By BangtanArmies

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Alpha - Phone Number - Chapter 2
Alpha - Aftertaste - Chapter 3
Alpha - Squabble - Chapter 4
Alpha - Checkmate - Chapter 5
Alpha - Adult Love - Chapter 6
Alpha - The Riddle - Chapter 7
Alpha - Mind Games - Chapter 8
Alpha - The Protagonist - Chapter 9
Alpha - Carrot Cake - Chapter 10
Alpha - The Corset - Chapter 11
Alpha - Dark Flames - Chapter 12
Alpha - Midnight Rain - Chapter 13
Alpha - The Pervert - Chapter 14
Alpha - Hot SSAM - Chapter 15
Alpha - Poisonous Prick - Chapter 16
Alpha - The Wilderness - Chapter 17
Alpha - Problematic Man - Chapter 18
Alpha - First Blood - Chapter 19
Alpha - Poisonous Intimacy - Chapter 20
Alpha - Fair Trade - Chapter 21
Alpha - Silent Killer - Chapter 22
Alpha - Unscratched - Chapter 23
Alpha - A Goddess - Chapter 24
Alpha - Wild Card - Chapter 25
Alpha - Murder Trial - Chapter 26
Alpha - Beautiful Woman - Chapter 27
Alpha - Parallel Lines - Chapter 28
Alpha - Glass Heart - Chapter 29
Alpha - The Curse - Chapter 30
Alpha - Double Edged - Chapter 31
Alpha - Creams & Crumbs - Chapter 32
Alpha - Cursed Child - Chapter 33
Alpha - Lone Wolf - Chapter 34
Alpha - Fire Bird - Chapter 35
Alpha - Blood Thirst - Chapter 36
Alpha - A Snowflake - Chapter 37
Alpha - Light & Shadow - Chapter 38
Alpha - Inner Warmth - Chapter 39
Alpha - Invisible Bruises - Chapter 40
Alpha - Counter Attack - Chapter 41
Alpha - The Prophecy - Chapter 42
Alpha - Death Angel - Chapter 43
Alpha - Divine Offering - Chapter 44
Alpha - Red Petals - Chapter 45
Alpha - Cotton Candy - Chapter 46
Alpha - Cruel World - Chapter 47
Alpha - The Untamed - Chapter 48
Alpha - A Mother's Sacrifice - Chapter 49
Alpha - Love Greed - Chapter 50
Alpha - Our Fairytale - Chapter 51
Alpha - Translucent Porcelain - Chapter 52
Alpha - The Apocalypse - Chapter 53
Alpha - Child Support - Chapter 54
Alpha - Power Burden - Chapter 55
Alpha - Everlasting Legacy - Chapter 56
Alpha - Winter Storm - Chapter 57
Alpha - White Lies - Chapter 58
Alpha - Backup Plan - Chapter 59
Alpha - Souls Ascension - Chapter 60
Alpha - Blue and Grey - Chapter 61
Alpha - Autumn Leaves - Chapter 62
Alpha - Love Debt - Chapter 63
Alpha - Winter Breath - Chapter 64
Alpha - Love Affairs - Chapter 65
Alpha - Internal Wounds - Chapter 66
Alpha - Cursed Flame - Chapter 67
Alpha - Predator & Prey - Chapter 68
Alpha - Disgraceful Existence - Chapter 69
Alpha - Our Love Story - Chapter 70

Alpha - Blooming Flowers - Chapter 1

910 33 74
By BangtanArmies

"I never lost my memories."


POV: Jang Sora.

The glowing living room decorated with LED lights erupted with noisy cheers and laughter when Jake started making funny snorting noises to entertain the crowd. I pursed my lips at his ridiculous distorted face and shook my head lightly as the guys excitedly tossed the infamous red party cup in the air.

We were playing truth or dare at a pre-graduate high-school party. Hosted by Carla, our class representative. And yes, the underage youths were illegally consuming alcohol. Diluted alcohol. I glanced down at the light blue juice that was supposed to be a 'Fruit Punch'. But I figured the rebellious teen added more than just sodas and fruits to the jar because I could feel the mixture burning my throat after a single gulp. Carla must've added too much liquor to our fruity drinks. I saw her poking around in her father's wine cellar earlier.

