Here We Stand [H.S]

Par SJ_Storiesxo

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* Book 3 in The Harry and Izzy Series - originally written in 2015 * Following the events of Lay It All On Me... Plus

Author's Note


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Par SJ_Storiesxo


I froze in the kitchen, hearing the sound of his voice.

Positive that I was hearing things, I told myself that he couldn't be here because I was meant to be picking Harry up in an hour, meeting him at the airport.

Yet, curiosity got the better of me and I couldn't help but walk to the hallway, finding him standing there, a look of relief displayed across his face.

"I'm home."

Without even thinking, I broke into a run, wrapping myself around him and smothering his face in multiple kisses.

"You're glad to see me then?"

I bit down on my lip really hard, the pressure and desire between us reaching maximum boiling point.

"I've fuckin' missed you so much."

"Ditto, baby." Harry exhaled huskily, throwing his duffel bag to the floor loudly, the leather smacking against the cold wooden floor.

He came at me with such a force, I could barely breathe properly and my stomach flipped repeatedly, sending in waves of satisfaction.

Pulling back, I gripped his neck and curls forcibly, but that only turned him on and spurred Harry on even further.

"Whatever happened to me coming to the airport to come meet you and picking you up?" I sighed, trying my hardest to breathe normally yet Harry's kiss was obviously thinking otherwise, his mouth and lips igniting our passion; "You're home early-"

"I took the next flight out," Harry mumbled against my lips, his hands now working on his jeans while he balanced his forehead against mine; "Missed my girl a little too much..."

He had me pinned up against the wall, his hard, firm and toned chest pressing into my soft, timid one, my chest (and noticeably my breasts too thanks to my nightie) were heaving, drawing him closer as he soaked his lower lip with a lick of pure want and need.

"Work was done, I didn't want to waste anymore time, so I took the first flight out home..." Harry explained, my lips literally quivering against his as his hand greedily fought it's way between my legs; "This sort of brings back memories doesn't it?" He grinned cheekily, wiggling his eyebrows as we both stood in the middle of our hallway; "I distinctly remember fucking you right up against that wall..."

I smiled, unable not to at the memory.

"Hm, the only difference now however, is that your mum definitely isn't here." I snickered, hearing him groan as I gently palmed him through his jeans.

"Don't mention my mum, Izzy... Christ..."

"I believe you mentioned her first." I giggled.

"No, you did." he muttered, groaning again as I continued to touch him; "Fuck, I've missed you touchin' me..."

"Haven't missed me in general then, just missed me touching your cock?"

"Is it bad of me to say and actually admit that I did actually mean my cock, right now?"

"So fickle, Styles."

"Sue me." he murmured, holding my gaze hostage as his jeans became undid and his belt unbuckled; "Iz, I need you-" he breathed, his hand now squeezing and cupping at my ass cheek, pulling my hips towards his, creating a warmth only for us to share; "I've missed you so fucking much, babe."

I held my breath momentarily, feeling his lips kissing the corner of my mouth before moving to my chin and jawline.

I looked down, still biting my lip as his erection sprang free but stood up firmly, hot and hard, rigid and so damn thick; ready for action and leaking at the tip already.

The look of it made my mouth water and my body ache, the need to have him back between my legs and inside me was sending me into overdrive.

Knowing that he was about to take me when I hadn't had him for about a week, well the thought of it made my entire body tingle and my insides melt from the heat that was amplifying between us second by second.

"You've barely just walked through the door Harry-"

He shushed me, hands cupping at my neck and jawline, holding me firmly against the wall as his hands moved tantalisingly slow down my body.

His eyes were firmly fixed on my own and I stood, nervous and excited as he slowly began to strip me, his large hands removing the straps of my nightie from off my shoulders.

"Too many clothes, Izzy..." he murmured, "Far too many clothes..."

"It's too cold down here, let's move to the front room or the bedroom or something-"

"No," he said, shaking his head at me, "I need you now... I'll warm you up, baby."

The roar of Harry's groan rumbled deeply beside my ear, his hands gripping hold of my wrists and holding them perfectly right against the wall of our hallway.

I craved him, just as much as he was craving me.

It felt so good having him home again, in familiar territory, in my arms where he belonged... yet, at the same time, having him so near was enough for me to lose my functioning.

He captivated me... and I had missed him so bloody much, my entire body was aching for him.

