Here We Stand [H.S]

By SJ_Storiesxo

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* Book 3 in The Harry and Izzy Series - originally written in 2015 * Following the events of Lay It All On Me... More

Author's Note


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By SJ_Storiesxo

The last few weeks had literally flown by.

From spending that precious time with Harry in California, catching up with Ryan for a few hours (Harry and I went out to dinner with him) and also meeting his adoptive parents and younger brother, we came back home to London and faced up to the harsh reality of our schedules catching up on us.

I had endless pieces of work in college that thankfully Savannah, Terri-Ann and Charlie had given me rough drafts of to copy from to complete my assignments; while Harry became swamped with a workload that took him back to America for TV and radio appearances, award ceremonies, performances and God knows what else.

I was swamped with a schedule that seemed so terrifying I actually panicked that I wouldn't be able to finish it all on time before my Christmas break; so I vowed to never slack off again and promised myself that my workload had to come first from now on.

Thankfully, with Harry back in the States for promotion of One Direction's new album, Made In The AM (I managed to somehow put my foot down and make it abundantly clear that I was not going with him) I had one less distraction to think about, which meant that I could fully focus on my work and complete everything before the new term started in January.

Since coming back from holiday mode, we were both incredibly busy and found ourselves not being able to talk properly for a few days sometimes, but Harry always made sure to text and call me in the morning when I first woke up and in the evening to wish me goodnight, without fail.

The time zone was a pain in the ass sometimes, but we took what we could; texting and calling when it was convenient and always leaving each other a cute little text message in between for us both to read during the day if we were too busy to chat.

It was hard, but it kept us going until he was due to come home and it was always nice seeing a message pop up randomly on our texting thread which often put a smile on my face when I was condemned to my desk working my ass off.

Of course, I knew once he was home the workload wasn't going to stop there because I knew he then had the UK promotion to take care of; but at least we were going to be in the same country and if we wanted to see one another, there were always trains, cars or planes on standby.

It was weird, but the time I missed him the most incredibly was at night.

Not having him beside me in our bed, mumbling that he loved me and to have sweet dreams; or the way he'd make a racket while in the bathroom brushing his teeth or how he'd tickle me relentlessly until I'd scream I was about to pee myself if he didn't let me go... all of those little things were the things that made me yearn for him a lot more than usual.

It was the little things that counted the most.

Luckily for me, just like the good old days, I slept in his shirts as a way to keep him close to me... to smell him, to have him on my skin and to use them as a comfort to send me off to sleep.

There were times when I cried myself to sleep (not fully blown sobbing mind you) but I'd find myself staring at Harry's pictures on my phone and the one of us on my bedside table, and my body would just shut down tearfully.

It was awful being so close to him with my heart, yet so far away with my body.

I found myself stalking his Twitter sometimes when I couldn't sleep, and one night I even found myself reading through our DMs from when he offered to come to me when I was in hospital having chemo... it all seemed so long ago now, and I couldn't believe we were so close to heading to our first anniversary.

So much had happened in one year and really, I knew deep down that most men would have run a mile if faced with what Harry had faced with me.

But his loyalty to me had never once faltered and I wanted to do something special, for him, but I just didn't have a clue where to start.

Plus, I had so much going on anyway with college, sorting Christmas present shopping out (what do you get a guy that has everything?!) and then there was our actual plans for our first Christmas together as a couple.

I wanted that to be special too, especially as we were staying in Holmes Chapel for it and it was also going to be my very first time spending Christmas with Harry's family- not to mention that it was also going to be my first Christmas away from home.

It was my first Christmas without Gran, not to mention it was going to be my first Christmas as someone's sister, as someone's fiancée and as someone's auntie.

It was utterly overwhelming to think that almost a year ago I had just Phoebe and Gran, and now almost twelve months on I had my whole world in the form of the man I was going to eventually marry.

I had been welcomed wonderfully into his family, I had a twin, my best friend had a child and was due to be married, not to mention little Freddie (I couldn't not class Freddie as my adoptive nephew if Callum was, could I?) and a beautiful niece, in the form of my namesake from Alex and Clare.

From having just two people last year to all of this just twelve months later, I now had the biggest family on Earth, literally.