"Sora! It's your turn! Truth or dare?!" Michael boomed, stumbling across the living room to slump beside me on our cramped couch. I shyly glanced at the eager crowd when the popular football guy swung his arm over my shoulder to hold me with a smug smile.

"Uh... truth?" I muttered, unsurely glancing at the keen eyes around the room. A few classmates booed in response since they expected me to go for a dare, but I was too timid to risk getting told to do risky things by drunk teens my age. They made Carla drink a mouthful of water from her fish bowl two rounds ago. Jake was forced to eat a spoonful of hot chili peppers. Michael was told to dash across a speeding car- he could've been killed.

"Rumors say you're a filthy rich elite in Korea? Is that true?!" Michael immediately raised his question before the others had the chance to even think of questions to ask me. Taken aback by the unexpected question... I glanced at the others uneasily. I'm forbidden from revealing my identity.

"Uh- Well-"

"You have to kiss Michael if you can't answer us!" Someone screamed from the crowd of tipsy teenagers. My cheeks immediately flushed red, so I turned to find Michael grinning at me, smugly lifting his eyebrow to await my reply. 

"You don't have to answer if you're uncomfortable? But give me a kiss," Michael shrugged, sexily biting his lower lips. I nervously stared at his gifted curled lashes before glancing at his thick lips. Michael is a natural charmer. He's very popular amongst teens his age because he's built different. He is a Black American. But I heard he's half Swedish, so he's taller than most guys at our school.

"Stop it! You're making her feel uncomfortable!" Carla whined, snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Well? Do you want to give me an innocent peck? Or answer the question?" Michael teased until I felt my cheeks going numb. I don't like him or anything! But he's so handsome up close it makes my eyes hurt. His jawline is well-defined, and he's really solid- I can almost feel his sturdy body muscles under his clothes just by leaning against him.

"I- I have a boyfriend- so-"

"What?! Since when did you have a boyfriend?!" Carla gasped in shock as she sat on the floor in her sequin mini dress with the red vodka punch in her cup.

"You have a boyfriend?" Michael scoffed while eyeing me in surprise. I smiled and nodded at him. I never told anyone I had a boyfriend because I was supposed to conceal our identities.

"My boyfriend lives in Korea," I shrugged, turning to examine their shocked expression.

"I mean... he wouldn't know if you kissed another guy, right? You're leaving soon anyways- so why don't you try doing something reckless for the memories?!" Jake laughed as he noisily scrunched the chips in his mouth.

"Jake! What's the matter with you? She can't kiss another guy if she has a boyfriend!" Hannah fired our class clown a warning glare when she noticed I was nervously gripping my knee-length skirt.

"That's right. I don't want to get in trouble with a rich Korean boyfriend. Let's save the dare for later!" Michael laughed, turning to nod at the crowd.

"Save the dare for later?" I asked, glancing at him unsurely.

"Show us your secret boyfriend when you return to Korea! We're hurt! How can you conceal your relationship status from us? I could've confessed my feelings for you!" Michael chuckled, lightly ruffling my hair to tease me. I giggled in response and lowered my face to shake my head in embarrassment. The crowd resumed the game until everyone was tipsy. They eventually started bouncing and screaming to the upbeat music that was blasting from Carla's massive speaker.

Except me. Of course. I sat quietly on the couch to watch my friends and classmates celebrate the end of their high-school journey with a weak smile. I'm not too close with anyone to be their best friend, but I get along with almost everyone, so I guess they're all my friends. They were always so welcoming and especially friendly to me. I never encountered problems with anyone since I moved here. Maybe that's because they think I'm rich. I sometimes pay for our hangouts, so they're all convinced I'm well-off.

"Sora, sweetie!" Carla drunkenly leaned over the couch to bind her arms around my shoulders. I turned around to find her exposed cleavage pressed against my cheek as she hugged me from behind.

"Yeah? You look drunk-"

"Someone is here to see you," She muttered, nodding at her front door.

"Visit me?" I repeated, unsurely staring at her rosy cheeks. She burped in my face, releasing a foul odor, so I scrunched my nose in disgust.

"I don't know, but he asked for you," Carla shrugged, straightening her back, and stumbled away to join the others. I glanced away from the crowd, got up from the crouch, and approached the front door. Someone is here to see me? But everyone is at the party..?

