Lady Warbler ~ Quinn Fabray

Por youreaqtpi

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Bella Anderson, the only girl allowed at Dalton Academy. Blaine Andersons older sister and best friend. Seas... Más

'Never Been Kissed'
'The Substitute'
'Special Education'
'A Very Glee Christmas'
'Sue Sylvester Shuffle'
'Silly Love Songs'
'Blame it on the Alcohol'
'Original Song'
'Night Of Neglect'
'Born This Way'
'Prom Queen'
'New York (NOT)'
Season 3!
'The Purple Piano Project'
'I Am Unicorn'
'Asian F'
'Pot O' Gold'
'The First Time'
'Mash Off'
'I Kissed a Girl'
'Hold on to Sixteen'
'Extraordinary Merry Christmas'
'The Spanish Teacher'
'On my way'
'Big Brother'
'Saturday Night Glee-ver'
'Dance With Somebody'
SEASON 4!!!!!
'Thanksgiving' Pt. 1
'Swan Song'
'Glee, Actually'
'Sadie Hawkins'
'I Do'
'Girls (and boys) On Film'

'Thanksgiving' Pt. 2

885 31 11
Por youreaqtpi

"Along with being beautiful, the three of us are National Show choir Championship goddesses." Britt said sitting in front of the girls. She dragged me in today to help out.

"We are winners. Which is why Finn has asked us to come and shower you with the inspiration that is the Unholy Trinity." Santana said with a shrug looking over at me with a smile.

I returned it as Quinn started talking. "Santana, Brittany and I knew each other so well that I could tell by the slightest quiver in Santana's upper lip which way we were gonna move. Whether our hips are gonna shake or shimmy."

"You girls have to be tight up there, okay? The judges love the feminine quality, and the Warblers just don't have it." Santana said matter of factly.

"It's about being individuals. You know, we're all different. But it's also about synchronicity."

"Can you give us an example?" Kitty (is her name i believe) asked Quinn with a smile

"It's been a few months, but I'm the three of us could put together something on the fly." She said back looking at me with a wink.

Come See About Me by the Supremes sing by the Unholy Trinity

Quinn kept eye contact with me the entire time. She got a little mad when she saw my eyes drift to the girl in the green striped dress beside her. To be honest I only looked at Santana because Santana was staring at me.

The only thing Quinn could ask herself was, 'Why is she looking at her, what about me?'

As the girls finished I smiled and noticed the struggle Marley, the brunette to my right, was having to do so.

I put my hand on Marleys shoulder as Santana asked, "Hey, are you are you feeling okay?" I nodded agreeing, "You look like you're gonna hurl." Santana added with a knowing glare.

"Um, I think I'm just really tired from all the rehearsing." Marley threw back as an excuse quickly leaving.

I know those excuses all too well...

I sighed watching her walk away but when I turned around all I saw was Quinn and Santana staring at me with loving eyes, at least from Quinn. What's up with Santana? I blushed and walked into the hallway.


I looked around for the young brunette as she hadn't gone to the cafeteria where everyone else ate. I wanted to get to know her first. She intrigued me. I tried every room but one. The dance studio. I watched as Marley did the routine but her eyes flickered with every step as she grew tired.

"Skipping out on lunch?" I asked leaning on the door frame. "For one, that's not healthy and two I wanted to get to know you. I only barely know your first name."

"I-uh thought you might want to hang out with your friends for lunch."

I walked in and started to pack Marleys bag. "You will be my friend soon Marley..." I paused looking for her to give me a last name.

Marley grew worried as there was something in her bag she couldn't let me see but lucky for her I didn't. "I- Uh Rose. Marley Rose." She stuttered.

"Rose huh? Pretty last name. Let's go kid come on, go get your lunch or whatever you get to eat and come back to the choir room okay? I'll meet you there." Marley nodded and walked away as Santana caught up to me.

"Can I eat lunch with you?" She asked.

"I was just gonna get to know Marley, she was gonna eat with me but uh yeah you can join us."

