Here We Stand [H.S]

By SJ_Storiesxo

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* Book 3 in The Harry and Izzy Series - originally written in 2015 * Following the events of Lay It All On Me... More

Author's Note


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By SJ_Storiesxo

"Did you sleep okay last night?"

I grumbled, and moaned, and huffed in response to Harry's question.

"Maybe we should stop by at the hospital before heading to Liam and Phoebe's-"

"No. Absolutely not." I said firmly, "I'm just... in pain." I winced, knowing the second the word 'pain' slipped from my mouth, Harry would turn into the overprotective version of the Hulk in 0.2 seconds.


I groaned, "It's fine, don't panic." I whispered, as I rolled on the bed uncomfortably.

"Don't panic? You say you're in pain and you're telling me not to bloody panic?" he muttered, his voice visibly shaking, "What if I've hurt you? What if-"

I placed my hand on his chest, pressing against him firmly.

"It's just my back, that's all. Chill out, Harry." I said slowly, and narrowed his eyes at me.

"Nothing else?" He asked, as I nodded; "You promise?"

"It's just my lower back, I promise. I googled it. It's normal, apparently."

"How can being in pain with your lower back be normal?!"

"Pregnancy isn't normal, obviously. And besides, it's your child." I muttered, "Your spawn of Satan is destroying my back."

"Spawn of Satan?" he remarked, raising his eyebrow at me; "Baby Styles can hear your mind, watch what you're saying. I read it on the app."

I rolled my eyes at him, turning onto my side to ease the pressure off my back a little.

"You and that bloody app of yours."

"Do you want me to do anything?" he asked gently, the touch of his hand pressing against my back, his thumb pushing into the ball of coccyx; "Want me to-"

"DON'T!" I yelled at him, pushing him back off me; "DON'T FUCKING DO THAT!"

"What?" Harry panicked, the fear of God riding through him, "What did I do? You liked it the other day?!" he exhaled, frowning deeply at me in confusion.

"That was the other day, I don't like it today!" I seethed at him, "Don't touch me, there. Ever. Not until I ask you too!"

"Jesus, alright. Calm down Satan number one."

"What did you say?!" I swiped, watching him become a mumbling mess before me.

"I said, calm down my number one."

"Fucking liar." I blurted, my lip wobbling; "You called me Satan."

"Izzy, please don't-" he sighed, "I didn't mean to-"

I wailed, literally.

"- make you cry." he finished, sighing; "I'm sorry, I didn't mean it, I was just trying to help and it slipped out and-"

"I know you were." I blubbed, feeling the tears literally pour down my face; "I'm such a horrible person for putting you through this. I'm so sorry for pushing you like that- what the fuck's wrong with me?!"

Fucking Niagara Falls would be out of pocket by the time I'm done, seriously.

I felt awful for shouting at him, truly awful and I hated that I had no control over my emotions anymore.

"Absolutely nothing, babe."

The bed moved slowly, just as Harry carefully stepped closer towards me.

He looked at me carefully, checking that it was okay to be near me, when he suddenly pulled me up gently and gripped me tightly, his hands literally rubbing and soothing my back as he kissed my temple softly and reassuringly.

"Don't cry, Izzy. You're making me feel utterly helpless... I don't know what to do to make it right, but it's gonna be okay, I promise."

"I love you," I sniffed, "I'm sorry."

"You don't have to be, baby." he murmured sweetly, "And not as much as I love you, the both of you."

I revelled in the attention he was giving me, his arms, hands and voice soothing me as he calmed me down.

"Are you really sure you want to head out today?" Harry asked gently, "I mean, you could stay here and I'll cook, if you like? I can get a movie in, there's loaaaads of snacks downstairs that you can set your heart on devouring and we can build a fort, right here with our sheets..." He added, his voice straining with urgency as he pleaded with me gently.

I knew what he was doing, but I still felt the guilt ride into me because I promised we would go over Liam and Phoebe's today to see Callum.

Harry had an unnatural ability of knowing when I wasn't feeling well or that I wasn't 'right', and this was absolutely no exception.

"Sounds good, but..."

