shoved my tongue into. This is ridiculous!

"I couldn't see-"

"Your lips are purple, so whoever has purple lips is probably your partner," Minah chuckled at me while clinging to Jungkook's arm. Everyone started glancing at each other lips to search for the unknown man I kissed.

"Ahhh~ My back hurts~" Hoseok panted, cluelessly pushing his way into the crowd. We turned to look at the sweat beads on his forehead after he carried his drunk friend out of the mansion. My heart almost shattered against my ribs when I realized the pigment on his lips... matched mine. Everyone else must have caught on as well... because they suddenly broke into a loud cheer. Minho excitedly shook Hoseok's shoulders with a wide grin to tease him.

"Your lips are purple!" Minah shrieked, pointing at Hoseok and back at me. I stood frozen in my place when Hoseok's cheeks flushed red in embarrassment once he realized I was his match.

"Recalling your hot and steamy memories now?" Jungkook whispered in my ear, causing my cheeks to flush even redder. Hoseok broke into a soft smile as he stood before me, so I bit my lips and shyly glanced away.

"What happened between you two? You better share the moment with us!" Jimin laughed, nudging Hoseok with an evil grin. We both chuckled and lowered our heads to avoid their teasing cheers and laughter when someone suddenly stomped past us.

"What's the matter with her?" Mira scoffed, trailing her eyes after Haerim.

"I saw her arguing with Taehyung earlier in the garden," Jimin pursed his lips as we watched her storm out of the front door. Gae Haerim returned to Seoul a week ago, and Taehyung was always on edge ever since. I heard they were high school sweethearts, but she left him without proper closure. Talking about Taehyung. Where is he?

"They'll probably get back together," Hoseok shrugged.

"You two should work it out too," Jungkook nudged my arm again, earning a sharp glare from me. He's annoying! Hoseok shook his head with a weak smile as we chatted with the other alphas. The party was boring at first, but after the make-out session and the strong liquor I consumed... it suddenly became a lot more entertaining. Hoseok and I were weirdly shy around each other. I couldn't get the steamy memories out of my head either, so we kept blushing whenever we made eye contact.

"Can we talk?" Namjoon asked, appearing behind me as chatted with Hoseok by the staircase. Everyone else was dancing with the crowd. I excused myself from Hoseok and followed Namjoon out of the mansion. The fourth-rank alpha didn't say anything as he walked me through the garden to drown in the deafening music.

"What's the matter?" I cluelessly blinked at Namjoon's neutral expression.

"When you said you liked me. Did you mean it?" Namjoon asked, glancing at my purple lips before shifting his curious gaze back to my eyes. Why is he asking me when he knows the answer?

"Oh. Of course, I meant it," I unsurely nodded.

"How do you feel about Hoseok now?" Namjoon asked, tilting his head at me.

"Why are you asking? I'm a bit flustered because we kissed-"

"What's your exact intention with us?" Namjoon interrupted me. I stared at him unsurely. What is he trying to say?

"I don't quite understand-"

"I also had good feelings for you, but I doubt your intention now. Was it Taehyung's plan for you to mess with me and Hoseok?" Namjoon questioned.

"Mess with you and Hoseok? What-"

"If you're trying to seduce us-"

"I am not! Why would you say such things!?" I gasped in shock.

"I didn't notice it at first, but it's pretty clear now. Why else did your family request me to tutor you? Because they thought you could turn me against Seokjin. Only to realize I wasn't a fool, so they told you to stop seeing me, and now... you're after Hoseok. He might seem like an easy target because he's got a pure heart, but I won't let that happen. I will not let you ruin Seokjin and his allies," Namjoon calmly confronted me. I think Namjoon is drunk because despite his stable tone... his cheeks are bright red.

"This is a misunderstanding. I never intended to use you or Hoseok," I shook my head to defend myself.

"If it wasn't your intention to ruin us, then why did you apply for the executive seat in the council instead of the secretary?!" Namjoon snapped.

"I didn't want to serve any sides, so I figured I should be the middle-man," I shrugged.

