Skipping Stones (Yukino x M!r...

By deGen3r4te

72K 2.8K 1.2K

Relationships. They are essential in everyone's lives, including yours. But what is love? What is friendship... More

Character Stuff
Chapter 1: Where The Sun is Shining
Chapter 2: Perfecto
Chapter 3: Wake up, sleepy head
Chapter 4: And I forgot to knock...
Chapter 5: Say please
Chapter 6: Are you done?
Chapter 7: Sweet Dreams
Chapter 7.5: WacDonald's™
Chapter 8: Treat me like your Girlfriend
Chapter 9: Summer Vacation
Side Story: No Sleep
Side Story: You Embarrassed?
Side Story: Fireworks
Chapter 9: Summer Vacation Part 2
Chapter 9: Summer Vacation Part 3
Chapter 10: Familiar Dream Part 1
Chapter 10: Familiar Dream Part 2
Chapter 11: Candy Apple
Fluff fluff 10k fluff fluffy
Chapter 12: The Passenger
Side Story: Calling in Sick
Chapter 13: Personal Growth...?
Chapter 14: Young Love
Side Story: Warm Hands
Chapter 15: Relying on You
Special 20k: Carnal Feelings
Chapter 16: Spur of Emotions
Side Story: Clair de Lune
S2 Chapter 1: Coincidence
S2 Chapter 2: Squarebucks™
S2 Chapter 3: Losing What You Love
S2 Chapter 4: Chocolate Date
Christmas/New Years Special 2022
40k Special | Hiratsuka-san's Ashtray
S2 Chapter 5: Dishes
S2 Chapter 6: Opposite Ways
S2 Chapter 7: Hand Holding Haruno
S2 Chapter 8: Selfish
60k Reads SPECIAL | Iroha
S2 Chapter 9: Dating Disaster

Chapter 17: Another Damn Festival

1.2K 60 49
By deGen3r4te

(A/N): This is just a filler chapter to mark the end of the first season. As always, please point out any mistakes I may have made in the chapter, but besides that, please enjoy. 


Sometimes, teamwork isn't always the best option when coming up with a solution. Thinking between yourself is the best option to get the best result. 

But, that 'best result' might be biased. It is just the way you think, after all. You could give all the evidence in the world for a specific way something is perceived to be, and someone in the world still won't believe you.

It's just bias. You could say that water is not wet, but then someone else will tell you, 'No, you're wrong. Water is wet,' but then give no reasoning as to why or how it is wet. 

Even if they do give a reasoning as to why water is wet, the other person may not accept that reasoning because of their own opinions. 

Yukino: "What a pointless topic to argue about. Deciding whether water is wet or not is unimportant." 

Y/N: "I figured you'd say something like that... How'd you even know what I was thinking about?"

Yukino: "I guess you could say, you speak your mind sometimes."  

The three of us were outside on the school's field. There were tennis courts around the corners of the large dirt field, as printed flyers were being stapled onto any wall tangible of holding them. 

It reminded me of the fact that the athletic festival was today, which is what the printed flyers were all about.

Yui: "What do you think, Yukino? Do you think water is wet?" 

Yukino: "I would rather spend my time thinking about something important rather than, 'Is water wet?'"

Y/N: "Well, in my opinion-" (This is the part where you say the correct answer) 

Meguri: "Hey guys!" Meguri appeared out of no where, as she suddenly spoke loudly to us all.

"Let's have a great athletics festival today! Hip! Hip! Hooray!" 

Yui/Yukino/YN: "H-Hooray..." We followed up with her hooray, however unwillingly. 

Meguri, just as quick as she appeared, walked away with her usual happy smile and attitude. Honestly, it's something that I liked about her. She seemed to be so genuinely positive, and on top of that, she was cute. 

But I feel like that'll get tiring after a while, no? If you were positive all the time, would that really make you feel a positive feeling? There's only a happy moment in your life because something bad happened previously. The principle of Yin and Yang, basically.

Imagine a perfect world with no problems or stress. That would seem like a good thing to us, but if there was really a world like that, would the people in that world actually appreciate it? They would have no bad things to compare their perfect life to, so how would they be able to appreciate their perfect life?

As I thought to myself, I gazed at the decorum that surrounded the school field.