I swung open the door to find a middle-aged buff man in a thick black jacket smoking on the front porch. He slowly lifted his face to examine me as I awkwardly stood at the front door to watch him exhale the steam between his nostrils. Who is he? He's Asian. Why is he looking for me? The man tried to speak when Jake appeared by the door with Hannah to check on me. So I quickly turned to reassure them and tried to explain the situation- I turned back around- only to realize the guy had left without speaking to me. I frowned as I watched him stroll away... steadily leaving through the front yard. Who's this mysterious guy? But before I had time to process the situation- I was dragged back inside Carla's house to party with the others.


I brushed off the stranger's approach as my graduation ceremony crept closer and closer. And yet... my family hadn't contacted me. Sighing heavily, I slipped my phone back into my pocket when eomma refused to answer my call. Why are they all ignoring me? Eomma and appa aren't coming to my high school graduation? And why isn't Jungkook answering my texts or calls? He's been distant lately. I feel like I've lost contact with everyone in Korea.

"Ah!" I gasped when someone suddenly grabbed my wrist as I walked down the empty dark road after returning from the mall. The man grunted in pain when I accidentally threw a hard punch at his face before I could stop myself. Damn! My reflex is crazy reactive!

"Ugh-" The man groaned, covering his bleeding nose with his palm. My jaw dropped in panic when I realized it was the same man who visited me earlier at Carla's party.

"Who are you!? I'll call the police if you step any closer!" I threatened, shakily snatching out my phone to press on the keypad in a hurry.

"You're very heavy-handed for a young woman your age," He chuckled lowly after rubbing the blood from his nose. I gulped in fear as he stood before me, calmly wiping the fresh blood stain on his clothes with his tongue pressed against his cheek. He kept his distance and was oddly very calm, even after I struck him.

"I asked who-"

"I'm Choi Do-hwan. Your personal bodyguard," The man sighed, dropping his bloody hands to the side with his dimmed eyes trained on mine. I froze in my position but kept staring at him with a doubtful look. He awkwardly stared at me in silence before glancing away when he realized I wasn't too convinced.

Yeah. A stranger showed up out of nowhere to claim he's my bodyguard? Did he think I'd squeal in delight? For all I know he might be a sex trafficker or maybe an organ harvester! And I'm prepared to run for my life- but what if he's a hot mafia dude from those smutty fiction books? Oh, that's hot- SORA!? I blinked out of my absurd thoughts, tightly clenching my fists to alert myself of the dangerous situation after losing myself to the intrusive thoughts.

"What are you talking about-"

"Jang Sora. Your parents sent me to escort you home after your graduation ceremony. We're leaving immediately. I'll ship out your belongings beforehand, so make sure to pack your things," Do-hwan sighed, handing me a letter with a golden seal on it. What's this? I quickly tore open the letter to find my mother's undeniable cursive handwriting on the paper. Only my mother can be this dramatic!

I expect your return, Sora. 

"Why would she send a letter? She's so old fashioned- tsk," I muttered, shoving the letter into my coat's pocket and rolled my eyes in disbelief. It's the 21st century, for fuck sake! She didn't answer my call but chose to send a living man across the globe to deliver a letter with a few words written on it? I blinked awkwardly, turning to look at the man again. He was quietly standing before me with a broken nose. Should I take him to the hospital?

"Araso! I received your letter, so you can leave now! Shoo!" I rudely dismissed him, turned around, and stormed toward my house at the end of the vacant street. I'm sure he can treat himself! I quickly unlocked the door after sprinting home and hurried inside, and was about to bang the door shut when my door suddenly flew open, sending me stumbling backward- until I slammed flat against the wall behind the door. Thud!

"Ow!" I rubbed my forehead after the collision- but froze in shock when I found the man peeking at me from beside the door to check on my condition with a straight face. Did he have to push the door so hard?! He could've shattered my skull!

"Mianhae. I'm staying with you until the departure day," Do-hwan muttered, storming into my house without permission. I gripped the door in disbelief. He followed me all the way home?!

