Here We Stand [H.S]

By SJ_Storiesxo

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* Book 3 in The Harry and Izzy Series - originally written in 2015 * Following the events of Lay It All On Me... More

Author's Note


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By SJ_Storiesxo

"Everything is fine, mum, I promise."

I smiled to myself, unpacking the overnight bag on our bed as Harry escaped to the bathroom quickly, his mother's voice pressed directly into his ear from his phone.

Along with Louis, Anne had been ringing Harry non stop since we had left the hotel and travelled back to the house.

Harry kept putting his phone off, saying that if it was important they would both ring back- and they did, continuously.

I wondered if it was something work related with Louis, and if Anne was just simply checking up on Harry after our texting session the other night.

I still hadn't told him about that yet, and I made a mental note to make sure I did before we at least got home so she didn't drop me in it unintentionally.

As soon as we got through the door, Harry's phone was ringing again and after kissing my cheek and making sure I was okay with unpacking, he made the quickest dash to the toilet I had ever seen in my life- phone in tow, as he spoke to his mother finally.

Harry was a firm believer in the law; and never so much as even looked at his phone while he was driving unless it was connected to his dashboard.

Well, there were worse things you could be doing while you were on the phone to your mother, I suppose- and being on the toilet obviously wasn't one of them for Harry.

I unpacked quickly, chucking the dirty clothes that we wore yesterday towards the floor, the reminder of what we done last night soaking deep into my conscienceness.

I smiled, goose bumps flushing over my skin as the memory of what we did together made my stomach flip continuously.

I felt amazing, like I was floating, and we were both so full of happiness this morning, I knew deep in my heart that Harry had started to turn a full corner.

It was still early days, but I knew we were now on the right track.

Ignoring the Facebook message that flashed repeatedly on my phone, I gathered up the products for our dressing table and carefully carried the bottles of aftershave and perfume towards it.

After I'd finished that, I checked the bag and made sure I took the toothbrushes out, as well as the toothpaste and quickly rushed to the bathroom, opening the door.

It wasn't something that was weird for us, I mean, we were pretty comfortable with each other to the point where we were sharing our bodies, this house and everything else that came with being in a relationship with each other, so walking into the bathroom while one of us was actually using it was like a walk in the park.

Countless times over the last year I had walked in on Harry on the toilet, and vice versa.

Granted, at first it wasn't something that you wanted to see, but we gradually got used to it as we got comfortable with each other.

"Why the hell were you calling me mum? Have you got some weird kink going on that I don't know about, Harold?"

I paused, frowning at the sound of Louis' voice that was on the other end of the phone.

That wasn't Anne, and I was 100% positive that Harry said 'mum' on the way to the bathroom.

He did, didn't he?

I racked my brain, knowing that he most definitely had said the word 'mum' as he entered the bathroom.

His phone was on loudspeaker, and with Harry being around the corner of the bathroom, I noticed almost immediately that he wasn't actually on the toilet- or anywhere near it for that matter.

What the hell was going on?

"So, did you nail it? Or nail her, should I say?"

"Don't put it like that, she'll hear you- and keep your voice down, Lou-"

"Where are you, anyway?" came Louis' chuckling laugh.

"Hiding in the bathroom." came the slow drawl of a reply from Harry; "Had to make a quick getaway seeing as you were continuously ringing me. Didn't you get the bloody hint?? I couldn't exactly answer with her sitting right beside me-"

"The fuckin' bathroom? You dickhead, don't you think she's gonna find that a little bit weird?"

"No... she thinks I'm talking to my mum, anyway, shut up."

"So, how did it go?" Louis asked casually, "You did what I told you to do, right?"

Which was what, exactly?

"Your tips... worked, yeah."

What tips?

You should not be listening to this, haven't you learned anything from the past?

"They did? See, what did I tell you Harry, almost all the time, an erection is literally all in your head."

Jesus, God help me.

Harry had discussed our sex life and his issue with Louis?

Louis of all people?

"So you weren't scared of getting it on with her then?"

I paused, unable to suppress the smirk on my face.

Even though he was his usual cocky self, Louis was holding a tone of endearment as he talked to Harry, obviously knowing that this was a touchy subject and that it was quite clearly bothering him.

I shouldn't have been listening, I had found myself in this position countless times before, but I just couldn't help myself.

Besides, if Harry was going to tell Louis what he really thought of last night, then I really wanted to know.

I think.

"I was scared." Harry admitted, "And... things sort of got heated, and then I lost it again."

"Shit, man. How did she take it?"

