
By its_tsd

51.8K 6.8K 547

His face is leveled to mine and I can see tiny droplets of water on his face and lips as he draws closer to m... More

Second Chance


1.2K 148 14
By its_tsd

~I'm not reckless~


"So what does this do?", I ask .
"It's a retina scan that you use to sniff up background info on people. You have used this before right?"
"Uh- yes of course", I say slightly put off guard.

Of course I have, I'm the top female spy after all.

"I'm thinking of using it on everyone I see and find some possible people", he says.

The Retina Scan is a clear smart contact, that you put in your eye that scans people. Of course, since it's a clear contact no one can tell except you. I guess this is one of the perks of being a spy.

You do have all the movie gadgets.


I head into the bathroom to pop it on and once it did , the mechanism whirrs into action.

"Why you calling me?"
"I said I'll get it done school just started."
"I'll keep you updated but you need to stop climbing on my back", the voice in the stall next to me angrily responds to her phone.
"Listen, I know as long as I get it the plan is intact. Now leave me alone because I'm not in the bathroom this long unless I'm on my period ."

Oh, well then.

She bursts out of the room before I can catch a face . What was that about?

"Hello, Tejasswi Prakash ", the automated voice says. I jump.

Never fails to weird me the freak out.

I head out of the bathrooms and into my classes full of possible leads.



I've been scanning teachers, classes and students and so far the database hasn't found any leads. I yawn. I just want to get this mission done and over with.

The bell rings and we get dismissed from Calculus. While heading to my locker, Karan and I cross paths in the haze of unnecessarily stressed teenagers and we hold a short gaze.

He really does have pretty eyes.

As I'm staring, someone bumps into me hard, pushing me back.

These damn freshman, calm down.

I look at her and when I do, my lens alerts me.

Kiana Malhotra
Race: Black
Gender: Female
Parents: Dinesh Malhotra
Intentions: Guilty
Age: 15

I look at Karan and turns out, he found out the same information I did. We silently decide to talk to her before school ends.

Well, maybe trap her, but same thing right?



School ends and I try to follow Kiana's steps. She's in a rush which raises red flags. I push through the crowd to follow her. She gets a phone call.

"I just left school.....get it." Through the bus noises and students I couldn't hear the whole thing, but her voice sounded familiar. It was the voice I heard in the bathroom. Seems like my suspicions were correct.

With even more motivation I follow her discreetly and listen in to her call.
Most of the call was her getting annoyed at the speaker but she was heading somewhere public.

While I'm close to getting a lead, Karan calls.

I hide behind a tall bush and pick it up.
"Are u following her?"
"Yes I am, you broke my concentration."
"Well, you could have waited to get in the car instead of walking out on your own." A black car appears right by the crosswalk and I roll my eyes.

Guys and their reasons to flaunt their cars.

I ignore his request and follow her into a café. My assumptions says she works here. It says closed so I head to the back of the building and peer by a window being unseen.

I always have an earpiece in my hear incase I need it for emergency spy cases. I tune into the building and listen in.

"I'm here, you can stop pestering me", the girl says dropping her bag down.
"Did you get it? Where is it?" the other voice asks.

"No, it's still with them but I made a deal and got it."
"Then where is it?"
"It's still with them! I did my job, okay? They gonna be on my back and I ain't want any punishments."

She could be it. I ignore the sign saying it's closed and head to the front and open the door.
She turns and whoever she was talking to is gone.
"Sorry but we not open yet."
Let's play the spy façade.

"Hi, you just dropped something outside and I wanted to give it to you", I respond sweetly and pretend to pull something out of my bag. Instead I press the side of my temples and the smart contact zaps the girl causing her to stumble back and fall.
"What the f-"
I catch her and pull the back of her hands behind her and tie it up. I look up to see the other person looking at me wide eyed.
"If you run for your life and not say a word, I may leave you unharmed."
She runs away like she's chasing a donut. I hear the door jingle behind me and Karan walks in and holds the other person back before she could escape.

"Now where do you think your going?", he says gently pushing her to another seat and tying her hands. I smile knowing he knew I was giving her false hope. He pulls the blind on the Main Street window and heads to me.

"Now if you answer my questions nicely you can go", I say to Kiana.
"What the hell is this? Who are you?"
"All you need to know is I'm certified to be asking you these questions. and you better answer them honestly." "what did that woman ask you to give out at the school?"
"You go to my scho-"
"Just answer."
She sighs. "N-nothing it was just some ads for our opening night."
"That's a load of bull. Again."
"I was advertising for this café! I need my money I'm freakin broke."
"Nope, again" I say.
"I told you I-"
"Look I don't think she's it", Karan tells me.
I roll my eyes. "I'm sure she is. You saw how suspicious she's acting. It can't be because of some flyers." "now tell me the tru-"
Karan comes behind me and says quietly " she's not it Tejasswi let them go." I take a deep breath and in one swift take I untie her hands.
"If I catch you lying I'm not letting you go again."
She nods. Karan unties the other woman's hands and lightly pushes her to stand next to Kiana.
"Look here."
In a zap my retina scan scans theirs and erases the last few minutes.
"Wait we are closed how did you-"
Karan and I rush out the door and into the busy afternoon.


