The Summoners' Heir

By Lasanai7

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Born to both light and shadows, I'm respected but feared. I have lived many centuries and served as a general... More

Chapter 1: A New Timeline
Chapter 2: A First Lifetime
Chapter 3: A Lifetime ago
Chapter 4: The Golden Thread
Chapter 5: Not Today, Babushka
Chapter 6: Mission: Sol Koroleva
Chapter 7: Thank you, Genya
Chapter 8: Alone, But Never Lonely
Chapter 9: Yes, Mother. Yes, I will.
Chapter 10: A Corporalki's Insight
Chapter 11: Dining with the Darkling
Chapter 12: A Promise to Ravka
Chapter 13: Baghra's Plea
Chapter 14: The Sun's Announcement
Chapter 15: Your Queen Awaits
Chapter 16: Your Queen Awaits Part II
Chapter 17: A Family Reunion... Almost
Chapter 18: For the Love of a Daughter
Chapter 19: Sweet Dreams
Chapter 20: My Princess is Perfect
Chapter 21: We're Finally a Family, Father
Chapter 23: It's Like Looking In A Mirror
Chapter 24: Never Let Me Go. Ever
Chapter 25: Moya Rebe, Moya Luna, My World, My Everything
Chapter 26: You Are Not Alone, Not Anymore
Chapter 27: Like A Father
Chapter 28: Spill The Tea
UPDATE!! (Not a chapter - sorry y'all)
Chapter 29: The Sweetest of Realisations
Chapter 30: Till Infinity Runs Out
Chapter 31: Only Love Could Hurt This Way
Chapter 32: Irreplaceable
Chapter 33: Precious Gem
Chapter 34: You'll Never Walk Alone
Chapter 35: The First of Many Eclipses
Chapter 36: Gathering The Puzzle Pieces
Chapter 37: Paying the Price
Chapter 38: Two Faces Of The Same Coin
Chapter 39: The Heart of His Storm
Chapter 40: The Calm Before the Storm
Chapter 41: Only Know You Love Her When You Let Her Go
Chapter 42: This Meant War
Chapter 43: Losing Myself
Chapter 44: Eya Fyela Chi, Moi Korol

Chapter 22: Everything I Do, I Do For You

924 29 100
By Lasanai7

Dinner was at six, but I decided to pop over a little earlier. I had to admit I was looking forward to this a little too much. How was I suddenly so okay with the Darkling? I realised that unconsciously I had wanted this for so long. Was I that naive? I felt a pang of guilt in my stomach.

Stupid child.

Baghra's words echoed in my head.

Be careful, I warned myself.

He is still the Darkling.

"Leksi," he greeted me with the warmest smile. I almost forgot what I was thinking. I could almost forget who he had become.

"Darkling," I replied, still reeling from my previous thoughts.

The smile vanished.

"Where's Mother?" I asked. 

His voice took on a harsher tone.

"She's training with Baghra, so she'll be a few minutes."

An awkward silence passed between us.

"So it was just a one-time thing, then," he surmised.

"Sorry, I... what?" I asked, not entirely focused.

The disappointment on his face was crippling.

That was when my mistake registered.

"I understand," he murmured.

He looked so... dejected.

"No! Dark... Father, sorry, I... just,"

I approached him, not sure what to do now. I did want this. I just... I wasn't used to this dynamic. Perhaps I should tell him...Communication is key. Right?

I moved closer, my movements less hesitant now. I took Father's hands and wrapped them around me. I was tucked under his embrace. It seemed like the daughterly thing to do. I sat in his lap and rested my head on his chest... just like in the memory. It was soothing. Safety. His arms automatically held me tighter.

"Father, I didn't mean anything by it. I'm just not used to calling you... I never did at home. We never were..."

"Father and Daughter," he finished for me.

"Right, but I do want us..."

"Why?" he interrupted.

"Why, what?"

"Why aren't we a family in the future?"

He really did seem troubled by the prospect.

"I... I don't know. You were... distant. I mean... you never seemed to care for Alistair or me as your children. You just... you never showed it. We weren't any different from the other Grisha. We were trained to be warriors... to serve the crown... you."

"But you're... you're special... you're..."

I thought I heard him say 'mine'.

"That doesn't make sense."

"Doesn't it?" I asked, genuinely curious. I thought it made perfect sense knowing him.

"No, Leksi, it doesn't."

