Here We Stand [H.S]

SJ_Storiesxo द्वारा

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* Book 3 in The Harry and Izzy Series - originally written in 2015 * Following the events of Lay It All On Me... अधिक

Author's Note


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SJ_Storiesxo द्वारा

I watched happily from the passenger side of the car, as Harry vigorously pumped his clenched fist into his thigh, bumping it in time with the music as Fleetwood Mac blared out of his car stereo, his other hand carefully wrapped around the steering wheel as he continued to drive.

I was lucky that his windows weren't down as he was screaming the lyrics to 'Go Your Own Way' at the top of his lungs, because I've been accustomed to witnessing that a few times while in the car with him.

No, seriously.

I have.

I couldn't help but grin to myself, knowing that he was happy and singing along to the lyrics, like a normal fan, a normal guy in his car even.

It occurred to me there and then, that even though he was world famous and 'Harry Styles from One Direction', he was actually also Harry Styles from Cheshire that irrevocably loved his music... and he was a fan of something, just like the region of people who were fans of him worldwide.

We all had something in common.

Grinning wickedly to myself, I lifted my phone carefully and switched it to video mode, pressing the recording button.

"If I could, baby I'd give you my world... Open up, everything's waiting for youuuu- you can go your own wayyyy-" Harry stopped midway, mouth hanging wide open; "A-a-are you recording me?!"

I completely pissed myself laughing, halting the recording on my phone as I hunched over from laughing, my stomach literally hurting from the spasms.

"I feel violated."

I was still laughing at him, seeing the seriousness on his face, his pout glaring back at me.

"I'm sure there are laws against that, y'know." Harry commented, "I'll check with my solicitor."

"You do that, Harry." I giggled, "I'm pretty sure there are laws against what you just did to me in your car, but you don't see me complaining, honey."

Harry smirked, "You loved it. I can't believe you were filming me, I was proper going for it as well."

"I know!" I laughed again, "Not deleting that one in a hurry. It's absolute gold. Instagram worthy."

Harry glared at me from the corner of his eye.

"I was singing to you as well, and this is how you repay me."

"You were singing to me?"

"Hmm, telling you I'd give you my world- and there you are recording me and laughing at me."

I smirked, knowing he was pulling my leg.

"Harry, you do realise 'Go Your Own Way' is about a break-up, don't you?"

"Of course I bloody do." he scoffed, "I think I should know what one of my favourite songs by one of my favourite bands is about, Izzy."

"Ooooooh, alright. Keep your hair on Styles." I teased, "Still a great video though."

"You're a dickhead."

"You love me."


"Oi." I yelled, punching his shoulder, "Tosser."

He smirked at me, laughing as he flashed his eyes my way, taking a turning on the left that indicated that we were almost there.

It felt weird being back home again, seeing it through the pane of glass in Harry's car instead of picturing it in my mind like I had done recently.

I had missed it so much, but I had never realised how much with regards to being in college, swamped with assignments, then of course Phoebe and Callum, sorting out the hen party and then our beloved Oscar on top.

I had barely had time to think about home but now that I was here, it felt strangely good to be back.

Which reminds me, I thought, for the love of God, don't forget the morning after pill.

I used to think that home is where the heart was, but now I knew that wasn't true- because wherever Harry was, that was my home.

He was my home.

I still loved Wales unconditionally, of course I did, but it wasn't my 'home' anymore.

It was just some place that I was from, where I grew up, where my parents were buried and where my Gran still lived.

And that's when it hit me that I really had turned my life around these past couple of months.

"You okay, sunflower?"


"I was jus' playin'." Harry replied a little worriedly, "About you being a dickhead that is. I was just messing."

"Oh, yeah I know." I replied, staring out the window before catching him looking at me; "What?"

"Do you miss it?" he asked me.

I knew he was referring to me being home, and in all honesty, I didn't know if I actually had missed it.

It had only been a couple of months since I had moved, but I had adapted to London pretty quickly and it was home... mine and Harry's home.

It was where my heart lay.

"In a way, no."

"That's... surprised me." Harry admitted, "Thought you would have been bawling the second we came over the bridge."

"So did I." I admitted, "But... there's nothing. Don't get me wrong, it's good to be back, but it's not home. Not anymore."

"It'll always be where you come from, Izzy." Harry replied softly, "I know what you're thinkin', I thought the same when I first moved to London. It felt weird coming back to Holmes Chapel visiting- I didn't like it."