"You do realize I will have to step down from that position for you. Right?" Namjoon scoffed at me.

"No one dared to compete with you for the position, even if your serving period is over. Can't you let me take control for a year? I'm only trying to prove Taehyung wrong," I sighed. Taehyung doubted my ability to pass as the head secretary, so I got pissed and applied for Namjoon's position- thinking he'd be thoughtful enough to let me take the seat, but he's glaring at me now.

"Are you seriously taking advantage of our personal relationship? You can't cheat your way into the council!" Namjoon frowned at me.

"So you think I'm incapable of succeeding in your position? Then why did you push me to enter the council? Is it so you could watch me embarrass myself?" I asked with a straight face. Taehyung was right... it was Namjoon's plan to humiliate me in front of the alphas. Namjoon clenched his jaw at my words, so I glared at him and turned to stride away.


"No. You knew I was vulnerable when I returned, and I trusted you because I had good feelings for you! I thought you saw potential in me, but it was all a game to you!" I snapped, turning to glare at Namjoon.

"Are you hurt because I don't feel the same way for you? If that's the case-"

"No! I didn't mind your rejection! But your attempt to expose my weakness to the world full of vicious people- made me realize I am too fucking good for you!" I argued in tears.

Namjoon tensed his body at my word as I hastily stomped away with a bright tree face. I knew I couldn't return to the party in this state, so I left Hoseok's place and headed towards the exit when I noticed Taehyung's sports car parked by the entrance. I sniffled and tried to walk past his car with my arms crossed when the headlight suddenly lit up. The beam was so bright... I had to screw my eyes shut. Slowly... I turned to look at Taehyung... who was staring dully at me from inside his car. Flick. Flick. The cold man signaled me with his blinking headlights.

A moment later.

I sat quietly in Taehyung's car with my head rested against the window. Taehyung heard our argument earlier. He told me to get in since we were both done with the party. I didn't look at him the entire ride home and pretended to be asleep since I was partly embarrassed to face him. He was right about Namjoon... and I am a fool for trusting outsiders.

We arrived at the mansion shortly after, but I still couldn't bring myself to face Taehyung. I'll just pretend to be asleep in his car. Hopefully, he'll leave me alone- I sucked in my breath when he pulled the car door open and slipped his arms under my legs to lift me off the seat. Shit- I tried not to stir as he carried me into the dark living room.

"I know you're awake, so carry yourself to your bedroom," Taehyung sighed, suddenly halting inside the living room. I gripped my fist with my eyes screwed shut. Fuck! I have to speak with him now! Slowly, I opened one of my eyes to peek at him- only to find Taehyung staring dead into my eyes with an unimpressed expression. I opened both my eyes awkwardly as he held me in his arms without budging. I cleared my throat with a guilty expression.

"P-put me down- I'll walk to my room-" I stuttered, avoiding his piercing stare with a flustered face. He sighed and lowered me, so I clung to his thick neck to regain my balance. Pause. My gaze suddenly adjusted to his face. Taehyung stared at me unsurely when he found me staring at him with a startled expression.

"What?" Taehyung asked, slowly releasing my waist as I intensely stared at his face in the dark.

"Why are your lips purple?" I asked, blinking at Taehyung with my mouth slightly open. He froze in his place as I gawked at him in shock.

The sensual memories inside the closet... flooded my mind once again.

His sweet lips... the way he embraces me... the way he turned to meet my lips in the dark... it's so vivid I can still feel his touch lingering on my skin.


Hi! I'm back! I'm so sorry for taking forever to write this chapter! As I mentioned in Love Candidate, I was occupied with my finals and new year trip. I hope everyone didn't give up on me yet T_T I'm sorry! I'll work harder and manage my schedule properly so you don't have to wait for me! Anyways, I hope everyone is well and happy?

I hope you enjoyed the chapter!

Pss. I visited HYBE Insight during my trip to Korea and it was a paradise! I couldn't take many pictures because photographs were forbidden in most locations :( The trophy room was my personal favourite room! <3

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