Discovering Mack

Por prettiestoflies

5.6K 458 34

"Not screwing as in ongoing. It was a one time... or two time thing," I cringe at how slutty that makes me so... Más

Nice To Meet You
1| One
2| Two
3| Three
4| Four
5| Five
6| Six
7| Seven
8| Eight
9| Nine
10| Ten
11| Eleven
12| Twelve
13| Thirteen
14| Fourteen
15| Fifteen
16| Sixteen
17| Seventeen
18| Eighteen
19| Nineteen
20| Twenty
21| Twenty-One
22| Twenty-Two
23| Twenty-Three
24| Twenty-Four
25| Twenty-Five
26| Twenty-Six
28| Twenty-Eight
29| Twenty-Nine
Bonus | I love you

27| Twenty-Seven

140 12 1
Por prettiestoflies

The tension in this room is high. Like blowing a balloon up as far as you possibly can, then threatening to pop it with a pin. Somehow though, we're managing.

Scarlett, Tristan and I are going over portfolio's and placing them in order of priority and assigning them to each of us. With the restructure and two beginners, there's a whole lot of new planning to be done. This means the three of us are in a room together all day long.

Tristan has hardly looked at me. He has spoken only when necessary and I'm too chicken shit to bring it up. I can't get a read on how he's feeling at all.

"I'm going to the bathroom," Scarlett announces and excuses herself. I look at her with a plea in my eye to please not leave me alone with him, but she just mouths talk to him instead. Some friend.

The door closes behind her and I pick up a file, finding a tampon ad campaign incredibly interesting.

"Mack," Tristan speaks my name softly. I look up at him and am relieved to see the normal, soft Tristan back and not the cold hard man who left me crying in the street yesterday. "Can we talk?"

"Like now? Or..."

"Later. Come to my place after work, I'll cook and we can talk?"

I nod, my heart hammering in my chest. "Um, sure. Yep. Ok. Sounds good."

"Ok, great," he smiles softly picking up the next file from the pile.

That was it for the rest of the day. Just the promise of hopefully sorting this out later.


My hands are sweaty as I stand outside Tristan's door. My leg was shaking uncontrollably in the uber over here, my new car won't be ready to pick up until early this weekend- they hope! So I'm still catching Uber's and public transport. Through the door I can smell the sweet smell of whatever pasta dish Tristan must have cooked us.

I have no idea what to expect from tonight. What I hope is that we get to speak and sort out the total misunderstanding that yesterday was. However, there is still the issue of the awful words Tristan said to me. If that's how he really feels, and how little trust he has in me then it's not a great way to start a new relationship. I can't help but consider Tristan has asked me here to let me down lightly, and call whatever this is off before it even begins. Scarlett laughed at me when I suggested that earlier, full on hysterics.

I take a deep breath, wipe my sweaty hand on my jeans and knock three times on Tristan's front door. It takes about a half a second for the door to swing open. Knowing the layout of his apartment, he must have been on the couch waiting for me to arrive. Possibly even heard me stalling at the door.

There's a nervous smile gracing his beautiful face. "Mack, you came," he breaths out as though relieved.

"Well you did invite me," I smile. "Are you going to invite me in?"

Tristan steps backwards, or more jumps and sweeps his arm to the side gesturing for me to come inside. I step in and close the door behind me and slip my shoes off while he is already making his way to the kitchen. I've never seen him so nervous before. It's a little endearing and hopefully a positive sign.

Walking a little further into his apartment I see he has gone to a lot of effort for tonight. The coffee table has been cleared of all books with a table cloth lay across it. There's a few small candles burning, two glasses and a bottle of wine chilling. On the floor are a couple of large European pillows.

"I hope it's not too much," Tristan speaks from behind me.

I turn to see him carrying two plates with lasagne on them, the smell making my mouth water. He places them on the table and heads back to the kitchen to get the salad and garlic bread.

"Come, sit," he tells me and I realise I'm still just standing in the same spot gawking.

"This looks and smells amazing Tris," I tell him honestly as I take a seat on one of the cushions, picking up a slice of garlic bread. I look up to see Tristan watching me, the edge of his lips slightly lifted to a half smile.

We eat in awkward silence. The only sounds are our cutlery scraping the plate. When we've both finished I decide I can't handle it anymore.


"Mack," Tristan says at the same time. "Sorry, you go," he says.

"No, no. You invited me here to talk."

"Right, right. Yes," he scratches the back of his neck. "Mack, I'm sorry."

Tristan begins, then pauses and I instantly panic that he is about to tell me he is sorry and he doesn't want to do this anymore. But then he continues.

"I was an idiot, and I said some shitty things. I got jealous, it's no excuse, but Alex has just always triggered me. I'm so sorry Mack, can you forgive me?"