"Theres something I need to tell you about Marley." Santana said following me down the hall I nodded asking her to go on. "She has an eating disorder, a-and it was Kitty, the blonde who pressured her into purging, thats why she skips on lunch."

Santana put a hand on my shoulder and said, "Maybe you could help her? you don't have to help but I know you and I know you're not going to leave this to a professional."

"I do love helping people." I said softly.

"I know you do which is why i think you'll be great at this." She smiled at me with eyes i hadn't seen that week we snitched on Shuester for being a shit Spanish teacher.

"What?" I asked.

She shook her head. "huh?"

"Why are you looking at me like that..?"

"Like what?" She asked trying to hide her face. "I actually forgot i told Sam i'd help him with his Spanish test. I should go."

"Santana wait-" I couldn't catch her before she left but once she did, Marley came in with a tray of food. It wasn't full but it had some food.

"Hey." She said lowly. She set her tray down at the piano.

I held my hand out. "Isabella Anderson."

She took my hand weakly and shook it. "Marley Rose." She paused. "I've heard a lot about you. None of them shut up about you. I think that's why Athena quit."

"Wait she what?" I asked opening my lunch bag.

"Yeah she quit a couple days ago. Couldn't handle it I guess. Ryder told me."

I looked at her confused "Who?"

"How many of us new kids have you met yet?" She asked.

I shook my head taking a bite of my sandwich. "None. I know your name and Jakes and Kittys. By the way is that her real name?"

"Katherine." She said staring at her food. "Why me?"


"Why'd you pick me first?"

I shrugged, "You compel me Marley Rose. Remind me of me."

"In what ways?" Full of questions she is.

I looked up at her sitting back in a chair. "The hair, the fantastic singing, or so i hear, and the fact that i can read you so easy. That you're silently screaming and begging for help but won't say anything till you're at your lowest ready to give it all up. It'll take you losing everything for you to want anything."

She looked at me sadly but with a fire in her eyes. An anger I don't think she's felt before. "You're mad?"

She nodded. "How could I not be?" She said softly. "You're right and I hate that you are. I don't even know you."

"I want to be your best friend Marley. Let me tell you my story and you tell me yours okay? We can even have a secret handshake." I smiled making her smile.

"Okay." She sniffled with a smile.

"Outstanding." I said. "Now eat something before i go over there and eat those tots."


"Look what the gel haired, helmet headed, boy dragged in..." Sue said taking off her glasses to get a better look at me.

I entered the room and said, "Hi Sue."

"You know what i've always liked about you?" I rose my eyebrows looking for her to finish that. "I don't totally hate when you visit. Im utterly repulsed when I see that bald headed scarf wearing Noah Puckerman around but you I can tolerate."

"I think that might be the nicest thing you've ever said to me sue." I said with a smile.

"Don't flatter yourself, So what college are you skipping classes for to be here?" She asked.

I sat in a chair across from her, "Wait." I said. "You didn't know where I was?"

"Don't play stupid with me Gwen Stacy. I knew. You graduated Salutatorian and won nationals and States. You make me seem like an idiot. So where was it? Harvard?"

"I didn't go to college sue... I just got out of rehab."

"Just? I thought you were only gone a month."

"Well you sent me a lot of letters in that one month. You think I wouldn't have visited earlier if i had been out?" She just shrugged which made me a little sad. "Well whatever, i'm here now and i'd love to see pictures of little Robin."


I kept my hands in my pocket as I walked up the semi steep hill. Just above the horizon was the field I grew to love. The crooked fence and cement dugout. Made me smile.

I opened the gate with a creek of the rusting metal. I made my way to the faintly punted circle and stood on the rubber. My rubber.

"I knew i'd find you up here." I said staring down at the dirt. The girl trying to sneak away stopped in her tracks. "Reminiscing huh Oxford?"

"A bit." She said still not turning around.

"Remember our first real practice up here Charlie almost puked after our jog cuz she ate too many takis. She always was just a bench rat."

"Yeah." She said softly.