"Sounds good, but what, sunflower?" He asked, "Don't you want too? You need to take care of yourself too, Iz."

I sighed, "I do, and I know, but I promised Phoebs that we would see her today, and Callum."

"Is that really a wise thing to do?" he asked gently, "You haven't even told her your pregnant yet, but the second she'll lay eyes on you she will know what's going on. You're in no fit state to leave the house, no offence."

"I need to see Callum, Harry." I argued, "And neither you or these crazy, stupid hormones are going to stop me."

"You don't need to do anything, Izzy." he corrected me, "And I'm sorry, babe, but I have as much say in this as you do."


Harry inhaled, before exhaling just as heavily.

"I really don't think you should go over there. Not today, anyway."

Once again, the tears started to roll down my face.

"And what do you propose I say to her, Harry? How do I get out of seeing my own nephew?" I cried, the feel of my eyebrows furrowing as I sulked in response.

"I'll tell her that you're ill. You've suddenly come down with something, safe and easy enough. Callum's just come out of the NICU, so she won't risk it." Harry gently responded, "And please stop sulking."

"She won't believe you." I muttered defensively; "And I'm not sulking!"

"I don't care if she believes me or not Izzy, it's what I'm going to tell her and it's what I'm doing for you, because you and this one right here, are my priority. Nothing else." he replied, "Do I make myself clear?"

I smiled, biting my lip while my hand clutched at his face, my thumb stroking his cheek softly.

"Mr Bossy..."

"In all seriousness, I don't like seeing you like this Izzy. I get why you're like this, of course I do, and if the only thing I can do is put my foot down and properly take care of you, and stop you from doing something silly, then damn it Izzy, I will."

I smiled at him, feeling my heart literally burst with love and admiration for him.

"You know..." I whispered, "You're really hot when you're angry, daddy."

Harry mumbled something incoherent, but it still made me smile against his lips as I kissed him.

"You don't get it, do you?" he mumbled against me.

"Get what?"

I sat back, watching him intently as he fiddled nervously with the corner of his collar, his cross necklace dangling and gently banging against the firmness of his chest.

"To see someone you love cry, breaks my heart... like my mum or Gemma, or y'know, one of the lads... it's awful; but when it's you, my whole world, it crushes me." he admitted slowly.

I stared at him, utterly speechless.

"You may not like me very much at times, and I may piss you off when I push back at you, but I'm willing to fight these hormones for you, Iz. These next few months, are going to completely change our lives and I want to be your rock, your shoulder to cry on, your encourager, but most of all the best partner and father I can ever be. So just stop fighting me and let me do my job, okay?"

"Okay." I whispered, sighing as I gave into him.

Harry looked at me, his face almost bursting with surprise.

"Yes, I said okay Harry."

"Okay?" He repeated, "You mean it?"

I nodded, "I said okay. I won't go."

"Good girl." he murmured with a deep sigh, "Now, you stay here, I'm gonna get that bath running and you're going to get in, then I'm gonna make a start on making something to eat- what, what is it?"

I smiled at him, leaning forward to kiss his lips softly, lingering there a little longer than I should have.

"I love you. Thank you for taking care of us."

I watched the corner of his mouth twitch, just before he smiled and made his jaw clench, popping out the dimple in the corner of his cheek that made me absolutely weak at the knees.

"I'll be doing it for the rest of my life, might as well get a head start now." he whispered with a smirk, "Stay here. Okay? Stay in bed."

"Yes, sir."

"I mean it, Izzy." he smiled, "I'm not kidding around."

"I know... what are you going to cook for us?"

"Dunno yet, I'll have a rummage, I'm sure I can rustle something up." he murmured, "In the mean time, you stay here and I'll get the bath running. It'll help with your back."

I smiled lazily and appreciatively at him, our fingers entwined on the bed as he leaned forward and kissed me longingly, before pulling back and stroking a few strands of hair behind my ear.

"Love you. So much."

"Love you. Too much." I whispered instantly, my eyes focusing on his face.

I reached out to touch him, the palm of my hand now holding his cheek firmly, before he turned and softly kissed my knuckles, looking at me with wide, open eyes.