There were already strings of text that hung above an adjacent entrance, announcing the festival to anyone who saw it. 

In a lot of ways it was similar to the things we did with the festival committee, but this time it was for sports, and thankfully I wasn't involved this time. 

Timeskip to the Service Club

Once again, all three of us were together, sitting in the Service Clubroom as we waited for requests to walk through the doors. Occasionally someone would come over, but it was only once every week or two. 

Yukino: "What should we do about this...?" 

Yukino held a cup of tea in her hand, a small plate in her other hand to place the cup on. She took a sip of her tea as she stared at a laptop in front of her. 

Peering over, I took a glance as to what she was looking at. It was an email we had apparently received from an anonymous person. 

Yuigahama sat alongside Yukino, reading the text that the anonymous person had sent:

"I'm looking for ideas to make the athletics festival a blast. Also, it's my last festival, so I want to win if I can!  -MeguMegu" 

Well, at least they don't appear to be harmful, and clearly it's from someone in the school. However, that "MeguMegu" part is a little... extra. They couldn't spare the effort to put their actual name?

Yukino: "I never enjoyed the athletic festivals..."

Y/N: "You too, huh."

Yukino: "Yes. Being picked last, or having to partner up with the teacher because we were one person short was an embarrassing experience to say the least..." 

Y/N: "There's also way too much pressure from the team... Always yelling."

"Well, I can't fault them if it's a thing they're passionate about. You'd probably get mad if something you were interested in suddenly falls down to last place because someone in your team was slacking off. Like a group project." 

"I always had to do group projects on my own. Doing the work of four people simply feels trivial now. It's not something I worry about too much. If anything, the project would probably be better if I did it on my own." 

As Yukino and I took a deep sigh, Yuigahama looked at us sympathetically, mostly because she never had to deal with that struggle. Yuigahama could see the clear fatigue on our faces, as she sweat dropped with an awkward laugh. 

Then, the door to the Club opened, catching us off guard. We turned to face the door, finding Meguri, as she entered the room with a smile.

Meguri: "Hey! U-Um, I sent an email. I don't know if you guys got it, so I decided to just come here myself..." She pressed the tips of her fingers together. 

Ah, so the sender of that email must've been Shiromeguri Meguri... MeguMegu, in other words. 

Meguri: "Well, as I said in the email, I want to make the athletics festival a blast, just like the cultural festival." 

The cultural festival certainly wasn't a blast. Not for me, and especially not Yukino. By the end of the cultural festival, Yukino had been heavily overworked, and I was despised by practically the whole school. 

Key term, 'was,' because most people have completely forgotten what I had said to Sagami that day. I'm sure if someone brought it up in a conversation, they would remember, but for now I can walk the hallways without being immediately despised, as far as I'm concerned.

Meguri: "Anyways, do you guys think you can help me?"

She clasped her hands together hopefully. 

Yukino: "Sure, I don't see why not." 

Meguri: "Ah, t-thank you so much, Yukino! As well as... um..." She looked to Yuigahama with a confused face, trying to remember her name.

Yui: "T-The name's Yuigahama! Yuigahama Yui!" She said loudly.

Meguri: "R-Right! Sorry, I'm not good with names..." 

She looked over to me.

Meguri: "Ehe~ And then Y/N-san! I'll be looking forward to working with you!" 

She leaned forward, practically pushing me backwards as she laid herself up against me. Since she was much shorter than me, she was on her tippy toes as well, as she tried to raise her head up to my face with a smile. 

Needless to say, the other girls didn't look impressed. 

Yuigahama greatly scowled at Meguri, as she gave a clear pouting expression. 

Yukino: "Shiromeguri-senpai, I don't think that's necessary. Could you tell us more about this request?" Yukino quickly tried to move on to the next subject. 

Meguri: "R-Right! Sorry, I got carried away..." 

She placed a small distance between her body and mine. I was still blushing, though. I tried to mentally convince myself that I shouldn't be blushing just because we made some physical contact, but it wasn't really helping. 

I tried to calm myself down, as I listened to the conversation at hand. 

Meguri: "I wanted to ask you for help on this festival's special events!"

Yui: "Special events? Okay..." 

Yukino: "Speaking of, what was last year's special events?" 

We all closed our eyes and tilted our heads to the side, trying to remember what we did last year, but none of us could remember. 