I made a mental note that I had Freddie, Callum and Isabelle to buy presents for also, so I knew I had to speak to Louis, Phoebe and Liam about Christmas presents so I wouldn't buy the same thing as them from Harry and I on accident.

I also had to think about Anne, Robin, Des, Jo, Gemma, Michal and of course Harry to shop for, so I made a mental note inside my head that I would spend this weekend before Harry was due home to go shopping and purchase gifts for everyone then.

I knew they were the type of family that wouldn't expect anything from me, they were good hearted people and wouldn't want nothing from me except for my presence, but I couldn't go to Holmes Chapel and spend the holidays with Harry's family and not be fully prepared and armed with presents.

I just wasn't that type of person.

My hormones were already all over the place just thinking about spending Christmas with Harry and his family, and before I could even realise and stop them, I was crying again.

I just had so much to think about and I wanted nothing more than to shut my brain off for the night and go to sleep, but, as I buried my head into Harry's pillow to try and send myself off to noddy-land, my phone began to ring.

Grasping at my phone, I immediately saw Harry's picture flashing up on my screen and I knew I had to somehow disguise my tears from my crying, otherwise he would know something was up and wouldn't stop badgering me until I told him what was wrong.

"I wish you had called earlier, I was just seeing the milkman out the door." I teased him, hoping my little joke would ease him off a little.

"The milkman?" Harry replied nonchalantly, "Since when do milkmen arrive at uh... 11.30pm at night?"

"He came to retrieve my milk." I grinned, rolling over onto my side in bed, "I said he had to leave before my fiancé called and verbally kicked his arse."

It took all my restraint not to laugh out loud.

"Hmm... so you've had the milkman tonight, it was the postman yesterday, the delivery guy the night before... you've been busy, my love."

I grinned, "What can I say? My sex drive's through the roof this week, I have needs and you left me."

Harry chuckled, "Not long, baby. And correction, I seem to remember that you refused to come back to the States with me..."

"Yeah, well. Some of us have to do some real work around here and not prance around for a living."

"I do not prance around."

I snorted, laughing.

"And there was me actually missing you and counting down the days until I was home. I think I won't bloody bother."

I smiled, tucking the phone closer to my ear; "I miss you so much, Harry."

"I miss you too, Iz." He murmured, "So, is the milkman better than me then?"

I grinned again, "Didn't even scratch the surface... told him my fiancé was a pretty tough act to follow."

"Hmm... and what did he say to that?"

"Nothing really, just that if he was any type of a fiancé he wouldn't have left me here to begin with."

"I don't even know why I bothered calling you." He muttered, to which I started to laugh loudly; "And I had plans of fucking you all over the house once I got back."

"You can still do that, baby." I teased, still giggling; "Okay, enough's enough. I'll stop teasing you. How's the promotion going?"

"The promo is going really well... the album is selling like hot cakes, which is good I guess." Harry replied, without a hint of cockiness in his voice.

I guess I could be cocky for him.

"Your albums will always sell like hot cakes, Harry."

"Don't be presumptuous Izzy."

"I'm not being presumptuous, I'm being confident. There's a difference, Harold." I smirked, knowing that would piss him off a little.

"Apparently we're in the race with Justin Bieber for the number one album spot." He said, changing the subject and ignoring my banter; "I'm not sure we'll get the American number one, but I think we'll get the UK one."

"Who's being presumptuous now?" I asked, raising my eyebrow; "And Justin Bellend, more like." I huffed, to which Harry finally laughed; "I have every belief that you'll beat him, Harry. It's a great, great album babe. You should be so proud." I murmured, deciding to now be serious for a change.

"I am extremely proud of it. Have you listened to it at all while I've been away?" Harry asked, almost too timidly, as if he was afraid of my answer.

"Of course, and before you ask me my favourite is Wolves."

"Wolves? Interesting." Harry replied, "I thought you would have picked one of the sappier ones-"

"I can't listen to them, not while you're away. Especially If I Could Fly, it..." I paused, feeling my lip wobbling.


"Babe? Are you alright?" Harry asked, "Izzy? Are you... crying?"

"No." I lied, sniffing loudly; "You just had to set me off didn't you by mentioning the sappy songs?"