"What's going on with you Athena? Apparently you quit glee club and now it seems like you're quitting softball."

"I've got maths."

I scoffed, "Yes because that's stopped you before. Cmon dude. Talk to me. Im back and I miss you."

"I missed you too Bella." She said her hand twitching against her backpack strap. "But i'm moving back to oxford in a week. I have to distance myself now before i can't do it at all."

"Are you serious?" I asked sadly walking up to her.

She nodded, "It's a family matter and we must."

"But I just got back." i said softly.

"It doesn't matter because i have to leave. I'll let you know which Hogwarts house I end up in." She turned to me with a sad smile.

"Hoping for Gryffindor." I smiled.

"More of a Ravenclaw." She shrugged.

I gave in and hugged her with all my might. "Thanks for everything." I softly whispered.

"Thank you Isabella. I'll never forget you."

"Same here oxford."


"Can we talk?" I asked Quinn as she was mindlessly chatting with that Kitty girl at her locker. Wait- Is that? Why does she have a shrine if my girlfriend? Okay not gonna ask.

"Yeah of course." She turned to kitty, "I'll be back."

Kitty nodded with hearts in her eyes looking at Quinn. I don't like that.

She took me to an empty hall, "What's up? Do you wanna go home cause I can take you?"

"I'd like to leave after glee club please." She could notice my distress and she gently lifted my chin.

"What's going on baby? What's the sad face?"

"Athena's going back home. I saw her up at the softball fields and I just feel sad that she's leaving and I want to go home and watch a movie with you to make me feel better." I've become a lot better in talking about how i feel and how i'd like to resolve my situations.

"Okay honey." She said with a soft smile. "We can do just that. I do have to go talk to kitty a little bit more and i'll come find you okay?" I nodded and she kissed my forehead.


"Dude you gotta get your girl checked out." Noah said walking up behind me in the halls.

"And why is that?" I asked.

"She's accusing my brother of pressuring that Marley chick into sex."

I shrugged. "I mean no offense but you do remember what you did to me right?"

He sighed, "Yes I do and i'm sorry.-"

"-Oh I know, but that doesn't mean I cant trust your brother, i don't even know him, i mean you've grown, you got rid of the mohawk and for fucks sake Puckerman you're wearing a scarf. I know you're not that anymore but he's still young, when you're young you lie and thats most if not all anyone knows at that age."

Noah was taken back at what I had just said so he asked, "What the hell happened to you? Wheres the jokes? The teasing? What you said was totally smart and thats not the Isabella I know."

I stopped in my tracks and said, "You know Puckerman. People change, like you you've changed, and thats great. Keep your brother in check because I understand Marley, I was Marley, and I don't want her to do and get into the things I did."

He scoffed and said, "I miss the old Bella."

"Yeah well I don't." I said sadly. "It hurts me to know that you enjoyed my self hatred. I went to rehab Puckerman. I'm ashamed that you think i'd come out exactly the same. I've changed and I like the new me. So you can love me or hate me but i am me and i think i'm pretty great." I said before i walked away leaving him in the middle of the now empty hallways with nothing but his thoughts.

I went to the auditorium to decompress. I did a few breathing exercises that I had picked up. They actually really help. Santana sat down beside me in the auditorium. She could sense something was up so she asked, "Whatcha thinking about?"

I sighed wiping the sweat off of my palms. "You, Quinn. Th-theres just a lot on my mind."

Santana grabbed my hand, "Do you want to talk about it?"

I took my hand away from Santanas. "I'm a little uncomfortable Santana." I said straight up. "I don't understand what's up with you. You're so on and off lately."

"I'm sorry." She said

"I would like an explanation." I said bringing my knees up to my chest.

She shook her head, "I cant give you one. I'm sorry. I'll go."

Santana left, why does she keep doing that? Elizabeth walked in. "Hey Bitch."

"Hi Liz." I said with a smile.

"Whats up?" She asked.

I shrugged, "Just waiting to go."

"Goin home?"