"I've missed sharing a bed with you..." Harry murmured slowly, his hands creeping lower under my nightie as the warmth radiated all over me.

"You mean, my leg halfway up the bed, my arm stretched out and slapping you in the face, sleep crusted in the cracks of my eyes and attractive drool spilling from my mouth and onto my pillow?"

"So sexy..." Harry huskily replied, the both of us grinning knowingly at one another, fighting back the giggles that were forcing their way through; "You'll never find someone who loves you like I do... someone who'll happily take the slapping in the face, who'll love your sleepy crusted eyes and the drooling mess you become while you sleep-"

"I'm not quite sure if that's a compliment or not..."

Harry grinned, "I never want to be apart from you again... everyday I was stuck with this overwhelming love and affection for you, I have no idea what love is or how to define it sometimes, let alone distinguish it... but every time I look at you, my love for you grows deeper, richer and more satisfying..."

"Harry..." I sighed softly.

"Hang on, I just want to get this out because it's all that I've thought about recently..."

I nodded, allowing him to finish what he was saying or at least, trying to say.

"Whatever happens in my life Iz, you're the first person I want to tell... when something bad happens, like Gemma the other day for example, I know I can count on you and that you'll tell me everything is going to be alright... and vice versa, babe." he said softly, tucking a few strands of my hair behind my ear; "I'm the luckiest guy in the world... because I can truly say that I'm in love with my best friend, my better half and there's no other woman in the world that can hold a candle to you... I just wanted you to know that I love you more than even the most heartfelt words can ever say."

I bit my lip, hating the fact that this was making me emotional already, but I revelled in it, I took in his beautiful words and listened to them without making a sound.

"Being apart from you Izzy was more difficult that I ever imagined... you are the sun and moon in my sky, the river that runs through my soul, and the very air that I breathe... before you came along, before we even met at the Gala Dinner, I honestly didn't think it was possible for me to love someone so deeply and completely. But from that moment we met at the hotel- you gave me the faith and hope that true love really does exist, because I share it with you every single day Izzy... and I can't wait to marry you."

"I can't believe you're saying all of this to me... in our hallway... and your jeans are currently around your ankles, with your dick poking and bulging out, Harry."

"Take me seriously, Isabelle."

"Baby, I am... I'm just... struggling and tryin' to figure out what to focus on more, your words or the fact that you're well... standing to attention, so to speak." I giggled, pursing my lips together to form a thin line that I hoped would stop me from giggling; "But for what it's worth, everything you said... I feel it too. The last week has been so... hard, and I've missed you so much... but you literally have the next week or so left to focus on with work, and then the future is ours..."

"I honestly can't wait, baby." he answered, speaking vivaciously as his hands smoothed over my stomach and hips; "I really can't wait..." he responded slowly, the words hanging off his lips sexily; "And I can't wait to fuck you, either. It's been way too long, Izzy."

I felt my teeth sneak out slowly, biting on my lower lip as Harry's fingers greedily wrapped themselves around the strap of my thong, pulling it down effortlessly before I kicked it out towards the other side of the hallway.

Without him telling me too, I jumped and hitched my legs around his waist, locking with my ankles at the middle of his back.

My hands linked around his neck, I inhaled the scent of his hair as he pushed right up against me, locking me between him and the wall as his hands grasped at my thighs, holding me perfectly still as he teased me, our mouths fighting for dominance.

I gulped as his fingertips brushed over the top of my hips; the both of us watching his gentle caress.

His fingertips were warm and comforting, and they somehow managed to provoke an eruption of goose bumps over my entire body from head to toe.

His fingers were long and were one of my favourite things about him, especially when they were deep inside me, massaging the bundle of flesh that sent me fucking crazy... and I was so fucking horny and wet right now, I wanted nothing more than for Harry to completely bury himself inside of me.

When I lifted my eyes from between us, Harry was looking right at me and my heart began to pound, my lips parting slightly as I drew in breath, feeling his rough hands pull my nightie down to expose my breasts.



"We're in the hallway..."

"Hasn't bothered us before..."

"It's broad daylight, baby..."

"I don't care." he murmured, his palm now stroking the cheek of my arse; "Feels so good, beautiful... missed you so much, especially this little spot right here..."

I groaned, biting and tugging at my lip harder as his fingertip edged towards my anus, teasing me as he lapped up and stroked my arousal all around my entirety.