"Oh babe," he murmured, chuckling softly, "I'm sorry... I didn't mean to make you cry. Please stop."

"I'm trying." I huffed, using his sleeve to rub my face; "It's fine... It's okay, I'm just stressed and everything is getting to me, I miss you and I'm trying to figure out our Christmas plans and what to get everybody-"

"Baby, you don't have to get me anything. As long as I have you, and we're together, I don't care." He spoke gently, "And stop stressing about Christmas Iz, it'll be fun... my parents and everyone else won't expect anything from you either, so don't worry about them."

"I have to buy them something Harry, I can't spend Christmas and New Year's with your family and not get them anything-"

"But I've already done our Christmas shopping, babe." Harry said slowly, his voice droning out in my ear; "I did it on my few days off here, so whatever's from me, is also from you. What's mine is yours, remember?"

I bit my lip, hoping this wouldn't piss him off.

"But I'd like to buy my own presents though... it's my first Christmas and I want to make an impression Harry."

"You don't need to make an impression babe, you just need to-" Harry exasperated, clearly sounding a little annoyed with me.

"Harry, I don't want us to fight over this okay?" I interrupted, breaking through him with an explanation that I hope he would somehow take in; "I understand your reasoning on this, but please, let me do this. Let me have that moment of being able to go out and do something normal such as buying my own Christmas presents... even if they're really small presents compared to yours, it's the thought that counts, right?"

A moment of silence fell over us, followed by a deep sigh from Harry.

"I guess you're right... they never liked me spending huge amounts on them anyway. It's the thought that counts, you're right. I'm sure they'll be grateful whatever you get them, baby."

"Thank you." I smiled appreciatively, even though he couldn't see me; "Sorry for crying." I sniffed, wiping at my face.

"Why are you crying?" He asked tentatively, "And why are you apologising? You don't need to apologise for crying babe, is everything okay? Are you due on?"

I sighed, "No, not yet. I'm just missing you that's all. Guess what I was doing the other night?"

"Something naughty?" he chuckled.


"What then? Spoilsport."

"I was reading through our DMs on Twitter the other night, when you asked me if I wanted you to come to the hospital. Do you remember?"

"Of course," Harry laughed lightly, "Seems so long ago now doesn't it... Reminiscing a little, were we?"

"It does." I agreed, "And yeah, I guess I was. I'm just feeling everything, that's all. It's my first Christmas with you, my first Christmas without Gran, my first as a sister... then trying to juggle college and get these assignments done before we break for Christmas, and on top of that I'm just really missing you, Harry."

"I know this Christmas is going to be tough for you, Izzy... but I can only promise you that this Christmas will be your best one yet." He replied, his voice completely and utterly melting me to my core through the phone; "I know you have mixed emotions about this, but listen to me when I say that I promise it'll be your best one yet... it's our first one together too, and I'll make sure it's a Christmas that you will never forget."

I smiled tearfully, unable to say anything.

"We have our last promotional appearance for The X Factor on December 13th, and then I'm all yours. We'll go up to my mum's and we'll be there until January for New Year's Eve, and then I have something up my sleeve for your birthday. You're not the only one stressing, baby. Trust me." He chuckled, "It's your first birthday with me, so I want, no I need to make it count."

"And what do you have planned for my birthday?" I asked breezily, smiling to myself because I knew he wouldn't tell me.

"Now that would be telling, wouldn't it?" Harry said wickedly, and I could tell he was smiling down the phone at me; "You have to be patient, Izzy. Nice try."

"Patience is a virtue, baby."

I could tell Harry was smiling, and the thought made me smile back in return.

"Anyway, are you in bed?" He asked cheekily, and I found myself nodding even though he couldn't see me.

"Wouldn't you like to know, Mr Styles?"

"I would, that's why I'm asking Miss Thomas." He rasped, to which I grinned, rather happily so.

"How are you, Harry? Really? You sound exhausted, baby."

"I am, but I'm using it as motivation that I'm coming back home to you soon." He replied, "But don't worry about me Izzy, don't be concerned. I'm missing you too, that's all."

I smiled, "Well, I miss you too, but you already knew that."

"You can tell me again, if you like."

"I miss you too, Harry. I always miss you." I murmured, knowing exactly where this was heading.