"You didn't?"

He shook his head.

"But, you adapt. And I did. London is my home now, Holmes Chapel is where I'm from and I'm immensely proud to come from there, but it's not my home anymore. London is."

"That's what I was thinking," I replied, "It feels weird, it's like being in a ghost town almost... it's been so long since I was last here and I guess I don't know how to feel. Like, how did I get to this point? Looking back on how I was before I met you, I wouldn't be seen dead even going into England, never mind shacking up with an actual Englishman-"

Harry grinned at me.

"I'm serious, I was so proud to be Welsh and to be from here-"

"And you still can be, it's just you live in England now. With an Englishman. Converted. Ha."

"Asshole." I muttered, hearing him laugh as I smiled to myself, gazing down at my phone to see a new text from Molly come through.

Fuck, I've missed her too.

"Just enjoy it." Harry murmured, his hand lingering into mine across the gear stick; "You're home for a bit, enjoy it and revel in it. You've got so much to figure out with your gran and Ryan, and you want to go to the cemetery... you can also catch up with people you haven't seen in ages. That's what I do. And you feel so much better when you leave to go back home afterwards. And besides, you won't get good old fashioned Welsh cakes down in London, Iz. Not the same as up here, anyway."

I grinned, knowing he was right.

"Don't be nervous, baby. You're gonna be fine." Harry said lowly, kissing the back of my hand; "Promise. It'll be like you've never been gone."

His hand tightened around mine, and I couldn't help but stroke the corner of it with my thumb.

"You always know the right things to say, and how to make me feel better." I said, "I don't know how you do it, but please don't ever stop."

"Think it's down to touring and being away from home, I had to grow up pretty fast." He murmured, "And I won't. I promise."

"You grew up beautifully, Harry. I see the way your mum looks at you sometimes, and I can literally feel her heart fill with pride... and I feel the same. You've changed so much from when we first met and from hearing stories from the past, you've just bettered yourself. You're an amazing person, Harry. You are a credit to her, and your dad... and I'm so proud to call you mine."

"Thanks, baby." He smiled beautifully.

His smile honestly made my insides ache.

"And then there's me," I added, "You go out of your way to make sure that I'm always happy and I'm okay, and you make me feel so beautiful... the way you're looking at me right now makes me feel like the only woman in the world, like I'm loved completely. I've never experienced that before."

"You are loved," Harry said lowly, "And you are the only woman in my world, Iz."

"I need you to know something," I replied, a shy smile appearing on my face.


"Yeah." I replied, "I never meant to fall in love with you, Harry. But I did, and I couldn't control it... I didn't want to control it. I couldn't fight it. I didn't want to fight it. I fell in love with you, and we've been through so much already- but I know the best is yet to come."

Harry smiled, taking his eyes off the road a second to glance at me again.

"I'm going to love you and want you for the rest of my life." I added, "And when we're old as fuck, crinkled and you're driving me insane with your stupid jokes and shaming our grandchildren with your so called moves on a walking stick, we'll sit back and see a young couple somewhere... and we'll tell them all about our life together, what we did, how we did it, how we faced it together and that without one another, we're nothing."

"I love the sound of that, Iz." he replied, the happiness creeping up to his beautiful face; "And stupid jokes? Seriously? You love my jokes."

"I do." I laughed, "And there's something else too."


"Yeah..." I smiled, "The other thing is that I'm never going to get tired of making love to you. Even when we're old as fuck, I'll still want it."

"Ditto, baby." he smirked, a sly twinkle in his eye as he caught my glance yet again.

"I mean it." I whispered, "I've never felt this way before, I'll never get tired of letting you slowly build me up with the way you love me... I love the way you love me. I love being with you, Harry... I don't know about other people, but I love the way you make love to me because it's honestly the most beautiful feeling in the world... and then earlier, how we can go to that... I couldn't do that with anyone else. I'm yours, completely."

"The feeling really is mutual, Izzy." he murmured, "To the rest of the world you maybe just one person, but to me, you are my whole world... and I'm the satellite. My whole world revolves around you. And for as long as I'm breathing and you're with me, I'll spend the rest of my life making you feel loved and special because you deserve it. It sounds so bloody cliché, but I think if a guy really truly values his woman, making her feel how much you want her in your life will come easily- I'll never stop making you feel that way. Ever." he paused, the car coming to a complete standstill as I recognised we were parked outside my Gran's- but I couldn't take my eyes off him.