I nodded and said, "I want to."

"I assume you heard about Athena?" She mentioned.


She looked down at her hands examining her nails. "I've been thinking about you a lot lately." I looked over at her. "I just was like wondering all this crap when you left like what if she doesn't want to come back to Lima? Does she even miss me? Will it be the same? How is she? Does she want to see me as much as I want to see her? Am I her best friend too or is it just a one sided thing? I just really have been raking myself about your well being."

I smiled and said, "Well I did want to come back to Lima but Denver is beautiful and Id love to go back some day, i did miss you a lot, it might not be the same but i am feeling better now so it'll be a good change, i am good, i did want to see you as much as you wanted to see me, and yes you are my best friend along with a few others but you're pretty special lizzie."

She smiled and leant her head against mine. "Happy to have my goon back."

"I'm happy to be back."

"It's glee club time. As much as I don't want to go i think Marley and Santana are performing today. Some exercise Marley said Santana thought it would be good for her."

"Well i've gotta check this new girl out. Britt said she's the new me but i'll be the judge of that."

Liz chuckled, "No one could ever replace your dumb ass." I smiled as we both stood and made our way to the choir room.

I made my way next to Quinn and Lacy took the seat next to me.

"Alright!" Finn said. "To get us hyped for sectionals we have a special performance from Santana and Marley. Take it away."

Should've Been Us by Tori Kelly performed by Marley Rose and Santana Lopez

"Great job guys!" Finn cheered.

Quinn glared at Santana as Marley was wildly out of breath. "That was amazing Santana who'd you sing that for?"

Santana glared just back, "I think you might be able to tell."

"Can I use the bathroom?" Marley asked gripping into the piano.

"Uh c-"

"Go." I told her looking over at Finn with a raised eyebrow. I then looked back to Shannon to go follow Marley. I know if i can trust anyone in this room with Marley its Shannon. And mike but he can't go into the girls room.

"You know what I want to hear?" Tina asked.

"No. No one wants to know." Noah said looking over at her.

"Well i'm gonna say it. I wanna hear Bella sing. Maybe show these new kids what Isabella Anderson is all about."

Everyone in the room cheered but I just looked around at them. From Mercedes to Sophia and Artie. "I- Uhm. No I'm sorry I can't."

"What why not? You're like a legend according to these guys. I wanna see what's up." Pucks brother said from behind me.

"Then look me up on youtube or twitter." I stood and marched out of the room.


"So what was that about?" Finn asked as he found me in the Gym playing with a basketball. I reunited with Coach Beiste for a bit before football practice.

I took a free throw and said, "What?"

"Jake thinks you're kinda nasty." He chest-passed me the ball back.

"I just can't sing right now. I've not worked up to that yet but when I do I will okay?"

"Okay." He said softly. "First to five?"

"Ive never played basketball before."

"You get one basket on me then you can direct glee club whatever week of your choosing." He put his hand out for me to shake.

So remember when I like literally just said i've never played basketball before. Well guess who was lying?

"Deal." I shook his hand.

He got into a defensive stance as i dribbled the ball. I acted as if i didn't know what to do but i passed the ball through his legs and met it on the  other side and connected for the layup.

"Glee clubs mine hudson." I smiled.

"What the f-"


"Hola." Kitty said leaving the choir room as Santana entered.

"That bitch is pure evil." She said walking to the opposite side of the piano that Quinn was on.

"I think she's sweet." Quinns said with a shrug just trying to get on Santanas nerves. She's seen the glances and the smiles and she is a ball full of pure rage.

"Really? Well, then why is she giving my girl laxatives?" Santana asked remembering back to finding them in her bag...

"Why are you going through my bag?" Marley asked defensively.

"It's all part of being a mentor. What is this, huh? And don't tell me it's 'cause the cafeteria food binds you up." Santana said pulling out Laxatives from Marleys bag.

"Those are like, from months ago. I forgot they were even in there. P-please don't tell anyone."