The change of direction and tone in the conversation was a massive giveaway, and seeing as we hadn't been sexual in what felt like forever, I was completely down for getting myself off to the sound of his voice.

Only this time, I was definitely home alone and wouldn't have Phoebe barging in on me like last time.

God, I was sure I was still traumatised from that alone.

"I've been thinking about you all day..." Harry admitted, to which I chewed on my lip and unbuttoned his shirt that I was wearing a little.

"Yeah?" I cooed, my nails gently stroking against the skin of my breast.

"Yeah." He repeated, "You know I can't ever take my mind off of you. You're all that I think about..."

"Not good if you're on telly with those lovely floral trouser pants you were wearing..."

"You saw that?" Harry laughed.

"Of course I did, tuned in late at night on the laptop... wouldn't have missed it for the world. Sexy pants, by the way... who's idea?" I asked, sinking myself lower in bed to get myself comfortable, stretching my legs apart underneath my duvet.

"Mine." Harry confirmed, "Well, Harry got them for me, but I liked them so I thought why not... did you like them?"

Harry, or Sue, as my Harry affectionately called him, was Harry's recently promoted new stylist- and to say he had an eye for dressing Harry in the most beautiful pieces of clothing I had ever laid eyes on, was the understatement of the century.

"I just kept imagining the jacket... and the entire thing as full piece suit. Made me so wet." I whispered, biting my lower lip cheekily.

"Hmm... maybe I'll wear one at the American Music Awards, just for you." Harry responded casually with a smack of his lips; "I know how much you love me in a good suit."

"Hmm..." I murmured, "If you wear something like that at the awards, I won't be held responsible for my actions the second you walk through that front door when you're home."

"I think I'll take my chances," Harry grinned, "I think you'll die when you see my suit."

"You already have one?"

"Yup... top secret though. Nobody can see until the award ceremony."

"Haaaaaaaaarry," I whined, "Can you at least show me?"

"I'll leave it to your imagination, love." He laughed, "Anyway, you don't have long to wait that long babe, but it's a mad story actually... Harry has partnered me up with some guy called Alessandro Michele..."

"Am I supposed to know who he is?"

"Hmm... he's the creative director of Gucci." Harry said nonchalantly, "Apparently he wants to work with me on his spring/summer 2016 collection."

My heart literally dropped.

"Harry... this, this is huge!"

"It's pretty exciting yeah, I've got a meeting with him to discuss the suit tomorrow. Should be fun." Harry replied, "And I'm not giving you anymore details on the suit, Izzy."

"You're so mean." I pouted, "You were so sexy that night on Jimmy Kimmel... radiating confidence and sex appeal like you wouldn't believe. Like a total rock star.... My rock star. Also..."

I was trying to coax him into telling me about his suit, when I suddenly remembered a tweet I saw about the band's performance on Jimmy Kimmel.

"What babe?"

"Is it true that you asked someone in the audience to grab you some wings from Hooters?"

The line went silent, and I tried desperately to stifle my laughter as I could tell Harry was beginning to panic.

"I purely fancied some chicken, sunflower that's all." Harry replied, and I could tell he was smirking, "I was definitely thinking about you during No Control, though."

I smirked, "You are so full of shit, Styles."

"I have no control around you, Thomas..." He laughed, "But it's the truth, I was so horny that night I was afraid I'd give myself away in those pants thinking about you."

I bit my lip, "What were you thinking about exactly? The Hooter girls?"

"No! I swear!" Harry protested, "I was thinking about you, your hair."

"My hair?" I repeated, "You weirdo. Out of all the things you could say to dig yourself out of this hole, you choose my hair?"

"Yup... the way it goes all wavy after you've washed it and it just looks all curly and natural... your perfectly sculpted body that makes me weak at the knees, not to mention how hard those legs, bum and breasts of yours make me."

"Anything else?" I grinned sheepishly.

"I was having an intense love affair with your arse that night," Harry replied, "Kept thinkin' about California and how incredible that night was... and how I couldn't wait to take you like that again."

I smirked, biting my lip still.

"Was thinkin' about that lovely wet, tight pussy of yours too... wondering what it would taste like after being away from you for so long." Harry murmured quietly, "I promise I just wanted chicken wings, Izzy. You're it for me."