"Very well, actually." Harry replied, "I freaked out and we sort of had words, it got very weird and confusing, but she was amazing... she just, Lou, she was amazing."

My heart literally swelled.

"Don't go getting all slushy on me now, Harry."

"Fuck off, Lou."

"I'm kidding." He laughed, "But that's really good mate. So what happened after that?"

"We sort of talked it through again... and just when I thought we mutually agreed to let it go, and to go to sleep, she came on to me."

"She seduced you?" Louis chimed, "Living the dream my friend, you are living the dream."

"Take this seriously Lou, or I'll call someone else."

"You don't have anyone else," Louis clarified, "I don't mean that nastily, but Niall is being a dick lately, and Liam is shacked up with Phoebs and Callum. You only have me, unlucky for you."

Harry groaned, "Anyway, she came onto me... and-"


"I was scared of going limp again, of letting her down... or not getting hard at all, but she stayed with me, reassured me like you said she would... and it just sort of happened."

"What happened?"

"Louis." Harry said firmly.

"Harry." Louis retorted back, "If you ask me for sex tips man and don't tell me the dirty details afterwards, I will refrain from ever helping you again. It's just common decency to fill me in on the filth, Harry-"

"I don't want to sound like an asshole talking about her like this." Harry said awkwardly.

"You're not an asshole, you're being a guy... talking to his buddy about how he got laid last night. I bet you a thousand pounds that she's already told Phoebe how good you fucked her, Harry-"

No, no I haven't.

I haven't told a soul about last night.

"I didn't get laid last night, we didn't... fuck and don't make it sound like... that. It's disgusting."

My heart swelled again.

"Christ, it's any wonder you've actually gotten any action at all with the way you clam up 'bout it, Harry."

"I'm just respectful, there's a difference." Harry retorted, "I'm not like it with her, or anyone that I've been with for that matter. That's something that you could probably learn from."

"Probably, but won't." Louis replied.

"And that's why you were single for so long."

"Ouch, that hurts my heart." Louis chimed, "And anyway, I pulled Danielle didn't I? So screw you. Anyway, so you didn't actually get laid? What the hell did you do then?"

Harry hesitated, and I could tell he was literally fighting with himself whether or not to tell Louis what went on between us last night.

A part of me hoped that he wouldn't, because it was private and because it was between us, and I guess in a way, I didn't want us to be on the receiving end of Louis' butt jokes.

But his tone of endearment reminded me that Louis was actually taking this quite seriously and was obviously helping Harry; so on the other hand I wanted him to talk about it.

I wanted him to receive all the help, tips and advice he could get if it meant he would get back to having a normal attitude when it came to sex and our love making.

So I held my breath, nervously, still clutching at the toothpaste and the toothbrushes.

"Please tell me you at least fingered her, Harry."

"Jesus Christ, Louis-" Harry spluttered.

"Well, did you?" Louis demanded, "You've got to open up a bit Harry, it's sort of ridiculous."

Oh God, please be gentle with him Louis.

"If you wanna beat down this wall you've got and let go of these inhibitions, then you need to start thinking and talking freely, my friend. She's not a doll, you won't break her. She's a woman Harry, and she has needs."

"I know, Louis."

"I mean, I bet she loves to be fucked just as much as she loves you making love to her... women are needy creatures too, Harold. You never had trouble pleasuring her before, so what's so different now?"

"Just... some rough patches." Harry said quietly.

"Like what?" Louis questioned.

I realised that Harry hadn't told Louis about Oscar, and for that, I was grateful.

We had promised to keep him to ourselves for a while, until we were at least ready to talk about it with non family members.

"Just, y'know normal relationship bumps... reckon the honeymoon phase is over or something. I do love her Louis, I do-"

My heart swelled again, as well as shattered.

"I'm not questioning your love for her Harry, I'm questioning your lust for her- what's stopped you being so sexual with her?"

"Louis, I already told you. I can't tell you."

"Alright," Louis sighed dejectedly, "I'm not gonna push you, Harry. But just so you know, the second you're ready to tell me, I'm here."

"I know." Harry said quietly, "It's just something I'm not ready to talk about yet."

"Please tell me you're at least discussing what it is that's bothering you with Izzy though, right?"

"I am..." Harry confirmed.

"Okay, that's good." Louis responded, "So what did you get up to last night?"

I paused again, leaning against the door frame as Harry sighed loudly.

"We made out for a bit, and it was nice... no pressure, just literally hanging out on the bed and spending time together. I took her out to dinner."