I smiled again in return, my blood igniting hotly deep inside my veins and beating heart.

This was the Harry Styles that I was in love with, not the public figure showman in the press that was slaughtered and torn to pieces every five seconds.

This was the man who was gentle, loving, caring and protected me and my honour more than anyone else I had ever known.

And he was protecting our baby.

This, was my best friend, my lover, my everything, my future and the father of my child.

"What are you thinking about?"

"Just... when this gets out, how everyone is going to react?" I whispered, "Kind of scares me if I'm honest."

"Let me worry about that," Harry replied casually with a toss of a shoulder shrug; "All you have to worry about, is this little one right here. Let me deal with the rest."

"You shouldn't have to though, we should deal with it together." I whispered, "Are we telling everyone else? After the scan, I mean?"

"Whatever you want to do Iz, we'll do. I'm surprised mum hasn't blurted to my dad, Robin or Gemma yet."

"And Gemma's boyfriend."

Oh balls, fuck.

"Gemma's what?"

"Uh... did I say boyfriend? I meant really, really, really close friend. Really close friend."

"Gemma has a boyfriend?" Harry said slowly, "What's his name? How old is he? Where's he work? What's he do? Wait, how do you know?"

"Jesus, you sound like Liam Neeson from Taken."

"If I have to go all sniper on his ass, I will." he muttered.

"You're a pussycat, really." I grinned, "And I'm pretty sure Gem is quite able and old enough now to make decisions such as boyfriends, Harry."

"So? What's your point?"

"I hope to God we don't have a girl." I groaned.

"So do I, cos if we do, I'm screwed."

I grinned, laughing to myself as he jumped off the bed and grabbed at his phone on the side.

"What about my bath?!"

"I'll do it in a minute, need to... sort something out."

"That 'something' being Gemma?" I grinned, raising my eyebrow at him; "Harry, leave her alone. Your mum will kill me for telling you."

"Oh, she told you not to tell me, did she? That's great to know, my mum and girlfriend conspiring against me." he said, hands on his hips as he glared playfully at me; "And she won't kill you, you're carrying her grandchild. Whatever happened to not keeping secrets from each other missy?"

Bollocks, fuck.

"Alright, busted... but technically, it happened just before I fainted, and then we found out about the baby and then-"

"So you've known that Gemma's had a boyfriend for over a month?"


"You fainted, nearly five weeks ago. You've known she's had a boyfriend for five weeks?"

"Uh... has it really been that long?" I literally squeaked, "I'm just gonna go to sleep now. I'm really tired."

"Convenient." Harry droned out slowly, his voice fading out as silence filled our bedroom.

It was then that I realised I was alone, and the next thing I heard was his bark of 'Gemma! What's this about a boyfriend' vibrating through the upstairs hallway, which was when I pulled the duvet over my head and began to giggle uncontrollably.

"You're daddy's crazy, but we love him... right peanut? Your auntie Gemma is going to murder me."


Harry looked absolutely peaceful, full of bliss and utterly beautiful as he laid out perfectly on his side of the bed beside me.

It had been a couple of hours since my little meltdown had happened, and since then it was as if I had been floating on cloud nine.

After dropping Gemma in the shit (oops), Harry had done what he had promised and ran me a bath, before heading downstairs to cook us something to eat.

Something quick and something easy, within the hour after my bath I was munching on steaming hot cheesy lasagne (god, it was so good) with a side of chips and a bit of salad.

I made a face at the salad, to which Harry laughed and retorted that the vitamins in the lettuce, cucumber and tomato were good for me and the baby.

Seriously, he was becoming addicted to that baby app, but it made me fall in love with him that little bit more knowing that he was completely in this with me.

I was a very lucky, lucky girl.

To my surprise, Harry decided to actually build a fort (that was fun) and then we literally locked ourselves away from the world for the next couple of hours.

We had everything that we possibly needed and wanted- each other, the TV, food and drink.

Nothing else really mattered, and to just hide away with my love for those amount of hours had been everything that I needed and more.