"Oh Harry, I know. I'm just messing with you."

"Fuck." He exhaled, "You had me worried for a second then..."

"Sorry, I just couldn't help myself." I grinned, "It was too good of an opportunity to not tease you."

"Hmm..." Harry murmured, "So have you played with yourself at all? Or have you been a good girl, Izzy?"

"Harry..." I purred, talking quietly even though I was home alone, "I've been a bad girl, actually."

"Jimmy Kimmel did it for you, hm?" He snickered.

"How did you guess?"

"The pants baby, I knew they would do you in." He chuckled, "What did you do? Tell me?"

"Is everything alright between you and Louis, first?"

"Me and Louis?" Harry asked, his tone suddenly changing; "How'd you mean?"

"Well..." I sighed, "I dunno, but I just noticed that when he was about to cut in with his "oh ohhh" part during No Control, you just barged in throwing your water around like a total babe and the camera turned on him at the same time... and he did not look impressed."

"Hmm... you picked up on that too, huh?" Harry muttered, "If you did, then so would have everyone else."

"So something is wrong?" I pressed, "Have you two fought?"

"We had... words, yeah." Harry admitted awkwardly.

"About what?" I asked tentatively.

"About... me." Harry said, "Look, Izzy-"

"You?" I interrupted, "Why would you both have words about you?"

"Because-" he exasperated, "Look, babe, I haven't got that much time with you as it is and I'd rather not talk about Louis when I can tell you all about that when I'm actually home... so can we just get back to phone sex, please?"

I paused, "What makes you think we were going to have phone sex?"

"Oh come off it," he scoffed, "It's part of the reason why I called."

"You're calling me for a booty call, not because you love and miss me?"

"Don't be silly, of course I bloody love and miss you... just that tonight, was perhaps, more centred around phone sex... maybe, yeah."

I smiled, knowing that I was teasing him.

"But you're okay, you and Louis...?"

"Okay as we can be, yeah." Harry replied nonchalantly, "You're not going to let this drop, are you?"

"Nope." I emphasised, "So either you tell me what's going on between you two, or you can get yourself off. Your choice."



"I'm joking." He laughed, "Look... it just got a bit heated, that's all. We started havin' a discussion about what we were going to do in the hiatus, and I might have mentioned that I was lookin' to go into movies for a bit... that's all."

"That's all?" I repeated, "So you told them that you went for a couple of auditions and read some scripts while you were in California?"

"Not exactly... but... Louis brought it up that he wanted the hiatus to be held off until at least February because of the BRIT Awards, but I said no. It didn't go down too well as you can probably imagine."

"Why would you say no?" I frowned.

"Because, the original agreement was December after The X Factor, Izzy. I've done five years of my life with this, I want to try something else for a bit... and Louis got pissy because he knows One Direction can't go on without all four of us involved. So he called me a selfish prick and in the heat of the moment, we said some pretty awful things to one another..."

"Like...? Or do I not want to know?"

"Probably not, but I'm going to tell you anyway." Harry sighed, "He said he hoped I failed, and that when I'd come back to the band with my tail between my legs, I'd have to be kissing his arse because the ball would be in his court..."

"And what did you say?" I asked carefully, as he became silent, "Harry?"

"I said... he was a shit father and Freddie was better off without him."

My jaw hit the floor; "Are you fucking serious?"

"I know," Harry winced, "I know. I apologised right away but, the damage was already done. Now he won't speak to me."

"I don't fucking blame him, that was too personal Harry-"

"And what he said to me wasn't personal, Izzy?"

"I didn't say that, but to take the role of his fatherhood and try to beat him down with that was a low blow and you know that... especially when he's currently fighting her for custody, Harry."

"I know, Izzy. Christ." He muttered, "I fucked up... but Louis is Louis, it's either his way or the fucking high way. I can't commit to this band for another couple of months, I want my time off and I want to do normal things... and then I want to do my own thing."

"And Niall and Liam? What did they say?"

"Niall was pretty much in agreement with me, while Liam sided with Louis. No surprise there, really. Pretty sure I also said for them both to ride off into the sunset together at the BRITs..."