Yukino: "Well, as they say, humans tend to repress less desirable memories." 

Meguri: "Exactly my point! They're always really boring, so I wanted to do something crazy this year!" 

Yui: "I see..." 

Yukino: "We can do that. When shall we turn in our ideas?" It seems like Yukino already had a few in mind.

Meguri: "About that... The executive committee has a meeting today. Would you mind being there?" 

Great, more committee work. I'm so tired of this shit. 

Meguri: "Ah, also! What color teams are you guys on? All the classes get split in half, so I wanted to know! I'm on the red team!"

Immediately after hearing her say she was on the red team, I said I was on it as well.

Y/N: "Red." 

Yui: "Red."

Yukino: "Red." 

It seems everyone followed suit as well. I'm pretty sure we all just chose red because no one wanted to be left alone on the opposite team. 

Meguri: "Ah, we're all on the same team! Alright! Let's team up and go for the win! Yay~!" 

And therein lies the problem of a person with a positive attitude. Sometimes, their positivity just makes it harder for everyone else to be happy. 

Like people constantly trying to put a sign in front of your face saying, "Hey! Remember to smile!" It just makes me want to smile less; not in spite, but just because I don't want people telling me to feel an emotion which can't be forced.

Who knows, maybe I'm just a teenager that wants to be rebellious, according to the old geezers. 

Still, it doesn't feel right to make others feel an emotion that's positive just because you want them to. 

That's just selfish. 

Meguri: "Well, I'll see you at the committee meeting later today!" 

She happily walked out of the room, closing the door behind herself. 

Y/N: "*sigh* More committee work, huh..."

Yukino: "Stop arguing. You're in this club for a reason." 

Well I didn't want to be here in the first place. Hiratsuka-sensei forced me to be here... but I can't  really say that's a bad thing either. 

I met Yukino here, after all. 

Timeskip to the Athletic Festival Committee Meeting 

By the end of the day, we all walked together to the meeting room, alongside Meguri, and Hachiman as well. 

(It's almost like the author forgot that Hachiman existed, which is kind of funny because Hachiman's greatest trait is being mostly forgettable to everyone in the story) 

As Hachiman complained for pointless reasons, we made our way to the meeting room, following Meguri as she walked happily in front of all of us. 

We made it to the front door of the room, as a small crumpled piece of paper was lazily taped onto it. The crumpled paper read, "Athletics Festival Meeting Room," and it had a couple pink hearts layered over it. 

Meguri opened the door, revealing a small amount of people in different colored jumpsuits. 

They seemed to be setting up the peripherals for the entire room, which was nothing more than a few desks and chairs that needed to be organized, as well as the large whiteboard that stretched across the entire front wall.

We made our way inside, and we walked towards someone that was all too familiar. 

Sensei: "Oh, looks like you've gotten some help." 

Meguri: "Yes! Just like you said!" 

Wait a minute, "Just like you said,"? Don't tell me...

Y/N: "Sensei, are you pulling the strings on this too?" 

Sensei: "I'm tired of running the same old athletics festival every year." She said with a happy face. "Here's to hoping you make this year's interesting." 

She took a sip out of a small canister, which was most likely alcohol. 

Sensei: "Actually, I need your help with something else, Y/N. But we'll take care of that later." She said, a little less enthusiastically. 

Y/N: "You seem very happy that I'm going to be helping you..." 

Sensei: "Shut up. It's just annoying work I have to take care of, but it'd be much quicker doing it with someone else. I would've chosen Yukino to do it any other day, but I'd rather have her work on the festival."

She sat back on her seat, taking out a cigarette, and promptly realizing that she didn't have anymore lighter fuel. She scowled, as she placed the cigarette back into the almost-empty pack of cigars. 

Yukino: "Are you working on the athletics festival too?" 

Sensei: "Yeah, well of course. They always give these events to the younger teachers. I'm young, as you can see. Look! Look! I'm young!" 

She pointed to herself, as she smiled happily, even though she needed to emphasize the fact that she was young. If she really was young, then she wouldn't have to emphasize that.

It was cute. 

Eventually, everyone was seated in the room, however that doesn't mean that there was a lot of people. There was probably around 10 people here. 