"You're teasing me," I muttered back, before I caught the dark gaze on his face once again; "It's not nice to tease..."

I felt him suddenly pull my nightie upwards, leaving me completely naked in our hallway, but hidden from the world as he covered up my modesty with his body.

As he held my weight, using his strong arms and the lean, smooth wall behind me, I began to strip him by unbuttoning his shirt, undressing him because I wanted to feel his skin on mine.

I wanted him so close to me, I gasped loudly as my hands finally touched his chest, stroking him as I bit down on my lip hard; remembering how he felt, smelled and tasted like.

Arching my back sideways, I watched as he balanced me with his right arm while his left palmed my chest roughly, his mouth attaching itself to my breast and nipple.

I cried out in pleasure, feeling his teeth sink into my flesh, suckling on my nipple gloriously; fighting the urge to try and not to fall.

"I'll make love to you tonight, I promise..." he exhaled breathlessly, his lips brushing upon my face; "But right now, I just want to fuck you senseless, Izzy."

I nodded, utterly breathless myself, watching him kick out of his jeans to give him more movement and the ability to move more freely.

I watched in amazement, his hand now palming himself, squeezing at the head and lubricating the tip of his dick with his pre-come.

He was so rock hard, it was enough to make me whimper.

"Looks painful, baby... you might wanna do something about that soon."

"Don't you worry, I will." Harry rasped, letting go of it.

I listened as he groaned, his cock instantly springing upwards and away from his body, hard and swollen.

He looked magnificent; so natural and raw, and his flesh looked so warm and inviting, soft beneath my lips like I knew he always was.

The look of him alone made me horny, but this was something else... this was primal, a basic need to fuck... and I wanted him to fuck me like his life depended on it.

"Then what are you waitin' for, baby?"

It was definitely the wrong thing to say... or right, whichever way you thought about it.

I yelped as Harry grabbed hold of me, forcing me to lay still against the wall as he suddenly entered me, the burn of him stretching me without no foreplay making me cry out loudly.

"Harry-" I choked out, clinging onto his back and shoulders, my nails digging into his skin as my stomach clenched tightly; "Fuuuuck... urgh." I whimpered, as Harry forced my arms back up and held me there, thrusting into me hard and fast; "Holy shit, baby..."

"I love it when you fucking whimper for me, Izzy." he growled, and shit it feels so fucking good, I cried out again, using all my strength to bring him closer towards me, fucking like utter animals; "Fuck, you're so tight... so good baby, always so fuckin' warm and wet for me..."

I winced in pain and pleasure, biting the side of his earlobe while mentally cursing him as the rough palms of his hands dug into my small, trembling hips... he was being so aggressive and forceful, it made me want him even more.

"Harder baby, fuck me harder..." I rasped out breathlessly, "Take me, make me yours... fuck me Harry, so good baby, you feel so good inside me... mmm." I moaned, feeling the palm of his hand coming into contact as he smacked my arse, my skin tingling as he continued to fuck me through it.

Oh how I clenched.

"Fuck, do that again Izzy-"

So I did, I clenched so hard Harry groaned and bit down a little too hard on my throat, but I held him there, locking my fingers around his hair tightly.

"On the floor, on your knees now baby... wanna see that arse bounce while I fuck you from behind."

I managed to take a deep breath, but before I had a chance to even contemplate what he had asked of me, Harry carefully moved me from the wall, noticing my sticky silhouette on the wallpaper as he laid me on the hallway floor before flipping me onto my front.

I missed having him inside of me, but the ache was soon soothed again as he swiftly entered me again, the both of us groaning quietly.

"Fuck Harry, you're in so deep..." I breathed, feeling his hands digging into my hips, while my knees became firmly planted on the floor.

My legs were parted and my hips were wide up in the air, completely exposed to his eyes only... and I couldn't help but smirk, groaning playfully at how erotic we were being in the middle of our bloody hallway.

Harry groaned, grasping at my ass cheek as he slowly fucked me with a deep stroke.

I smacked my clenched fists into the floor below me, hating and loving the fact that he had complete control over me because I could hardly fucking move and it was driving me insane.

Feeling his hands over my ass, and egotistically admiring his handiwork on the marks he had left on me previously, I felt him wrangle his fingers around my ass and pussy, his breath hot against my sex... and I groaned.