"Why don't you stay at the hotel!? Or anywhere you've been staying?!" I whined, hastily closing the door as he strode into the living room to inspect my basic American house interior, clearly unbothered by my complaints. The man didn't like to talk much, so I eventually gave up on whining. I let him reside in the guest room, and it was pretty weird because he was a complete stranger. Did something happen in Korea? Am I in danger? Why did my parents send a guard to escort me?


"I told you to stay home!" I gasped in shock when I noticed Do-hwan walking into the auditorium in his only set of clothes. Apparently, the man didn't bring any belongings when he came to the States and has been wearing the same outfit for the last few days.

"We're leaving afterward, remember?" He calmly turned to shrug at me as I stood glaring at him. The man really shipped out all of my packages and even forced me to pack my suitcase this morning.

"Wait outside-"

"Sora! Who's this!?" Carla chirped, suddenly appearing with our friend group.

"Oh! Is it your boyfriend from Korea?! Damn! He's a fine ass man I'd love to screw!" Jake joked, lightly smacking Do-hwan's abs with a bright beam. The man sideways darted my friend the 'not impressed' face and clenched his fist in annoyance.

"Boyfriend? I'm her body-"

"He's my cousin! He dropped by yesterday to attend my graduation since he lives closest to me!" I quickly interrupted Do-hwan. He turned to frown at me, so I lightly nudged him away from my friends until he sighed and walked off with his hands fitted in his tight black jeans pockets. 

"No offense. He looks old enough to be your dad," Hannah laughed as we watched Do-hwan carry his heavy body across the auditorium with his chest puffed out. He doesn't know how to smile, does he? He's intimidating the teachers and parents!

"Guys! I got our seats!!!" Michael waved his arms in the air to grab our attention from the front rows, so I quickly pushed my friends forward and hurried toward the seats. Do-hwan told me I was forbidden from informing my friends about my departure. I can't even say goodbye to my friends. That's harsh. I guilty stared at their bright and cheerful laughter, knowing I'll be gone... right after this event. Sighing. I turned to eye our principal and teachers as he presented the diplomas to the honor students.

Fast Forward

"Your grade transcript is an eyesore," Do-hwan grimaced as he sat beside me in the business class cubicle on the plane. I averted my eyes from the dense clouds to find him flipping through my school report document with his eyebrows furrowed. He looks almost disappointed with my school performance.

"Did you have to say that out loud?" I grimaced. He's too blunt about things! It's very rude of him! He doesn't even respond to me sometimes! And would ignore me as if I didn't exist.

[Choi Do-hwan Official Picture Reference] 

"Your parents sent you to a private boarding school. You should've done better-"

"They sent me away to stop me from causing trouble," I mumbled, sorely turning my head to gaze out the plane's window. My parents decided to fly me out of Korea after I uncovered their dirty and twisted past. They killed Park Jihyun. They murdered the half-blood supreme alpha to seize his power. Eomma wanted to sacrifice Jungkook because he was a half-blood. She believes his bloodline would put our households at risk. I was upset after Jungkook got into a car accident and threatened to expose their secrets.

They revealed us to the society after Jungkook recovered from the accident, and I was sent abroad a month after. I didn't even get to say goodbye to anyone.

Well. It's not like I had anyone to say my farewell to. For eight years... I lived alone in a brand new city after being placed under a host family's care. I didn't even know how to speak English when I first arrived in the States. And I was homesick because I hated their greasy food. Naturally, as a child. I cried and begged to return home, but my parents never listened to my pleas and chose to abandon me with another family.

Eight years. They never allowed me to visit Korea once. I'd spend years after years detached from my home, friends, and family. Nothing. Jungkook stayed in touch with me, but he slowly disappeared as well. Maybe it's because of my parents? I don't even know if he's alive or dead.

"What are you doing?" Do-hwan fired me a funny look when he noticed I was collecting red bean ice creams at the duty-free store.

"Jungkook likes it!" I replied, happily jogging toward the cashier.

"You're aware they sell plenty of those outside the airport, right?" Do-hwan sideway fired me a bitter look as we strolled out of the terminal after our exhausting flight.

"Stop whining so much! You can have one-"

"No, thank you," Do-hwan rudely walked away when I tried to offer him an ice cream. I glared at the back of his head, swiftly jerking the ice cream pack and sneakily pretended to hit the stupid man from behind his back. What's with the attitudes?!