5 people sat on one side of the large collection of desks. Hachiman, myself, Yukino, and Yuigahama all sat on the other side. I sat next to Yukino, and Hachiman was next to Yuigahama. 

Meguri was at the front of the classroom, an assistant next to her. 

Sensei: "Alright, Shiromeguri, let's begin the meeting." 

Meguri: "Yes ma'am! The agenda for this meeting is to come up with this year's special events. Come on, everybody! Let's do some brainstorming! Anyone with an idea, raise your hand!" She spoke enthusiastically. 

Yui: "Me!" 

Meguri: "Yes, Yuigahama-san!" She pointed her finger at Yuigahama quickly. 

Yui: "How about an interclub relay?" 

Sensei: "Well, about that." 

She spoke as soon as Yuigahama finished her sentence. Sensei was leaning on her arm as she closed her eyes with a pitying face. 

Sensei: "Kids who aren't in clubs won't be able to participate. Not good." 

We all looked at her, surprised that she even spoke up on the situation. 

Meguri: "W-Well, umm... Let's keep coming up with ideas!" 

They scratched the words, "Interclub relay," off the whiteboard. Then, very slowly, Yukino raised her hand.

Meguri: "Yes, Yukinoshita-san!" 

Yukino: "A tradition bread-eating race-" 

Sensei: "People who like rice will sue our asses." 

Y/N: "T-They like rice that much?!" 

They scratched off, "Bread-eating race," off the whiteboard.

Meguri: "Don't be discouraged! Let's keep going! Next!" She said that, even though she sweat-dropped nervously.

Yui: "Humu!" She raised her hand.

Meguri: "Okay, Yuigahama-san!" 

Yui: "A boxing matc-" 

Sensei: "People who prefer to be unathletic will surely revolt. We wouldn't really get anywhere if we just had a bunch of people complaining." 

Yukino: "It seems like the biggest problem is people's feelings..." 

Sensei: "Unfortunately. And they've been even more anal about it recently than ever. Entitled pricks." Her eyebrows twitched in annoyance.

Over the next 30 minutes, several ideas were given out, yet none were taken. Sensei would immediately disregard the ideas with the excuse that it would ruin someone else's fun, or it would be one-sided to one team rather than the other. 

It had been so long, that even Meguri had completely lost all her motivational speaking.

Meguri: "...Any other ideas?" She spoke lazily, and hardly raised her voice to make it sound positive. 

She sounded more annoyed than anything. I'm sure that after brainstorming a bunch of ideas, your brain wouldn't be able to come up with anything afterwards. 

(Don't ask me why one of the ideas is named, "Two Girls, One..." The editors were probably laughing as they made that lmao) 

Sensei started to rub her eyes in tiredness, as she she got up to leave the room.

Sensei: "Well, I have other matters to attend to. I'm sure you all will figure something out. Just think rationally." 

She went for the door, but before she opened it, she turned back around.

Sensei: "Ah, almost forgot. Y/N, come with me. We have some work to do." 

All the students in the classroom looked at me, and I nervously got off my seat and walked to Hiratsuka-sensei.

Yukino: "What will you two be doing?" She called out to me before I could leave the room.

Y/N: "I have no idea... I'll let you know afterwards, since you seem so worried." 

Yukino: "I'm just curious, that's all..." She looked away, closing her eyes as she attempted to make it seem like she didn't care. 

She can be so cute sometimes. 

Regardless, I left with Hiratsuka-sensei, closing the meeting room door behind me. Sensei took the lead, walking slowly as we seemingly made our way to the school office. 

I easily caught up to walk side-by-side next to her.

She had her hands in her pockets, like she always did. It always made me wonder what was inside her pockets... besides cigars, of course.

Also, I don't understand why she's always desperately trying to prove that she is young. Sure, being young makes you more attractive. You could take off a decade from Hiratsuka-sensei's age, and that would be the most attractive age for most people, given she's 29 years old. 

Still, even though she's probably a decade older than what most people consider to be an 'attractive age,' doesn't mean that it makes her any worse. If any thing, it's what I like most about her. 

So what if she's almost in her 30's? It makes me feel bad whenever someone disregards her because of her age. Or even when she disregards herself because of her age.