"Harry, you're killing me. Really."

"Christ, you have no patience do you?"

"I just want to know if you got the girl off or not, and if you got some action too- is that a fucking crime?"

"I fingered her. Gave her oral. I got her off, and she got me off. Happy?"


"Are you fucking kidding me, Harry?"

"No..." Harry replied, "Why would I kid about something like that?"

"Fuck, Harry..." Louis spluttered, "Mate, that's awesome. You went further than I thought you would have-"

"You did?"

"Yeah, I mean, I know I told you to focus on her and just give her what she needed to satisfy her, but fuck man... you went all out! You did it! You actually did it! Dude!"

Harry laughed, almost sheepishly, and I could tell that he was embarrassed slightly, his chuckle exasperating from his chest awkwardly.

"So how did you find it?"

"Pleasantly alright..."

Pleasantly alright?!

"I mean, for like... our first time since the last time, I was nervous and wondered if I had forgotten how to do it... and how she liked it, but like I said, we talked about some stuff and for some reason, we've decided to act out like we're dating again... and using it to our advantage."

"And who's idea was that?"

"Izzy's, actually."

"Harry, you need to marry her one day, I swear to god."

"Steady on." he laughed.

"I'm serious, she's an absolute genius."

I smiled, feeling elated at Louis' high praise of me.

"She knows you better than you think... most women would have freaked out and continued to freak, but she's playing your little issue right down to the ground- making out you're dating again and to use it to your advantage? She's a genius, Harry."

I was glowing, literally, at Louis' high appraisal of me.

"Listen, there's loads of stuff you can do other than actually have sex- you don't need to give her sex to let her know that you care and love her, Harry."

"Well I know that now, but-"

"But, no. Seriously. How much time do we have left?"

"Not much, she's probably wondering what's taking me so long-"

"Don't rush into this now, because of last night. You're both probably feeling like you're on cloud nine today, but don't over push it. Don't do anything today or tonight now, it's good to have a little break in between-"

"But what if she-"

"Then tell her to get herself off, you need to focus and regain that control Harry. Too much too soon, and you'll be back to square one again. You did tell her that, didn't you?"

"I did..." Harry awkwardly said, "She said she'd wait for me." He mumbled quietly; "Don't laugh." Harry warned.

"You two are so sickeningly in love, it's disgusting."

"Shut up."

"Anyway," Louis replied, "Like I said before, you don't need sex to show her that you love her or you're attracted to her, Harry. When you're next in bed, and like I said, not tonight, talk about your fantasies with her. Distract yourself from Harry Jnr and use Harry Snr in bed. Don't think with your dick, Harry. Indulging in dirty talk and fantasies can help reignite the pleasure of sex for both of you."

"I don't think I have any fantasies."

Well that wasn't strictly true now was it... we had the mommy and daddy kink.

"Oh fuck off, Harry. Everyone has fantasies, c'mon."

"She's my only one, Louis."

"I highly doubt that, Harold."

"She is!" Harry argued.

"Oh come on, you're telling me you've not even thought about another woman? Like some sort of hot celebrity chick to get you off? Somebody like Cindy Crawford for example?"

"Before I met her maybe, not now. Ever."

Wait, what?

Cindy Crawford as in... the supermodel?

The world famous, utterly captivating gorgeous supermodel?

Harry had a thing for her?

Or has a thing for her, judging by Louis' response.

"I swear to God, if you tell her about your crush on Cindy, you could open up the floodgates man."

"I haven't got a crush on Cindy, Jesus Louis! Maybe when I was younger, but..." Harry started, "And that'll be good won't it? I'm struggling to get a hard on for her, but sure, let's tell my girlfriend about a harmless crush I have on another woman... where's your bloody sense, Louis?"

"You're so full of shit." Louis retorted, "You're a guy Harry, and I bet you my whole entire fortune that Izzy has a crush on someone too- you're not all that she thinks about either. I can promise you that. She likes that Backstreet Boy doesn't she? Howie, is it?"

"Nick." Harry practically growled in response.

Reckon Louis touched a nerve there.

"The one Niall used to pretend he was?"

"That's the one." Harry replied, "She really likes him. Pretty sure she told me once in a passing comment that he was her first..."

Oh God, please terminate this conversation.

"Bingo." Louis replied, "Her crush is Nick Carter- you need to work on that."

"You really think so...?"