We head into the training room at headquarters and tiredly put our gear back.

"I swear I thought it was her", I say putting my duffel bag back.
"Yeah, but you can't just attack someone without knowing for sure. You're lucky you had the retina contact to zap them. How do you do missions alone?"

What'd he say?

"How do you achieve missions if you be this reckless?"
"I wasn't- reckless, I was doing my job Karan."
"Wasn't the smartest way to do it" he murmurs.

I stop what I'm doing and look at him.

Who does he think he is?

I may have not been successful but I'm not reckless.

He doesn't look up at me until a few good seconds goes by. He looks down then up at me again and sighs.

"Don't get offended I'm just being honest. It would have been better to go a different route."
"What route is that?"
"To catch enough data to make sure she was the one, or just listen in and see what she was really giving out."
"We still completed it didn't we? What's done is done", I said softly grabbing my things and leaving. He shouldn't have said that.

"Tejasswi don't-"

I don't acknowledge his words and brush past him to the door.



I angrily push the pillows out of my bed to head to sleep. What Karan said bothered me for the rest of the day.

I know what I'm doing.

I am not good working with partners and this was why.

I don't need other people's input in my life.

He's called me 3 times and I've ignored. But he called me again.

"What do you want Karan?", I sigh in annoyance.
"You could be a little nicer than that."
"Karan sw-"
"I'm sorry."
I pause for a second.
"I'm sorry I insulted your way of working. I was just annoyed that we spent so much time on something that didn't plan out. It wasn't nice and I'm sorry."

I take a few seconds.

"It's fine, just don't insult me again."
"Never", he says assuringly.

There was a period of silence between us.

"Okay, bye."
"Goodnight Tejasswi."

I put my phone on my bed and let his words sink in.


3:00 am

I shift in my head restlessly.



"Tejasswi No!"

Sweat beads down my forehead and back and my heart rate grows erratically.

"Don't do it Tejasswi!"

"Tejasswi, baby wake up."

I open my eyes and get up in an instant to feel Drishti's slender arms around me.
"Baby, it ok your alright. It was a nightmare."
I'm still heaving for breath when she gives me some water.
"Go take some rest okay? You don't need to be up just yet."

I nod and lie down. I feel my shirt soaked so I pick another oversized tee and crawl back into bed, head in my hands.

I've been getting glimpses of this nightmare for a while know. I have a feeling it's because my parents disappearance but that was 9 years ago.

Why now?

I groan and head into my sheets.


The next day
English Class

The nightmare got me sluggish and quiet. I was barely paying attention in English. I look to see Karan' beautiful hazel eyes pouring into mine.

I look back at him and give him no expression. He keeps our gaze, never faltering until he sees me close my eyes sleepily. His brows furrow together.

What does he want?

I drop my gaze and look at my papers until dismissal.



Group meeting 5:30pm.

I look away from my homework after seeing the text, finishing it up and getting into uniform. I have a ton of black in my closet. I take out black jeans, my black signature studded jacket and my combat boots.


Black Light

I head to headquarters. The exterior of the building looks like a worn and gated building but the more you go in the more modern it gets.

The building has rooms like pool tables, an actual pool, to a high tech gym, and wrestling ring. It's crazy modern and a perfect place for all spies to train.

I head into the main room and see it's empty. The main room is called "The Core", as it's located in the middle of the building.

Soon people file in and Boss makes his surprising announcement. I move near the front and Karan stands a few feet diagonal of me, covered by people but still visible. He looks at me and runs his eyes down my outfit before he tears his eyes away.

Boss walks in.

"Lets get straight to the point people of Blacklight. A man broke in to Blacklight last night looking for something. He was trying to steal something. We don't know what, but he failed when one of our men saw him. We have not caught him but this is a serious allegation against our people and we need to be cautious. This man has not been identified and I am sure will come back with more security."

I look at Karan and he meets my gaze, thinking the same thing.

Blacklight has the most secure security in the world.

If someone was able to break in, it's a serious problem for us.

No outsider can do that.

People start dispersing having their own conversation on what Boss announced. I was about to talk to Boss when Karan cuts my way.

"This makes no sense to me", he huffs.
"It doesn't to me either. Whoever did this must really want something we have."
"What's Boss gonna do?"
"I don't know", I say truly dumbfounded.

I look up at Karan and see his eyes intensely on mine. He's done this many times today.

"What's wrong?", he asks with concern.
"You're not acting yourself."
"How do you know how myself is? You've only known about me for like two weeks. Already saying I'm reckless", I snap at him and leave.

He grabs my arms and forces me to face him.

"I said I'm sorry Tejasswi, you can't be mad at me for this. It was a mistake", his voice goes so deep out of seriousness and his eyes still hold the intense gaze.

I sigh, exhausting with everything today. Without saying anything I softly leave his grasp and head home.


Hey Wattpad Peeps,

Happy Diwali.

Hope you are liking the story and enjoyed reading this chapter.

I am getting a good response on this story and might discontinue it if the same keeps happening.

Would appreciate if you guys could tell me if the story is interesting or any changes you would like.

Also I would want all of you to vote as it motivates me :)

Do shower your love and votes on this chapter until the next one is uploaded here.

~Lots of Love

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