Nonetheless, we eventually made it to the school office, and Hiratsuka-sensei guided me to her desk. Once we were there, she picked up a few folders worth of papers, and evenly divided it for the both of us. 

Sensei: "*sigh* Alright, you'll sit on that side of the desk, I'll sit on the other. If we work well enough, we could finish in around 20-30 minutes."

Y/N: "What are we working on anyway?"

Sensei: "Records. Specifically the records of the students in this school. We need to assign their grades, GPA, and any other specifics onto the papers, such as suspensions and demerits. Then we should be done." 

Y/N: "Grades? Isn't that something that the teacher's should be dealing with specifically? I don't think a student, me,  should be handling other student's grades."

"I know that. But I also know that you're not stupid enough to make mistakes on something important, nor are you stupid enough to share this information elsewhere." 

She sat down on the front side of the desk, opening one of the drawers and pulling out a brand-new lighter. She threw the empty one that was in her pocket into the trash, and then lit a cigar that she had in her adjacent hand. 

She quickly, placed the cigar in her mouth, and then proceeded to start work on the many papers in front of us. 

I sat on the other side of the desk, taking a pen, and promptly following Sensei's lead on what I should be writing down and where. 

It was easy, for a little while. Then my hand started to hurt a little. I would take a break here and there, since my fingers would cramp up occasionally, and it would make it really difficult to write well. 

I picked up my head, expecting Hiratsuka-sensei to be near-finished with all the paperwork, but instead she was dead asleep on the stack of papers. 

I was so focused on my work, I didn't even hear her light snoring. The pen that she had in her hand had fallen onto the floor, and the cigar she had in her mouth was about to burn up the paper. 

I slowly took the cigar out of her mouth, pressing the lit end of it onto an ash tray that was on her desk. I was tempted to wake her up, since she still had a lot of work to be done, but I opted not to.

She looked too calm for me to wake her up. And besides, this is a side of Sensei that I've never really seen before. She seemed to be so vulnerable in comparison to her usually strict persona. 

Then, I thought of something else. I slowly took the stack of papers that Sensei was sleeping on off the desk by holding her head in place, and then lowering it down. 

Taking the stack of papers, I set them on my side of the desk, and continued my work with a new found motivation. 

Seeing Sensei sleep so peacefully made me want to keep her peaceful, so I decided to do her end of the work, so that when she woke up she wouldn't have to deal with it.

I just hope I'll be able to finish up the rest of the work by the time she wakes up. 

Timeskip 1 hour later...

Almost finished. Only about 10 papers left. 

Instead of trying to finish all the papers as quickly as possible, I just decided to settle with doing them consistently. 

It'd be better to save my energy and do as many as I can fluently, rather than finish them all really fast, and possibly injuring my fingers further. 

I was working on the last few papers at this point, and I hadn't realized that Hiratsuka-sensei had actually woken up. 

I only noticed that she had woken up when she groaned slightly, rubbing her temples with her two hands, as she attempted to relax her head. It seems like resting your head on hard wood isn't the most comfortable feeling...

She wiped some drool off her face, rubbing her eyes afterwards, just to realize that the stack of papers that should've been in front of her was no longer there. 

Worried she looked around for the papers, eventually landing on my side of the table. She looked to me a little bewildered, as she relaxed in her chair, a tired expression still on her face. 

Sensei: "You... Where...?" She attempted to get words to leave her mouth, but her voice had gotten really soft and quiet. 

Y/N: "Are you looking for the papers? They're right here." I tapped the small amount of papers that rested on my side of the desk. "Almost done. Just a few more."

She sat back in her chair, slapping herself in the face as she tried to wake herself up. It wasn't really working, so she gave up and rested her head back down onto the table. 

But she wasn't going back to sleep. She had her eyes set on me, as she watched me finish the last paper that was needed to be done. After a few moments, I had finished, placing the final paper with the rest of the completed papers. 

Y/N: "There, all finished." I dropped the pen I had in my hand, and cracked a few of my fingers that had been stuck in the same position for a while now. 

I took a deep breath, relaxing in my seat as I finally finished all the work that needed to be done. Sometimes, I procrastinate on doing work simply because I'm lazy, but if I have any form of motivation, then I can easily get the work done, and efficiently too. 

Sensei: "...I'm really sorry. I shouldn't have left you with all that work to do on your own..." 