"Your pretty little liar gave them to her. I can sense it thanks to my psychic Mexican third eye." Santana said to Quinn with a glare just equally as jealous as her.

"See, this is what my psych professor calls projecting. You're projecting Kitty onto me. Santana, we've graduated. It's really time to get over this."

"Get over what?" Santana asked angry but confused.

"You being jealous of me."

Santana scoffed, "And why would I be jealous of you? And please don't tell me it's because you're in some lame secret Nazi sorority."

"Look, Ive seen the longing stares you've given Isabella since we met her okay don't act like you aren't jealous because I had the girl and I will always have the girl." Santana rolled her eyes as the girl kept going. "She loves me Santana. We're made for each other and you can't come around and try and take her away from me. She's mine."

Santana chuckled and yelled, "Wow, Twitter update! Quinn is all excited about her girl being a hot piece of ass but cant handle when people admire her beauty."

Quinn scoffed and Rolled her eyes "And what are you excited about? Shaking pom-poms in Kentucky? I mean, you want everybody to think that you're such a badass, but really you're just a scared little girl with low self-esteem who's too frightened to chase her dreams."

"Did that roommate of yours teach you that burn in between quickies on your couch? Does she get so turned on by teen moms who barely visit their kid?-"

Quinn had enough and smacked the girl hard. She didn't sleep with her roommate and she found it horribly rude that Santana thought she did. Santana gasped and smacked back quickly as the Finn and I entered the room. "What are you guys doing!" Finn and I yelled.

"Nothing. Nothing at all. Let's go." Quinn said fixing her hair and walking past Finn grabbing onto my hand and out the door.

"Quinn always was a genius slapper." Santana muttered.

"Santana what the heck!" Finn said to her. "Are you crazy?" He asked.

"No Finn i'm jealous! That's what i am, jealous" She answered.

"Jealous of what? What they have cause you broke up with Britt that's your problem not theirs."

"No." Santana shook her head. "No i'm jealous of Quinn she was right. i've always been jealous of her because she has her. I'm crushing on Bella okay? like hard. and it hurts so bad."


"I knew I was into her the one time I got her alone. The day she took me to the mall. The day I kissed her. My heart shattered the night of berrys stupid party in junior year. Seeing them together, it hurt so bad. But then there was Britt and I fell in love with her but there were times where I just saw Bella. It was like there was no one else but us. I wanted her to bad. I hate knowing I can't even have her for five minutes because they're made for each other."


Santana walked into the auditorium. She stood behind the microphone and looked out into the empty seats. She just needed to sing.

Wondering by Olivia Rodrigo, Julia Lester from High School the Musical the Series sung by Santana Lopez

"Are you spying on me or something?" San asked me noticing I had joined her.


Santana just nodded and went to walk away.

"Wait." I stopped her.

"What?" Santana asked annoyed. "Are you gonna yell at me? Gonna tell me that I cant have these feelings for you? Cause I know."

I shook my head. "I wasn't gonna say that."

"Well what were you going to say? C-Cause this is really stressing me out."

"I was going to say that you're entitled to your feelings." I said stepping up onto the stage. "And that i had a crush on you junior year and maybe a little in senior year im not really sure. Maybe if you'd made a move we would've been together but Santana i'm devoted to Quinn and only Quinn."

"I know." She said angrily.

"I can't be devoted to you but i know who already is. Brittany. You've gotta talk to her. She's your girl. She's always been your girl and I will always be Quinns girl and I will always be your friend Boo Boo. Just please no more slapping my girlfriend."

"I'm sorry."


I walked out to the parking lot with a yawn meeting Quinn at my truck. I drove it here this morning but she's driving it now. She stood just outside of it leaning against it watching me.

"Sleepy?" She asked.

I nodded walking right into her wrapping my arms around her waist cradling my head into her chest.

"I've got the best place for a nap my love. Hop in and i'll take you."

Once I got settled in the truck I turned on the radio. Nothing really good was on so I lowered the volume. Quinn reached over and held my hand as she hit a traffic light.