Harry pulled back, the keys still in the ignition.

"Falling in love is only half of what I want, Izzy... but staying in love with you until forever, is the other."

"Harry." I whispered, sucking on my lip as his head softly bumped into mine, his eyes literally clenching shut.

"In you, I've found the love of my life, and my closest, truest friend. You are my best friend."

"If you don't stop, I swear to God I'll cry and Gran will kill you because she'll think you did it on purpose." I whispered, my finger brushing past the corner of my eye.

Harry smiled beautifully, flashing that million dollar smile that made me weak at the knees.

"I love you, Iz. I loved you yesterday, I love you still, I always have... and I always will." he smiled weakly, his eyes burning into mine.

I felt breathless, like my heart couldn't be filled with anymore love, just as a strand of his hair fell across his face.

I reached over, my hand touching his cheek while my other brushed the strand back slowly, watching his cheek twitch into a nervous smile.

Talk about ripping your heart wide open and leaving it out there for the taking.

I wanted to hold him in my arms, I wanted to kiss him and I wanted to lavish in the fact that this wonderful creature in front of me loved me as much as I loved him.

"I think this car has seen and heard too much for one day." he whispered, "So before we lose all sense of control and hit the back to make the poor sod rock once again, shall we get inside and see your Gran?" he asked, making me burst into a fit of giggles as I nodded in agreement, but not before kissing him softly.

I pulled myself out of the car, stepping out onto the warm sunshine that burned down onto my skin.

The pavement gleamed with the heat from the sun, and just in the distance you could see the swarms of families and children enjoying their time together down Mumbles beach.

There were children screaming happily as they played in the parks, couples walking hand in hand along the pier, old people sitting on the benches enjoying their ice creams, and teenagers kayaking across the water.

There were so many beaches in Swansea, but notably there was the whole of Mumbles pier that lead you into the Gower, Langland Beach, Caswell Bay and even Bracelet Bay- there was just so many to choose from.

Gran lived on the outskirts of Langland Beach, living in a little house on a quiet reserve that was ideally perfect for her.

Wales was always beautiful, but when the sun was out and the sky was clear, families were out enjoying themselves; and it almost became breath-taking to witness.

If Harry and I were ever lucky enough to be blessed with another child, I had dreams of bringing our baby down here for summer breaks; taking photographs of each other on the beach and having picnics on the greenery as Harry held our baby on his shoulders, leaving me to watch while I relaxed.

Wales wasn't my home anymore, but I was definitely going to make sure our child or children would know what their heritage was and where mummy came from.

Grabbing my bag from the back of the car, I grinned to myself as the memory of what we did earlier seeped into my brain.

It was an experience I'd never forget in a hurry, that's for sure.

Luckily, before we had set off, Harry and I had managed to change into some fresh clothes.

I was weirded out about him having clothes in the trunk of his car because he wasn't staying with me or had packed a bag, but apparently Harry always carried clothes in the back of his car with him because of his excessive touring schedule and in case of emergencies.

Fair enough, I guess.

He was dressed in a pale salmon shirt and jeans, while I had changed into a short but sweet summary dress that kept me cool- both from the sun and from the aftermath of what Harry and I done earlier.

I smiled to myself again, knowing that we had broken new ground together.

It excited me that we were now onto a journey together that allowed us to experience each other in a whole new dimension sexually and emotionally.

After almost a year together, it warmed me that we were still so in love with one another and how we were now hitting a whole new territory in our relationship after everything we had been through.

We had gotten through many bumps already, and I knew because of what we had experienced we were ready for anything and everything else- come what may.

Hearing the car door shut behind me, I felt Harry step up beside me, taking my bag from my hand and lifting it over his shoulder.

He smiled warmly at me, taking my hand and leading me towards Gran's garden gate.

The first thing I wanted to do after greeting and spending some time with Gran, was take a bloody shower- because there was no way I could spend the rest of my day being like this.

Of course, Harry had made a comment about having his residue inside me, a dirty smirk plastered across his face as he said it.

He was so filthy sometimes, but I loved it all the more.

As we reached the gate, I stared at the garden and felt completely weirded out.

It was unkempt and there were weeds sticking out from all corners of the garden, rubbish in her flower bedding and the flowers themselves were completely dead.

"All set?" He asked.

I nodded, frowning.

"What's up?" Harry asked me, "Iz?"

"Her garden, it's so... untidy."

"Is it normally like this?"