I clenched, arching my back as Harry nuzzled his face into my ass as he licked and sucked at both my anus and pussy, grabbing a handful of my hips to support himself.

"Fuck, Harry-" I cried out, my hand wrapping itself around his wrist; "That feels so good..."

"Stay still, Izzy." Harry ordered, pressing me down into the floor before he began to actually slap his dick on my ass... rubbing the head of his cock into the crevice of my ass; "I'm going to fuck this sexy little arse later too... I've missed it, so much baby."

"Do what you want to me, Harry-" I breathed, "Just make sure you fuck me."

"Be careful what you wish for, Izzy." Harry rasped, the tip of his delicious cock sliding into me slowly, the both of us sighing with desperate relief; "Always so ready for me baby... always so wet and responsive." he murmured, pulling out of me slowly.

I groaned, wanting to grasp at anything that I could, yet the only thing I could grab was the rug near the door... so I did, the whole thing now ravelling beneath me, my hot body melting against the coldness of the wooden flooring- which didn't last being cold for long.

Yet just as I was about to bite his head off with a smart ass reply, of wanting and needing him to fuck me, Harry was back inside me, my mouth hanging open as he violently began to fuck me with his thrusts.

He was fucking me so damn hard on the floor, I couldn't do anything or feel anything other than his dick pounding into me.

"Spread that sexy arse for me, let me see it while I fuck you..." Harry groaned, pulling my arm back to my ass.

I cried out, doing what I was told, grasping the cheek of my ass and pulling it back for him, just as he then hooked his arm around mine, creating a bouncing effect as he came at me hard and fast.

It felt fucking incredible, and I loved how rough he was being with me, our brutal lovemaking enough to set me on fire.

Within an instant power surge, Harry clasped his hands on my hips and fucked me hard and fast, pulling me back violently before ramming his cock back into me at an angle that was so raw, my body jolted with pure pleasure.

"I love you so fucking much..." I moaned, my eyes closed firmly shut; as Harry became breathless and needy, the pressure already building deep within me; "You're gonna make me come... so hard baby, fuck..."

"Yeah... fuck, fuck, fuck baby-" he groaned and yelled fiercely.

I took the chance to look over my shoulder, seeing every muscle in his body (including his amazing dick inside of me) was bulging profusely underneath his taut, inked skin.

I screamed into the wooden floorboards, Harry's attack on me leaving me so breathless and pathetic, I groaned as I felt his weight fall on top of me, his fists now on the floor too as he held himself up, fucking me.

Stilling inside of me for a second, Harry began panting furiously and I took my chance, picking myself up from the floor and pushing back against him, fucking him back with deep, quick movements that made him moan appreciatively behind me.

Helping to raise me up, I felt his hands come around to my front, fondling my breasts as he teased my nipples, before slapping them hard and catching them with his hands again, pinching my nipples as the sensation swam through me.

"Missed your tits so much, Izzy..."

I exhaled my pants excessively, his words lacerating me.

"Missed fucking you, missed seeing these gorgeous tits and arse bounce as I fuck you baby..."

"Shit, Harry-" I cried out, "Keep goin' baby, don't stop- please don't stop-"

"You're coming... Izzy, mmm." He breathed, and I could almost feel him smirking against me; "I love it when you come on my cock, baby-"

I screamed out, tightening around him and fuck, I was so tight as my body let go and I came hard and fast, my muscles tense as he continued to fuck me brutally through my orgasm.

"Fuck, baby..." Harry groaned, "I love you, I fucking love you Iz-"

I was seeing stars, I was sure of it.

"I love you, oh I love you Harry... so much-" I breathed, feeling his mouth just millimetres away from my ear; "Come inside me, please..."

"Not yet, I'm not done with you yet..." He rasped, pulling out of me and completely changing our position; laying me on my back.

He watched me, a beautiful smile on his face as I brushed my hair back, steadying my breathing as he came closer towards me.

"Love you, baby..."

I murmured, clasping my hands around his head as his hair brushed on my face, his body moving over mine while he kissed down my body sensually.

"On the hallway floor... really?"

"I told you, I couldn't wait any longer." He grinned, "Our house, we can do whatever the hell we want right?"

I grinned, my eyes glued on him as he licked me sensually and slowly.

"Oh fuck, Harry!" I breathed, my hand tugging at his hair as I grinded against his face; "Eat it, baby."