I want to scream yes, absolutely yes. But if my relationship with Noah taught me anything, it's that if you don't address things, they will build up pressure until they finally explode.

"It wasn't just shitty things you said, it was hurtful Tristan. I know I kinda lost the plot for a bit there but having you throw it back in face now when I thought we were past all of that really hurt me. Is that really what you think of me? That I would so easily hook up with Alex again despite how far you and I have come?"

Tristan at least has the decency to look completely ashamed. "No Mack, I don't think that. I just saw how close he was to you, touching you, and the way you were smiling a smile that is usually for me. I saw red. I wanted to cause you as much hurt as I was feeling and it was so wrong. I felt sick all last night and I was too embarrassed to call you and explain."

Tears fall from my eyes, but they are different tears to yesterday's. I'm not sad or upset with him anymore. I'm honestly in awe of the raw honesty sat in front of me.

Tristan notices my tears and is quick to scoot closer to me on the floor, picking up a napkin from the table and wiping my tears.

"Don't cry Mack, please," he pleads. "I'm so sorry."

"Tristan, that smile you saw me giving Alex was for you. He was telling me how he could see how happy I was, that you make me happy," I explain through sniffles.

"I really am an idiot, I should have listened to you both," he says wrapping me up in a hug.

I hug him tighter. "Yeah you should have," I mutter into his shoulder. We hold each other for what feels like minutes, but probably isn't. It's a little scary how much a fight effected us both when technically we aren't even together. That's probably a conversation we should also have.

I pull away from him, enough to be able to look him in the eye for what I have to say next. "Thank you Tristan," I say and he goes to interrupt me but I place my finger over his lips. "Thank you for apologising, and for talking to me. Noah never ever would apologise or acknowledge when he did wrong, so this is new for me, that's why I'm crying. You're so, so amazing Tristan-"

I'm cut off again but this time by his lips as he kisses me hard. "Sorry, I just couldn't help myself," he apologises pulling away.

I shake my head to say it's fine, then pull him back to me, kissing him again. I melt into him as I always do when we're kissing. He deepens the kiss, using his body to come over the top of me, pushing me backwards onto the cushions all the while our tongues tangle together.

Tristan pushes his body to mine and I can feel all of him, all hard muscle and definitely hard dick pushing against me. His lips move from mine to kiss along my jaw allowing me to breath and to try to say the other things I wanted to.

"Tris," I try, but his hand snaking up my top and pushing under the bottom of my bra to take my breast in his hand makes me moan out. "Tristan," I try again and it's enough to make him stop kissing me, but his hand doesn't move, making me smile and roll my eyes.

"Mackenzie," his voice is deeper than usual and maybe right now isn't a good time but it can't wait.

"Tristan, I really, really like you. I... I um. Why are you looking at me like that?" He is giving me the goofiest grin right now.

"Mackenzie, are you trying to ask what I think you are? Whilst my hand is on your tit?" He asks cheekily.

"Well you're the one who put his hands up my top before I got to say what I wanted," I sass back.

"Uh huh. Should I remove my hand for this?"

"I mean that's up to you, you could like add the other if you wanted," I suggest with my own grin before quickly continuing before I lose my nerve. "I mean I was just going to say I want you to officially be my boyfriend."

"Boyfriend? That sounds so high school," Tristan replies and my mouth gapes open. "Close your mouth unless you want me to fill it," he growls playfully and I hit him on the chest.

"Tristan!! I'm being serious here and you're talking about shoving your cock in my mouth and dissing the term boyfriend!"

"I never said I'd put my cock in your mouth, I just said I'd fill it. However that can be arranged, but I'd have to finally remove my hand from your very warm, very comfortable, perfectly sized boob. But I suppose if we're talking boyfriend and girlfriend, then we probably have plenty of time for all of that."

"Tristan," I warn him and he flashes me his cheeky grin again. "Answer the question."

He kisses me instead. Just a quick kiss, before pulling back and looking me dead in the eye. "Yes Mack, you can absolutely officially call me you're boyfriend. I really, really like you too and it would really make me happy to introduce you as my girlfriend."

My grin is wide as I take in the beautiful man hovering over the top of me, hand still not moved from under my bra. "You can stick your cock in my mouth now," I whisper and Tristan growls again. He finally pulls his hand out from my bra, and stands up, pulling me with him.

"We're not doing this on my lounge room floor surrounded by dirty dishes. Bedroom. Now!" Tristan points his finger in the direction of his bedroom. He walks us there, me in front of him, his hands in the back pockets of me jeans. As soon as we reach the threshold of the room he is pulling my t-shirt up and off me, throwing it on the floor.

Suddenly I'm glad I listened to Scarlett when she advised I wear matching cute underwear just incase things went well.