I shook my head, "Not at all."

"I'll sort it out before I go if you like?" He offered, "I don't mind, anything to help her out."

I was still frowning, and Harry was still staring at me.

"Iz, what's up baby?"

I paused, biting my lip.

"It's just.... she's so house and garden proud Harry, she's never left it go like this before... something's wrong. Even if she couldn't do it, she'd pay for someone to do it. She loves her garden-"

"Not necessarily babe." Harry said softly, "Maybe she just can't quite do it herself and she needs a bit of help. Maybe the local kid isn't around or something? I'll do it, if it means that much to her and you. I'm sure nothing's wrong, you're just winding yourself up a little. Everything's fine, Izzy."

He was right, I was overreacting and causing myself to have a migraine.

"Yeah. You're right. I'm just panicking. You coming in for a bit?"

"Course I am, wanna see how my favourite girl is getting on don't I?" Harry smirked, his fingers now linking around mine; "Well, technically speaking she's the second, because you're my favourite... and I'll do the garden too before I go."

I stroked his hand, giving him a small kiss on the cheek quickly.

"Very smooth, Harry." I chuckled, "And thank you, for offering to do the garden. You don't have to do that."

"Anyone would think you'd be begging to see me topless." he sarcastically replied.

I grinned, "Been there, done that. Thanks for bringing me down here, too. I know this must be hard for you, but I appreciate you fetching me down. I really do."

Harry smiled warmly at me.

"It's not hard per say... guess I still can't quite understand why you'd want to do all of this alone, but on the other hand I do understand." He replied, as we walked up the pathway leading up to gran's house; "I guess I just want to make sure you know what you're doing, Izzy. I don't want you to be alone, especially if things get a little tough with Ryan and everything."

"I do know what I'm doing." I whispered, "And once all the dust has settled with Ryan and I know what's going on with the family, I'll take you to my parents resting place if you like... just, not yet Harry. I don't think I'm ready to share that part of me just yet."

He nodded, accepting what I was saying.

"Take your time, Iz. I'm here for the long haul, you know that."

I smiled, gratefully.

He was trying so hard to understand, and I loved him all the more for trying, but unless you lost a parent nobody could possibly ever understand.

Not even Harry.

He was incredibly lucky, as he had an amazing, beautiful mother, who I had grown to worship just as much as my own.

Anne and I had grown incredibly closer over the last few weeks, especially regarding the loss of Oscar.

Our bond together had grown epically over the loss of my child and her grandchild; and she had been there for me when my own mother couldn't be- and that was something that I would never be able to repay her back for.

I was so grateful to have her in my life.

Harry's dad too was also a great guy and I could see so many of Des' qualities in Harry- like how much they equally both loved their mothers, for example.

After the initial explanation of Harry's nan the other night, he had told me that his dad too was indeed a mummy's boy- which is probably where he got it from.

It was amazing to see how much of Anne and Des was in Harry, and how much of an influence Robin and Jo had on him too.

He equally loved them both just as much as his own parents, with Robin taking care and having brought Harry and Gemma.

They shared a wonderful relationship where Robin wasn't just Harry's "step-dad"- he was also his friend; and that was undeniably special.

I didn't really know Jo that well enough yet as I had only met her a handful of times, but from what I could see, Harry thought the world of her too and the fact he agreed to be the best man in her wedding to his father said it all really.

In a way, I was partly jealous of Harry and his family.

There was so much richness there, so much tender love and care, despite all the angst in the family history when I first met them regarding Des cheating on Anne.

And while Harry had all these fantastic people around him, I had nothing or nobody other than my Gran, who was my whole entire world.

She had brought me up together with my dad for ten years when after she had lost my mother, and then alone by herself when my father had passed.

To me, she was my superwoman and my life could have turned out a lot different if I hadn't have been blessed with her.

I knew if I was going to be even half of the woman she was, I knew I was a very lucky girl and that I'd be okay.

As much as Harry and his family were my family now, she was the only blood relative I had left (other than Ryan, possibly) and she was my everything, so I couldn't imagine my life without her.

Fishing for my spare keys to Gran's house from my bag, Harry stood beside me, a look of uncertainty on his face.


"Do I have sex hair?" He asked me seriously, his hand brushing through his hair manically.

"What?" I laughed, still searching for the keys; "Sex hair, Harry?!"

"Do you think she'll be able to tell that we-"

The door shot open, my mouth hanging wide as Harry jumped seven feet in the air, my bag almost flying off his shoulder while I dropped the keys to the floor.