"I know so." Louis replied, "We're all human, Harry. It's like window shopping innit? You can look, but you can't touch. I'm telling you if you opened up together and spoke about your desires a little bit, those little crushes and who you both got off too, it would break new ground and get the juices flowing a bit- for you, anyway. Have you ever thought of her getting off to someone else?"

"You're incredibly..."

"Well informed, I know."

"I wasn't going to say that, but okay."

"I'm serious, Harry. Open up about this with her, get kind of kinky with her. Speak about your secret fantasies and fetishes with each other and indulge in them. It's all fun, so you can't get jealous and neither can she. Sometimes, all you need to bring your little guy up is a whole new sexual experience!"

"I'm not bored with her, Louis!"

"I never said that, but sometimes what you need when you hit this speedbump that you've both hit is something new, something fresh and something exciting... you're already trying the role-play thing where you're dating again, so that's a good thing. I swear me and Iz are like on the same wavelength here." he said casually, "But I mean it, Harry. You need to get innovative, too much of a good thing can get boring after a while. Izzy may be the sexiest piece of hot ass you've ever had in your bed, but unless you create new ways to enjoy each other in bed, one of you may get bored which will eventually lead to you feeling less satisfied and less horny- which has happened to you by the looks of things."

Not entirely, strictly true, but I got the joist of what he was trying to say.

"Louis, I already told you. I'm not bored with her, I just can't... focus and get hard."

"Then you need to fucking focus, Harry. Take your time, but don't rush in. This is something most guys don't know and don't care to know- but foreplay actually always helps the guy hold on longer."

"So why do most men bust a nut at the thought of pleasuring their woman?"

"Cos they're not highly experienced yet, but honestly, by indulging in foreplay for 15 minutes before penetration, Harry Jnr would get more time to warm himself up for the main act... Just don't think about your erection until you have to penetrate her and when it's time, you can rest assured that he'll be ready. Don't concentrate on your dick, Harry. Like I said before, just focus on satisfying and pleasuring Izzy... if you spend too much time pondering over over how erect you are, you're gonna kill the fun which will in turn kill your erection- JUST A SECOND BABE -Harry, I've got to go, but seriously, just keep talking about this with Izzy... when you can't hold onto your hard on, it's gonna leave you frustrated of course it will... but you'll learn and you both have to tackle the elephant in the room and talk about it. Reassure each other. She loves you and you love her, ensure that bad sex is not getting in the way of good love- it'll come in time my friend, literally."

Nice choice of words there, Louis.

"Thanks, Lou. For everything."

"Anytime my friend, and remember. Nothing tonight. Night off. Alright? Do something different with her, do whatever it is you like to do while hanging out... just don't do anything sexual with her, got it?"

"Got it."

"Alright, later Styles. And I'm proud of you, for facing this head on like a real man. Sort of feels... nice that you came to me about this. So thanks. I appreciate it."

"I appreciate you helping me..." Harry said, "Right, I've got to go, Izzy's gonna think I fell down the toilet or something- I'll text you later."

At this point, I scarpered, literally.

Quietly, I made my way back into the bedroom, toothpaste and toothbrushes still in my hand, when I saw my phone buzz again loudly on the side.

Picking it up, I paused and stared at the message and familiar name that popped up onto my screen, a sudden rush of guilt and excitement pouring into me.

"Hey, haven't heard from you in a while... hope everything is okay? How are you? x."

I stared at Ryan's message, my teeth digging into my lower lip, when a pair of arms suddenly came around me.

I jumped carelessly, "Fuck Harry, you frightened me."

"Sorry, I didn't mean to startle you." he asked me, as I took in a deep breath and calmed myself, casually tilting my phone to show him Ryan's message; "What do you think?" He asked, his eyes flickering back to my face.

"I think... I've left this lingering for long enough, and I need to start making a move on finding out what's going on... and why I was lied too."

"Do you want to do anything today?" Harry asked, "Like, no work or anything...?"

I shook my head, "I still need to start planning and emailing everybody about Phoebe's hen party, but other than that, I have nothing planned. Why?"

"Figured we could spend the day researching... your brother. Together."

"You make it sound like an expedition, Harry." I giggled.

"Yeah well, sort of is isn't it? I'd like to help, if you want me to?" he pressed, "But I understand if you don't. It's kind of... private, family stuff isn't it-"

"Harry, you are my family." I replied softly, burying my hand into his curls as I stretched my body sideways, "I love you."

"I love you, too." he murmured, kissing me softly.

Harry wrestled with me gently, forcing my limbs to eventually wrap around him as he picked me straight up from the floor, his hands gripping the back of my thigh and the corner of my bum.