"Jungkook will love it once we meet again! Where are we going??!" I chased after Do-hwan as he sternly strode through the airport. I glanced around the exit in confusion to search for familiar faces as people waited for their family members, friends, and lovers with cute posters to greet them. I blinked at the unfamiliar faces until we ended up at the parking lot. Do-hwan turned to examine me when he realized I was confused by the situation.

"No one came to greet me?" I asked, sadly glancing at him with the ice cream bag gripped tightly in my hand.

"Your ice cream is melting, so throw it away before stepping into the car," Do-hwan nodded bitterly at my half-eaten ice cream. I gulped the hot lump in my throat and threw away the ice cream before stepping inside a black car with my duty-free bag.

"Does Jungkook know I'm returning?" I asked after Do-hwan drove out of the parking lot.

"The society knows you're returning," Do-hwan shrugged as he navigated the steering wheel. I sighed and glanced down at the ice cream bag in disappointment. Everyone knew, but... no one came to greet me? I was gone for eight years. And yet no one wanted to see me again? Sora! Stop having absurd thoughts! Maybe they're busy! 

I glanced out the window, gloomily gazing at the familiar city with negative thoughts. The city changed so much! There are more skyscrapers now! The landscape I used to recognize is so much different from what I remember?!- Nothing looks alike to me! Gradually, the dark thoughts left my head as I pressed my palms against the glass window to admire my home country with a bright smile.

"Can you ask the chefs to prepare Korean food for me?! I miss the authentic taste!" I excitedly hopped out of the car after we drove through the enormous gate. I halted when I found the looming twin mansions sitting magnificently before me. Didn't they renovate the mansion? The garden. The water fountain... and even the private parking lot were still the same!

"I'll inform imo," Do-hwan dully replied as we strolled toward the front door when it suddenly swung open, and someone came strolling out in a hurry.

"Ah!" I gasped when the guy bumped hard into me by accident.

"Yah! Watch it!" A familiar voice scolded me after the impact sent me stumbling to the side. My body abruptly froze when I recognized his voice, so I whipped my head around to gawk at the guy in disbelief. The young man briefly darted me an annoyed glare. Is he-? I felt my heart pounding against my rib as he stood before me, wearing his usual intense gaze whenever he was frustrated.

"Jungkook-'' I tried to speak when he suddenly strode off without glancing at me. I halted in shock when he disappeared without greeting me. I heard a car engine roaring to life, and a sports car suddenly raced out of the mansion.

"Head inside-"

"Why didn't he greet me...?" I muttered when Do-hwan tried to nudge me forward.

"You probably look too ugly," Do-hwan smirked. I snapped my head in his direction with an offended look, firing him a sharp glare. Did he think this is funny?! I should've punched him harder!

"I'll fire you!" I threatened Do-hwan and stormed inside the mansion with my arms crossed. To my astonishment... The interior remained exactly the same as the memories I retained of the place before I left. Nothing changed. Even the soothing candle scent was still present within the mansion. A few maids hurriedly approached me, quickly bowing in fear as I glanced around the bright living room to examine the glimmering crystal chandelier above us.

Do-hwan escorted me to my main bedroom, located between the Kims and Jeon's mansion. And surprisingly... no one greeted me besides the staff. My parents were nowhere to be found. Maybe they're all busy? I brushed off the uneasiness and quickly unpacked my belongings. I gasped in shock when I opened my closet room to find rows after rows of my childhood clothes, shoes, and coats. Everything was neat and clean. Not a single spec of dust was present on the shelves. It's as if I never left the mansion at all. My parents must've maintained my room while I was away. I weakly smile while sorting my clothes inside the closet.

"Aigo! You poor thing! I couldn't greet you earlier!" Imo gasped, rushing into the empty dining hall when she noticed me sitting at the table alone. The maid informed me dinner was ready. So, I dressed up prettily, assuming my family planned a surprise welcoming dinner party to celebrate my return, but no. The room was vacant, and I was the only one at the table.

