Cowboys & Angels

By taylorchasewrites

36.1K 709 216

"I've got boots and she's got wings I'm hell on wheels and she's heavenly I'd die for her and she lives for m... More

Twenty One
Twenty Two
Twenty Three
Twenty Four
Twenty Five
Twenty Six
Twenty Seven
Twenty Eight
Twenty Nine


1.5K 24 6
By taylorchasewrites

I came to life when I first kissed you
The best me has his arms around you
You make me better than I was before
Thank God I'm yours

Yours x Russell Dickerson


The Coles handled the news surprisingly well once they processed it, eventually laughing at the thought they could be criminals. They were understanding of our task and could see the friendship we developed was genuine. Even more shocking was that they did, in fact, have legal documents supporting they were the godparents to Fynnleigh and would be taking custody of her immediately. They're super excited for the new parental roles they'll be filling and, with hugs between Kate and I and the manly back slaps between the boys, we part with the promise to keep in touch when we can. Jake and I head back to our house and start to pack our basics, knowing a crew will come back and pack the rest up later due to the high risk environment it's now become. I close the flaps on my last box, looking up at Jake who has been loading them into the car for me. Since we're just going to the airport and don't need two vehicles, we're loading the suv down and driving out together.

"Is it weird I'm pretty sad to be leaving here?" I ask Jake.

"Not in the slightest, tiny. I'm sad too. I've had you all to myself the last few months and now I gotta share you with everyone again," he pouts making me laugh. "Besides, we have big news to share with everyone! Plus we finally get to see Fanbaby," he reminds me of my goddaughter.

"I can't wait to get my hands on her sweet cheeks! I'm gonna get all the snuggles Danny and Vee will let me have. Turns out you and I could use the practice. Man, the last 24 hours have been insane. How are you feeling about it all, honey?" I wrap my arms around his waist and look up at him, propping my chin against his chest. His arms snake around my shoulders and pull me closer to him as he looks down at me.

"About the fact we got hoodwinked by Todd and Karrie? Pretty shitty, but I can admit their ruse of acting like total weirdos to throw us off their guilt was a solid one. About us having a baby? I'm over the moon, Angel. I know it kinda feels like we went from 0-100 in no time flat, but we also know it's been a long time coming for us. There's nobody I'd rather have babies with, even if they take after their mama and end up two feet shorter than anyone else," he teases and scrunches his nose. "What about you? I know you've always wanted kids but this wasn't planned. I hope you're not mad at me for essentially taking you out of the air for now," he cringes.

"It's like you said, it's been a long time coming. Plus, our kid is gonna be cute as hell with who their parents are. I may be out of the air, but I'm not off the team. We'll figure something out, I'm sure. Even though it wasn't planned, I couldn't be happier to have your cute babies, Seresin. We're officially partners in everything now! In the air, in the bed...or the couch...or the kitchen life, now in parenthood. Ok gross, this sappy stuff is gonna make me cry. Slap my ass and pull my hair or something before I start crying uncontrollably!" Jake just laughs at my dramatics and kisses me while squeezing my butt. "There ya go, I'm good now! Ready to roll out?"

"Let's head home, short stack."

A few hours later, I've boarded the cargo plane and Jake is moving the boxes from the car to the plane, refusing to let me even lift a finger. "I'm pregnant, not handicapped Jake!" I huff in frustration. "Sweetheart, it's not because you're pregnant. It's because you were drugged, kidnapped, and hospitalized less than 24 hours ago. Take it easy, for me and the little nugget you're toting," he says, kissing my cheek as he walks past me. "I hate it when you make sense," I pout at him.

Within 15 minutes, Nat, Bradley, and Uncle
Mav have also boarded the plan and are ready to head home as well. The takeoff passes in relative silence before Bradley finally speaks up. "Sooooo, you just dropped the pregnant bombshell on us earlier and left it without another word. Wanna fill us in?"

Jake and I look at each other and smile before I I start. "Well, I'm 8 weeks pregnant thanks to me forgetting my IUD was supposed to be replaced in the spring. Surprise! We're expecting a baby, but honestly I'm hoping for a tiny T Rex, that'd be pretty awesome," I chuckle at my own joke. "No, in all seriousness, we're really happy about it. It was definitely a shock, I found out yesterday while we were out. Nat's actually the one who made me realize I might be pregnant and had me take a test. I was planning on a cute announcement for Jake's birthday and then I'd tell y'all after that, but this little one is already keeping us on our toes," I smile.

Nat is grinning like an idiot and then jumps out of her seat to hug me, uncle Mav and Roo following shortly behind her. "Oh! That reminds me, I have ultrasound pictures!" I proudly show off the grainy black and white images. Jake wraps his arm around my shoulders and pulls me into him, a huge smile on his face as well. The other three eventually return to their seats and settle in for the duration of the flight.

"Hey, I wanna talk to you about something," Jake says, my attention turning to him once again.

"Trying to leave your baby mama high and dry already?" I joke.

"One, you're far more than just my baby mama and you know that, you little shit. Two, you act like I could go anywhere even if I wanted to. Those goons over there would skin me alive if I even thought about leaving you two!" He pokes at my side, making me giggle. "That'll never be a possibility though, I've grown quite attached to you over the years. Plus, you're a fucking hellcat in bed. Nobody could ever compare to you," he says the last part lowly and punctuates it with a wink. "I love you, Angel. What do you think about us living together? As Jake and Beckham this time, not Greer and Drew."

"Honestly I thought that was a given. I don't think I can sleep without you next to me anymore. Besides, who would get me the snacks the little one will make me crave at 2am if you're not there? Of course I wanna live together, ya big dummy. I kinda love you a lot too," I reply with a kiss.

"Since the douchebag knows who we are, it's safe to assume he knows where you live. What are your thoughts on either living on base or buying another house?"

"Well, given that our little crew is growing by two little feet, I figured I needed more space than I have now. I planned on expanding when I had kids anyway, so let's start looking later this week? Until then, it's probably ok for us to stay at my house. Todd is too smart to try and do anything this soon and is busy on the run with his mistress at the moment. How crazy is that, by the way?!" I ask.

"Yeah that one definitely threw me for a loop, those people are nuts," he shakes his head. "On another note, my sisters had 'mother's intuition' about what they were having early on and were right each time. What are you thinking the little nug is?"

"I just have this feeling we're having a girl, another one to keep you on your toes. You're about to be payin' for your raisin' big guy!" I giggle. "I have an idea for how to tell the team, wanna hear it?"

"Fire away, short stack."

"Ok I was thinking about the story of the first time you flew with Bob!" Jake groans at the memory, feeling bad for giving him such a hard time. "Remember what you said when you told him Bob should stand for something?"


What are we thinking, is baby Hanglo a boy or girl? 😍

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