I tutted, "Harry, you really need to think before you speak. Your temper gets the better of you, sometimes."

"Yeah well... I haven't heard anything from my call backs, so Louis is probably right anyway. I'll be a shit actor."

"No you won't," I argued, "And don't let him beat you down either, if it's something you want to do Harry, you can and you will. You just have to find the right part... something will come up, I'm positive."

"Yeah, and when it does, Louis will be the first one to laugh at me when I fall flat on my fucking face."

"So what if he does? At least you've been brave enough to put yourself out there, he'd rather be stuck behind Simon Cowell for the rest of the hiatus.... and besides, even if this whole movie thing did fall apart, I'd still be the proudest fiancée in the world. I'm proud whatever you decide to do, Harry."

"Thanks, baby." He murmured, "You still love me even when I've been a spiteful bastard..."

"Yeah well, you're my spiteful bastard... and I'll defend and support you when you need it, and I'll tell you when you're wrong and pull you down a peg or two when you need it... I'm sure you and Louis will sort this out, eventually. You can't spend the rest of the promotion hating each other's guts and not speaking... people will click on, babe."

"I'll speak to him again tomorrow, I promise. I'll make it right between us." Harry said, and I smiled, knowing that he would; "But in the meantime, I'd like to get back to what we were doing before... you were telling me something, I believe."

I smiled, easing myself back into the conversation comfortably.

"I was so horny that night watching you, I couldn't keep my hands off myself."

"Do tell me more..." Harry replied, "Sounds very interesting and intriguing..."

I grinned, giggling playfully.

"I may or may not have touched myself that night, got myself off a couple of times before eventually falling asleep..."

"Izzy, you have no idea how sexy that sounds... I wish I was with you right now, I wish could kiss you."

"Where would you kiss me?" I asked freely, "It was quite sexy, touchin' myself while wearing your shirt and getting off at how sexy you looked and sounded on Jimmy Kimmel... almost made me want to scream 'that's my fucking boyfriend' I was so damn horny."

"That would have been amusing." Harry chuckled, "And it's fiancé, if you don't mind. Are you horny now?"

I smirked, "Mmm... are you?"

"Of course... I'm always bloody horny when I think about you, baby. And as for where I'd kiss you, I'd start at your lips first... then move down to your neck, bite you there a little... then I'd lick and smother your chest, your stomach..."

My hand followed his voice, travelling down my body; running my fingers delicately over my chest and stomach, before moving to the throbbing sensation nestled deeply between my legs.

"Hmm... okay, so you've got my attention Styles. I'm listening."

"Are you listening and touching? There's a distinct difference, baby."

"I'm definitely listening and touching, Harry." I murmured, as my hand crept closer into my underwear.

"Where? Where are you touching yourself?"

"Take a wild guess, sunshine."

"Urghhhhh." He groaned, "The visual is driving me crazy..."

"Are you touching yourself, Harry?" I asked, hearing him quietly moan on the other end; "Just like that, baby. Touch yourself while you think of me touching myself..."

"I'm so hard..." He groaned quietly, "Picturing you laying in bed, wearing my shirt, your hand in your knickers while the other squeezes your left breast over my shirt... am I right?"

"You know me all too well, Harry."

"Feels good hm, babe?"

"Feels oh so good, Harry." I breathed, "I miss having your dick in my mouth."

"I know you do," he rasped in response; "And my dick misses your mouth, darling."

"Mm-hmm, my entire body misses your dick baby... But I do love it when you fuck my mouth," I whispered, almost too desperately, hearing Harry literally smirk in appreciation; "Promise to fuck my mouth when you're back?"

"You betcha, baby." Harry huskily replied, "You also love it when I lick your pussy, right baby?"

Oh God, I moaned.

I moaned so loud, I was positive that everyone in the Spaniard's next door had heard me.

"When you're home, I want you to put that tongue of yours so deep inside of me Harry... while your cock is embedded so deep in my throat."

"I will, baby," He promised, "I'm jerkin' so hard over you and thinking about that exact thing right now... "

In response, my fingers worked a little faster and harder, separating my wet flesh to get to my clit and brush around my seeping arousal.