I grinned, thinking about our conversation before he fell asleep, my mind casting back to his wish of taking me away.

Apparently, he was going to take me somewhere blissfully hot, but not too hot for me to stand in because of my pregnancy.

It was going to be a place where the sand was warm to the touch, while the water was a crystal bluesy green colour and I'd look like a total beach babe with pretty flowers in my hair apparently.

I laughed, stroking my fingers through Harry's hair as he dozed lightly beside me.

His hair had definitely gotten a little longer and even though he pulled it up sometimes because it was annoying him, I for one absolutely loved it... and I loved playing with it too.

He had been so amazing with me since we found out about this baby.

The stuff he was googling and reading on his app kept him in the lurch with what was happening to me and our baby, and it was teaching him how to be supportive without suffocating me.

It made me love him even more if that was even remotely possible.

Truth be told, I already knew that Harry would be supportive of me in every way possible and how he would be an amazing dad to our little one.

He just had this beautiful aura around children.

I smiled thinking about that little girl in the restaurant that came up to us back in Holmes Chapel.

Even then, his own father said he was going to be an amazing dad, and here we were a few short months later, knowing that fact alone was going to turn true eventually.

"Y'know, when you watch me sleep, it's kind of freaky."

I jumped slightly, looking down at Harry who was now grinning like an idiot and peeping through one of his eyes, not bothering to open the other.

"Then stop looking so delicious, even when you're sleeping. It should be illegal to look that good."

Harry smirked, sniggering through his pillow and sheet before he stretched outwards and then inwards, before pushing himself up using the palms of his hands and completely turning his body, so his back was now against the headboard of our bed.

"The fort is still up?"

"Yep." I smiled, following his suit and sitting beside him, my back also against the headboard.

"Well," he replied, giving me a shit eating grin as he did so, "At least we know I can build awesome forts and that our precious will have good genes."

"I have good genes!" I argued, as I smacked his arm; "You're so full of shit!"

"I was joking!" he laughed, as he immediately stroked his arm from where I had hit him hard; "With both of our genes, our kid will be breaking hearts, Izzy."

"I love you, Harry." I sighed happily, resting my head against his lean shoulder.

"I love you more," he replied, with a sleepy smirk pressed across his face; "How long was I out?"

"Not sure. Wasn't really watching the time... was more content watching you. I liked seeing you relaxed and not stressing..."

"Hmm." he murmured beside my ear, lifting me by my chin so he could kiss me softly.

I leaned back lazily against the headboard, feeling slightly surprised by the hunger he returned as I kissed him back slowly, my tongue tangling against his, the feel of it making me moan against his lips.


"You took care of me," I whispered, flicking my eyes up to meet his; "Now let me take care of you."

"You don't have too, babe... I can drop this, it'll go in a second-"

"I want to." I whispered, as I slowly moved my hand between us and slipped it into his boxers; "I want to, Harry."

"Then be my guest, by all means. Please." he groaned, gradually giving in as the feel of my palm against his cock got the better of him and his better judgement.

I stayed there for a while, softly kissing and nibbling at his jaw, one hand buried at the nape of his neck playing with his hair, while the other was buried deep in his boxers.

Once Harry had turned into an over-heated, shivering mess, I moved onto him slowly, my legs bent as I straddled him, our heads gently bumping as we kissed slowly.

There was no urgency at all, and I enjoyed being on top of him and watching the fire in his eyes as he touched me, the palm of his hand now gently caressing me as I moved my hips as a slow aching pace.



God, I was arrogant, with my smirk and wicked smile; yet the feel of him had me sighing against him, growling beneath my breath.

"Tell me what you want, Harry..."

"I want you..." he breathed.

Using the palm of my hands, I pushed him backwards and bent my legs further, getting myself comfortable as I laid on top of him.

I grinned to myself and I swear my heart raced as I kissed him again, my hand moving over his torso as he breathed deeply under me.

Moving slowly, I lifted his grey AC/DC shirt up, my mouth attaching itself to his stomach and upper ribcage, slowly kissing and licking at the areas that I knew would drive him crazy.