"Oh, I'm going to."

My entire body was on fire, twitching incredibly as my thigh tightened around the back of his head, as he was busy burying himself deeply between my legs.

I could barely move, and the only way I could touch him was through my legs.

The fact Harry had complete control over my body made me grow even more wetter, and the way his eyes were roaming over my body while he ate me out had me tensing, right in the core of my ass muscles as I tried to keep him there.

"I love seeing you like this..." he murmured, "So... helpless. So dirty. So slutty. So... mine."

I tensed again, arching my hips as I pushed further into his mouth, wanting him to eat me out more.

"Get your fucking tongue in there, Harry..." I moaned, "Don't you stop licking that pussy, you hear me?"

"You don't tell me what to do-" he muttered, as I growled and he smacked his arm out, hitting the hallway table and making it shudder.

I looked down at him, his hands now creeping up my marked body, his hands stroking and massaging my bitten breasts.

His green eyes met and found my eyes, never breaking contact as he picked up my ankle and trailed harsh, hungry and angry kisses along my pussy, making me grind into his face.

I gripped the rug behind my head hard, screaming as I squeezed my eyes tightly, feeling his beautiful torture on my pussy, groaning at all the feelings he was giving me as they echoed all the way into my inner core deep inside.

"I want to spank that perfect fuckin' arse of yours again, can you take some more, baby?"

"Fuuuuck..." I hissed, grinding even harder as he suddenly slapped my arse.

"Feel good, baby?"

"I want to fuck your face..." I breathed, "Please..."

"Beg me..." he murmured, stopping as he began to nip at my thighs, sinking his teeth into them; "Fucking beg me Izzy..."


"Say please..."

I exasperated, not really wanting to beg... but I wanted him as much as he wanted me, and right now, I wanted control... and I wanted to fuck his face like no tomorrow.

I groaned, feeling the way his teeth was sinking into my thighs as his hands skimmed over my upper body, caressing my neck, my breasts and then stopping at my hips.

His lips began to move further up, purposely avoiding the place where I needed him the most as he began to take my nipples into his mouth, sucking gently on them as he made me squirm beneath him.

"Alright..." I breathed, "Please... Please, Harry." I begged him finally, but he stopped above me, hovering over my body.

"Patience baby..." he murmured, and I growled loudly, "Oh I love how fucking wet you get for me..." he added, his hand now finally reaching my pussy.

"Please, Harry, I need you..." I whimpered, biting my lip hard.

"I love it when you beg me, Izzy." he groaned, just as he pushed his fingers inside of me, moving tantalizingly slow, in and out of me, before he removed them completely, keeping up his torture.

I whimpered at the loss of contact.

"Just you fucking wait, teasing me like this, I'm going to fuck you like-"

I stopped, watching Harry as he took his fingers slowly into his mouth, wrapping his plump, pink lips around them as he sucked them off.

"You taste so good, baby..." he whispered, "The sweetest, sexiest,prettiest, dirtiest, tightest and wettest cunt I've ever had..."

I literally convulsed.

I groaned at the sight of him as his eyes bored into mine... yet before I could say or do anything else, I clasped my hands with a giant slap on his back, holding him firmly as he attached his lips to my clit, making me cry out in pleasure.

Honestly, I hope to God the postman doesn't come this morning... or the milkman, or anyone else for that matter.

My body literally trembled as Harry swirled his tongue around my soaking wet pussy, entering the same two fingers as before into me once again, curving them slightly as he gently rubbed my g-spot.

I moaned pathetically, fighting the urge to touch him, but I couldn't help it, my hands found his hair quickly and I tugged exceptionally hard, digging my nails into his scalp as my body begged for it's release.

"Please..." I found myself begging breathlessly; "Harry-"

"How does it feel?" he asked, nuzzling his nose right in between my slit; "Tell me, Izzy..." he murmured demandingly, his fingers pumping in and out of me; "Tell me how good I'm making your pretty cunt feel baby..."

"So fucking good..." I rasped, "Shit..." I cried out, as he began sucking hard on my clit, forcing me back off the floor as I arched upright; "Jesus fucking Christ..."

I closed my eyes, immediately feeling his tongue flicking at my wet clit as his fingers rocked impeccably in and out of me.