"Why's that?"

He paused, contemplating his words.

"Your Mother, Alina..."

"Your Alina," I interrupted.

The romantic in me couldn't help it. The dark and light pairing was just such a romantic idea. A tale as old as time.

He smiled.

"My Alina was a fairy tale... a myth from ancient Ravkan lore. But the idea of her had always existed. There was always hope, so I waited. I waited for my sun summoner. But you..."

He reached for my face again, and this time around, I snuggled against him. I let him be my Father.

"The idea of you was unfathomable. I never deluded myself with those dreams. I never thought I would have," Father paused, "Your Mother is a gift, but you are..."

The door burst open.

"Hey, family!"

Mother made a grand entrance, her arms wide like the star she was. I giggled, and Father tried to repress a laugh. I ran out of his arms to greet her. I leapt into hers, matching her energy. We were squeezing each other so tightly I thought one of us would lose consciousness.

"How was training with Baghra?"

"Tiresome. Is it always like that?"

"Always," the Darkling confirmed with a smirk.

So he hadn't told her the whole story yet. Intriguing. When did he plan on telling her exactly?Now I was starving.

"Alright, let's eat!" I boomed, rubbing my hands together like it was a mukbang challenge - the way they have in Shu-Han. I wondered if they do that now?

This got a laugh from both my parents.

We ate and drank as families do. I still could not quite fathom the idea of what was happening. I wished Alistair was here. He would have loved this. Father had really outdone himself - the food was exquisite. The pastries were just delightful with their carefully crafted design. They were literal works of art! I couldn't help but stare at the abundance of food before me. Did the King dine like this every day?

"So, Mother, what did you do in training today?"

"Oh, well, you know, with Baghra's regiment, I'm being whipped into shape... literally,"

The Darkling choked on his wine. Did he seriously laugh?

"Father!" I cried, gobsmacked.

"Um... a little sympathy, please?" Mother joked.

I did not recognise this man - so relaxed and free.

"Sorry, it's just... I've been there."

"She trained you too?" Mother inquired.

"Indeed, while here methods are questionable, they certainly are effective."

"I suppose," Mother conceded.

I forgot that Mother didn't know Baghra's identity, but that all changed in a hot second.

"Baghra's my mother," Father declared.

Mother's eyes widened at the information, but she quickly hid her shock. She cocked her head to the side and stared at Father, scrutinising him. Finally, she spoke.

"I actually see the resemblance."

"Do you, now?"

"Yeah, you both scrunch your nose up the same way when you don't approve of something," I contributed.

"Well, you do it too, babe," Mother informed me.

"Do not!"

I felt like such a child at this moment.

Both Mother and Father erupted in laughter. We continued like this for the rest of the evening, joking, laughing, and hugging. This was how it was meant to be, I reminded myself.

"Alright, I have another session with Baghra tomorrow. I suppose I should head off to bed," Mother decided.

"May the Saints be with you," Father quipped.

"Oh, stop it! I'll see you both in the morning."

The Darkling smiled - the third time this evening.

"Good night, Alina."

She nodded.

"Thank you for dinner. I enjoyed myself."

"I'm glad."

They continued to stare at each other for what seemed like an eternity.

"Ugh! Just get a room already."

This brought them out of their dazed state. Mother's attention turned to me.

"Night, baby," she said, giving me a quick squeeze.

"Night, Ma."

Once Mother left, I got up to make my own exit.


I stopped in my tracks. Was I in trouble?

"Yes, Father?"

"As I was saying, your Mother is a gift - to Ravka and me," he admitted, "but you... you're a blessing."

I paused. That was a lot to take in - especially from the Black Heretic.

"That means a lot to me."

He nodded, acknowledging my words. I turned to leave, but he reached out, gripping my wrist. This time, when he spoke, the words were so soft they were almost undetectable. Yet, I caught them.

"I'd do anything for you, milaya."

I grabbed him, letting him hug me once more. I didn't let go, and neither did he. We sat like that for a while... and eventually, I fell asleep. 

Hey guys, 

Hope you enjoyed the chapter! Thanks for reading this far. I really appreciate your support. Thanks to @lovebeyondwords and @beepylol for the inspo for the last chapter name. You guys are legends! Anyway, as always, let me know what your thoughts are in the comments below and please do let me know of suggestions for this chapter name. Have a great weekend! :)

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