Y/N: "It's fine, believe me. It's all done now. There's nothing you have to worry about." 

I said that, yet Hiratsuka-sensei still seemed to feel guilty. I mean, yeah she fell asleep and left me with all the work, but I feel like it was worth it in the end, you know? 

Sensei: "I wish I could repay you, but I can't alter your grades myself. I'm really sorry..." 

It's kind of weird seeing Sensei act like this. I'm so used to her dictating how a situation goes, or how lenient we can be with a situation at hand. 

Y/N: "Really, you don't have to worry about it. Besides, we wouldn't be able to find my paper in this large stack." I looked to the completed papers. 

But that was a lie. I knew exactly where my paper was in the large stack, mostly because I remember seeing how mediocre my grades were. But I didn't want Hiratsuka-sensei to do any work at the moment. 

I just wanted Sensei to be at peace for a day. That's what drove me to finishing her work in the first place. 

Sensei: "Thank you..." 

Y/N: "Anytime. Now, it's almost 18:00 (6pm). We should probably go." 

Sensei: "Right. Let me just finish up a few things."

She took the completed stack of papers, and walked into an adjacent room to the office. When she came back, the stack of papers wasn't with her. 

She tidied up her desk a little, before grabbing a bag she had with her, and calling out to me so we could leave. 

We both exited the room, and she locked the door behind us.

As we walked, I could see Sensei rub her eyes. She's probably still tired. I mean, after taking a nap and waking up an hour later, you wouldn't exactly feel energized. 

Especially knowing it's only been an hour since you started the nap.

Sensei: "God, I hope they managed to find something good to do for the athletics festival..." 

Right, I almost forgot about that. Since Sensei wasn't there to oversee the suggestions that were given, it's likely that the suggestion is probably hot garbage. 

Y/N: "*sigh* Well, Yukino was there. She probably figured something out, even if it's cynical." 

Sensei: "You're right... By the way, how's it going between you two? I've seen you both together a lot, but I never really stopped to ask." 

Y/N: "A-Ah, well... Good." I tried to move on from the subject. It felt like my mom was asking me if I had a girlfriend or not...

I could see Sensei grin mischievously from the corner of my eye. 

Sensei: "Hehe... Young love, huh." She smiled to herself. 

She stared off into nowhere, probably reminiscing on older times when she was younger. She took a deep sigh, as she walked at a faster pace. 

We made it to the entrance of the school, and as we made it to the main road, Sensei offered to drive me, as a means of payback for all the work that I did for her earlier. 

I accepted, getting into the passenger seat of her van, and giving her directions to where I lived. On the way there, she mostly just complained about how, 'Love is easier now,' and, 'You should enjoy your youth while you can.' 

If only Hiratsuka-sensei knew about all the people that would kill to be in a relationship with an older woman, specifically her. I certainly would. 

Timeskip to the next day...

It was the day of the athletics festival. We just had to hope that they had come up with good ideas the day prior. 

In the end, out of the two ideas that were accepted, only one of them seemed lackluster. 

The first idea did not have to become a possibility. 

The girls from both teams would get on the guys' shoulders, and they would try and take flags that were attached to the opposite team's waists.

I mean, would a girl really want to get on top of of the guys' shoulders to start with? Sure, it seems harmless at a base level, but some guys can be extremely weird. 

They might be... excited, to have a girl on their shoulders and all.

That was about it though. The second idea was completely normal, regardless of the intentions behind it. 

See, I left out a key detail. Ebina was the one that came up with the ideas. As some of us may remember, she is the crazed girl that likes seeing some, 'guy-on-guy action'. 

At least the second idea that Ebina had come up with wasn't bad by any means. It was a challenge where a group of people would hold a long, but thin, plastic pole steady on the ground, and the goal was to keep the other team away from the pole, so that it wouldn't tip over and fall onto the floor.

Simple, yet, as Ebina explained the idea, she would drool often, and sometimes she would get blinded by the fact that guy's would be jumping on top of each other and tackling each other, like she could see the situation happening inside her head and it appeared to be turning her on.

Nonetheless, we went through with the two ideas. Kawasaki designed the costumes for each competition. 

For the first competition, the girls were dressed like Saber from the Fate series, and in the second competition, the guys were dressed with a simple tank top and long white jeans. 