"Fuck I'm going to come..." I cried out, my body starting to shake as my moans got louder than usual; "Fuck me Harry... lick that pussy... tease that clit baby... make me come please..." I begged desperately, purring loudly on our hallway floor, as I finally spiralled into another earth shattering orgasm.

I collapsed onto the wooden floor, my body shattered and spent.

I felt so exposed, so exhausted... so utterly hot, flushed and full of love all at the same time, I could barely breathe as Harry came into my view again, his body pressing against mine.

I moaned, feeling his hot and heavy breath against my skin, the palm of his hands applying an exquisite pressure on me, pulling me even closer to him.

"I'm hard just looking at you, you sexy, sexy girl..." Harry whispered, gently stroking his fingertips along the curve of my left cheek with his other hand.

I breathed slowly, feeling his hand move from my abdomen to my breasts, pulling my upwards so my chest was now flat against his own.

"I love you, so much." he murmured softly, his hand cupping my face as he slowly kissed me.

I licked my lips slowly, feeling him near me, his dick nudging against my entrance sloppily.

"I love you too, Harry." I whispered, hissing at the sensitivity of him brushing against me.

"Okay, baby?"

I nodded, revelling in the attention he was giving me.

"You look so perfect right now," he murmured softly, and I bit my lip, pushed up at him, on his shoulders, twisting us around so that he was now on his back... and I was sitting above him.

"Let's go to bed..."

"I don't think I'll make it that far, Iz." He snickered, "Living room? Let's move to the couch..."

"Okay," I whispered, watching the way Harry's pupils had dilated so much that his usually green eyes were now almost black, burning with a primal lust that had my heart instantly racing.

He sat up slowly, lifting me up with his strong arms and carrying me towards the couch, the room dimly lit with some of the sunlight outside.

We sat together on the couch, and softly paid attention to each other, kissing one another sensually as I moved above him, hovering over his dick, his hands gently cupping my backside and squeezing the flesh beneath his palms.

I trembled, my body shaking with anticipation as Harry made sure he had touched every inch of my skin, until his fingertips were in my hair and gently massaging my scalp.

I moved slowly over him, my mouth hotly caressing him.

His skin was so hot and tense, and I swore that I felt his entire body shake beneath me with delight, my tongue passing his pulse point in his throat while I teased his hard nipples with the brush of my hands.

I felt him grab my hair gently, tugging it into his hand on the side of my neck; I groaned slowly, feeling the hardness of his tattooed chest before I held my hands against his.

I trembled lightly, sensing his lips nearing mine and for the first time today, our lips met together... so softly and gentle.

I felt my throat constrict, the oxygen lacking in my lungs as I felt his hands firmly hold my hips, continuing to kiss me as he edged me onto his hard dick, his tongue claiming mine.

I was breathless and weak at the knees when he pulled away, his mouth now on my neck as I slowly sunk down on him, feeling him back inside me snugly.

"Back where you belong..." I whispered tentatively.

We both gasped at the feeling, and I relaxed a little, stopping my movements as I sighed in quiet relief at the soothing feeling he was giving me.

"Baby..." Harry rasped, "I love you like this..." he breathed against me, the palm of his hand gently slapping the curve of my arse again; "You feel so good, baby..."

I groaned, fighting the urge to move... so I did, except I raised my hips and felt him leave me.

"No..." Harry begged, "Not yet... please-"

I couldn't make love to him, not yet.

I wanted to do something else first, and so I pushed myself down and settled myself between his legs, my eyes on the prize as Harry suddenly sighed, his fingers holding his shaft as he gently rubbed it against my lips.

I closed my eyes, feeling his slick cock upon my lips as I tasted him instantly, both of our arousals mixed in together as I finally swept my tongue out and tasted Harry fully.

"Oh fuck, yes...." he groaned, his hand now at the back of my head, feeling him shudder above me.

I sucked lightly, rubbing my wet lips against his tight skin, as he tangled his fingers in my hair, gripping me tightly as he pulled me further down his dick.

I wanted to tease him like he had teased me earlier, but Harry was being slow and gentle with me and I sucked him off further, his groans sounding so desperately gorgeous.

"That's it baby..." Harry rasped, "I love the way you suck me..."

I kept up my momentum, feeling his hand slide down my back before he grabbed hold of my arse once again, slapping me gently and telling me what a good girl I was.