It was Quiet but i softy sang "I ask the traffic lights if it'll be all right they say, "I don't know"

Quinn softly smiled at me before the light turned green and she said, "There's that beautiful voice ive missed so much."

I just smiled looking out the windows seeing the familiar line of evergreen trees. I knew where we were. She backed in the truck just beside the water. She got out but i stayed in. She opened the door to the backseat and took out all the pillows and blankets i had kept in the compartments. she laid them out nicely in the bed of the truck and then came to get me.

"Thought you'd wanna nap at our spot. It's always quiet here." I hopped out of the truck with a smile. She helped me up and I sat waiting for her.

She climbed up and sat beside me. "I don't think I told you but you look pretty today." I whispered.

"Thank you princess." She smiled and opened her arms for me. I swear i was out like a light just with that.


Quinn wasn't going to stay when we got back to my house but seeing her moms car in my front yard made her want to stop in. I guess our moms became really good friends while I was gone. That makes me really happy to be honest. So all four of us chatted for a while before the two blondes left.

I had gone up to Blaines room where he was doing homework. I knocked on the door and opened it a little. "Hey, mind if we talk a minute?"

He turned from his desk and looked at me, "Yeah sure, come in."

I sat on his bed as he turned his chair to face me. "So when we're you gonna tell me about you and Kurt?"

Blaine sighed, "You talked to him?" He then asked.

"I have not." I said honestly. "Haven't texted or called just yet. Heard from a few other buddies but I don't know exactly what happened."

He put his head in his hands and said "You're gonna hate me."

"Why would I hate you Blaine, what did you do to Kurt?" I asked.

"I slept with someone else while he was in New York."

"What!" I yelled. "Are you serious?!"

"I didn't mean to! I just- I wasn't in the right headspace."

I scoffed, "I am all for excusing the whole not right mindset thing but that's not what you do even out of the positive mindset. You knew how ill I was and I never cheated on Lucy!"

"I'm sorry okay!"

"Blaine you!- You!- who even are you? It's like I don't know you anymore!" I stormed out of his room slamming it shut.

"You slam my doors, I slam yours!" My mom yelled up to us from the kitchen.

I entered Coopers room, he was playing on his ps4. "Wh-"

"Don't ask." I said sternly.

"Uh- Overwatch?" He said hesitantly.

"Ugh" I groaned. "Pass the controller."

I'm SO mad at Blaine.


I fixed my jacket in the choir room. I was nervous for them, my heart was slightly racing and there was this pit feeling telling me that something was wrong. It was really nerve wracking especially knowing what I knew about Marley.

"You okay?" Quinn asked coming up to me.

"Yeah yeah, ill be fine." I said with a sigh. "I just need to breathe"

Quinn held me close. "They got this baby, Finn did fantastic with these kids and im so proud of them. Britt had all the kids watching our nationals performance so they see what real talent looks like. Though nothing can beat Jailhouse Rock."

I kissed the girl in front of me and said, "I have this pit feeling in my stomach that something bad is going to happen."

Quinn nodded and held me close. Santana lurked at us from across the room feeling guilty for not telling me about the laxatives, but she promised Marley that she wouldn't tell anyone.

"Alright everyone show circle. Lookin good unique!" Finn said getting everyone together and i looked over noticing the girl in her dress.

"Whats show circle?" Marley asked standing beside me.

"It's a tradition before every competition. It's something Mr. Shue made up. And today I want to add to it. Joe, how about you lead us in prayer? But uh, Old Testament. There's Hebrews here." Finn said looking over at Noah and Jake.

"Yeah, okay. This is one of my favorite Bible verses from Isaiah. Considering that the Warblers are so good, and that it's the first competition for a lot of you, I think it's appropriate. "So do not fear because I am with you. Do not be dismayed. I will strengthen you, I will uphold you with my righteous hand.'"

"And our righteous dance moves, amen." Artie said making us all smile.