I watched tentatively, Harry's breathing going up a notch as he stroked my hair and inhaled, his stomach moving in and out at an increased pace, while I began to palm him through the material of his boxers.

"Izzy..." he breathed, his voice soft yet I could tell he was frowning slightly; "I really, really want you. You know that, right? I always want you, every damn day, every damn minute of every damn day."

I smirked, reaching up towards him and kissing his hot mouth again, feeling the intense throbbing between my legs as his hands stroked my upper arms gently.

"I love you, Harry." I whispered, and he leaned forward to match me, his eyes closed and pressed his lips to mine, murmuring softly that he loved me too.

"I want you. Only you. Forever and ever and ever, every day, every second, with every breath I breathe, I want you. I want to be inside of you, always. I want to hear my name fall from your lips, because every single time I do, it's like listening to a beautiful, unforgettable melody for the very first time. I want to make you feel as good physically as you make me feel, in every way. I want to express my need for you by making love to you, any chance you'll allow me the opportunity... "

Holy fucking shit, I think I just wet myself.

Harry inhaled me deep, still speaking in-between our kisses.

"I can't explain the drive behind me, pushing me toward you all the time... It's scary as it is, knowing you have this power over me, making me want you all the time. I'm absolutely terrified of it, but I can't fucking help it. That scares me sometimes, and ever since the day I met you I've been lost, drowning in a ocean of you which has endlessly attempted to consume me. You have me, Izzy. Always. Forever."

I sighed breathlessly, kissing him briefly still, as we looked each other dead in the eyes.

I was trembling, and I wasn't sure how our mood had changed so fast, but it always happened between us both... playful teasing and a change in direction suddenly went to an overwhelming state of mind.

I was so, so, so in love with him, it was insane.

No one had ever come close to him, no one had ever made me feel the way that he did, and no one had loved me or cared for me as much as Harry... and being utterly consumed in each other the way that we were, this was just us.

It was the way we were.

"Be with me," he whispered bluntly, "Right now."

Without a word, I crashed my lips onto Harry's, desperately.

Hearing him sigh beneath me, I moved my hand down to the waistband of his boxers and felt him shake literally underneath me.

I paused, biting at his collarbone, as Harry bucked his hips up at me, obviously wanting more and for my hand to go in.

I smiled at him, and then listened to him groan and pant, as I eventually curled my fingertips over his erection, my kisses now more urgent than before.

"I will be with you," I promised, "But first, I want you to just lay back and enjoy this for me."

"Izzy..." he breathed, his hand now stroking the curve of my thigh and bum, leaving a trail of goose bumps on my skin.

The atmosphere had changed drastically between us, and the need for Harry was raw and intense, and inundated.

No words were exchanged as I slowly moved my hand, creating a friction and rhythm as we dipped into each other's mouths with soft, loving kisses.

I clung to him, even though he was beneath me, when something began pulling at my heart.

Just a few short weeks ago, I wanted to leave him... for him to go to LA, while I sorted myself out, and now here we were, in our bed, completely and utterly in love with each other and it made me want to cry.

It made me want to pray that we would never separate and that I would never feel that feeling ever again.

I couldn't live without him, breathe without him or exist, and this ache inside for him that I had, even while I was with him, was driving me crazy.

My hand moving with gravity, I watched him tremble and pant beneath me, all feelings that I was obviously creating for him, when I moved and caressed his chin, feeling him breathe in and out slowly.

"Izzy, baby..."


"At the complete chance of sounding like a right tosser..."

I grinned, knowing exactly what he wanted.

"God baby, please just put your mouth on me."

I chuckled and bent down, granting his wish, moving my face slowly around the curve of his body as I gently pulled down his boxers from off his legs, earning myself a dazzling smile that made me even more wet.

Under the heat of our little fort that he had built for us, Harry felt even warmer, his skin soft and smooth under the touch of my fingers.

Feeling the fire roar throughout me as it ignited inside of me, I moved slowly further down the bed and arched myself comfortably on my knees, flicking my hair to the side.

"Careful..." he murmured, "Do whatever is comfortable for you, just- oh fuck, that's good."