"Harry, mmm," I gasped, my back arching a little; "Oh baby, fuck, I want you to finger me, both my pussy and ass while you-" I paused, hitting a raw nerve between my legs, making my body shake violently; "-while you suck my pussy," I breathlessly told him, "Christ, I'm so wet for you right now Harry..."

I noticed Harry's breathing getting heavier.

"I'll finger you so hard when I get home, Izzy. God, I need to fuck you right now... I wish you were here."

"I want you to fuck me hard, Harry,"

"I'll give it to you so hard, Izzy." Harry breathed, "I'll fuck you so hard you won't be able to sit for a week... rub that pussy for me Iz, let me hear you come baby... moan for me, I wanna hear you."

"I'll moan your name so loud, everyone will know whose dick is making me feel so good... They'll know that I'm all yours, baby," I whispered, groaning as I brought myself closer and closer to the edge; "I love you, Harry. You get me so wet." I purred, stroking my clit faster and harder as I began to lose control.

"I love you too, Izzy... that's it, make yourself come for me baby. Let me hear you." Harry breathed, as if his voice was deep in my ear beside me; "I want nothing more than to just pin you up against the pin, fuck you and have you coming undone all around me."

I gasped, still rubbing and stroking, biting my lip as I urged him further, urging him to carry on as I was so close to coming.

"I want nothing more than to just come home, grab you and fuck you so hard, that your tits bounce in my face and your arse slaps against my thighs while you bounce on my dick-"

"Oh God, Harry-" I mewled quietly, "Keep stroking that cock for me, baby. Touch your balls as if it were me licking them, just how you like it. Imagine me sucking them while I jerk you off with my hands... just how you like it, Harry. Slap your tip on my swollen lips and then on my face, baby, I love it when you do that..."

"Fuck, Izzy-" Harry breathed, practically shuddering through the phone.

"Do it, Harry... Tug on those balls of yours, imagine me sucking them just how you like it... imagine my tongue lapping you up a few times, feels good doesn't it baby?"

"Too much, I'm gonna come- I need to come, Izzy."

His broken, breathless confession made me work harder- on both myself and him, my fingers working effortlessly over my soaked flesh while listening to Harry's pants on the phone as he tugged at himself.

"Christ, Harry... I'm so close, gonna come wearin' your shirt and in our bed... "

I convulsed, my body igniting with pleasure.

"Shit, I'm coming-"

"Shit, Izzy..." He gasped, staying quiet as he listened to my desperate moans of satisfaction, my body finally releasing my orgasm.

I lay breathless in our bed, my mouth jarred wide open, eyes closed, my chest heaving and my heat emanating from me.

"That's it baby, come for me..." Harry urged, straining his voice to urge me on while I guessed he forced himself to wait so he could completely focus on me; "Let me hear you, Izzy..."

I cried out again as my body shattered at the seams, my fingers rubbing deliciously fast before smacking myself lightly, still coming violently on the bed.

"Harry-" I cried out, "Oh fuck, baby-"

"Fuck baby, keep goin' Izzy-" he begged, my breathing now steadying while Harry's became more ragged; "I'm so close doll... I'm leaking and everything..."

"Do it baby, come all over me... my mouth's wide open ready to catch." I whispered, listening to Harry grunt hard before coming hard on the other end of the phone.

I laid there, listening to him as he came, his breathing rattling down the phone hard, moaning my name and what I imagined in my head, shooting his load all over himself and the bed.

What I would give to climb him and lick it off him sensually right now.

"You're so good baby, so good, I love you so much Izzy... I needed that."

"I love you too," I whispered, licking my fingers clean, and somehow, I was still horny; "My knickers are ruined." I said, giggling softly.

"Fuck," Harry groaned, "I'm still squeezing... so sensitive, and still so hard."

I laughed, almost breathlessly.

"Would it make you feel better if I told you I'm now removing my knickers and I'm still touching myself?"

"I so wish I was there, I'd make you come and squirt over and over."

"You sound so sexy, Harry... I just can't help not touching myself."

"Me neither," he admitted, laughing a little; "If you're not tired...?"

"Harry," I whispered, smirking as I kicked my knickers off to the corner of our bedroom; "I'm never tired when it concerns you."

"Then you better get the vibrator out, Izzy..."

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