"Imo! I missed you!" I weakly smiled, quickly getting onto my feet to embrace her. She was a new staff member at our mansion when I first came to Seoul with Jungkook after revealing our identities to the society. Imo was in her mid-late 40s back then... so she's much older now. Her hair had gray strands and a few wrinkles on the corner of her eyes and over her forehead. I was never close to her, but she always took great care of me when I was younger.

"I made sure to cook your favorites! You must miss Korean food! The foreign cuisine is very greasy! It's unhealthy!" Imo cutely complained as she helped the maid set the plates before me.

"You cooked a lot... for a single person...?" I smiled at the steaming dishes before me. How can I possibly finish it all on my own?

"Eat as much as you want! You're so skinny! It'll plump you up like a dumpling you used to be!" Imo patted my shoulder with a warm smile. I asked her to join me at the dining table, but she refused and insisted that she had other work to handle. And sure enough. I was eating alone in the dining room. It was pretty upsetting to be neglected by my family... but the meal was good, so I happily devoured it with appreciation... until Do-hwan stepped inside the gloomy room in casual clothes.

"The maid said you were looking for me," Do-hwan cleared his throat.

"Eat dinner with me," I nodded at the extra plates with my cheeks stuffed like a chipmunk. Do-hwan fired me a disgusted look as I messily ate at the table.

"Call me when you have other requests-"

"But this is my request! Eat with me! What kind of bodyguard are you?! Why do you keep talking back at me?! Didn't eomma check your application letter? It's very unprofessional to be this disobedient and stubborn!" I whined at him in frustration. Do-hwan suddenly scoffed at my childish behavior and slowly sat down across from me in defeat.

"I'm not permitted to sit at the dining table. Only family members are allowed," Do-hwan nodded. I chuckled at his words and placed a few slices of meat in his rice bowl.

"It's just you and me here. I won't tell anyone!" I shrugged, lowering my head to slurp the soup hungrily from the steaming bowl. Do-hwan hastily launched onto his feet when I suddenly gasped in pain. I choked on the hot soup in distress as he quickly rushed towards me.

"Are you crazy?! How can you swallow boiling soup?!" Do-hwan scolded, circling the table to hand me a few tissues. I fanned my tongue in pain when I felt my taste buds sizzling from the burn. Did I cook my tongue? Ah~ Why am I so clumsy?

"I'm- fine!" I nudged him away to assure him of my condition. Do-hwan shook his head and went back to his seat with his stern eyes trained on me. He eventually ate the food, so we sat in the hushed room without exchanging conversation for a stuffy ten minutes.

"Your parents traveled to Japan for a meeting. That's why they're not present to welcome you," Do-hwan spoke up. I stopped chewing and averted my eyes to him unsurely. Did he pity me?

"You don't have to defend them," I shrugged. My family was never really the same after all the tragic incidents.

"They're doing their best to protect you. That's why I'm assigned to look after you," Do-hwan replied. I smiled and shook my head as I picked the side dish with my chopsticks.

"They're not doing it to protect me. They need someone to watch over me because they're scared I might cause unwanted trouble. That's why they sent me away to a continent across the ocean. They abandoned me because I threatened their household security," I shrugged.

I was naive and childish, so I was very furious with my parents and even threatened to ruin our household, and as a result... I was banished from my own home to thrive alone.

"They were very anxious about your return. There were many precautions taken to safely return you to the society. After all, you're the supreme alpha," Do-hwan calmly spoke with me. I didn't feel like recalling the past, so I shrugged and ate quietly.

"Do you have a wife? Or maybe children?" I asked, breaking the silence inside the room.

"My wife passed away while she was pregnant with our son. I lost them both," Do-hwan shook his head. That's tragic. Do-hwan's face was neutral, but I figured it was best if I avoided speaking about his family. I headed to my room to wash up after dinner... and then... I wandered around the mansion out of curiosity until I ended up in the garden.

"I miss my childhood," I chuckled as I recalled funny memories from the past. Jungkook and I once jumped into the fountain to swim in it during a scorching hot day. Our parents were very furious when they found us splashing the fountain water. Jungkook threw in an entire red dye bottle, so it looked like we were bathing in blood. We were both grounded afterward. They had to bathe us repeatedly to get rid of the dye from our skin. Our faces were entirely red for about a week. It was a funny incident. We were living clowns.

"My lady. There's a gift for you," A maid approached me, so I quickly turned around in my nightgown to find her carrying a pretty flower bouquet.