I licked him, short and sweetly, running my tongue across the ridge of his dick that lay pressed against his stomach firmly.

With a sudden shot of a nervous reaction, I watched how it moved after I stopped licking, and shared a giggle with Harry as he fingered his way through my hair, pulling it back from my face.

"So beautiful..."

I inhaled and exhaled against him, enjoying the way his breathing accelerated as he waited for me to do my work.

I watched his face, gluing my eyes carefully on him as my hand pumped him again slowly, my tongue now running delicately over his tip, making him shudder involuntarily.

I knew our rhythm like the back of my hand, and even though I knew Harry was literally putty in my hands right now and begging me to take him in my mouth, I never once felt the pressure off him because I knew he wanted me to go at my own pace.

"Ready?" I asked gently, catching his eye as they both narrowed in a frown.

"God, yeah..." he breathed, noticing the sharp cut of his jaw tightening even more; "You're driving me crazy..."

"I'm gonna move, okay?"

He nodded, once again warning me to be careful and to make sure I was comfortable too.

Fuck, I loved him.

Laying myself between his legs, I made the conscious decision to look up at him as I kissed and licked down his length, watching him knock his head back against the pillows with a groan.

I continued to move, slipping my plump lips all over and underneath his shaft, softly kissing the tip before gently poking out my tongue, sliding myself all over the slit.

"Jesus fucking Christ."

Flicking my eyes up over to him, I felt him grab my hair gently, gathering the shortness of it in a tight grip.

I kept my eyes on him, my hand now tightly wrapped around his base while I slowly popped him from my mouth, releasing what saliva I had produced that hung from my lips, and drooled around Harry and my knuckles.

"Oh my fuck..." Harry groaned, "Oh... shit, baby."

I bobbed my head slowly, using both my lips and my hand to work him over, listening to him moan beneath me, the vibration of his pleasure shaking me to my core.

I moaned around him, wrapping my whole entire mouth around him, feeling him tense and scrunch his fist in my hair while the other caressed my cheek, holding me firmly and gently as I moved up and down.

Smacking his other hand away, Harry raised himself up a little, his elbows prepped up on the mattress and inhaled, exhaling breathlessly as he watched me work and suck him off with everything that I had.

My back was starting to ache, but I was determined to at least try and bring him to the brink of his orgasm, so I could finish him off with me on top of him.

That was at least the plan, anyway.

"Tell me how it feels, Harry..." I asked, hoping that stalling him would ease the pressure off my back a little.

We liked edging, too.

"So warm... so wet... so good feeling you on me, Izzy." he breathed, his admiration for me literally glowing from him; "So fucking beautiful when you're like this..."

"So, not so beautiful when I'm not sucking you?"

"Don't start." he groaned, as I grinned.

"Just teasing you, baby."

"Do you want me to come in your mouth, or-"

I paused, still stroking him.

"Why, are you close?"

Harry nodded, "You're ruining me, Iz." he rasped, "Feels so good..."

"I was hoping to have you inside me, I'm aching for you-"

"Then you need to stop, right now, before I blow-" he groaned, "Shit, come here."

I stopped immediately, leaning backwards as I gently began to push down the fabric of my underwear, Harry's eyes trained on me completely.

"When did I get so fuckin' lucky..." he murmured, leaning forward and helping me straddle him comfortably; "My beautiful girl..."

I kissed him hard, slinking my lips around his before opening my mouth and letting my tongue do all the work, twisting and gliding slowly as I clasped my hands around his head.

"You want to be on top?"

I nodded, literally panting at the feel of him nearing me.

"And you're ready?"

"God yes," I breathed, my heartbeat picking up; "Stay right where you are... let me, please?"

"I just don't want to hurt you-"

"I'm fine, just trust me, 'kay?"

Harry nodded, just as I balanced myself in an arch, my legs safely tucked under his thighs while the palms of my hands pressed tightly against his chest.

I stared at him for a second, feeling him all around me, before I moved slowly and felt him pushing into me, consuming me completely.

Feeling his hands clamp around my hips, I swear Harry literally stopped breathing at the feel of me too, as every muscle in his chest pulled in anticipation.