I kissed him feverishly, my entire body tingling as he kissed me back, our tongues softly becoming more slicker as I arched myself into him, my legs now tangled at the end of his spine angling myself perfectly, so his hands were free to cup my face as we kissed.

"Last night... was okay, wasn't it?" he asked nervously, pressing his forehead into my own, his breath fanning over my kissed lips; "You're happy?"

"Extremely." I reassured him, leaning forward into him, seeking that warmth that radiated from him; "You drive me crazy, Harry... still."


"Always." I confirmed, feeling his lips so close to mine again; "Forever."

"I just want to make you happy, I'll do anything to make you happy... you know that, right?"

I nodded, "I know, baby."

"And that's in all aspects of the word." Harry murmured, "So if you want to go into this... about Ryan, and you want me there. Then I will be."

"I know." I breathed, nodding once again before our eyes locked on one another and Harry lost his inhibition, crushing his body against me as he pressed his mouth to mine.

I groaned, feeling his hands move from my face and down my body, grazing past my breasts before I felt the thud of the wall against my back.

Feeling the tip of his tongue trace over the bridge of my lips, I held onto his bicep tightly, our kiss lasting for what seemed like years.

My pulse was vibrating throughout my entire body, and I was beginning to get so turned on, I had forgotten about Ryan and Harry's conversation with Louis, warning him not to indulge in sexual contact today or tonight.



I couldn't bring myself to pull away, I really couldn't.

I stared at him, feeling his gaze burn into me, and the way he is looking at me makes me tingle all over.

My lips are swollen from the kiss and my entire body feels like it's on fire, and Harry was literally the only one that could soothe it and put it out.

Shivering as his hand glided past my breasts again, my chest heaved as he clutched gently at my throat.

This was familiar territory...

I closed my eyes in ecstasy as his lips began to move over my jawline and the curve of my neck, right where my pulse was.

"Baby, you're so beautiful..."

I felt like I was going to burst, any second now.

I whimpered quietly, letting him have his way, my hands working without my permission, feeling his body flex under his t-shirt.

And then he stopped.

"Uh... Izzy?"

I'm hot.

I'm so fucking hot I can't breathe.


"What?" I breathed, forcing my word out as Harry stood back a little.

"There's um... something running down my back-"

"What?" I asked, confused, before I opened my eyes and realised what he was referring too- and then I started to giggle, helplessly; "That would be the toothpaste..."


"He looks like you, y'know."

I paused, flicking the screen up and down on the laptop.

We were on Facebook, on my account, and I was showing Harry the pictures in Ryan's photo albums, while he was also taking down some notes.

"Do you really think so?"

Harry nodded, the scribbling of his handwriting getting messier as he went along writing notes about Ryan.

"You have the same colour eyes... and weirdly, the same bone structure too. You can see that you are blatantly related." he said gently, his hand on my shoulder, squeezing it supportively; "I know this is hard for you Iz, but you're doing really, really well babe."

"I just... don't understand how this could have happened, Harry."

"How do you mean?"

"Why keep me... and not him? Why did my dad give him up for adoption and not me?"

"You can't think like that, baby."

"But I am thinking like that, Harry." I said slowly, "I just feel... actually, I don't know what to feel. Disappointed, I guess... like I didn't really know the person who brought me up for the first ten years of my life. What would my mother think? Was she turning in her grave when it happened? My gran has told me numerous times how much she wanted me Harry, how she couldn't wait to be a mother... I just don't think it was ever in her mind to give up her son as well. This had to have been done by my father-"


"But why? Why would he give up his son and not his daughter, Harry? What makes me so special and not Ryan? How does that even make Ryan feel, knowing our father picked me over him? I just keep thinking, what if this was the other way round- what if my dad picked Ryan and gave me up for adoption, how does anyone deal with that? Was Ryan not planned? Did they not know my mum was having twins? Did- what are you doing?" I asked, watching Harry close the laptop lid firmly; "I wasn't finished."

"I think you've had enough for one day, baby."


"Izzy, I know you have a lot of questions, and we have lots to get through, but I won't let you drive yourself crazy over this. What's happened is horrible, I completely agree, but already you're feeling sorry for him and thinking differently of your dad-"

I frowned, staring at him.

"He obviously wasn't in a very good place when he decided to give Ryan up, and I can't imagine the pain he went through to make that decision. With your mum... gone, I suspect he felt like he wasn't going to cope... I don't want to make assumptions, but let's just think about this for a second... he loses his wife, and gains two kids all in one day. I kind of feel sorry for him-"

I frowned; "People die everyday, Harry. They don't just give up their kids and decide to keep one, and throw away the other."