"What bloody time do you call this?! I was expecting you two nearly two hours ago!"

I smirked, hiding my sheepish face as I stepped over the threshold of Gran's home.

"Nothing's definitely changed here." I teased, gazing at Harry; "We got held up," I explained shortly and sweetly; "Harry had a suit fitting up in Manchester, so we had to do that first."

Gran stared at us both sceptically.

"A suit fitting? For what?" She pressed, her finger now prodding towards Harry's direction and chest; "You better not have proposed, because you haven't asked me for permission yet Harold."

I laughed, rolling my eyes as I welcomed her into my arms, wanting to squish her for as long as I possibly could.

It had been too long since I had done so and I had missed her terribly.

"Wouldn't dream of it, Gwen." Harry said, a devious smirk on his face.

I was amazed at how he could be shit scared of her one minute before switching back to that cheeky boy who she had grown to be fond of.

"Well don't take all day, you've kept me waiting long enough. I've just put tea on for the both of you, you must be starving." Gran said out loud, Harry glancing over at me as we followed her down the hallway; "The kettle's just boiled too, be a love Harry and make me some of that lovely English tea that you make." She added, knowing that I would have to break the news to her soon.

"Harry's not staying, Gran. Well, not like I am anyway." I said awkwardly, "He-"

"What do you mean he's not bloody staying?" She asked, shooting round to meet us both; "But I bought food especially for you both!"

"He's going back to London." I said, launching myself at the familiar settee that I was sure was older than me now.

"What the bloody hell for?" Gran queried, "Oh enough of this nonsense, you can stay as long as you want Harry. Don't listen to her."

Harry grinned, "Thanks Gwen, but I've got work commitments I have to be getting on with anyway." he explained, "I can stay for dinner, it's no problem. But before I go, do you want me to sort the garden out for you?"

"Work commitments? But I haven't bloody seen you since you scooped up my granddaughter and moved her thousands of miles away."

"Notice she just says she hasn't seen you and doesn't say 'us'," I muttered, earning myself a small slap on the knee from her.

"And the garden is bloody terrible isn't it?" Gran huffed, clearly annoyed with it like I knew she would be; "The boy who does it normally for me has only gone and broken his ankle, so it's in a hell of a state out there."

I caught Harry smiling at me, and I mentally told him to shut up because nobody liked a know it all or a cocky bastard.

"Would you like me to clean it up?" Harry offered, "I can cut the weeds down and get rid of the rubbish, probably cut the grass too if I have enough time?"

"Oh would you, Harry? You'd be such a love if you could. I'd be ever so grateful. I can't stand a filthy outgrowing garden, I love going out in it when it's like this, a beautiful day and I can't bare to even look at it because of the state it's in-"

"Course not." He replied, "Tell you what, as payment you can make me some Welsh cakes to take back home with me."

"You've got yourself a deal, Harold."

I grinned, shaking my head at the two of them scorching up a deal over gardening and Welsh cakes.

Of all the things.

"Guess I'll make a start on the tea then, yeah?" I asked, forcing myself up from the settee and into her kitchen, picking out three cups from the cupboard.

I stood by the unit, the clock ticking loudly above me as I wanted for the kettle to boil, pouring the milk and the necessary amount of sugar and tea bags that we needed; when a sudden rupture of laughter could be heard from both Harry and Gran.

I smiled to myself, listening to them both catching up, when I caught a glimpse of a photo of me on the fridge.

I must have been around seven years old, pigtails and a bright smile, in my school uniform and the absolute image of my mother.

I stared at it for what seemed like forever, wondering if that little girl knew somehow that in the future, she would meet somebody that would become her whole entire world and if she would be even remotely ready for the heartache that she would later endure.

It was funny, because the little girl I was looking at right now, was completely fearless and wasn't scared of anything- and I was nowhere near feeling a fraction of that once again.

Thumb stroking the picture, I jumped as Harry's arms suddenly came around my waist, folding perfectly just directly underneath my breasts, his chin resting on my right shoulder.

"Gran said you're taking ages with the tea and to hurry up. Is that you?"

I nodded.

"Yep." I replied, holding the photo up so he could see it more clearly.

"You look cute, Iz."

"I look tiny."

"You do." Harry laughed quietly, before he stopped and stared at me, lips kissing my cheek gently; "What's going on in that head of yours?"