I turn in his arms and undo the button on my jeans, pulling them down my legs and kicking them off to reveal my matching white lace lingerie set. I watch Tristan's eyes coast up and down my body in approval, before a filthy grin that I'm learning to love graces his face.

"Isn't white the colour of purity and innocence? Because you're about to be anything but innocent Mackenzie."

"Oh?" I ask, mustering as much of an innocent look as I could give.

Tristan pulls his own shirt off, quickly followed by his jeans. "On the bed," he demands and I comply, scooting myself back to his pillows. Tristan then drops his boxes briefs revealing his impressive cock. My breath hitches and I feel the wetness pool in between my legs.

I keep my eyes on his length as he moves his hand up and down, fisting himself a few times. "Mack, my face is up here," he says with a laugh behind his tone.

"I think I've found a part of you I'd rather look at than your face," I tease.

Tristan is quick to crawl over me on the bed. "You're impossible," he tells me. "Girlfriend."

"You're hot, boyfriend," I tell him, my hand reaching for his cock. He sighs happily when my hand makes contact, pumping him slowly. His own hand is quick to push under the lace covering my very wet pussy, sliding his fingers between my wet folds.

"I love how wet you get for me," he tells me circling my clit and with his other hand forcing my legs wider.

"I love how hard you are for me," I counter back.

Tristan pulls back and looks me dead in the eye. "Mack, when you say things like that it makes me want to do very bad things to you."

"I seem to remember telling you to stick your cock in my mouth," I tease.

In no time at all Tristan has crawled up my body and is lining up his cock with my mouth. I open wide and he pushes himself just inside, letting me take the control. Swirling my tongue around his tip, he hisses out loud. I allow myself to get used to the feel of him in my mouth. When I'm comfortable and ready, I take hold of his hips encouraging Tristan to fuck my mouth.

"Shit, Mackenzie. That's fucking good," he sings my praises.

Before he can come though, he pulls out. "I don't want to come that way," he tells me and I nod in understanding. "But that mouth is magic beautiful girl," he says kissing me hard. Our hands are roaming. He unclips my bra with one hand and then slides my underwear down so we're both naked.

"I'm going to show you what my own mouth can do, and then after I make you come, I'm going to fuck you better than you've ever been fucked and make you come again," Tristan tells me seriously. I never knew I would like it so much when my partner talks in the bedroom, but it's fucking hot. Tristan is a mix of praise and dirty talk in the best way possible.

He lowers himself quickly between my legs like he was told his favourite dessert was down there and wastes no time in flicking his tongue hard against my clit, making me cry out. He moves his tongue around down there like he knows the exact way to make me come and not as though it's the first time.

"Oh Tristan," I cry out. "Yes, yes!" I feel the pulsing of my walls against his finger, the shaking of my legs and as he alternates between flicking and pushing my clit hard with his tongue I come and come hard.

He licks up my come and crawls over my body, but he doesn't swallow anything down, instead he kisses me, making me taste my own juices on his tongue. It's so fucking hot I nearly want to come again just kissing him.

"You taste so fucking sweet baby girl, I could do that everyday for the rest of our lives."

"I won't say no," I grin, placing my hand behind his neck and pulling him back to my lips. "Now about that fucking me better than anyone before you?" I question.

Tristan growls again, and it's very much becoming my favourite sound in the bedroom. I know it's when I've pushed a button and I'm about to pay in the best way possible. He reaches to his side table and takes a condom sheathing himself quickly and returning back between my legs. He bends my knees and pushes them so I'm as wide open for him as he pleases.

I lean up on my elbows slightly so I can watch as he runs his cock through my wet folds before lining up with my entrance and pushing slowly inside of me. I move my eyes up from where we are joined to meet Tristan's eyes. He is giving me that filthy grin again.

"You like to watch baby girl," he doesn't ask, but states as he pushes himself all the way in slowly, then pulls back out.

I smile guiltily. "Yeah, I kinda do."

"That's fucking hot," he tells me before kissing me and thrusting harder than before. "Are you ready?" He asks and I nod.

Tristan picks up the pace, hard, fast and fucking deep with the way he has me positioned. He leans back to allow himself to pound me whilst his fingers circle my clit. I don't last long at all, clamping around him and screaming out loud enough to disturb the neighbours as Tristan takes me to a level of euphoria I've never experienced before.

He follows soon after, and the view of him coming is just as good as the one of him pushing in and out of me.

After we both calm our breathing, he pulls me into his arms to hold me.

"You definitely delivered on your promise," I tell him, exhausted.

"And you're full of surprises I'm looking forward to exploring. Should I get a mirror in here?" He asks grinning and I burrow my head into his neck groaning. "Don't be embarrassed baby, it's so hot it's making me hard again."

"Me on top this time?" I ask him, already shifting to straddle him.

"Yes please, girlfriend."

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