"All right! Ugh! Man, I-I remember our first sectionals like it was yesterday. We came together as a team because we had to. Because no one outside our circle knew how much we'd been through, and how much it meant to us to win it. This is our house. Look into the faces of these graduates. They've been to the mountaintop. This is just the first step in your climb to meet them there." Finn said with a smile looking at his best friend.

"On three?"

I nodded and counted, "One, two, three! A-mazing!"

When we all dispersed a young boy came up to me with his hand out so i shook it. "Ryder Lynn. I- Uh know this is a weird meeting and an awkward time but i just wanted to say i looked into you. Not in a stalker way or anything but you're incredible not just singing dancing and all that but at softball too. I love watching baseball and softball and your stats last year were insane."

"Oh, Thank you! That means a lot." I said with a smile.

"I'd love to talk more about this at a later time cause you know, i kinda have to get on stage."

I nodded, "Yeah, go. Break a leg Ryder!"

"Thanks!" He shouted running ahead.


I sat behind my brother holding onto Quinns hand  

"Still not talking to him?" Mercedes asked from beside me.

I shook my head, "Not until I finally talk to kurt." I said as the warblers introduced themselves.

"I'm Hunter Clarington, and we're the Dalton Academy Warblers. Hope you enjoy the show." The boy said.

"Told you he was good looking." Jeff mumbled to me.

"Not wrong." I shrugged earning a thump on my forehead from Quinn. "You're even better looking dont worry." I said to Quinn pecking her lips.

Whistle by Flo Rida performed by the Warblers

Live While We're Young by One Direction sung by the Warblers

I noticed something, something super off. I leant down to Jeff who was just as confused, "Yo, wheres Trent? He would not miss this." I said.

"No he wouldn't. Is there something your not telling us?" Blaine asked Jeff. Funny I don't remember asking Blaine.

The boy shrugged, truth was he hadn't been a warbler for weeks before he left, he didnt know much about Hunter Clarington or what was going on in that room.

I looked at Mercedes severely confused as the next group started to perform. "What the fuck?" I muttered.

"Girl I dunno.'

Whatever that was by the Rosedale Mennonites


Marley was nervous, she knew she didn't feel good, but did she tell anyone? No. She looked back at me who looked nervous which made her nervous too. She took a seat away from everyone and just hoped she would be okay.

"Breathe." I said to Marley.

"im just scared."

"You and Blaine are going to kill that duet okay? You're amazing Marley." I said with a smile trying to ease the nerves of the girl.

"Thank you." It definitely eased her nerves and what else had helped was the granola bar I handed her.

"Eat it." I said encouragingly. Marley slowly took it and ate it little by little. "You got this."

Marley nodded and stood getting ready.

"Wait here with me?" Finn asked me. "Until we have to go sit."

"Yeah sure of course." I said with a nod.

"Dude Mr Shue is here." Sam whispered to me.

"No way." I peeked my head out of the curtain and he caught me so I waved and he waved back with a very wide grin on his face. As well as Miss Pillsbury who hadn't seen me either.

"You guys got this!" Finn and I said as the group took their spots for the first song.

"Im nervous." Finn whispered to me.

"Me too." I whispered back.

He held out his fist and said, "Are you ready for this?"

"Ready as you are bro." I said as we found our seats.

Mr Shue stood and gave me the biggest hug and said, "It's so good to see you, we'll talk more later."

"Yes, yes of course." I said moving to give Miss Pillsbury a hug.

"I've missed you around here." She said to me.

"I've missed being here."

Rewrite the stars by Zendaya, Zac Efron from the Greatest Showman performed by Blaine Anderson and Marley Rose

I gave Marley a thumbs up as the lights dimmed for the next song.

Gangnam Style by Psy sung by Tina Cohen Chang

"Really? Gangnan Style? so woulda went with BTS." I said to Finn in the middle of the performance.

As the curtains closed all you could hear was cheers and soon a thud. I knew exactly what what that noise was "Marley!!" I screamed running out of my seat and directly to the stage pushing the curtains out of the way to see an unconscious Marley Rose. Fucking Fantastic.

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