"Just thinking." I sighed against him, "Thinking of when I was little, that everything was so easy... and I wasn't afraid of anything."

"And you're afraid now?"

"I don't know, Harry." I whispered, "I'm about to embark on questioning the one person who I trusted more than anything about a brother I never knew I had. I'm afraid, I'm terrified."

"It's killing me seeing you this way," he said quietly, "I don't want to go back to London knowing I have to leave you here. I don't want to leave you here."

I smiled softly, my hand touching his cheek.

"I know, but you'll be fine. I'll be fine. It's only for a few days, Harry. I just need to sort myself out-"

If I said this enough times, I'd believe it, I was positive.

"And you are really sure about this?" he asked me again, for what was probably the thousandth time since we started our journey back up; "You really want to do this alone?"

I nodded, "I have too."

Harry stood, his heart visibly breaking inside.

It pained me to see him this way, knowing that my need to be home to be with my mother, and question my Gran about Ryan was killing him, but like the undeniably perfect person that he was, he understood and never pushed me further on it.

He knew it was something that I had to do, he was supporting me in the best way that he could and he knew I had to do it alone- no matter how much it was hurting the both of us.

"I'm gonna miss you so much, Iz... you'd swear I was never seeing you again with the way I'm acting. Pathetic, I know."

"It's not, baby." I whispered, savouring his touch as he pulled me closer towards him; "I'm going to miss you too, Harry. But you're still here for now, you'll have dinner with us and we can have this evening together before you head back."

Harry nodded, just as we kissed again, this time a lot slower than usual, as the feeling of contentment rushed through my veins and blood stream.

I didn't want to stop kissing him, but I knew if I didn't pull apart and walk away from him soon, I'd fall to pieces and beg him to stay- and I couldn't do that.

I had to do this, for my own sanity.


"I know." he huffed, "But I just can't seem to break away from you-"

"Same..." I breathed.

"Ask me Iz, it's all you've got to do. Ask me, and I'll do it. You know I will." Harry breathed, his lips inches away from mine; "Ask me to stay, and I will. But I won't, not unless you want me and you ask me."

"Harry." I sighed, tilting my head as I nibbled on my lip; "This is hard for me too, you know I can't do that..."

He nodded, but only the once, brushing his hair back messily, throwing it completely out of style as he stood back away from me.

I stared at him, willing him to go back into the front room where Gran was so we weren't making this any harder on ourselves- but he didn't.

Harry still stood in front of me, his teeth lightly digging into his lip as the only sound in the kitchen was me making our tea, the noise of the kettle becoming slightly audible above our breathing.

"You'll call me, when you need me, right? And when you want to come home?" he blurted suddenly, and I nodded, forcing the tears back as the realisation was dawning on me.

"I will, Harry. It's just for a few days," I added, reiterating that this wasn't forever and it was just a few days away to get my head together; "I can do this."

"You promise?"

"I promise."

"The second I get your call, I'll come and get you." he said, his hand now half clutching at my neck and face, his thumb caressing my cheek softly.

I revelled in his attention again, trying to remember as much as I could, wanting to savour his touch, the way he smelled and the way he looked, how his hair curled and how his eyelashes fluttered against my cheek as he held me.

I wanted to remember it all.

In a quick flash, my mouth descended back onto his, kissing him again, hands tugging at his shirt.

"I don't want you to go."


"I need you, here with me. I want you to stay." I trembled, my voice shaking; "Stay, Harry. Please. I'm sorry, I'm such a mess- I thought I could, but I can't and-"

"Are you two making the teabags out there or what?" Gran yelled out from the front room; "Cowin' out loud, I'm gagging for a cuppa by here!"

I snickered against Harry, feeling his thumbs brush away the tears that fell down my cheeks, one last kiss being planted on my lips before he pulled away from me.

"I'll stay, Izzy. I'll stay." he murmured, "Better get that tea done before she gets cranky. I love you."

"Love you too," I whispered, feeling him leave me as I watched him re-enter the front room, giving me the opportunity to sort myself out before tending back to the tea.

I could do this, with him... because I sure as hell couldn't do it without him, no matter how much I tried to tell myself otherwise.

It was good to be home, with my man right beside me, backing my corner and supporting me every step of the way... and I couldn't wait but experience this new journey with him on finding out about Ryan.

It was going to be upsetting, that much I knew, but first things first- I had tea to attend too while Harry had a garden to clear out.

There were clearly more important things to think about and do.

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