"Oh, thank you~" I smiled, carefully taking the bouquet from her. She politely bowed and left me alone, so I weakly smiled at the flower with a questioning look. Who sent it to me? I should've asked the maid. I cradled the flowers and headed back inside my bedroom to arrange the flowers in a vase when a small card slipped from the wrapper.

"Welcome Back - J." I whispered as I read the simple text on the card. J? Who's J? Jungkook? But he didn't notice me earlier? I shrugged and carefully trimmed the stem to place it in the vase on my mini coffee table before getting ready for bed. I'll just sleep... and hopefully, I'll see my family soon. I wanted to contact my friends back in the states, but I figured I should rest first. I'll call Carla tomorrow morning to let her know about my whereabouts. I thought I would struggle to fall asleep due to my untreated insomnia, but I fell right into a deep sleep.

I occasionally get nightmares about my past, and it's repetitive.

Blood. Loud buzzing noises. Screams. Fire rage. Shattering glass. Loud honking noises. Bright Flashes. Gun explosions.

I keep revisiting the same incident every time I close my eyes, but not tonight. Strangely. My head was empty, and I felt really at peace. Maybe it isn't so bad at all? I'm very anxious about my return, but I'm partly glad I'm finally back home. Even if my home isn't an ideal place with many haunting incidents, I was still excited- I snapped out of my thoughts when the door to my bedroom suddenly swung open. I was half awake and thought I was dreaming, so I turned on my side to sleep when I heard a soft thudding sound inside my room. Thud. The door banged shut. I heard breathy chuckles in the dark room. I furrowed my eyebrows when I felt my bed sinking... as if someone was crawling onto the mattress.

"Stop teasing me~" A feminine voice whined. My eyes flung wide open upon the unfamiliar voice. I stared at the wall on my side until I felt the movement of the person beside me.

"Shhh~" A guy whispered, chuckling lowly. I blinked in confusion and slowly turned to find two silhouettes on my bed. What the fuck?

"What if we get caught? Your parents are very strict~!" The woman whined as I listened to the sensual smooching sound behind me. Shit!? Are they making out on my bed? Why?! I wanted to turn around, but my body was as stiff as a board. I can't move?!

"Don't worry. This room is always vacant. No one will suspect we're even here," The guy muttered. My cheeks flushed red in shock after I heard their conversation. I quickly pulled the blanket over my head when they started making wet kissy noises behind my back. I felt my mattress sinking, followed by constant movements beside me, so I covered my mouth under the blanket in shock to keep quiet.

"Why are you so shy?" The guy whispered in a raspy tone. I quickly covered my ears in horror when the woman moaned beside me.

"You're a bad guy~" She chuckled before letting out another arousing moan. My face was so flushed I couldn't feel my cheeks anymore the longer I listened to their inappropriate conversation.





"You're so cute~" The guy chuckled as I listened to their unsteady moans and gentle movements on the mattress. SHIT. I have to leave- I quickly scooted towards the edge of my bed and slowly poked my leg out to search for a landing until my feet landed on the cold floor. I bit my lower lips and screwed my face in distress as I carefully shifted my body over the edge. My head finally slipped out of the blanket with one leg on the floor, so I lowered my arm to search for support as I slowly rolled off the bed.

"Did you bring a condom?" The woman moaned as the guy pleased her. I screwed my face in distress with my body halfway off the bed edge when I felt the two of them rolling closer to me.

"Shit-" I cursed when the woman rolled onto my other arm on the bed. I was laying face-first on the mattress with one leg and arm over the edge while the remaining half of my body was still on the bed. I buried my burning face into the mattress as the woman lay over my arm. THEY WILL SEE ME- I shakily turned to find the man groping the woman's body beside me. So I quickly snapped my face away to screw my eyes shut at the unholy actions beside me. SHIT. I CAN'T MOVE WITHOUT HER NOTICING!

"I'll get the condom- OH!?" The man suddenly sat up and tried to scramble off the woman when he accidentally shoved my head with his palm, forcing my face into the mattress. I felt his knees pressing on my lower back, sending a surge of sharp pain across my body as he climbed over me.