Sitting on him slowly, I panted out at the fullness of him inside me and how stretched I felt, even though I was so turned on it was unbelievable.

I breathed him in, listening to the pants of the two of us become one, as his hands moved up every curve, ridge and flush on my body.

Harry was absolutely still beneath me, quiet as a mouse as I watched him literally hold the breath in his lungs.

He was watching me in return as I panted loudly, drawing the palm of my hands right up to the tip of his chest, using the leverage to raise my hips and bring them back down again.

My muscles tightened, hearing the audible slick sound of him moving inside of me.

"Oh God, Harry..."

"What? You good?"

"Feels so good..." I breathed, "Don't move, please don't move..."

He stayed still, literally for me, allowing me to move at my own pace as I felt him literally slide and bruise against my slick walls, his nose buried deep within my neck.

With every arched movement I made, I felt that deep connection with him, his left hand clutching at my bum while his right hunched over my back, supporting me.

Harry took his time, just laying there and letting me have my moment, kissing my face and gliding in and out of me, allowing me to do all the work but always making sure I was comfortable on top.

I want to savour every single second I have with him like this.

As we made love, slowly, he repeatedly asked me if I was okay, moved my body with his, and held me close to him as we could both possibly handle.

I felt like a sponge, absorbing all of him completely, wanting to be as close to my lover and father of my child as possible, wanting his smell and his taste and everything about him to rub off on my skin, and push inside of my body, and just stay with me forever.

I didn't want to be without him, ever.

"God, you're so deep..." I whined, "Holy shit... Harry, fuck."

He said nothing, just watched me with utter content in his eyes as I arched my back, using him as leverage as I continued to move my hips.

"I can't hold it..." I panted, my right hand now on the headboard, while my left entwined around both his hands on the cheek of my bum; "Oh shit, I'm gonna come..."

Eyes locked on one another, I bit my lip and watched him smile at me, encouraging me to let go without a single word being spoken between us.

"Oh baby, fuck... shit... so good, so, so, so good..." I breathed, "You feel so good, Harry... oh God, I'm gonna come..."

The pressure was beginning to get too much, and it felt different to what it normally felt like before.

Lowering myself to completely lay over him, I kissed him slowly and felt his arms immediately lock around my back, latching himself onto me fully.

We were still going slow, as I had the control of the movements, but I couldn't help but become a hot mess of deep grunts and loud 'fucks' as Harry cupped my bum, holding me still while he fucked me slow.

Digging my nails into his shoulders, I buried my face into his neck before having the power to lift my head and meet his lips one more time, kissing him as we slowed the pace right back down as I eventually came all over him.

Like a lightening bolt striking me down, it was everything and more that I needed and wanted, my entire body shaking with desire, pleasure and the aftershock of the most intense orgasm I had ever experienced.

Brushing Harry's damp hairline back, I stayed exactly where I was as his lips began to tremble against my neck.

His breathing was erratic as my hips continued to move, feeling sore from my activity but pleasantly good with the way I was positioned and giving him the friction he needed from me.

"Come for me, Harry..." I whispered, peppering his cheek with light kisses; "Please... come inside me, you're so close, Harry... y'feel so good, baby."

He looked so beautiful beneath me, his jaw defining cheeks flushed, his kiss-bitten lips parted and the crease and deep furrow between his eyebrows more prominent than before.

Watching him intently, I caught the hitch in his throat as he breathed my name, forcing my head down gently as he kissed me.

His entire body jerked as he came hard and fast, the gush of his orgasm spilling into me rapidly, hot and fast as he finally relaxed.

Chests heaving, we lay there for a while, still in our little fort, as we both basked in the afterglow and love in our affection for each other.

"You're amazing..." he whispered, admittedly making me smile as I eased my cramping legs off him; "I love you, Iz... so much."

I stroked his face, feeling his hands stroke and massage at me, while I kissed him softly and gently.

"I love you, H. Too much."

We completely took our time with one another, before I whispered again that I loved him too; wrapping myself in his arms, content, safe, loved and sated.

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