I groaned throatily, his cock slipping deeper into my mouth, my eyes closing as my throat involuntarily closed around him.

"Fuck, Christ... Jesus, baby..." a guttural groan came from Harry, as he greedily squeezed my backside hard in retaliation once again; "Swallow it... let me feel your throat Izzy..." he whispered, as his hips began thrusting into my mouth.

I moved only half way up his shaft before going back down, each time pulling him further out, only to take him deeper in.

I could taste the slick salt of pre-cum in the back of my throat and I sucked on his tip, milking him for all he was worth, all the while rolling his balls around in my palm teasingly.

I took him deeper, arching my back but as Harry too also moved, I choked and backed away, dropping him from my mouth as saliva fell messily from my lips.

"So fucking hot..." he murmured, his thumb brushing my lower lip; "I love fucking your pretty little mouth... the smudged lipstick, saliva running down your chin and my come smothered all over your lips... you're still the most beautiful fucking thing I've ever seen." he whispered, locking his thumb in my mouth, as I played even harder and began to toss him off quickly.

I bit his thumb softly, groaning as I knew Harry was close.

His green eyes gave him away, and I watched how his breathing grew heavy and quick, his face screwing and that one little vein pulsing and popping in his neck furiously.

"Babe... stop... I don't want too, not yet-"

I froze for a second, seeing the pleading look in his eyes as he held my gaze beautifully.

I slid up his body, letting his cock drag between my breasts and down my stomach until I was licking his neck, pushing my thumb under his chin to stretch the skin and provoke my favourite vein.

He moaned despite his best efforts to keep his composure, his large palms gripping my ass once again.

"You wanna come in me, Harry?" I whispered in his ear, licking his ear lobe before I nibbled across it.

"So fuckin' badly, Izzy."

I could hear the beg, need and want in his voice and it only made me more wet, more fucking hungry for him... how had this gone from carnal fucking to this moment right here?

I guess I underestimated my own desire for him.

"Please..." he begged me, stopping my hand from moving as he leaned forward and gripped my hips, pulling me back down onto him.

I cried out, not ready to move, yet with the rapid beat of his heart pounding beneath me, I forced myself back to reality and decided to play with him the only way I knew how.

I refused to move.

"Please..." he whispered, "I want to fucking come with you-"

Once again, I stayed immobile, yet I bite my lip the second I felt his hand on my arse again, slapping and begging me into moving.

"Shit..." I gasped, "Shit, shit, shit... oh fuck..." I groaned, feeling him move within me deep and slow.

"Izzy, I swear to fucking God if you don't start moving-"

I dug my nails into his shoulder hard, leaning forward so my breasts were now spilt on his chest.

"What will you do, baby?" I cooed condescendingly, as I gently ran my fingers over Harry's mouth, "I'm in charge now... you've had your fun."

"Iz, please..."

"Me being on top of you is a privilege, baby." I said teasingly, licking my lips as he coaxed out a breath; "I'm waiting, Harry... apologise for threatening me." I teased him, grinning as I licked his lips with my tongue.

"I'm sorry. Please move." Harry grunted, and I smiled accordingly.

"Was that so hard, Harry?" I whispered against his lips, gripping his chest with my nails as I began to move; "Well, something is definitely hard with you... so big, so deep."

He whimpered against my lips, gripping my ass as he urged me to go faster, his own hips smacking against me violently.

I leaned back, arching as my neck snapped backwards as a steady stream of moans escaped from my lips loudly, my hair falling back as I massaged my hands into my scalp.

I was tight and ready to come, and everything was feeling so fucking good, I couldn't wait to come again, but this time with him, fucking each other hard and deep.

He was so deep inside me that I could feel him everywhere and I hadn't realised that I let go of my hair, and had moved my right hand between our bodies, aiming for my clit... and rubbing vigorously as I helped myself.

Harry grabbed my wrist, his hips slowing.

"I want to be the only reason you come..." he breathed, making me groan in frustration as he slapped my arse again.

I gritted my teeth, leaning forward as I wrapped my fingers around his neck, surprising him.

"I love you, Harry..." I whispered, my hips rocking so hard as I fucked him, my face contorting in pleasure; "I love you so bloody much..."

"Fuck..." Harry breathed out, "You fuck me so good baby..."


"Yessss..." he moaned, "Come on baby," he urged me, smacking my ass harshly again, making me yelp; "Is that all you've got for me, a few simple thrusts? Fuck me harder, Isabelle."