"ARH!" I shrieked in pain when he stumbled over my body. I lost my balance and fell off the edge of the bed, causing him to topple after me. The guy slammed hard onto me on the floor, so I let out a painful whimper at the rough impact.

"WHAT THE HELL?!" The woman shrieked, sitting up in shock in her loose dress as the guy struggled to regain his balance over me. RUN! SORA RUN! I quickly shoved his shirtless body off mine and quickly scrambled onto my feet in a hurry.

"Who are you-" The guy gasped, wildly turning to look at me, but I refused to respond and dashed toward the door when I felt a firm grasp around my gown's collar from behind.

"Stop the person! Who dared to enter your room!?" The woman cried.

"Let go!" I winced, tapping the guy's hand in distress as he clutched the back of my gown's collar until I was choking with the pressure around my neck.

"Who are you- Ah!" The guy tried to turn me around, so I smacked him hard in the face, sending him stumbling backward. I raced for the door and swung it open, but before I could take a step forward- I felt a strong arm encircling my waist. I screamed in panic when he roughly yanked me back inside the room, so I shrieked and grabbed hold of the door handle to stop him from hauling me away.

"AH! LET GO! AHHHHH~ DO-HWAN~~~" I shrieked in panic.

"BE QUIET! YOU'LL WAKE EVERYONE-" The guy growled, suddenly covering my mouth to stop me from screaming. I frantically thrashed in his clutch as I tightly clawed the door, refusing to surrender because I was too embarrassed to face him.

"OW!" The guy wailed in pain when I sank my teeth into his palm. He quickly released me in shock. The abrupt release... suddenly sending my frail body flying... out of the room.

"Yah! What's with the noises- FUCK!?" Someone appeared, storming down the corridor but didn't finish his sentence when I slammed hard into the person. Thump! I stumbled to the side just as he appeared at the doorway to check on the unexpected commotion.

"Someone broke into my bedroom!" The guy inside the room snapped, rushing out after me. I tumbled clumsily onto the corridor in front of another guy.

"HEY, THAT'S MY BEDROOM!" I screamed, accidentally blurting in anger.

"MOH?! YOUR BEDROOM?-" The shirtless guy argued as I struggled to sit up with a scraped knee.

"Who permitted your return?" The other guy asked in a low tone as I knelt before his feet. I rubbed the sweat beads off my forehead and slowly lifted my face to look at him in horror. That voice- no. My heart thumped against my ribs so hard I thought it was going to burst out of my chest. Our eyes met. And for a moment. I felt fear... paralyzing every part of... my body. His intimidating dark brown eyes... glaring right into my soul as he darkly towered over me. My legs were suddenly weak, so I remained paralyzed on my knees before him.

"O- oppa-" I stuttered, fearfully staring at him in terror as he frowned at me with a spiteful look. I was... kneeling... right before... Kim Taehyung.

"Who are you-?" The shirtless guy asked, so I shakily turned to face him- only to realize it was- Jeon Jungkook. Jungkook's face turned pale when he finally recognized me. Thud. Thud.

"What's going on-?" The woman stumbled out of the bedroom when the entire corridor grew hushed. I averted my eyes to find an insanely hot woman staring at me with a curious yet baffled look. Her eyes were sharp and alluring... and her lips were glossed with bright red lipstick. She was dressed in a lacy mini-dress. Her loose black hair reaching her tiny waist. I blinked and glanced back at Jungkook. He was completely frozen, standing shirtless by the doorway until his face drained in terror. I gulped, shakily averting my attention back to Taehyung... who was also cemented in his place. He intensely stared at me with a stern frown as I looked up at him on my knees.

"Jang Sora?" Kang Minah whispered, her jaw dropping in shock as she stood beside Jungkook. Dread filled me as I remained helpless in the corridor, caught between the people responsible for my past traumas.

Suddenly... I wanted to disappear from this world.


Hi! Were y'all excited about the second season?! I am too! This is sadly not a sequel of the first book T_T but rather, an alternative universe of Survival. If Sora never lost her memories... would the storyline unfold differently? And would she make it this time? We'll find out together. I can't promise you an endgame but I do hope for a happy ending! Thank you so much for supporting the Survival Series! I love everyone! Have a good day!

Did you enjoy the story? I hope you did!

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