Harry's features softened a little, "Don't you think that's a little harsh, babe?"

"No, no I don't."

"He didn't throw him away, Izzy. He did what was best for Ryan and what was best for you... you're angry right now, and you're not seeing the bigger picture. Your dad thought he did what was best, and for now, you just have to accept that. We will never know or understand why he did it, we can only guess through what happened with your mum."

"And my gran."

"What?" Harry said, almost too quickly; "Izzy, this is walking into unchartered territory and-"

"My gran." I said, "She would know, she could tell me everything that I need to know- and then I could tell Ryan, and-"

"Izzy, slow down."

"Well she would, wouldn't she? She would know, and like I said before, she said my mum couldn't wait to have children... and you can't just make a baby disappear over night Harry, so she would have known that my mum was having twins- she would have met Ryan, right?"

"Yeah, but-"

"So I think we should start there." I interrupted him, "My gran is definitely the best place and person to start."

"Let me get this straight," Harry murmured, his hand rubbing over his face, "You want to go back home- to Wales?"

"To my Gran's, yeah."

Harry stared at me, "You want to go to your gran's? Iz, this is complex stuff baby and there's so much to think about, you've got college, I've got some stuff left to do with the band and then we're still grieving for Oscar, and planning Phoebe's and Liam's parties-"

"I don't care about their parties, Harry." I interrupted, as his face fell a little; "Let me rephrase that. I don't care about that right now... Phoebs will understand, I know she will. Gran will tell me everything that I need to know, Harry... I can go back home, tell her that Ryan found me and then ask her some questions. She can tell me everything that she knows, and then maybe... just maybe, we can sort something out with Ryan and get him over here- why are you looking at me like that?"

I noticed he was looking at me without a hint of emotion, his face firm but straight.

"I just don't want you to get too ahead of yourself, Iz." he said gently, "I don't want you getting hurt, you've been through enough recently. I appreciate the need to know and to find out the truth, but I'm just afraid that you'll find out something that you don't like and it'll hurt you, or it'll change your opinion on your dad. I just don't want to see you hurt, Iz. You've been hurt enough."

I licked my lips, slowly, causing the dryness to disappear with thanks to my wet tongue.

"I just think you should go into this slowly, that's all... I don't want to piss you off or upset you, but this will be strange for Ryan too. Full siblings who grew up together have had years to negotiate boundaries and get to know each other, like me and Gem for example... but you and Ryan have just met, on bloody Facebook of all places... you maybe blood baby, but you are strangers and though you may have an idealistic portrait of what it will be like to finally have someone who finally understands you DNA wise other than your gran and parents, it may not happen immediately babe... we need to face this head on, but cautiously. But I support you, in every possible way... we don't want to overwhelm Ryan, your gran but most of all you, not with everything that you've been through already."

He was right, he was absolutely right... but I wasn't going to admit that to him, not yet.

"Was that the door?" I said out loud, eyes flickering over Harry's shoulder.

"Izzy." he sighed.

"I'm sure somebody was buzzing-" I said slowly, "Better to check, it maybe someone important." I cut through, "Won't be a second." I added, excusing myself quickly so I could escape and run to the front door.

I wasn't sure if somebody was actually knocking or buzzing, but the moment I stood behind the door in our hallway, I saw the silhouette of a body on the outside through the camera that was situated on the main gate.

Knowing Harry was standing directly behind me, I double checked the camera once again, making sure that it wasn't some crazed fan or pap.

"Hi, can I help you?" I pressed through the speaker, my finger glued on the button so he could hear my voice.

"Oh hi there! I have a delivery for Mr Styles, it's a recorded delivery miss, so I need it signed before handing over-"

"We're not expecting anything." Harry said quietly, "Tell him he's mistaken."

"Har- Mr Styles says he's not expecting anything, and that you're mistaken. Sorry."

"There's no mistake, miss. The name's quite clear on the box, I can tell you what the company is if you like? Maybe the delivery is early and that's why you're not expecting it yet?"

I looked at Harry, shrugging my shoulders, mentally asking him what he wanted me to do.

He nodded.

"Sure, go ahead. What is it?" I asked, letting go of my receiver so both Harry and I could hear his reply.

"Ashes into Glass, miss."

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***Complete***Book 3 in a series involving the same group of friends** Andrew Miller had a difficult upbringing and as a result his friends are his f...