By the end of it all, we ended up losing. The other team won by around 30 points, even though we had succeeded in the final competition.

We would've won normally, but Hachiman decided to cheat, putting on a disguise to blend in with the opposite team, and then pushing their pole down onto the floor. 

We apologized to Meguri for not being able to complete her request, but she told us not to worry about it because she actually did end up having fun, regardless of the fact that she lost. 

It was finally the end of the week at that point, and the last thing that needed to be finished school-related, was stay at the Service Club for a few hours, until closing time for the entire school premise. 

I walked to the Service Club, exhausted from the two competitions that took place out in the field. Even though I didn't do much, it was still kind of fun.

I wiped the sweat on my forehead off with a small rag I had in hand, folding it afterwards and placing it in my pocket. 

Finally making it to the Clubroom, I opened the door. Yuigahama, Hachiman, and Yukino were all there. 

It seemed like Hachiman was having an argument with Yuigahama over something trivial, so I entered quietly to not disturb their 'conversation.' 

However, my seat was placed directly between Yuigahama and Hachiman, meaning that if I wanted to sit down, I'd be caught in the crossfire. 

Yukino: "Y/N, come." She beckoned to me from the other side of the table.

It looked like she was reading a book, but when I had entered the room, she promptly folded the book and put it away in her bag. She also had a small tea set that was set on another desk on the side closest to the window. 

Getting up from her seat, she took an empty cup that was set on the desk, filled it with hot tea, and offered it to me. 

Walking over to her, I took the cup from her hand, and taking a spare seat from the far side of the wall, I brought it in front of Yukino so we could talk together, without having to deal with the other's argument. 

Sitting down onto the seat, I took a deep breath, as I relaxed all the nerves in my body. I blew into the hot tea, attempting to cool it down so I could drink it more easily. As I blew, Yukino interrogated me.

Yukino: "What were you doing with Hiratsuka-sensei?" 

Y/N: "We just did some paperwork, that's all." 

Yukino: "Nothing more?" 

Y/N: "I don't really know what you expect us to be doing..." 

"Well, I'm just curious. You were gone from the meeting room for a long time. You hadn't even shown up to the Service Clubroom that day. I wondered if something went wrong, so I asked Sensei but she said that everything went fine." 

"Well, she's right. Everything went fine." I took a sip out of the tea.

I savored the taste, as I placed the tea cup onto a tiny plate that held it comfortably on my lap. 

Yukino: "Interesting..." 

She took a sip out of her tea as well. 

The situation that we were in wasn't too bad, despite all things. 

The sound of Hachiman and Yuigahama arguing in the background made some white noise for our ears, as we both took tiny sips from the steaming tea. 

On top of that, since I had to place my seat in front of Yukino, I was able to witness her elegance first hand.

The way Yukino moved seemed to be so methodical. It was certainly a change of pace from my own way of moving. 

The way I seemed to do everything appeared to be clunky compared to the way Yukino moved softly. 

It definitely changed the way I situated myself. I attempted to smooth out of movements, just like she does, however I couldn't match it even the slightest. 

Yukino: "You're trying too hard." 

Y/N: "Hm? What are you talking about?" I pretended like I didn't already know.

Yukino: "Just relax yourself. If you actively try to move slowly, you will only move roughly. The action to actively move softly, is to become soft, no?"

Y/N: "I have no idea what that means..." 

She smiled slightly, most likely with pity, or mockingly. She sighed, continuing to drink out of her cup. 

Everything she does really makes me feel like I'm leagues behind her in every way. It makes me wonder why she's still putting up with me. Even when I try my hardest to achieve something for her, like when I got Sagami-san onto the stage, it's only ever for her gratitude. 

Is that really all I want from her? Her attention?

It made me contemplate whether she really does care about me or not. 

Naturally, I shook my head, as I attempted to find reasoning as to why that wouldn't be the case. But that question never left my head for the remainder of the day. 

Does Yukino really care about me that much?




Now, there's a side effect to this. I desperately want to start working on the next season. Like RIGHT NOW. So that's what I'm going to do.

You don't have to worry about me rushing myself. I actively WANT to do this next season no matter what. 

So when this chapter comes out, and you're reading this, you can presume that I'm watching the next season.



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