The words spilled out of his mouth, before either of us had time to register them.

Harry slowed his hip thrusting down, gauging my reaction carefully... and then I clenched, smirking at him.

"Fuck, that felt good..." he groaned, "I love it when you do that to me, baby."

I moved quicker, faster this time.

"Fuck..." Harry groaned, my scream almost escaping from my mouth as I moved faster against him; "That's it baby, fuck me... fuck me hard."

The couch was starting to squeak and move along with our rhythm, sliding across the wooden floor as we fucked each other beautifully.

I cried out as he brought his fingers to my swollen clit, rubbing me quickly in tune with my thrusting.

"HARRY!" I screamed, "Oh fuck, oh fuck...." I cried out, helplessly; "I'm gonna come- holy fuck, that's good... keep fucking me like that H..."

I watched him as I bounced effortlessly above him, Harry's gaze eyeing up where his cock slipped in and out of me perfectly.

His hands were firmly gripped on my hips tightly as he helped me bounce, listening to each other moaning as we fucked each other hard and fast.

Harry rubbed my clit, harder and faster, bringing me even closer to the edge without completely pushing me over.

"Harry..." I breathed, my eyes now rolling to the back of my head; "Fuck... Harry... I'm coming..." I moaned, my hands gripping him harder; "Harry, fuck..." I cried, the slow drawl of his name becoming longer and hotter, "Make me come baby, please-"

"Beg me." He whispered slowly, his tongue rimming my lips slowly, as his hands took a greedy helpful of my big, bouncing tits; "I said beg, Izzy..."

"Please let me come!" I moaned pathetically, my voice begging him as he gave into me immediately; "Shit, Harry... right there! FUCK!" I shrieked out, arching my back as he held me down firmly.

Without even realising, Harry swiftly moved me onto my back on the couch, and after a minute or two he folded my knees into chest, not pulling out of me as he continued to fuck me brutally.

"That's it baby, don't you dare stop... don't stop Harry!" I cried out, feeling him holding my knees together.

My legs were both draped off the coach, my body completely twisted, which made me tighter for him.

"Oh FUCK." I yelled, scraping my nails down his flesh once again; "H-H-Harry-"

I cried out again as his hand slid over my arse, squeezing it as he fucked me at such a brutal pace, putting me into hysterics... it seemed Harry obviously wanted the whole fucking street to know who was making me feel this way.

We'd hardly gone two minutes before I finally came apart and screamed my orgasm out, my body completely tearing at the seams as I contracted violently around him.

I heard him cuss loudly, the both of us seeing stars as he gripped me hard, resting his forehead upon mine as he finally let go and shot his hot load deep inside of me, spurting and gasping, his cock twitching inside of me as I repeatedly clamped down on him.

"Shit, baby," He whimpered into my neck, still fucking me through our releases, still coming hard inside of me.

"Give it to me, Harry..." I moaned, urging him on as he continued to come in me with hot, delicious spurts.

"Fuck Izzy," he gasped, finally finishing and panting against my skin, scattering lazy kisses on my neck.

"So good baby... mmm." I moaned, "So good..." I added, welcoming him into my arms as we kissed and cuddled lovingly.

We stayed that way for a few, before I finally pushed myself up, taking a deep breath and releasing it in a huff.

I laid back, brushing my hair out of my face, not sure I could move for the next six weeks because of what we had just did.

And then I gazed at him.

Harry was still inside of me, and we were both throbbing so hard, I could feel him all around me still.

"Are you okay, baby?" Harry murmured, his fingers stroking my back while the other played with my hair.

"No." I whispered, smiling hugely; "I feel incredible." I added, "Sore. So fucking sore... but incredible. Beats the vibrator any day..."

"Good." Harry laughed, kissing my forehead softly as his stomach rumbled loudly; "Worked up an appetite I guess..."

I turned, laughing as my fingers etched across his jaw and into his hair, my eyes now firmly glued on his face.

"I can rustle up something for you, if you like?"

"Hm." Harry replied, "Sounds so good... but forget that, we'll order takeaway instead. I need a shower, so care to join me?"

"Love too," I smiled up at him, "I'm so glad you're home, Harry."

"I'll tell you somethin'... it's so good to be back home, baby."

Continuer la Lecture

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